The shovel flag was planted, and 28 PAX took off into the gloom at Death Valley.
- Short jog around the parking lot
- Stop by Stagecoach’s truck for a surprise – Everyone grab a brick
- Hold brick above head and jog to the track plus ½ lap
- SSH brick in right hand x 15
- SSH brick in left hand x 15
- Seal Jacks brick in right hand x 15
- Seal Jacks brick in left hand x 15
- Mountain Climbers (hands on brick) x 30
Mosey to the end zone and get in groups of 4.
1 pax runs 200 yds with the brick while other 3 pax perform following exercises. Plank when all 4 have completed the round.
- Round 1 – Merkins with the brick
- Round 2 – Squats (hold brick straight out in front)
- Round 3 – Turkish get-ups with the brick
- Round 4 – Brick burpees
- Dolly (brick presses optional) x 20
- Flutter (brick presses optional) x 15
- LBC with the brick x 20
Mosey back to the end zone. Find your group of 4 guys for staggered sprints.
- Pax 1 starts and next man starts when the man in front of you hits the 25 yd line
- When the last man crosses goal line, repeat
- 200 yds total
Little baby jog to the hill
- Group 1 – Diamond merkin ladder (up to 5)
- Group 2 – LBCs until group 1 finishes
- Flapjacks
Run up the hill 1 last time and gather for COT.
- YHC heard lots of grumbling from the pax as I opened the tailgate to reveal the bricks. #verysneaky
- Just be glad it didn’t rain last night. #bricksabsorbwater
- Strong work by all this morning, especially 13 yr old UPS who turned down a smaller brick paver in favor of the big brick. #nowthatslogistics
- Lots of running today, therefore lots of O2 deprivation
- Great to see some new faces. Keep coming out guys.
- HDHH tonight – 6 pm at Vintner Wine Market.
- 3rd F workouts:
- Yardstick – Southpark Panara Bread; Thursdays at 0630; see Hops with questions
- Compass (True Measure of a Man book study) – Chick-fil-a Arbotetum; Fridays at 0630; see Stone Cold or Bulldog with questions
- F3 Dads starts this Saturday, June 1, at Colonel Francis Beatty Park 0900-1000. Bring your sons and daughters!
- June 8, 6-9 PM – Pool party at Candlewyck pool. See weekly email for details.
- New Monday workout (DMZ) at Carmel Middle School starts 6/3.
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