20 PAX met for a Saturday morning beatdown at Area 51. Perfect weather for some Memorial Day Weekend PAIN. War Daddy’s, 2.0’s, 4 FNG’s, a partridge and a pear tree
The Thang:
Counter Top Part Uno –
Nomadic Warm Up
Indian Run around field to back of school
walking lung between stations
repeato x3
Mosey to Playground
Plank and repeato
Far Side Part Dos
Rock Pile fun
Sprint 50 yds with rock drop it and run remaining 50 without – drop and do 25 Merkins run 50, pick up rock and run the remining 50
Repeat with 10 Berpies instead of merkins
Circle up with Rocks
Rock Diamong merkins x 8
off set merkins with rock x 8
switch hands x 8
Luganus with rock x 10
mason twist w/ rock x 10
tricpe extension with rock x 10
at rock pile – squats w/ rock x 10
follow the leader jog around soccer field mixxing up back pedal, kareoke, side hop and 5 berpies in the middle for good measure.
peoples chair
partner derkins x 10 – switch and repeato
peoples chair
merkins x 10
pull ups x 10
dips x 10
Mary –
rosalita x 15
flutter x 15
LBC x 15
Bicycle x 15
Lots of FNG’s this morning to experience the F3 magic – thanks for joining us and hope to see you all again soon. Dennis the Menace gave out his first official nickname to Tooth Fairy – congrats to you both. Joker showed up early to knock out a quick 150 berpies for some fundraising efforts and Young Love & Crab Cake joined him, #insanemaniacs. a 62 year young Boomer brought his A game back to Area 51, #WarDaddyStrong. Dirty Bird bailed early to catch an 8:30 Tee Time – Hope you walked the course to get some extra pain in your day. Enis, a 2 week F3 veteran, has been on a tear – keep it up brother! Strong work by all topped off with some good coffeteria fellowship.
If your reading this and you havent signed up for the Mud Run, today is the last day. DO IT. You will not regret it.
Memorial Day Convergence at Area 51 on Monday at 7am. Bring a friend, bring friend’s friend. Heck, bring a stranger for all we care – the more the merrier on Memorial Day!
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