Mall Cop’s Revenge on Innocent Bystanders

Mall Cop’s Revenge on Innocent Bystanders

22 pax unknowingly posted in the much darker Centurion gloom (Charlotte Catholic thinks they can just turn the lights out now that school is out) for YHC’s wrath and revenge for being the butt of the jokes earlier in the week.  However the guilty parties (Turkey Leg, 49er, and Sprague) decided they would fartsack on the day and escape what YHC had in store.

The Thang:

Mosey up the parking lot and around the football stadium for (in cadence):

SSH x 50

Imperial Walkers x 25

That’s enough warmup, lets get to the beat down.

Pax line up across the line and burpee broad jump through the parking lot 100 yards uphill.

Break up into groups of 3 for a dose of 49ers modified gopher workout.  Partner 1 at the bottom of parking lot hill to perform exercise called, partner 2 200 yards away uphill in the parking lot to perform exercise called, and partner 3 sprints the 200 yards from partner 2 down to partner1.  Once your sprinting partner reaches you he starts performing the exercise and you sprint to the other partner.  We did this for 35 minutes straight, non-stop, with different exercises called after about 10 mins. on each set.

Set 1 – Burpees at one end / jump squats at the other

Set 2 – Merkins / Carolina Dry Docks

Set 3 – Step Ups on benches / flutter

Circle up for 8 MOM:

Partner up for The Granny (she’s a mean old lady that loves taking you behind the woodshed and letting you have it with a switch!)  Partner 1 planks while holding partner 2s feet.  Partner 2 does AMRAP (as many reps as possible) old fashion sit-ups for 30 seconds, then hold your upper body in a 45 degree angle with your arms crossed over your chest for 15 seconds, still in 45 degree angle raise your arms over your head for 15 seconds,  look up to the sky for 15 more seconds still in 45 degree angle, then finish it off with AMRAP old fashion sit-ups for 30 seconds.  Flapjack

Peter Parker x 20

Dolly x 15

Out of Time so run it back to the shovel flag for COT.


The theme for the day was non-stop action the entire workout!  You were either sprinting or performing an exercise.  The pax did a great job this morning and modified when needed, yet pushed themselves to the limit.  This workout was designed as payback for certain individuals named above at the beginning, in hopes all or at least 1 would post.  I think they got scared when they found out YHC was on Q today so they fartsacked themselves today!

Welcome out to FNG Plebe, you did an outstanding job keeping up through the workout and pushed many of us to go harder ourselves.

Many grunts and groans throughout the workout today, but specifically on The Granny.  Heard many pax question why this old lady was so ruthless and mean when their own grandmothers are so sweet!

YHC took notice that Hops has become a gazelle himself and wondering now why he isn’t on a BRR team!  Great job brother, Strong.

Thanks Escargot for letting me Q at Centurion, I can’t wait until next time.

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Mall Cop author

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