Monthly Archive July 2020

Never Quit!

8 people showed up for Diesel

The Thang

  • Deck of cards exercises. Suit dictates the exercise and the number is the rep count
  • Diamonds = Merkins – Total reps – 85
  • Clubs = Crab Dips – Total reps – 85
  • Spades = Lat Raises – Total reps – 85
  • Hearts = Axe Chop – Total reps – 85
  • Grand Total= 340 reps
  • Around the circle, PAX name the exercise and the count
  • Exercises included but not limited to: Speed Skaters, American Hammers, Squat Thrusters, Shoulder Presses, Monkey Humpers, Big Boi Sit Ups, Chest Presses, Planks, Fast Feet? (running in place shuffle step thing), Lunges, and probably some more



  • Blood drive – July 23rd from 9am to 1pm at Weddington Methodist Church – Sign up NOW –
  • Site Q School – July 18th, 6:30 at Cuthbertson Middle – Sign up NOW –
  • Q School – July 25th, 6:#0 at Cuthbertson Middle – Sign up NOW –


Prayers for Centerfold’s wife for a quick recovery from her surgery. Prayers for two fellow F3 members diagnosed with Covid-19

Old SCHOOL Floater

11 Men went back to school at The Floater.  As one of the original Site Qs (along with Moneyball), I might be a little biased, but downtown Waxhaw is my favorite AO.  Lots of unique options and the traffic scenery is much different than our typical AO.


  • DCCS given with emphasis on Safety . . . Guys, we are getting a little lax with reflective gear.  #LockItUp #BlackIsNotVeryReflective
  • Mosey to basketball court by school for typical exercises some yoga and a new exercise (one arm Plank with other elbow tapping the ground)


  • Partner up
    • P1 runs lap around racetrack
    • P2 does up and overs on uncomfortably high cement block
    • Repeat x 2
  • Partner up
    • P1 does supines
    • P2 does Diamond Mike Tysons
    • 4 Rounds (20, 15, 10, 5)
  • Partner up
    • P1 does arm hang knee ups
    • P2 does 5 up and back burpees
    • Repeat x 2
  • Mosey until you can smell the bacon at bottom of hill
    • At each telephone pole, 1 burpee and 5 knee ups
  • Mosey to Main Street Half Wall (aka “The Full Goodfella”)
    • 20 Heel touch box jumps
    • 20 Derkins
    • 10 Heel touch box jumps
  • Mosey to COT
    • 30 seconds of Have a Nice Day


  • OF COURSE I was going to keep the streak alive . . . Derek and I started that stupid thing . . . Almost 2.5 years of Backblasts every single week . . . #NotOnMyWatch
  • It feels like the Respects are starting to outnumber and even outwork the younger guys . . . Well done Hot Yoga, Surge, Sugar Daddy, Recalculating, Rockwell (Recalculating Jr.)
  • Easy Button realized that only doing the Waxhaw Express workouts makes his arms start looking like mine . . . I hope ClyentDinner used some rocks tonight
  • Chastain thought he found a shortcut by running the racetrack backwards . . . How did that work out for you?
  • Twinkle Toes is very honest.  He actually asked if his butt should be resting on the wall during the arm hang knee ups . . . #DontAskJustModify
  • Carb Load does a great job as Site Q . . . Pinging me during the week to see how he could help and then always looking out for the 6 during the workout.  #SiteQCampCounselor
  • Oh Yeah, I can’t forget about Loafer.  Oh Yeah, he left early but Oh Yeah, he put in a lot of effort.  #SubtleOhYeahsThroughoutWorkout #SomeOfThemSoundedDirty
  • SAFETY:  As we get more traffic in the mornings, let’s yell at encourage PAX to wear something bright and/or reflective.  #QsLeadByExample


  • Q School and Site Q School:  July 25 and 18th respectively.  Participate and stop leaching off of F3 . . . Get involved
  • Blood Drive . . . Thursday July 23rd.  See NewsChannel and/or Fuse Box for more details . . . Give a pint, get an antibody test

Prayer for Goodfella and his wife as they are back in hospital for more observation.

