Monthly Archive September 2019

I Shaved My Arms For This

Sleeveless is not a good look for me. Never has been. When I first heard about the new tradition at Bushwood, I secretly hoped it would fade out. But after posting a couple times and seeing the the enthusiasm of the PAX, I knew for my Q what must be done. And then… the workout.

Warm-up: Mosey to the big parking lot for 15 SSH, 15 IW, 10 merkins, 10 low slow squats, all IC.

The Thang: Mosey back to the bottom of the loop to the side of the school. Together and IC: 10 six count one legged burpees, 20 man maker merkins, 10 one legged Carolina Dry Docks, 10 merkins with a 3 second hold at six inches each rep. Between each set, run the loop together for recovery.

Next, mosey out on the trail to the neighborhood. Repeat 4 lunges x 1 burpee for ~25 yards. Mosey for recovery. Squat + broad jumps another 25 yards. Mosey for recovery. Turn around and go back using the same landmarks we had used coming out. Karyoke one way to the speed bump, 20 mountain climbers, karyoke the other way.

Mosey back to the wall of the school for peoples chair. Then use the hill for a backwards bear crawl and repeat peoples chair.

Finish up on the basketball court. Partner up. P1 does Mary, P2 bear crawls up and back, flap jack. Exercises were flutters, pistol crunches, and sit ups. Circle up for PAX choice Mary and some merkins. Mosey back to launch.

Moleskin: It was horribly humid today! A sleeveless golf shirt actually really hit the spot. PAX did a great job pushing through it.

Announcements: Nada

Because Madison Asked.

Cliffs Notes – YHC signed up to Q Sparta because Madison asked. No, he was not there. But 4 other guys and YHC were. We covered 5.2miles without getting hit by a car, and went home.

Thang –

  1. S on Trade, stop at the south wall at the big church. 10 hip slappers on wall (each side), run to the end of the parking lot and back. 3X Total
  2. Keep on heading further down S Trade, take right on Weddington Rd. When you get there, start moving backwards, side shuffle, karaoke, anything but forward running, all the way to the top* which was .75 miles.
  3. At the top, do 10 hand-clap pushups. Mosey to bottom of neighborhood cul-de-sac. AYG sprint up the first hill, and run backwards to Weddington Rd.
  4. Back down long hill, and run north to Goodman Park football field. Then 1) bear crawl 20 paces, run down field, bear crawl 20 paces back, run back to start. Repeat with crab walk (20 paces), alternating plank flips (20 a side), and walking lunges set #1 (20 paces), and walking lunges set #2 (20 paces).
  5. Head back to church, 10 hip slapppers and 5 hand-clap solo pushups x 2 sets
  6. Ayg back to the lot for cot. FINITO!

Moley – Sorry for the late backblast fellas, but hey YHC got it done. Gypsy blinded everyone with his light vest all of the morning. The work for marathon training is paying off. Funky Cold crushed the backwards run uphill, carrying on a full conversation with YHC without raising his heart rate. Wild Turkey also was showing his endurance off from all those 20 mile trail runs. And he didn’t fall once! Christmas looked like a Greek God this morning going #shirtless…. especially, when standing next to YHC and #pandabelly in the gloom.

Announcements – guys, lots of SPEED FOR NEED races coming up, and YHC will really appreciate it if you could come support just one. We’re being asked to do a lot, and it takes a village. Reach out to me @JRRTOLKIENF3 or Gypsy. Upcoming are Isabella Santos 5k and St Jude 5k on 9/28 and Komen the week after.


Out of a Comfort Zone at Ignition

YHC agreed to Q Ignition (for the first time!) a couple months ago when Hollywood told me he would sign up to Q at Dromedary in return. Little did I know the IronPax Challenge would be planned, and would flat wear me and the Pax out on Saturday. After a day of rest/recovery, it was time to plan a Weinke with a 4-mile minimum. It needed to be challenging so here we go…

That Thang:
Take 1 “Pre-Run” lap and route around the entire Campus as a warm-up with various exercises. We did:
•20 x SSH at Transporter’s Shed (more to come on the Shed)
•20 (Very) Low Slow Squats at the circle
•20 Peter Parkers near the Student Driver cars
•20 LBC’s in front of the Middle School

Mosey back to the start and do a Fly-By past the Flash Pax getting ready to launch. To the long pathway for some Suicides, hitting each of the (9) light poles, doing (5) Merkins at each. (We covered ~1.9 miles here). During the Suicides, one Pax (Zinfandel) disappeared into Transporter’s Shed for quite a while. Circle back for the Six…People’s Chair at Transporter’s Shed. Upon completion, another Pax (Gerber) said he would meet up with us in a bit. Now 2 Pax visited the Shed? Rough weekend of drinking for the boys, I guess.

