Monthly Archive September 2020

Between a Rock and Thermopylae

9 PAX @ #F3TippingPoint found out that 300 was their favorite number. They hadn’t known this fact before. The Warmup 3-Minutes, 6 Running Stretches + neck stretch + hanging hammy stretch > The Thang
  1. Run to the rockpile.
  2. Dora in groups of 3 … partner 1 w/ rock, partner 2 running between stations, & partner 3 up by park bench (count the 300 up here)
    • Round 1 … 300 squats & curls
    • Round 2 … 300 merkens & overhead press
    • Round 3 … 300 oblique WWII situps & kettlebell swings
  3. Get our breath walking under bridge to the fence and doing thunderclaps.
  4. Jack Webb w/ 1 bomb jack & 4 calf raises
  5. Run to launch for Mary.
  6. Mary = Travoltas. Pretzel Crunches.
  7. El fin.
Moleskine I was unprepared for how much good conversation seemed to be happening during this circuit. Everyone seemed to be complaining and grunting and moaning enough (especially Glass Joe) for me to know we were all getting our money’s worth, so this is an aspect I need to remember. Glass Joe is scared of standing on fences. Kotters to Bullwinkle! Great to see you out, brother. Well done. El fin. Announcements:
  1. Keep eyes open for a convergence with Anson in coming weeks.
  1. Chris the guy @ park w bookbag has a lot going on … comfort and peace
    2. Blowout’s wife’s arm
    3. Bullwinkle’s parents that they won’t have COVID

Big League Stew & 300 merkins

The rain was falling but for some reason 8 dumb guys came out and got a full dose of jumping puddles and lifting rocks. Wormwood (would have been 9) pulled into the parking lot and pulled back out when he saw us running away – whaaaa??

The Thang

Round1 – 20 Step ups – 20 merkins X5

50 squats

Round 2 – 20 Rock Curls – 20 merkins X5

50 squats

Round 3 – 20 bent over rows – 10 merkins X5

50 squats

Round 4 – 20 rock thrusters – 10 merkins x5

50 squats

Series of Abstacles in a round the circle format, 20 more merkins to make sure no one cheated, and 20 SSH for Horsehead’s viewing pleasure….



The rain was pouring hard all morning. For some reason tarps were set up at the field so we actually had a place to stay dry until everyone arrived.

Future reference, if you Q Kevlar, we are parking at the pavilion, not running to it.

Inspired by the IPC the past few weeks I decided to give the strength training one more try and we knocked out 300 merkins, 100 step ups, 100 curls, 100 bent over rows, 100 thrusters and over 200 squats.

  • FaultLine gave Monica Seles a run for her money and had some amazing moans this morning. I’m pretty sure he’s the only one who actually did every rep required. Note: he followed that up with a 10 mile run today
  • Geraldo and Horsehead were complaining about some crazy smell that happened at the end of the workout. They both immediately blamed Big League Chew although he never admitted to anything and I’m pretty sure he had no idea what they were talking about.
  • Rhapsody cut his toe in half surfing last week so he was walking a little gingerly. The fin cut it right to the bone….told him to flip the board over next time, smart ass comments are what make me who I am.
  • Cage and Age rhyme but they couldn’t be further from the truth. The 60 year old man of mystery continues to defy every explanation of human decay…with the exception of 3 restroom breaks at every workout.
  • Christmas continues to post consistently and is getting faster and stronger and I think he’s at every workout I ever go to, so he must be going to more than me. You should see the kid kick a soccer ball…big kicker, huge.


  • A51 Blood Drive. Info is all over Slack. Don’t bring your own from home, you must let the nurse do it.
  • A51 board will be roaming around the different AOs together – we didn’t announce this at the workout but you’ve been warned….we’ll be watching
  • Soccer on Sunday at Field 1 at Sportsplex.

I forgot to pray or ask someone to pray and asked that everyone say a prayer in their heart on the run back through the rain. Everyone did except for one person.



Fantastic Four

4 pax circled up at Calvary under a steel gray sky. The cool weather was welcome after the heat of the last few months. After a quick disclaimer, we did a little loosening up:

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Windmill/Sharon Towers x 10

On to the Main Event:

  • 15 swings (25 for round 2)
  • 10 goblet squats
  • 35 swings (25 for round 2)
  • 15 flutter press
  • 15 swings (25 for round 2)
  • 5 presses per side
  • 35 swings (25 for round 2)
  • 10 Louganis
  • 25 swings
  • 5 lawnmowers per side
  • 25 swings
  • 15/20 LBCs with the bell on your chest
  • 25 swings
  • 15 merkins
  • 25 swings
  • 15 dolly press

Repeato for 400 swings, 20 goblet squats, 30 flutter press, 20 presses, 20 Louganis, 20 lawnmowers, 35 LBCs, 30 merkins, 30 dolly presses.