Sure I’ll Q Dromedary. Where is it again?

You know, there’s a saying that you’re either growing or dying. Basically you’re either pushing yourself to be better and staying just outside of your comfort zone or remaining stagnant just going through the motions of life. Well what better way to grow and get a little uncomfortable than to take center stage and lead a group of your peers. Oh and why not make it a VQ at an AO you’ve never posted at before! I will say I did cruise around campus on my mtn bike the morning before to connect what I had mapped out in my brain from google maps. Did you know you can draw and measure distance on a PC in google maps? Well you can… Anyway I arrived extra early after a couple PAX were already on site and the cars just kept pulling in right up until time to mosey. DICCS were given while the last vehicle parked with an extra reminder for distance and safety.


.25(ish)mi mosey around the massive school parking lot and circled up

Mobility stretch – up & downward dog, hip stretch, twist (lots of groans so mission accomplished)

Peter Parkers IC x 10 i think

Rock back merkins hold EA position x 5 (i do these selfishly because I LOL inside watching PAX try to figure it out)


Mosey to mini track for 1mi Build a Burpee – 6 total laps (unless you’re Tool Time and then double it)
All exercises 6 down to 1 rep

Corner 1 – merkins

Corner 2 – in and outs

Corner 3 – squats (will remember to add the jump next time)

Corner 4 – burpees

Mary until 6 is in –

Mosey down the sidewalk to go around the back of the school off road down around edge of woods toward baseball fields

Hard left through the grass and edge of woods and stop at gravel access Rd.

Out and back merkin Buffet

Start x 5 diamond

Light pole x 5 (players choice because i completely drew a blank)

Light pole x 5 wide

End x 5 reg

X 2 rounds

Mary until 6 is in –

Mosey back to COT – ab web 1 BB 4 flutters until time


Hot damn I had a great time at Dromedary this morning! My preparation paid off and I felt cool, calm and collected the whole time. So much, in fact, we ended up running nearly 3.5mi before time was up. Ooops… I swear Garmin told me we should end up around 2.5/.75 tops the day before. I guess that’s one way not to get invited back to Q. Dasher double check with Deadwood next time, would you?! I had tons of help and support throughout my weinke from Tool Time, Posse, Dasher, Premature, Fiji, Shop dog and others I’m sure I’m forgetting but you know who you are. 5:30am seems more like a dream at this point. We had 24 pax including 2 mashers and I saw many faces I hadn’t seen in a long time or finally got to connect a face with a name so that was awesome. Random fact but this is the second Wednesday in a row that I have been attacked by Carolina piss ants fire ants at the very end of the workout. Last week at Chiseled whilst doing shirtless burpees. Little spawn of satan nailed me twice right in the gut and then two separate attacks by bigger and angrier little SOBs on the lower calf and my right hand this morning. Still had my shirt on this time too if you’re thinking, “Serves you right Glidah… keep your clothes on already.” I can’t close out this BB without mentioning the local news caught wind that Goodfella was making an appearance for the first time in two weeks today and caught the whole thing on tape! Ok Fox news was doing a story  and Goodfella was there but the two were not related. Something about COVID… I don’t know. He still rocked it out the whole time like he wasn’t sleep deprived and hadn’t missed a single workout. He closed us out with a great reminder of how important it is to always work hard and prepare for the battles of life. Not if, but when. And not physically but spiritually; mentally. Without faith in something greater than yourself you can’t navigate the storms of life. It left yet another confirmation that this group is a big deal and not an accident. We support, we encourage, we give, we love, we serve and we care about others first before ourselves. I am humbled and grateful to be a part of something so incredibly awesome. Dromedary I will be back!