Mosey back to Circle for “Down & Back”:
•Down = 20 Flutter (IC)
•Back = 20 Plank Jacks (IC)
•Down = 15 Flutter (IC)
•Back = 15 Plank Jacks (IC)
•Down = 10 Flutter (IC)
•Back = 10 Plank Jacks (IC)
•Down = 5 Flutter (IC)
•Back = 5 Plank Jacks (IC)

Mosey to the Football Lot for:
Tyson Ladders across Lot, curb to curb. Also do (2) Burpees at each of the (2) lights in the middle of the lot every time you passed them.
7 x Mike Tysons + 4 Burpees
6 x Mike Tysons + 4 Burpees
5 x Mike Tysons + 4 Burpees
4 x Mike Tysons + 4 Burpees
3 x Mike Tysons + 4 Burpees
2 x Mike Tysons + 4 Burpees
1 x Mike Tysons + 4 Burpees

5 minute warning went off and Zin started to panic that we wouldn’t get back to COT in time. Better Hustle! Got back about :30 late but plenty of time for Name-a-Rama!

Besides Bushwood (new site) and Clyent Dinner on Thursday Nights (my date night…can’t do it!), Ignition is the only regular morning workout I have not Q’d until today. It was a bit of a mental grind for me since I don’t love running for an hour more than once per week, which is typically taken at Pursuit (right outside my door in Millbridge). I have done Ignition only twice previously so I need to thank Hollywood for challenging me to get out of my comfort zone and Q.

We covered ~6 miles today and it was not easy, especially the Suicides portion. I appreciate the Pax coming out today to support me and push themselves to start the week. We are blessed to have such great AO’s in Waxhaw, and Cuthbertson is The Mothership (4 separate workouts here/week!). It’s always a privilege to lead and I look forward to another Ignition Q again soon.

Change up

Yes, Deadwood is on Q again… is what some of the pax were thinking as they rolled in or saw it posted on GM. Once this rotation of AO Q’s is complete I plan to simmer on the Qing and let some of you newbies step in and up! Qing is great but lately, it feels a bit repetitive so today I wanted to change that. We did zero webs, not one ladder and we kept it right at 2.5 miles. I hate partner work (Pax can’t count) so I knew that was out. I started looking at the campus on Google and I noticed the tennis courts…BINGO.

As Bread Bowl and Doughboy walked up I ask the half-pint man child if he was ready…”You’re on Q?” “Dads lets go”. Haha. Last week we covered a lot of miles at Watchtower which only about 2% of us enjoyed. Bread Bowl you’re off the hook today.

Quick DiCCS and a pic to follow! Lets mosey

Sloooow mosey to the front of the middle school and back around to the parking lot. I was mid-pack, and Chicken Little and a couple of others took off, I let them know the plan so they were good to go. Running in the middle of the pax allowed me to pick up the 6 and then run back to the steer the front. I got in some killer running!

The Warmup: No weinke today so I may forget a few.

Low Slow Squat IC x 10.. and I counted slow! Legs are still tight from the IPC

SSH IC x 10

IW IC x 10

Merkins IC x 20

Calf Stretch – Flapjack

Wide Merkins – CC x 10

Diamond Merkin CC x 10

6″ Hold

Recover – Let’s mosey

We took off towards transporters shed and I already let the gazelles know were headed to the tennis courts. Still running mid-pack I noticed Chicken Little we moving, I yelled circle back. We picked up the 6 and headed to the courts.

A quick lap around the TC and find a spot on the line.

1st round – Across and back x 2. One side 10 MT the others? No clue but we did something.

2nd round – hit 5 lines total for suicide. One burpee on the return. Slow mosey for one lap and back to the line.

3rd Round – Suicide bear crawl. Run to half court, bear crawl back. Full court, bear crawl when you reach half court back to start x 2. When complete do slow mosey for one lap…back to the line.

4th round – The 5 line suicide again but this time 5 burpees when you return. Slow mosey for one lap. Back to the line

5th round – Hald court suicide – 50 LBC at middle and 100 AM at the end…SMOKER. Slow mosey for one lap.

6th and final round. Full 5 line suicide on the final back AYG! mosey back towards Transporters Shed.

Time for one more suicide. To the paved trail on the right and back. 20 Dry Docks. then run all the way back for COT. Myself Chicken Little and a couple of others got to the Dry Dock quicker than most. I handed out more DD for the gazelles. We did DD until the 6 was in and they picked up the cadence and we were off.

Back to COT with 2.5 mins remaining… Circle up! Speed Skaters until 6:15!! Done!!

