Q Subbed – pain still present

  • When:12/22/2014
  • QIC: Runstopper (as Q'd by Strange Brew)
  • The PAX: Slim Fast, Pele, Bieber, Steinbrenner, Yogi Berra, Wild Turkey, Big Top, Stump Hugger, Coal Miners Daughter (Kotters and WD), Fireman Ed, Geraldo, SMASH, Strange Brew

Q Subbed – pain still present

When Runstopper  pinged me on Friday to Q Base Camp he had apparently double booked himself for today.  He has moved into Q consulting, unfortunately this is an unpaid position for him but the pax paid with pain.

The Thang:

Jog to warm up a little, over to the pre-school parking lot for a little COT:

SSH x 20 (the last 5 are rapid fire, stay with the Q)

IW x 15

Merkins x 10

Squats x 10 oyo but with form

Merkins x 9

Windmills x 10 (a nod to F3 Winston)

Merkins x 8

Mountain Climbers x 15

Merkins x 7

5 boyo

Merkins x 6

Let’s go find Steinbrenner and associated 2.0’s who LIFO’d

Off to the hill on 51

7’s on the hill with lunges at the top, CDD’s on the bottom

Good work me, off to the gazebo at the school

Have a seat, we’ll wait for all the pax while sitting down

x 1:30 (pushed it hard on this one)

Let’s try that again, 1:00, wait, Geraldo did you say arm raises to 40? Good idea let’s warm up for cousin Jack (wait for it, wait for it)

Off to the baseball fields, YHC was going to go a Hops inspired baseball theme but it would be too dirty (YHC forgot his towel today)

Partner up, partner 1 runs to the base of the stairs and back while partner 2 does Dips, flapjack

Then elevated CDD’s

Then Squats (form is key here)

10 count

Off to the rail up the incline to the football field to “walk” up the rail

Then over to the grass by the school, who is that lurking in the shadow? Is that my cousin Jack Webb?  Jack, hello, come and join us for a bit

Jack Webb to 5 then back down, with #4 some of the pax joined YHC in some extra credit due to a lack of being able to do 4 x 4

Then a little elbow plank clinic, yeah it hurts way more when you do it this way…look for this feature to reappear in future Strange Brew Q’s

Dolly x 20

Mason Twist x 10

Heels to Heaven x 10

Over to the parking lot where Slim Fast reminds YHC that we still have some Merkins to do (thanks)

Merkins x 5

5 boyo

Merkins x 4

Squats x 10 oyo

Merkins x 3

in the interest of time

Merkins x 2 then x 1

Just ran out of time, should have cut out the 10 counts, the pax are getting so strong they don’t seem to need them anymore, they were in there more for YHC probably than anyone else.


A great effort by the pax today, seriously, really looking strong these days and YHC is thankful for each opportunity to Q (thanks RS) this group, it is a special workout for me.  The weather didn’t keep this group of pax away, they know they need it, I know I sure do.  Read a good reminder on the F3nation website that you are either going backwards or forwards, this group went forwards today.  Still can’t get used to Fireman Ed without the beard, or voice, get better brother.  A couple of Larry Bird’s out there today on the hill, Fireman Ed, Wild Turkey was next to me and pushed me hard, Geraldo was focusing on his lunge form and well 2.0’s always have an insane amount of energy, I think they were still cold at the end, either the workout was too easy or they don’t have any “reserves” or both?  Stump Hugger was chasing me down and made me go faster (thanks).  Slim Fast was keeping the Q honest and getting some 2nd F on some of the runs, I know this because if he were flat out I couldn’t even keep him in sight.  SMASH lopes along as if he could run forever, doesn’t even phase him.  Kotters to CMD, great to see you back and Big Top is looking pretty tough with the new found strength and beard.

Great take out by Big Top!


Wed convergence at Calvary Church at 0600

Joe Davis Run: seriously just sign up http://joedavisrun.racesonline.com/register

Same evening (Jan 10) is 2nd F for the movie “Unbroken” do those guys a favour and sign up early

New Year’s convergence with Geraldo and Slim Fast on Q

Check the email, a number of convergences and alternative timings for the workouts the new week or so

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Strange Brew author

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Slim Fast
9 years ago

Great Q, Brew…. As always. Great to see Coal Miner’s Daughter out after a brief layoff. Very strong!!

Agree with Brew… This workout as a whole keeps getting stronger! SF

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