Waiter carry :30 x 4 (2 per side)

Farmer carry (2 bells) :30 x 2


  • 1:00 elbow plank
  • 1:00 hollow body hold
  • 1:00 glute bridge

COT with the RockZero pax. Thanks to Flipper for the take out.


  1. Blood drive – October 23rd – get signed up!
  2. Makeshift Marathon – see the #fallmarathon channel on Slack

Naked Moleskine:

  1. Thanks to the pax for coming out. The weather ended up being perfect, but it was questionable with all the clouds.
  2. Based on my calculations, we’re at approximately 10,000 swings now for the swing program. We’ll be switching it up soon, so come on out if you’re interested.
  3. YHC outsourced the weinke to High Tide yesterday and I think it worked out nicely. If anyone has any complaints, take it up with our resident KB mad scientist.
  4. Ickey Shuffle did a good job of identifying some of the deep tracks on the playlist this morning. He was also fired up for some SEC football this afternoon. He was not impressed with the heavyweight UVA/Duke game. Go Wahoos!
  5. High Tide is rounding back into kettlebell form after a mysterious illness had him on the bench for a few weeks. He was looking strong today. He also provided some musical suggestions for our next workout. #badcompany
  6. Beetlejuice was back at it again this morning. He’s become a fixture of the kettlebell workouts. Hopefully he can get more bells soon so he has some options for different exercises. #24kg4life

Where’s the Methodist church?

PAX: Retread, Madison, Christmas, Air Wolf, Cage, Julep, Dawson, 49er, Full House, Lex Luthor, Stone Cold, Jello (QIC)

Start at Seaboard, the intention was to head to the Methodist Church. But, I started lost!!! We were on Main Street not John Street.

We get to behind the church


  • High Knees
  • Butt Kickers
  • Karaoke Left and Right

Head to the Far corner of Covenant Church.

Partner Up

1st Set of exercises

  • 10 Merkins
  • Side Leg Lifts
  • 10 LBCs

Directions given for Small Triangle 1


(Right) Route 51  .3          R

John Street .5     R

Christ Covernant Church Lane     .4

P2 – Reverse

(*) Meet in the Middle for Batwings. Which are:

10 Front Arm Circles

10 Backward Arm Circles

10 Over the head claps

10 In front of your body claps


Run to back of church




2nd Set of exercises

  • 10 Speed Skaters
  • 10 Leg Lifts
  • 10 Dead Bugs

Partner Run to Back of Church and Meet

10 Jump Squats


As a group, easy Run to SunTrust at 345 West John St using Christ Covenant Church Road .5

Instructions given for 3rd set of exercises which include:

  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Reverse Lunges
  • 10 Freddy’s

Directions for 3rd (and Final) Run

West John Street              .2            R

North Trade Street          .3            R

Main Street                        .4            R

Irwin Lane                           .1            R

P2 – Reverse

(*) Meet in the Middle for 10 Carolina Dry Docks

Run back

Plank up.

We had about 10 mins. Head to Matthews Methodist, but make sure you turn around at 5 mins.

Madison was in the lead and made sure everyone got there safely and turned around.


Great Workout by all! I’ve been doing A LOT of running lately in preparation for the “Made Up Marathon” aka Tuck’s Marathon. I’m looking to get a new PR in the Half Marathon. But, I was left with this feeling that I should be catching Sparta more. Good amount of running with body weight exercises sprinkled in. No frills, no craziness!

Thanks for letting me lead! I’ve been doing this F3 thing for 4 years now and am thankful for it every day.

If You Had Run Before the Workout, Miles Wouldn’t be an Issue

YHC hadn’t been to a bootcamp in while, so when Prohibition requested a substiQ it was a no brainer decision to use this morning as a return to form.  I still needed to get a run in today, so Hoover and YHC called back to 2018 and double pre-ran the workout, with Benny joining for the second set of 3 miles.  Coming back into the AO YHC found a gathering crowd of PAX and, after a Mermaid appropriate disclaimer, we were off into the misty morning.


