Tunnel This!

Tunnel This!

15 men gathered at Base Camp for a mini-workout, and yes Fireman Ed, I’m referring to the short jokes… 

Jog to Football Field for COT

  • Mirkin x10
  • Plank Hold
  • Carolina Dry Dock x10
  • Right Arm forward Stagger Mirkins x10
  • Plank Hold
  • Mountain Climbers x10
  • Left Arm Forward Stagger Mirkins x10
  • Plank Hold
  • LBCs x10
  • Diamond Mirkins x10
  • Flutters x20
  • Hold Flutter for .30 count

Plank Up along end-zone form tight tunnel


  • Each PAX bear crawl through the tunnel, shout out when finished next man go. 2x

Line Up along sideline; Plank Up.

  • Each Pax jump over the legs of each person planked, shout out when finished next man go. 1x

Cone-Speed Drills

Seven Cones placed staggered positions 25 yards apart across the width of the football field.  Pax line up in three lines, begin at three different cones. Move based on the below exercise to each Cone, back to beginning:

  • Side Shuffle Right then left  x3
  • Sprint x3
  • High Knee x3
  • Backwards run x2
  • Wheel Barrow switch partner at each cone – Modify where needed

Mosey to Wall near parking Lot

  • Peoples Chair – raise right leg 6 inches, hold hands above head
  • Peoples Chair – raise right leg 6 inches, hold hands above head
  • Parallel Plank (feet on wall) .30 secs

Thanks all for a great workout, although my counting was a bit off this morning glad we were all able to walk away a little dirtier and a whole lot stronger this morning. Seriously, appreciate the opportunity to Q the group today, each one of you did an outstanding job! #basecampgraduates


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Run Stopper author

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