Merkins on Aisle 4

  • When:10/20/2012
  • QIC: Callaway and Joker
  • The PAX: Slap Shot, Quarter Pounder, Scooter Time, O'Tannenbaum, Turkey Leg, Countertop, Abacus, Punky Brewster, Floor Slapper, Short Sale, Coal Miner's Daughter, Stage Coach, Crab Cake, Header, 89, Gekko

Merkins on Aisle 4

18 men gathered in the Area 51 gloom.

The Thang

SSH x50

Teamwork [two person teams, with reps below in total for each team]:
Run to playground at parking lot:
100 dips
30 pull-ups
Run to track:
100 lbc
100 dolly
Run to playground at track:
50 jumpups
100 merkins
Run to trailhead:
30 burpees
Run trail
30 burpees upon exit of trail
Run to rockpile and grab rock:
On your own with squats, curls, triceps extensions

Plank Indian run

Jack + 10 diamond merkins x2

Lunge walk X 50 yards

Incline merkins X 20

Bunny hop X 50 yards

Decline merkins X 20

Jog to soccer field

1/2 mile race


3 minutes of Mary

Karaoke X 50 yards X 2 sets

Backpedal X 50 yards X 2 sets

Wide arm merkins X 20

Sprint X 50 yards X 2 sets

S—L—O—W  merkins X 20



-Kotters to 89 and Gekko [FKA Coach]

-Triple claps for Callaway for a strong QIC effort.

-Random observations… strong teamwork by Countertop and Shortsale [these guys were motoring through the burpees and trail runs]; Header showed some wheels on the 1/2 mile run; Callaway kicked it into high gear for the sprints.

-YHC lacked creativity at the QIC helm today, but sprints and merkins are good for any season.

-Tiger Rag covered a lot of ground this morning… working out at the Rock starting at 0600… then driving by Area 51 at 0800 with his horn blazing on the way to a soccer game for one of his 2.x’s.

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Joker author

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