Part Deux

  • When:3/4/13
  • QIC: Smash
  • The PAX: 89, The Drill, Loakey, Coal Miner's Daughter, Aquafresh [FNG], High Tide [FNG], plus one more

Part Deux

8 men gathered in the gloom for the second edition of Base Camp… our new moderate intensity workout in Charlotte South. 

The Thang

Warm up:

15 side straddle hop

10 Imperial walker

10 merkins

10 squats

10 mountain climbers

10 arm rotations (each way)

5 burpees

Jog around the track:

Lap 1: 5 merkins in the turns

Lap 2: 5 burpees in the turns

10 squats

10 jumping lunges

10 peter parkers

20 dips on the bleachers

20 merkins on the railing


 Hill climbs:

10 merkins

10 wide arm merkins

5 burpees

 30 sec wall sits

12 wall jumps (6 each arm)

10 decline merkins against wall

 15 side straddle hop

15 LBC

12 flutter kicks

12 dolly

10 jumping lunges

8 burpees

About the author

Joker author

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