Beatty Park Trail Run

  • When:11/12/12
  • QIC: Dolphin
  • The PAX: Turkey Leg and Santini

Beatty Park Trail Run

Aye, 3 pax gathered in the post gloom on Monday morning to enjoy the trails of Col. Francis Beatty Park in Charlotte South.

6 mile loop at Beatty Park and mixed in some “pain stations” every 2 miles.  The warmer temps were a nice break from the cold and plenty of sweat was left on the trails.

Mosey from cars to trail
Run 2 miles : 20 walking lunges
Run 2 miles:  15 incline merkins on downed tree
Run 2 miles: 10 spartan burpees
Mosey back to cars

T claps to turkey leg for double posting today.  He hit Area 51 for boot camp and then came out to Beatty.  Also, Santini made the trek to Beatty Park all the way from Fort Mill.  Although our group was small, we represented F3 well.  A fisherman in the parking lot remarked that we looked like we were “killing the woods”.  Trail running seems to be a natural fit for F3 Nation! Great job guys.

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