Aye! The bell tolled and 12 pax left the fartsack and headed into the gloom at Stonehenge this balmy morning. Honey Bee was on for his first co-Q opportunity and did a great job, as did all the pax out in Yankeetyne this morning. And so the story goes…
The Thang
Honey Bee led portion
– SSH x 15
– Standing Lunges x 10
– Imperial Walker x 10
– Mountain Climber x 12
Little baby jog to adjacent parking lot
Bucket Brigade
– pax line up and pass a cinder block down the line
– nonstop merkins when not passing the cinderblock
Rinse and Repeat x 3
Mosey to Honey Bee’s truck and pick a “little friend” (rock)
Your little friend will be with you for the remainder of the workout
50 yard lunge walk with little friend overhead
Standing Arm Curls x 15
Little baby jog to Field of Bulls
Circle up
Rock-O-Rama – series of Honey Bee led exercises with the little friends
All in cadence count
– Big circles x 10
– Wood splitter x 10
– Squat with Overhead Press x 10
– Standing Mason Twist x 10
– Dying Cockroaches x 10
– Seated Mason Twist x 15
– Partner style sit-ups x 15 (exchange rock with partner every other “up”)
Switch to Dolphin on Q
Split in to two teams
Bear Crawl Relay – pushing rocks down 20 yards and back
Various exercises while waiting (crunches, merkins, squats, etc.)
All exercises with rocks
Repeato with lunge walk down and backward lunge walk back
Same deal with exercises while you wait
Little baby jog to Lake Hill
Reacquaint with partner from sit-ups
Jacob’s Ladder – Partner Style
P1: Holds both rocks in sumo squat position
P2: Jacob’s Ladder with 1, 2 and 3 burpees
Plank while all pax complete
Bearkin Crawl (bear crawl with merkin every three steps) up hill
Jog back down
Bearkin Crawl while pushing rock to base of hill and back
Plank until all pax complete
Lap around lake
Hand Q back to Honey Bee
Parking Row Suicides
Sprint (without rock) to adjacent parking row (@ 20 yards) and back
Sprint (with rock) to adjacent parking row and back
Repeato x 3
Little baby jog half mile back to Honey Bee’s truck and deposit rocks
Little baby jog back to launch point
Naked Moleskin:
– Great job today by Honey Bee in his first Q and all the pax did a fantastic job on a warm (finally) morning.
– The “little friends” were a great addition to the workout. All the pax loved carrying an extra 15 to 20 pounds around during the workout.
– Honey Bee’s Rock-O-Rama was a big #crowdpleaser as not a lot of chatter amongst the pax.
– Pax were also very quiet during the Jacob’s Ladder and Bearkin crawls. Silent Pax = Hardworking Pax. Great job guys.
– T-claps to Rickshaw who was near the front on all the running and really did a great job throughout the workout. It’s great to see the next generation of F3 at these workouts.
– Lots of new Charlotte South workouts – Bagpipe, Hydra, Strip Maul. Check weekly email for more details.
– Rookie Day May 20 at Base Camp so headlock any guys that are new to working out or just bootcamp style workouts. #F3growing
– Summer GORUCK on August 2. This will be a custom F3 event and will be a most definite #crowdpleaser. Imagine Jack Webb in a bikini this summer? #Scary
– Check out website for details on Memorial Day Convergence at The Patriot Charities event. Lets get a strong F3 showing there.
– Continue to pray for Matlock’s daughter who is having a very difficult time. Be in prayer for the entire family during this difficult time.
All I got brothers. Aye!
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