F3/Area 51 – 6.2.2012 – The Day of the Rookie

F3/Area 51 – 6.2.2012 – The Day of the Rookie

39 of the Faithful planted the shovel flag and gathered in the Area 51 gloom for “Rookie Day.”



Callaway [QIC]

Joker [QIC]

Tiger Rag [QIC]

Slap Shot [QIC]

The Shore (Ruck)

Donkey Kong (Ruck)



Quarter Pounder

Stone Cold





Short Round [War Baby]

Counter Top

Pretty Boy Quarterback

Monkey Joe

The Tickler

Chris Tassy (FNG)

Brent Horam (FNG)

JC Baysigner (FNG)

Bob Stone (FNG)

Leo Hanus (FNG)

William Henderson (FNG)

Jonathan Miller (FNG)

Eric Bernier (FNG)

Andy Thompson (FNG)

Greg Slayton (FNG)

Roger Nayle (FNG)

John Reid (FNG)

David Campe (FNG)

Kevin Fry (FNG)

Rob Carter (FNG)

Rob Goodling (FNG)

Five other PAX… names could not recall


The Thang – Veteran Workout

SSH x 25

Toy Soldiers x 20

Slow Groiners x 10

Merkins x 20

Jog to Field

Merkin x 20, 100 yard sprint

Military Merkin x 10, 100 yard sprint

Flutter x 25 (Hold ’em), 100 yard sprint

Diamond Merkin x 10, 100 yard sprint

Prison Squats x 20, 100 yard sprint

Plank to Elbow Merkins x 10, 100 yard sprint

Raise the Roof (1 merkin, 4 overhead air press; 2 merkins, 8 overhead presses….ladder up to 9 merkins and 36 overhead presses and back down)

Bear crawl x 50 yards

Walking lunge
3 sets
-Pull ups 10x
-Dips 20x
3 minutes of Jack with 10 count decline merkens after each
Jump ups 25x
Scissor crunch 20x
Jump ups 20x
Scissor crunch 15x
Run to rock pile – rock squats 50x
Run through neighborhood to lower field and upper field


The Thang – Rookie Workout

Run to lower field, one lap around field

SSH X 15

Merkins X10

Prison Squat X 15

Carolina Dry Dock X 12

Walking lunges 30 yards X 2

Flutter kick X 15

Dolly X 15

LBC X 15

Two laps around field

Walking lunge

Bear crawl with merkins at turnaround

Crab crawl with merkins at turnaround

Jog to upper field

Ab work

Modified beast with merkins, mountain climbers and burpees

Dips X25 and squats X15

Circle Up with full PAX… merkin, squats and burpees



– Rookie day was a success, with FNGs outnumbering the F3 veterans.

– Two workouts were led… one for vets and one for rookies. 

– No fancy stuff today for the vets… just meat and potatoes exercises, with sprints to clear the palate between courses [bad day to wear a ruck sack Donkey Kong and The Shore!].  We added another rung to the Raise the Roof ladder today, peaking at 9 merkins and 36 overhead presses. O’Tannenbaum is either auditioning for the Mime Power Team or he has arms of lead. Just sayin’.  With morale flagging as we laddered past 7 merkins, Tiger Rag had no choice but to go Jazz Hands on the overhead presses… dsperate times, desperate measures.

– For the rookies, the workout was probably slightly harder than advertised… but, the FNGs were strong.  We hope to see all of you back. 

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Joker author

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Ann & Hope
Ann & Hope
12 years ago

Awesome work. Great job.

12 years ago

Good stuff. Awesome to see all the FNGs there!

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