100 pax challenge – donate and get raffle tickets – win a pimped out recliner or take a store credit – Winning

Sign up for Q school if you haven’t already.

Pray for continued healing for Goodfella’s M, baby boy and family. God is good and has his arms wrapped around them tight.

There are more announcements that I am forgetting so please scroll to the bottom of the other BB’s that were posted earlier today because they probably remembered.

YHC took us out. Look to Him and remember to show others that He is at work in your life.

LRC Newbies

4 Pax out of 6 potential Pax showed for LRC today.  Deadwood and Smithers did not make the start and were DQ’d from medal contention for LRC today.  With about 5 mins before go time, 2 pax begin approaching the starting line.  A request by BC was expected for LRC time trials, but a late entry of Ice9 appeared and instantly we knew that a 9:00/pace is out the window.  So with that we take off on the standard 5 mile tour around Lawson.  Along the way Deflated was sure to call out variation of exercises that hit the chest, shoulders, legs, and abs.  We have now included the stretch for walking overhead/seal claps with  a mix of picking cherries/dropping in the bucket to get the shoulders smoked. (pick ’em, pick ’em, pick ’em…..drop in the bucket).

On way back towards Poop Island Ice9 and BC exited back to their vehicles and Deflated and YHC completed the 5 mile finale.



  • Adding in the 2 newbies certainly increased the pace as we were low 8 min mile pace
  • Found out Ice9 skates backwards for speedskaters


A Relocated Chiseled

A call was put out Tuesday that Five Stones sites would need to be relocated this week due to a Day Camp there.  (Insert Gif of me balling up the Winkie and throwing it in the trash).  A quick decision to relocate to Cuthbertson (I mean we only use it for 5 workouts a week and multiple convergences, whats one more day).  I struggled with what to do to keep it a gear bootcamp – something different that what is always done at Cutty.  What’s a gear bootcamp you ask?  Well its purposefully using gear to increase strength, while still getting the heart rate up through either running or cardio exercises.

I went to bed last night with a plan to do an Amrap.  I woke up early and decided to throw it out (2nd workout I scrapped for those counting).  Amrap’s have been done at Cuthbertson before.  There isn’t enough rocks spaced out to do a good Amrap.   So what to do….what to do.  I decided to pull my first winkie out of the trash and give it my best go.  It would require some rock running (which I hate), but its a better Chiseled Winkie (more lifting) than the Amrap I had planned.   90’s alternative playlist on…..lets go!




Mosey down the path and grab a rock from the rock pile about 3 lights in.  Circle up for 30 curls (counted on my up just for Posse).  Rocks down.  Go grab another rock from the secondary rock pile closer to the fence/pond.  Run with your second rock down to the double light/sidewalk jut off to softball fields.  Circle up for 30 overhead tricep extensions (on my up).   Rocks down.  Repeat for 2 more rounds: 30 curls, 30 tricep extensions, with a run in between.  Finish once you’ve completed 90 curls and 90 tri’s.  Mary waiting on the 6 (Wrigley led Am Ham’s).

Round 2: 30 chest presses, run, and 10 staggered rock merkins.  Repeat until you’ve completed 90 chest presses and 30 Rock Merkins.  Mary for 6 (LBC’s and Gas Pumpers).

Round 3: 30 Overhead Presses, run, 30 Rows.  Repeat 3 times for 90 and 90.  Mary waiting on the 6 (Dough Boy led big boy sit ups)

Round 4: Partner Up.  Partner 1 Lunge Walks about 20 yards (down sidewalk towards fields) and run backwards back up the hill.  Partner 2 does Sumo Squats (or goblet squats if you prefer your rock in a different location).  Repeat until everyone has completed both 3 times each.

Watch check – running out of time.  Had planed to do Rounds 1-3 (just once, not three times) again back-to-back-to-back as a grand finale.  Oh well.


