A hiking we will go…to Base Camp that is!

  • When:3/25/2013
  • QIC: Smash
  • The PAX: Smash, Fireman Ed, FNG Brikette (Ryan Burkett), Calloway, Joker, Ice T, Cheez Whiz, Strange Brew +1 more (sound off in the comments)

A hiking we will go…to Base Camp that is!

The Thang:

15x IC SSH

10x IC Imperial walker

10x IC Merkins

10x IC Prison Squats

10x IC Mountain Climbers

5 burpees oyo

10x IC jumping lunges


Hit the bleachers:

Partner up,

Partner 1: 20 dips on the bleachers

Partner 2: 10 incline merkins on the railing

Flapjack and repeato x2


Jog around the track:

Lap 1: 5 merkins in the turns

Lap 2: 10 prison squats in the turns


100 yard runs:

Down and back #1: 5 merkins

Down and back #2: 10 Imperial walkers

Down and back #3: 5 burpees


Hit the wall:

30 sec people’s chair

10 wall jumps (5 each arm), repeato on the wall jumps


5 mins of Mary:

10x IC flutter kicks

10x IC dollies

15x IC LBCs

10x IC bicycles

10x IC Russian twist





Welcome to Brikette, good workout by all, thanks Smash for that downPAINment.  Pax wondering when it will get warmer, then reminded by Calloway that 92F in the morning and the Pax will remember this day with fondness, who knows after all?  Definite grunting by the Pax on the final russian twists (including YHC), strong by Smash to keep it going, he could do it so he Q’d it!

About the author

Strange Brew author

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