Run through the circle of 3 meatheads, because why not.  Circle up for COP

Imperial Walker X15

1 Burpee OYO

Low Slow Squat X15

2 Burpees OYO

Low Slow Merkin X15


Mosey to the grassy knoll, 3 burpees OYO and then line up abreast across the the bottom of the hill for elevator merkins and forward/backward bearcrawls on the hill.

Grab some wall for peoples chair and cadence count leg lifts

4 Burpees OYO and then back across the hill for more elevators & fore/back

Mosey to rock pile, find a lifting rock then carry it to the front lot

Triple Lindy suicides as follows.  10 Triple Lindys, run to first island for 5 burpees, run back, carry rock to island, 9 triple Lindys.  Repeat for 2 more islands, turn and come back.

Return rock to pile and then mosey to side lot for some forward and reverse lunge walks and then mosey on to the outside of the hotbox.  Got to 5, 6 and 7 Burpees OYO in there somewhere.

Outside the hot box, rotate through 2X of Reverse Wall-Tar-Jai, Forward Wall-Tar-Jai, Peoples Chair w/ arm raises

Inside Hot Box, rotate through 2X of Little-Hazes L & R, Dips and Derkins

8 Burpees OYO

True Indian Run (Slooooooow Mosey and FAST sprints) around to the cars.  9 Burpees OYO

10 minutes of Mary with 10X cadence count Mtn. Climbers in-between sets.

10 Burpees OYO



Ye Olde Moleskin:

It was a nice change of pace to get out and work hard on the upper body this morning.  Knowing YHC had a half-marathon to run tomorrow, the weinke was over-indexed on upper body.  Have a feeling I may regret that tomorrow.  Proehl and McGee probably won’t feel a thing however, and somehow thats appropriate.

Plenty of mumble chatter this morning, a lot of it centered around throwing a plastic disk around and calling it sport… not sure how thats a workout but McGee seems to love it so T-claps young man.

Mr. Magoo is a beast, on the heels of McGee and Proehl during the Lindy Suicides.  (Kobains for calling the wrong name during Mary at the end… oxygen deprived maybe?  Yeah thats it)

Beaver never ceases to impress, I hope I can perform half as well when I am 57 years young.

Speaking of youth, Proehl got some life lessons from McGee during several segments of the workout, or at least McGee believed he was dropping truth bombs.  YHC hear more than a little echo of Al Bundy in some of the stories however.  What glory days?

Today was a smoker, but all of the PAX stuck gamely to the program, with only a few minor refuseniks during the hour, and nobody skipped the Burpees which was impressive.

YHC had to talk a little smack during the first rotation on the Indian run, effort on the sprints was much improved thereafter… But why does Curd refuse to run single file??? Nonconformist.



-Blood drive:  Sign up else MM will take it from you unwillingly at your house… word to the wise. Details available on Slack

-Makeshift Marathon happening in November, see Run channel on slack for details.  Proceeds will go to a good cause, sign up today!

-A51 Board turnover: Voodoo in the role of Nantan, OrangeWhip is 1st F, Hoover 2nd F, Geraldo 3rd F, CheeseCurd Weasel Shaker, YHC is CSAUP Q, Udder continues his COMZ Q role.  See your boardmembers with ideas for how we continue to make our region great!


A pleasure as always to lead

Flipper out



DICCS–   ( kinda skipped over this  since not going away from cars ) sorry do yell at me –

We made a executive decision not to use grass or any fields as we did not want to pull a Damascus and get us thrown out of this site. For whatever reason the parks and recs department decided 6:10am is a good time to mow grass, so too many eyes would be looking at us tearing up their property-  Moved to a gravel lot.

Warm up– lead by Maddog while I was using the potty so not sure what ya’ll did but I am sure it was great, I know my potty experience was great.

Quick overview and demonstration of workout

The Thang

10 burpees over block

murder bunnies 25 yards- 25 squat thrust- return to start with cinder block

10 burpees over block

murder bunny – 50 yards- 50 merkins using your block 2 is one- return to start with your block

10 burpees over your block

murder bunny – 75 yards- 75 curl press using your block- return to start with your block

10 burpees over your block

murder bunny – 100 yards- 100 block windshield wipers- return to start with your block

10 burpees over your block- TIME!!


Hell of a job by all. Few call outs

Centerfold– WTF dude you are a machine with windshield wipers– good lord

Tanyatine, Chastain and Pebbles- I can 100 percent validate your forms since you three were out front I focused form watching on your guys so there would be no questions- As long as you nailed the counts which I am sure you can you guys crushed it and your times are legit.