Sent half the group towards the shed to redistribute rocks (that pile has been looking thin lately) while the other half went back to put there rocks back at the original location.  Meet back up at your other rock to do 30 curls and put that rock up.

Some Pax got a little antsy being that there was only 1 minute left and started taking off to COT.  I called everyone back.  Ricky Bobby time checked me again being ever so concerned that we might be 1 minute late.  “Its cool, I got this.  I’m no Hooch”.  Jailbreak to COT.  Give it all you got.   As I reached COT the watch said 6:45 (since I don’t have a seconds counter, I have no clue how long it had been 6:45….).



  • Thanks for coming out today and still showing up with the change in locations.
  • This was also a SubstiQ as the original Q couldn’t make it.  I look forward to what a month of planning means for his VQ in August.
  • Chastain asked if I had anyone at Five Stones redirecting pax.  I didn’t.  He asked if he should go.  I said no, I made two posts about it.  Everyone knows to come here.  I’m glad he didn’t listen as he picked up Flow.  Thanks for being a leader Chastain and not taking the easy way out.  Add that as an example to your upcoming Site Q School of what to do (you) and not do (me).
  • Also thanks to Chastain, Schneider, and the rest of you that picked up the 6 instead of Marying.  I’m a pick up the 6 guy, but feel I can’t do it while Q’ing.  Thanks for circling back.
  • Cutty Site Q’s, you now have more rocks at the shed pile.  Your welcome.  Now use them.
  • I wasn’t sure if the look on Sledge’s face was a look of determination or just hatred towards me.  Dude pushed hard today through some running.  There were not many breaks for him and he kept at it.
  • Flow with a return to the mix after some time off.  Good work today.
  • High Hat, Rudy, Dough Boy and I were grouped together often today and pushing each other to catch each other (does that read right?).  Good work boys.
  • Wrigley and Ricky Bobby were slightly ahead of me today.  Chastain and Schneider were well out in front.
  • 0-69 still logging those miles and looking slimmer and slimmer for it.  Nice job.
  • Xerox didn’t throw his rock at me after the Rock Merkins so I’ve got that going for me today.  Good work pushing through some not so shoulder friendly exercises today.
  • Loafer with plenty of “Oh Yeah’s” this morning.  My new found barometer for judging a good workout.  Its infectious and I tend to repeat if when I see him…except in a much more midwestern twangy way…. that sometimes slides into a bit of what I could only describe as what I think a midwestern orgasm sounds like.  (haha, sorry I’m laughing as I’m typing it and I hope you go around the rest of the day trying to say “oh yeah” in your head sounding like a midwestern orgasm).



  • F3 Waxhaw Blood Drive.   Then search F3.    July 23rd at Weddingington United Methodist Church.  I really need more donars to sign up.  We have 15 as of this morning.  I need at least 20 to keep the date.  If you plan on donating but haven’t signed up yet….please sign up asap.   If your on the fence about donating: 1) Its free.  2) It helps save up to three lives per donation.  3) They provide free Covid antibody testing.  4) It re-enforces what F3 is all about.  Living Third.  Making our communities better.  Leading by example.  Believing there is something bigger than yourself.
  • Q School: July 25th.  Site Q School July 18th.  There is an event on the News Channel where you can click a link to sign up.
    • If you have Q’ed less than 3 times, please go to Q school.  If you have Q’ed multiple times but still can’t figure out how to count an imperial walker – go to Q School.   If you don’t have back blast posting abilities….go to Q school.  Start EH’ing some new guys to go.
    • If your interested in stepping up to lead more, go to site Q school.  If your a current site Q school but have never been to site Q school….go to site q school.  Start EH’ing some guys you think are ready to lead.  Unfortunately, as much as we preach leadership in F3, most of us won’t step up unless asked (me included).  So lets start asking.
  • 100 for 100 Recliner Raffle.  See Centerfold for tickets.  We are close to reaching the goal.  Need some more pax to step up and buy some tickets.


