Author Archive GoDaddy

Triple the Fun

16 men gathered for some shirt-drenching hard work on a humid Thursday. Because every workout needs a gimmick, this workout was brought to you by the number ‘3’ and the letter ‘Q’.

The Thang:
Mosey to front of True Crafted Pizza

23 SSH
23 IW
23 Kind-of-Slow Squats
9 “Triple Merkins”
13 “Triple LBCs”

Jog to back of True Crafted Pizza

Speed bump sequence. Run the length of the parking lot. 3 Super Burpees at each speed bump.

Indian Sit/Run.
Everyone in chair against the wall. First guy crabwalks to the end of sitting PAX. Repeat.

Mosey to corner of lot.

Groups of three for Triple Triples.
Three people, three exercises, three sets.
– 2 do plank & situps, while 1 runs. (x3)

Then back the way we came. Speed bumps again… this time 3 “Triple Carolina Dry Docks” at each bump.

Plankorama in front of the hill.

Groups of three for another Triple Triple.
1 Runs the hill, 1 does jump rope, 1 Heels-to-heaven (x3)
Mary to finish up the time.
– In and Outs (23)
– Rosalita (13)
– Dolly (23)
– “Tripple Merkins” (6)

A great group today. Everyone gracious to try a few odd twists on exercises.  I had no idea whether an Indian Sit/Run (Sit/Crawl?) would work, but it ended up being kind of fun. And also… Wild Turkey should be in the Olympics or something for crab walking. I think he may crab walk faster than he runs. Thanks to Mic Check for leading some Plankorama while I gasped for air. Thanks to Gecko for helping me figure out my phone. Could you come over to my house and help me program my DVR? Many guys put in some hard work today. I would name you in this part… except I was usually in the back and couldn’t see who was way ahead of me. Thanks, guys – an honor to lead and I enjoy every time.

No big announcements. Or maybe there was, but I wasn’t listening. Oops.