The shovel flag was planted in the cold wet ground and three amigos posted up in the cool morning gloom to run Devil’s Turn in the moonlight.
The Thang; 4 mile run for time (sort of)
Zip-a-Dee (Devil’s turn FNG) was the first to post at 5:15 for the 6 miler but decided to wait on the 4 milers. Good thing too because he had no headlamp and was not familiar with the DT greenway (at least not in the dark)
The run this morning was suppose to be for our monthly best times but I think we were all feeling a little sluggish from Christmas meals. Joker even confessed of his Five Guys after Christmas dinner last night with his 2.0s. In fact, he had to make an emergency pit stop in mile 3 to take care of things. #gutbomb
Although a small group this am, it does well for the 2nd F (fellowship) as we get to know each other better for those that can talk while running. YHC was a little short on breath while under ruck. Joker and Zip-a-dee got to know each other well. YHC listened.
All-in-all, great run this morning Brothers! Enjoyed it.
The Shore….feel better!
S. CLT GORUCK brothers, we need ya to post at DT next month! Training is here.
South Charlotte’s Tiger Rag to lead Combine tomorrow, come support and get your Friday downpainment.
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