Maddog was in beast mode today especially on murder bunnies and merkins

Chainsaw- RESPECT RESPECT and I will double down on RESPECT– dude if I can do half of what you do at your age I will be in a good place.

Doughboy– banged up knee and all- Dude you can pump out merkins– hell of a push bro.

Ghosted– Who starts F3 on round 1 of IPC and decides—- hummmmmm maybe I should do all 4- WOW- impressive.

Fuse– great push at the end with finishing strong on windshield wipers then pushing others while they were finishing.

Breadbowl- You have completed all 4 IPCS and know you now you can push yourself out of your comfort zone- keep pushing young lad and believe in yourself, you can do it.. At 13 years old I would have been laying in bed until 11am looking forward to riding bicycles with friends verse getting my butt kicked at 6:30am.

Deep Dish– Strong and Faster each time I see you workout- hell of a push today especially on curl press and thrusters.

CP30– Dude was cruising through murder bunnies and windshield wipers and push himself to the max on last few wipers.



Blood drive 10/17/20- PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYONES SANITY sign up so we can move on to another topic

CPR Class $15.00 Monday have room for 6 more 2 hours 6pm-8pm

Christ Closet convergence next Saturday after workout need trucks and people to help move and fold.

Thursday Night folding party- every Thursday need bodies 7:30pm.

Thanks to Chastain for taking us out.

Post your own scores





9/25-25 Counts & Superman Tribute

Met at Viva with Rain pouring buckets. Alf was the first one out of the car, ready for a wet t-shirt extravaganza I suppose. Caught Ice 9 hiding under an awning, while the wise Doc McStuffins was waiting in his truck until the last possible moment to join. Then Snowflake appeared with an intriguing hat that I can only assume was protecting his locks from the weather.

Transporter was true to his name.  He wasn’t at Viva but somehow appeared in the garage as we were beginning warmups.


Mosey from Viva to Parking Garage Behind Desano’s, nice run up the ramps to floor 3

SSH x 25

Squats x 25

Superman x 25 Christopher Reeves special but without a cape (actor born 9/25)

Shoulder tap x 25

Imperial Walkers x 25

Mountain Climbers x 25


The Thang

Bear crawl and crawl bear down the length of the garage

Hop to other side, and lunge leapfrog jump the rest of the way

Mosey back to stairway for

Merkins x 25

Run two laps

Big boy sit-ups x 25

Run two laps

Wide-arm pushups x 25

Run two laps


4 – corners (a prior Rudy special)

Mosey back to original stairwell

Bobby H special x 25

Donkey kicks x 25

Plank jacks x 25

Heels to Heaven x 25


We had some time,  so Ice, Transporter, and Alf took the liberty of leading Mary while the Q caught his breath. Then Alf suggested a horrible great idea to run down the ramps with 2 minutes to go, and then sprint back up to the top floor into the rain.

We then went back down to 3, keeping Ice in mind as none of us wanted him to melt, and ended with COT.



It was truly an honor to Q for the first time. I was a bit nervous and didn’t sleep well followed by almost blowing what energy I had by starting off too fast- what can I say, rookie mistake. But, it ended up going well and I had a great time.  I’m grateful for the guys in the group, and the leadership example they’ve set. A Big shout out to Bottlecap, Alf, and Posse for all the help plugging me in – much appreciated.  Thanks also for the assistance with planning a successful VQ! Looking forward to the next one.

Final thanks goes to the F3 royalty that showed up.  I can’t thank you enough for the support. Snowflake, it’s great to be working out together again.

We had one FNG who was in the pet crematorium business, so he was aptly named Hot Dog.

Great job to anyone who didn’t pull their groin doing plank jacks when the garage got crazy wet and slippery.

Until next time,





Need more folks trained on CPR.  It is happening this Monday evening 9/28 at Weddington United Methodist 6 pm and 15$.

Need more people for the blood drive coming up, check with Mighty Mite or Turnbuckle.

New Rucking workout starting soon on Saturday am, check with Transporter for details.

Misery loves company

The forecast called for a 90% chance of rain at 5AM, so YHC wasn’t expecting much of a turnout at Centurion, but 8 studs proved me wrong — I guess misery loves company.  One even got a little extra credit by running in from his estate.  Although they were prepared for nothing short of a soggy workout, that didn’t stop the grumblings about wet feet, soggy shoes, etc.  05:30 hit.  Disclaimer provided and we did our best to find a dry spot on the Charlotte Catholic campus.  The mosey to the parking deck was a little longer than YHC planned due to a missed turn, but we eventually got there — had to practically cross a river on 51, but the deck was nice & dry.  Wish I could say the same for us.

