Dora and Jack Webb ate the Swamp Rabbit

Dora and Jack Webb ate the Swamp Rabbit

10 brave souls gathered in the gloom at the Swamp Rabbit in Greenville, SC to see what Dora and Run Stopper had in store.

Dora first half Q

Mosey to the mid-park shallow slope for… COP (in cadence)

  • x21 SSH
  • x21 IW
  • x10 Merkins (face uphill)
  • x10 Merkins (face downhill)
  • x21 CDD (face uphill)

 Mosey to the base of little baby hill for partner teamwork…

 Pax A executes AMRAP of stated exercise while Pax B runs 50 yds uphill, then back to start.  Flapjack until team reaches target amount of reps. 

  • Round 1 – 100 Merkins per team
  • Round 2 – 200 LBCs per team
  • Round 3 – 300 Squats per team, alternating turns of Jump squats and Prison squats
  • Round 4 – OYO Burpees for 1 lap

 Hand off Pax to Runstopper for Second half:

Limp to the wet and soggy sand volleyball court for a little Kitty Litter work

  • Partner Up Wheel Barrow to end and switch partner return to start (full lenght (59′) of the volleyball court)
  • Bear Crawl down and back (full lenght (59′) of the volleyball court)
  • Wounded Bear Crawl end switch leg and return (full lenght (59′) of the volleyball court)
  • Parner Drag to end/switch partner return to start (full lenght (59′) of the volleyball court)
  • Crab Walk down and back (full lenght (59′) of the volleyball court)
  • Lunge down and back (full lenght (59′) of the volleyball court) 2x

Mosy to the side of the YMCA Building

  • Plank with feet on the wall – hold .30 secs
  • Walk hands and feet up wall to assume position for Balls to the Wall
  • 5 (balls to the wall) mirkins
  • Plank with feet on wall – hold .30 secs – recover

Circle up for a little Tiger Rag Special aka Jack Webb

  • 1 mirkin; 4 arm raises.
  • 2 mirkins; 8 arm raises continue until 10 mirkins and 40 arm raises

Mosy behind YMCA Buildling

  • Peoples Chair, Alternating Leg Raise 6 inches – Keep arms raised
  • Alternating foot raises
  • Hold 1 min each leg

Jog to road in front of the Vollyball Sand Vollyball court

Form two lines – for relay race

Sprint to third light post and back – tag next person, plank up

cap off with winners and losers 10 burpees

Naked Moleskin: Great work by all this past weekend. Highlight of the day for the ladies inside the YMCA was when Bartman decided to go shirtless, not sure if he thought he was a model or what, but clearly he was playing to the crowd of Senior cougers milling about looking for some lovin’ #geriatricladieslovebartman

T-claps to the FNG – Boudreaux. This beatdown was a little more duifficult then his Golf playing days at Clemson, but he did well out there! Way to go boudreaux Dora and I were excited to co-Q at the Rabbit. Good seeing Big Mean from Charlotte North Country post, dude is a BEAST!

Seriously, Swap Rabbit – you boys have a great group of guys, Dora and I look forward to coming out again and Qing with you!

Quote From Dora’s Tweet last night:  “We did some stuff. It was hard” 

Aye, RS


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Run Stopper author

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