Does anyone have some bug spray?

Does anyone have some bug spray?

Summer is here (finally) and with it the bugs.  On our trek to new lands unseen by the Stonehenge faithful, we found where the bugs call home and it turned out to be the place YHC chose to perform the Dirty MacDeuce with the 11 unsuspecting PAX.  Even with a swarm of knats around our heads we forged ahead with the Dirty MacDeuce and it lived up to its name.  It was dirty and a real #crowdpleaser.

Overall it was a good day and here’s how it went down.

The Thang:

  • Mosey to Wells Fargo lot for COP
    • Lunge-o-Rama – (forward w/ twist, back, side) x 10 each
    • SSH x 40, Mtn Climbers x 40, Squats x 40, IW x 20 each leg
  • LBJ to Wall #1 to complete the following (Rinse and Repeat on Wall #2 with right leg high)
    • Dips w/ left leg high x20
    • Knees to chest while sitting on the wall x20
    • Derkins w/ left leg high x20
  • LBJ to gravel trail for Back-o-Rama – split in 3 groups / Flap Jack 2x thru
        • Group 1 – pull ups (w/ help if needed) x 10
  • Group 2 – supine pull ups x 10
  • Group 3 – concrete block rows x 10 each side
  • LBJ through gravel trail to Ballantyne Corporate hill of pain
  • Full Jacob’s Ladder to 7 burpees at top (plank it up called by Frehley’s – I like the intensity brother)
  • Indian Run ~1/3 mile around office building ending at Dock of Dispair
  • Plank-o-Rama with legs on rope railing (takes coordination of all PAX #crowdpleaser)
  • Bonus – 10 derkins with legs on rope for good measure
  • Mosey following the trail through the woods and up into parking lot
  • In parking lot, partner carries x 100 yards, flap jack x 100 yards
  • Mosey to the Field of Knats (1/4 mi.) for the Dirty MacDeuce
  • Dirty MacDeuce (4 sets of 3 exercises with 12 sec rest between sets)
    • Set 1: Standard Merkins x 12, LBC x 12, Superman x 12
    • Set 2: Diamond Merkins x 12, Dolly x 12, Peter Parker x 12
    • Set 3: Dive Bomber Merkins x 12, Rosalita x 12, Parker Peter x 12
    • Set 4: Wide Merkins x 12, Dying Cockroach x 12, Glute Bridge March x 12
  • LBJ back to start (1/2 mi.) with some crab walk and jail break tossed in.


We did a lot of running today and the PAX were on point. Frehley’s Comet kept YHC honest making sure we planked it up instead of slacking off between exercises – I like the initiative.  He was also quick to point out that we were doing 2x for every count during the MacDeuce = 24 merkins/LBC/etc. Think of it as extra credit.

During the 100 yd. partner carries, all the PAX exceeded expectations and went an extra 20 yards.  Such over achievers!

Strong work by FNG Milwaukee’s Best (YHC’s next door neighbor), we’ll see if I am ever invited over to another cookout after this beat down on his first day.  He did great though and I hope to see him out again soon.

Also, a strong shout-out to Mighty Mite who was doubling down with the Run! Ballantyne 10k after the workout.  Lex Luther was also headed for a double down with a Co-Q at Area51 – nice work!  Also, several others were headed on for more pain.  Impressive!

Thanks for the opportunity and the support in my first solo Q.  It is a privilege to work out alongside this great group of guys.

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Honey Bee author

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11 years ago

So apparantly the bugs were all over South-landia on Saturday. And now I understand why Lex Luthor showed up late and sweaty for his Q work at Area 51. I accused him of taking a shower before the 7AM workout, but I guess that was sweat, not hair gel.

Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor
11 years ago

Honey Bee put together a great wake up call for all the Southie’s in Charlotte. I hope to never do another session of The Dirty McDeuce but I am sure that it will soon become a fan favorite. The extra protein from the gnats is the only thing that got me through on Saturday.

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