We entered the deck, ran to the far set of stairs, up one level and back to the deck entrance for COP & the Main Event.


  1. SSH X 20 IC
  2. IW X 10 IC
  3. Hillbillies X 10 IC
  4. Low Slow Squat X 10 IC

The Main Event:


  1. 20 jump squats at the entrance to parking L1.  Run to far stairs.  Up the stairs to L2.  20 Merkins & down the ramp to the Start
  2. 20 jump squats at the entrance on L1, run the stairs up to L3.  20 LBC & down the ramp to L2.  20 Merkins & down the ramp to the Start
  3. 20 jump squats at the entrance on L1, run the stairs up to L4.  20 Carolina Dry Docks & down the ramp to L3.  20 LBC & down to L2.  20 Merkins & down the ramp to Start
  4. 20 jump squats

#2 – Line up along the center wall.  Toy Soldier walk to outside wall & repeato

#3 – Lt. Dan up the ramp from L1 to L2 (try not to make eye contact with the CMPD officer)

#4 – Line up on every other parking space & assume the plank position.  Plank walk R to the next line – 3 Merkins – plank walk back – 20 plank jacks.  Repeato 5X

#5 – People’s Chair on the wall + 25 air presses

#6 – 25 calf raises each direction (toes straight, pointed in, pointed out)

#7 – People’s Chair on the wall + 50 air presses

Return to launch (in the rain & ankle deep puddles) for 6 MOM

  1. Cumberland Co. Viaduct X 10 IC each side
  2. LBC X 20 IC
  3. Flutter X 20 IC
  4. Tabletop plank for 60 seconds



Great effort out there today by everyone.  Site FNG, TriDelt, made an appearance and YHC saw several new faces (Can’t remember all of the names, so no tags – Q fail).  That’s the greatest benefit of Q’ing at an AO where you aren’t a regular — it shakes things up for everyone.  It didn’t take long to forget about the nasty weather.  Miserable conditions help build bonds that workouts in sunny and 70 degree days can’t.  It was a great honor to lead.  I hope to have the opportunity to do it again sometime.


Thanks to Mermaid for the Take Out.



Mental Barriers

I can’t say I was hoping for rain, but I also can’t say I was disappointed. 9 idiots decided to brave the rain. 1 idiot intelligent person wise-guy (Schneider) waited until 0529 and then bailed. He missed out.

DiCCS given with emphasis on the “you are here of your own free will” part of the Disclaimer. Also, extra emphasis on the Safety part.


Fast mosey to the front of the middle school then circle up. Special instructions that anyone caught hiding under the awning had to do double reps.

SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Night Clubs, Calf Stretch, 6 inch plank until Bread Bowl decides to join us on the plank

Fast mosey back to the COT area

10 Derkins IC
10 Dips IC

The Thang

Jailbreak (with caution) down the path to Rudy’s Palace. Plank while waiting on the six. Nevermind, pick up the 6.

Grab some wall on the shed for 50 civilian count air presses

Fast mosey to the basketball courts for 10 Squats on my down then 10 Merkins on Bread Bowl’s down

Fast mosey back to the poop palace for 50 more civilian count air presses

You might notice at this point there’s not a lot of standing around. My goal was to keep the pax moving. I think we dodged more raindrops that way…or something.

Fast mosey to the stairs for the only covered exercises of the morning. Top of the stairs and grab a spot of wall for some 7s: 6 Donkey kicks on the wall, a long lap down the sidewalk and around to the bottom of the stairs and do 1 Bobby Hurley. Back up the stairs to the wall for 5 DKs…and so on until we finish with 1 DK and 6 Hurleys. According to my Strava, we got a whole mile in doing just that one set.

At this point I asked the PAX if they needed a 10 count then took off running without waiting for an answer. Then I felt bad so Chicken and I gave a moving 10 count while we squeezed between the tennis courts and the high school, around the corner to the benches. Instructions:

  • 20 Dips
  • Run to the traffic circle
  • 20 Speed Skaters (2=1)
  • Back to the benches
  • 15 Dips
  • Traffic circle
  • 15 Jump Squats
  • Benches
  • 10 Dips
  • Traffic circle
  • 10 Burpees

Pick up the six!