Watchtower (Virtual) Edition

3 Pax met at Poop Island today for a virtual Watchtower as Smithers flow was heavy bracelet was red and unable to join entire pax.  Plan was to mix in pain stations and running through neighborhood.  Soon after launch Deflated and YHC began to hear the labored breathing and what sounded like a wounded hippo moaning as we moseyed along.  We look to our side and there is Smithers with a look of complete disgust as we just passed by an intersection without stopping to do an exercise.  Normally this pax is like a new pup just floating around waiting to go, but today it looked as though he was completely defeated.  Is it the extra hours he has put in at work, prep work for the new baby along the way, or was he nursing an injury?  Either way, like a heavy anchor we dragged him along and completed the set out goal of 5 miles.

LRC – 6/24

3 Pax ventured out for LRC for run that featured old/new side of Lawson, Cuthberston, and Champion Forest.  Total mileage was 5.00.

LRC – July 1

LRC ventured out for 5 miles on the old side of Lawson.

Reduce, Re-use & Recycle

Reduce the amount of running but keep the heart rates up with called Exercises. The goal of the bootcamp is to push each other to be better fit men and to get heart rates up while getting stronger. We hit just under 1.5 miles today but heart rates were in the zone…

Re-use a previous Weinke because it was just so awesome not to… I re-used a previous Weinke that I recently Q’ed for Clyent Dinner that I thought was a good way to get heart rates up without all the running and could incorporate the PAX in the MASH unit.

Recycle the previous Weinke and make it into something better than before… I tweaked it in a way that would not require any coupons due to limited or no availability of rock piles at the Watchtower AO.

PSA on Recycling: When a post consumer-plastic grocery bag is recycled (YES! they can and do get recycled, contrary to popular belief…), it is turned into another bag but not directly re-usable. It has to be cleaned and then re-melted into pellets. Those pellets are combined with virgin material and on the other end of the process become a different bag so….. Please bring your plastic grocery bags back to your grocery outlet and place them into the designated bin. Your children and your children’s children and their children’s children and etc. will thank you.


Mosey from COT around front of school to bus lot and do 20 X Imperial Walkers then mosey to other side of bus lot for stretching, Calf Stretch L/R, Upward/Downward Dog, Jimmy Doogans C/L/R.


Mosey to teacher’s lot on the upper side and do:

Circuit 1 Circuit 2 Circuit 3
5 X Burp 6C IC J.Lo IC Burpee
10 X Rev Plank Knee Ups Superman LSSq CC
15 X BBSU CC Sskaters MT
20 X Lunge American H. Flutters IC
25 X Dry Dock CC PJ Sec Elbow Pl
Repeat X 2 Repeat X 2 Repeat X 2

Between each set we ran to the other side of the lot and back while the M.A.S.H. unit did various exercises with Coupons. Centerfold will have to fill in the blanks here. A lot of chatter from the PAX, (Mostly Posse), about the difficulty of the exercises and how awful they were and how we should change the order of the MT’s and LSSq. So I obliged (sort of) I added 5 LSSq but no reprieve was given on the 15 MT’s in the 3rd Circuit. Everyone cheered and decried about how happy they were that I added those 5 extra reps…. I had a little trouble counting today and, well, it worked out ok. (Only a few extra reps so not a huge deal)

After we were finished with the circuit, we had about 1:30 left so we took a short mosey around the perimeter of the COT lot and when completed time was up.

Today, we stayed together for the duration. No Clydesdales and no Gazelles. Just a bunch of hardworking men trying to be better. I hope everyone who posted at Watchtower today was pleased with their results. We all worked hard and finished. Way to push yourselves to be better/faster/stronger men!

