13 of the CLT-South faithful showed up for the weekly Saturday downpainment at Area 51 with Abacus and Young Love as co-Q’s.
1st Half QIC: Abacus
Short warm-up jog to the soccer fields
COP (all in cadence)
–SSH x 25
–Imperial Walker x 25
–Squat x 25
–Merkins x 20
Mosey to the Track for a little Field Work
–Karaoke Right, 10 Burpees, Sprint Back – Plank until pax is done
–Karaoke Left, 10 Burpees, Sprint Back – Plank it up
–Backwards run, 10 Turkish Get-ups w left hand up, Sprint Back – Plank it up
–High Knees, 10 Turkish Get-ups w right hand up, Sprint Back – Plank it up
A little Jack Webb
Goruck favorite with 1-7 Merkins, 4-28 (increments of 4) Air Presses
Mosey to back playground
–Round 1 – 3 Stations Round 2 – 3 stations
—–LBCs x 25 Pull-up’s x 10
—–Step-ups (10xL, 10xR) Step-ups (10xL, 10xR)
—–Jump-ups x 20 Jumping Lunges (10xL, 10xR)
Mosey to back of school & grab some wall
–People’s Chair (60 sec)
–Wide-arm Merkins x 15
2nd Half QIC: Young Love
–People’s Chair (90 sec)
–20 Diamond Merkins
Mosey to field behind School for 6MOM
–LBC x 25
–Dolly x 25 (Hold ’em)
–Rosalita x 25 (en Espanol)
–Flutter x 20
–Superman (30 sec w spotty singing)
Fast mosey to Rock Pile
Pick a pet rock and buddy up for a Rock Combine
–Round 1 (Partner A plays with Rock while Parnter B sprints to soccer goal and back. Flapjack. x3)
—–Squat w Rock
—–Overhead Press
–Round 2 (Same format, just switch up exercise)
—–Staggered-arm merkins on the rock
800 yard run and plank it up until Pax arrive home
-Jordache looking strong on sprints. Must have been change from retro denim jeans to shorts
-Not much chatter during the Rock Combine, although might have heard a little bit of grumbling
-Lobster Roll led the way on 800 yard run, looking like he was ready for 30 minutes of OT
-Nice prayer by Monkey Joe to close it out and send everyone off on their busy weekends
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