Another moving 10 count over to the big lot near the stadium. A little 4 corners:

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Big Bois (essentially laying in a bathtub)
  • 10 Diamond Merkins
  • 10 Bomb Jacks

Running short on time so I called for a Burpee Indian Run around the front of the school and back to COT. Less than 2 minutes remaining and we see the Swarm PAX scooting out 100 yards or so in front of us. Continue the Burpee Run back to COT and end just on time.


I had a blast this morning. I woke up somewhere around 3:30-3:40 in anticipation for the IPC relay. Couldn’t get back to sleep so I got up and got moving. We killed that sucker with a 14:52 showing (way to go fellas) and then had around 20 minutes before Impromptu began. Was really glad to see so many guys either 1) stick around after the IPC relay or 2) show up on a morning no one would have blamed you for fartsacking. Dough Boy pulled in next to my car a few minutes before the start and asked if we were going to be seeking shelter. I gave a solid “No!” that Shake would be proud of.

I said in the first paragraph that I wasn’t disappointed by the rain, but really I was really happy we got the downpour. At Pursuit yesterday morning Ex-Lax was talking with Bottlecap and myself after COT and talking about how previously his ability to run or not run was based on a physical barrier but now he’s realizing that a lot of it is a mental barrier. That struck a chord with me. How much of what we do, whether it’s F3, our jobs, our dealings with family/friends/people, or whatever, is influenced by some type of mental barrier you’ve erected. If you’re doing Merkins or Burpees or freaking Murder Bunnies and you start to slow down, is it because your body is stopping you? Or is it because you’ve mentally decided you can’t do any more? Or your job; I know I struggle with this one. Do you have a mental barrier that’s causing you to check out and do the bare minimum to get by? How about your family? Are you coasting? Are you letting your kids grow up without you? Is your M feeling neglected because you’re mentally not there (more than usual)?

So today I yelled (cheerfully, and hopefully in an encouraging manner) to give it more than you’re currently giving. If you’re maxed out physically, great! You don’t get up at the crack of dawn to half-ass these workouts. You didn’t roll out of bed, get dressed, get in your car, and drive to this AO in the pouring down rain to only do half reps. If you are then that’s a mental barrier you’ve allowed to creep into your mind and convince you that you’re giving “enough”. Don’t settle for enough. Accelerate. Be better.



Blood Drive – October 17th from 9am to 1:30pm – Rudy has graciously offered pizza and beer if we reach 80 sign-ups. We’ve got a long way to go. If you haven’t signed up, do it. If you have then start working on your M, your neighbors, your co-workers, etc.

IPC Week 4 – Saturday (tomorrow) at Nesbit

Soggy Chutes and Ladders – (not intended for children)

We had an opportunity to test our commitment today and face the rain and weather.   Working out in the cold rain SUCKS and it can be a real motivation killer.  I am proud of the men who chose to show up and push back against the weather… was my honor to be there with you.

Warm up:

15 Side-Straddle-Hops

Forward and Backward Arm Circles  and Triceps strecthes

15 Imperial Walkers

Leg Stretches.

The Thang:

Ladder #1  Merkens and LBC’s (25 reps) step by 5

Bear Crawls & Crawl Bears then Crab Crawls and Crawl Crabs (2 sets)

Dissected Burpees #1 (Squat, Merken, Jack, Jump)  10 reps each

Ladder #2  Captain Thor’s (1:4 ratio) of  Big Boy Situps : American Hammers (we only went to 9:36)

Ladder #3  Thrusters and Speed Skaters (20 reps) step by 5

Ladder #4  Captain Morgans and Kettle Bell Swings (20 reps) step by 5

Dissected Burpees #2 (Squat, Merken, Jack, Jump)  10 reps each

Boxing Jabs with Bricks (20 cadence call) / Canadian Beavers with Bricks (20 reps)   X 2 sets of each

Ladder #5  Coupon Curls and Bent Over Rows  (25 reps) step by 5

Romanian Dead Lifts (10 / leg)

Leg Stretches.


Finished up with Sledge-o-Matic retuning to the group after his 1-hour walk in the rain as he is recovering from a medical procedure.


Blood Drive on Oct 7th?

CPR training next Monday at 6pm at Weddington Methodist

Acknowledgement of today being Nation ITP awareness day.  Turnbuckle’s mom sadly died of this disease in 1999.

Christ Closet needs help on Tues & Thurs.