We had an FNG today – Hospital Name = Jason Reynolds, From Athens, GA originally and is in the Forrestry Industry. Spent a lot of time travelling to South America pre-COVID and now can’t travel due to restrictions. He has a wife and 2 children and has lived in the area for 15 years. Welcome Bunyan! (Yellow-Jacket was a close second…)


My, how we have grown in our little town. In just a little over a year that I have had the pleasure of being a part of this group, many new sites and extended workouts have been introduced and are going strong. If you want to Q a workout in Waxhaw, there are many AO’s and difficulty levels from which to choose.   I always love being asked to Q as it is my pleasure to lead any one of the AO’s in our region. They each have their own degree of “something special”. The common denominator, though, is the group of men we have the pleasure of working out with on a daily basis.


Blood Drive from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Thursday, July 23rd at Weddington UMC at corner of 84 and Providence Rd.. JUST SIGN UP SO FUSEBOX WILL STOP TALKING ABOUT IT ALREADY! (My self included)

Site Q School on Saturday, July 18th at Cuthbertson MS

Q School on Saturday, July 25th at Cuthbertson MS

100 PAX Challenge Raffle – See Centerfold for details and how to get tickets. $10 for 1 ticket, $25 for 3 tickets and etc…

YHC took us out – CTG

Impact Local 5k/10K Preblast!

Impact Local 5K / 10K

We always wondered how many 5K/10K races happen in any given weekend around Charlotte. Before Covid-19; numerous Pax entered and ran these races consistently. And we supported each of the worthy causes these races represented. So why can’t F3 and FIA team up and have our own race; for our chosen cause? Why not run to support something local so we can make an impact? Isn’t what we are about?
On July 18th starting at 0630 to be held at the Bull Ring at Ballantyne Corp. Park, we will do just that.

The plan is that we have no plan! No starting gun, no traffic control, no DJ, no bananas after finishing. What we do have are Pax willing to run (literally and figuratively) and donate to local charities who are hard at work supporting our struggling neighbors.

So starting at 0630, with the only request that pax stagger their start times anywhere from 0630 to 8:00AM so that we remain distanced at the start / finish – we plan to run as fast as our out of race shape legs will allow us (we do have some plans).

At the end, we’ll gather for COT to announce winners (our chosen charities); give thanks to each other and the almighty Sky-Q; and enjoy maybe a little safe distanced fellowship.
Please bring your own hydration, pre and post-race fuel, and after race seating if desired.

Our goal is simple : Bring all 3 of the Fs together in one place. Please be a part of it. The first 100 participants will receive medals!

Here is the link to get involved 👆

Donations can be made using paypal

We are asking for $33.33 use the below email to find the PayPal account


Please sign up. Here’s a suggestion agenda that I will be following:
– 0600 warmup and course preview
– 0630 start the 5K or 10K
– after you finish until 0730 or more, run the route in reverse cheering on the other participants.
– coffeeteria at TBD

Garmin link

Here are the route details for the 5k:
– start on the Bull Ring near entrance at Brixham Hill Ave and run counterclockwise on the loop. First turn is Right down the hill towards a traffic circle. Watch for cars on the course and always run on the Left.
– Overall, the route is a 0.97mi loop back to the start, and each turn is marked with a small cone and chalk arrows. There will be small disc cones confirming the route.
– There will be a Mile 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 mile marker.
– Route has been measured multiple times with GPS and bike wheel sensor.
– Finish for 5k should keep proceeding around Bull Ring to find the 5K finish cone gate (4 cones).

Here are the route details for the 10k:
– follow the 5K details above for each loop, but you will be doing 6 loops total instead of 3.
– There will be a Mile 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 mile marker from the 5K. There will not be Mile 4, 5, or 6 markers, but keep running the same loop 6 times. After you have completed 6 laps, stay on the Bull Ring for Finish.

Finish for 10k should keep proceeding around Bull Ring, pass the 5K finish gate (4 cones), and finish at 10K finish gate (4 cones) course:👇



Your YHCs

Strawberry, Bratwurst and Kirby as well as everyone who is making this happen!