Indian Run Bear Crawl

  • When:03/23/13
  • QIC: Zip-A-Dee & Countertop
  • The PAX: Turkey Leg, Crab Cake, Cotton Tail, Soft Pretzel, Floor Slapper, Jordache, Biscuit, Slapshot, Ocho Cinco, Joker, Matlock, Lobster Roll, O’Tannenbaum,

Indian Run Bear Crawl

The Thang:

QIC – Zip-A-Dee

Mosey to the Soccer Field

  • Butt Kicks
  • Karaoke Left
  • Backwards Run
  • Karaoke Right


  • SSHs X 25
  • Imperial Walker X 20
  • Merkins X 15
  • Peter Parkers X 15

Head to the track:

  • Form 2 lines for a good old Indian Run Bear Crawl – 1 circuit around the track

Mosey over to the playground and partner up

  • Partner 1 = Balls to the Wall
  • Partner 2 = 50 yard dash out to the hedges (McKee Rd) and back (equals 100 yds) to relieve partner 1

Switch / Rinse and Repeat X 3 (or was it 5?)

Get moving again and run to the back of the school for a “modified” Roger Waters (not quite wall to wall but – Wall to Tree Stumps)

  • 15 jump ups (on stumps)
  • 20 squats (mid-way to the wall)
  • 20 Donkey Kicks

Rinse and Repeat X 3

QIC Swap – Countertop

Trail Run x2

  • Dips on bench
  • Trail Run
  • bear crawl up hill
  • 10 burpees

Mosey to Playgrounds behind school

Round 1

  • Pull-ups x 20
  • Merkins x 20
  • Jump-ups x 20

Round 2

  • hanging leg lifts x 20
  • Wide arm Merkins x 20
  • Squats x 20

Round 2

  • Dips x 20
  • Diamond Merkins x 20
  • Sister Mary Catherines x 20

Mosey to back wall of school

6 MoM (extended)

  • Peoples Chair x 1 min
  • LBC x 20
  • Bicycle x 15
  • Peoples Chair x 1 min
  • Back Scratcher x 15
  • Legs left side crunch x15
  • Legs right side crunch x15
  • 4 count Leg Drops x15 (hold’em)
  • Hello Dolly x15

Mosey to front of school for COT


  • Strong work by all
  • After a week in the cold North Zip-A-Dee returned to the PAX and brought the pain with a vengeance as he lead us through the first half of the workout
  • Ochco Cinco brought out the racing wheels at the front of the PAX during most of the runs
  • Lobster Roll may be submitted for a name change to “The Grizzley” reaching speeds of up to 30 mph during both sets of bear crawls up the back hill
  • T-Claps to Zip-A-Dee, who injured his ankle during Saturday’s workout, posted the next morning with his foot taped on to the bottom of his leg and still crushed the Spartan Sprint.

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