Just what the Dr ordered ….

  • When:08/28/2017
  • QIC: Doogie
  • The PAX: Silent Bob, Ocho-cinco, Juko (visiting from Durham), Benefactor, Swiper, Rock, Pothole, Cheese curd Chappy, Doogie (Q)

Just what the Dr ordered ….

10 men and met up on a cool August morning and were promised minimal running. Workout began with a run to Pellyn Wood down to the bottom of the hill on Gorham Dr. After the obligatory side straddle hop, we started with an unpleasant 10 minute Burpee ladder.

Minute 1: 10 Burpees
Minute 2: 11 Burpees
Minute 3: 12 Burpees
Minute 4: 13 Burpees
Minute 5: 14 Burpees
Minute 6:13 Burpees
Minute 8: 12 Burpees
Minute 9: 11 Burpees
Minute 10: 10 Burpees

By the end of the ladder, I think only Benefactor and Rock were still knocking out the Burpee’s (although one was slightly more audible than the other)

Then we progressed to:
30 second sprint up Gorham Dr followed by
30 murkins
30 LBCs
30 squats
jog back down

30 second sprints up Gorham Dr followed by
30 murkins
30 LBCs
30 squats
jog back down

30 second sprints up Gorham Dr followed by
15 widearm murkins
15 diamond murklins
30 Russian twists
30 squats
jog back down

30 second sprints up Gorham Dr followed by
15 widearm murkins
15 diamond murklins
30 Russian twists
30 squats
jog back down

and finally, one last 30 second sprints up Gorham Dr and run back to COT

total miles 3.2
total burpees 120
total fun score C+



Welcome to Juko visiting from Durham. F3 nation in Durham is thriving.
The Give2give campaign only has a few days left, http://f3nation.com/2017/07/29/give2give-august-1-31-2017/

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One Eye author

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Chelms aka Tatertot
Chelms aka Tatertot
6 years ago

One Eye – That was a burpee pyramid and not ladder – just sayin (somewhat glad I went to Horsey as this looked aweful). Horsey but to bed for the year so your numbers should start going up after BRR. I’ll be there some.

Cheese Curd
Cheese Curd
6 years ago

If I would have known that we would have run balls out to that hill over 1 mile away just to do burpees, I would have went to Horsey. I was THE 6 at a 7:44 opening sprint, so much for the warm up. Then the burpee pyramid and hill sprints, yuck. And up hill on the way back?! Is this where you insert, I am better for it?

I hate quoting Swiper, but he said, “the Q you want is rarely the Q you get”…so true this AM! Good lead Doogie. Also, never ask him for “quick humor” Jokes were awful

Nothing else to note from the 6 all morning.

Cheese Curd
Cheese Curd
6 years ago

That was, never let Swiper tells Jokes…dropped 2 cheesy ones on the Pax to distract from the pain.

6 years ago

That sounds brutal. I’ll have to post at DMZ sometime…

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