The Moleskine:

Great job guys! The goal was to get the heart rate up and back down and continue this the entire workout. I rarely will call a 10 count..I think I have maybe twice but after Qing the convergence with Foundation I realize that the 10 count is actually a very important part of recovery for some Pax. I think I called 4 today! Bread bowl give me 10, Sprinkles 10, Chainsaw 10, Old McDonald 10… Wow, Who am I???? What happened to Deadwood? It was weird.

I have to make a big shout out to Bread Bowl and Shake n Bake. Although Bread Bowl was the six on the moseys to and from the TC he pushed his self very hard on the court. Each lap he ran with me or past me. Little man can handle short distances. He is the pax that needs a 10 count. It allowed him time to catch his breath and push hard for another round. Made me feel pretty good.

Shake, you are the most encouraging Pax I know. When I first started we preran a lot, I think the first time you pushed me so hard I spilled Merlot and the pax then had to run right over the pile… gross. We trade the push. On days you struggle I’m right there to give you what you need to continue on. You see potential in pax and know that with a little push here and there they will grow, get faster and at the same time build confidence.

Today that we Bread Bowl. The mosey from Transporters shed back to COT whooped him. I circled back with you and witnessed you talking it up and encouraging him the whole way! Without that, we would have 100% stopped and started walking. You told him 50 times..Just keep those feet moving, while you had one hand on his back for the literal push! It worked, he moseyed all the way back and didn’t stop. Well done my friend

Its guys like Shake n Bake that me proud to be a part of this group. All pax push hard, but when I see a pax encouraging to that level I notice it.

Find a guy during a workout that is struggling..Slow down and stick with him, encourage him. Your already fast and one slower workout won’t kill you. I guarantee an FNG that is encouraged and not just left behind praying he can keep up, will return. And eventually, hopefully, he will pay it forward and keep the encouragement going for the next FNG or pax that is struggling.

The workout today was for all speeds. Gazelles could push the limits on the suicides and Clydesdales didn’t feel abandoned and had time to recover. I liked it. If I want to push hard and run more Ill hit another AO or the trail. I will keep the workouts hard but will keep the 6 in mind! YW!


Tubbing this Sunday (9/15) @ Pump House – See Doughboy for details

Prayers for Boitano

Bread Bowl is working towards the Octopax Challenge…No beer Bread Bowl! Complete the challenge within 2 months and Ill personally make sure its worth it! You got this!!

Thanks, GF for taking us out!

You, Me, Staring Contest now!

15 PAX showed up on time at Asylum for what Will Farrell Robert Goulet would call a good ole fashioned staring contest.


  • DCCS whipped out in the middle of the parking lot
  • Mosey to parking lot
  • SSH x 20
  • IW x 10
  • Merkins x 10
  • MC x 10
  • LSS x 10


  • A twist on 4 Corners
    • 40 Merkins & Sprint 4 corners (ie back to start)
      • Plank waiting for 6
    • 30 Merkins & Sprint 3 corners
    • 20 Merkins & Sprint 2 corners
    • 10 Merkins & Sprint 1 corner twice
  • Repeat with Low Slow Squats
    • Must touch fingers to back of heels
    • To ensure back not bending over, must have a staring contest with a partner . . . Damascus’ stare involved some winks
  • Parking space lateral plank walk
    • 10 Merkins on right side of parking space
    • Plank walk to left side of parking space
    • 8 Merkins and Plank walk to right side
    • Continue with 6, 4, 2
    • Repeat with LSS w/heel touch and side broad jump
  • Mosey to Hickory Tavern half wall and Partner up
    • P1 runs around entire building (ie Brooklyn Pizza)
    • P2 does Derkins and Box Jumps
    • 400 Cumulative count (if chest is gassed, switch to Box Jumps, and vice versa . . . Just don’t stop doing an exercises)


  • The buck won, it always does!
  • Swimmers got rudely gently called out encouraged during the staring contest to get a partner vs. staring at the ground on his squats (IronPaxFormPoliceSeason)
  • It was great to have Transporter there for half the workout (Staring contest with bathroom stall hook)
  • The early start time apparently needs to be communicated a bit more as we left the lot with 10 and came back with 15 . . . #BetterJinglesThanNever (that long commute gets Loafer every time)
  • Great push by Green Hornet . . . The man was ready to call 911 on himself
  • Much Respect to Smokey and Blue Screen . . . Both were upfront all morning
  • We thought CPR might be needed when one PAX was thought to be having a seizure but quickly realized it was Frack doing Derkins
  • Chastain and Ackbar are sneaky fast . . . Way to push!
  • Awesome to see Glidah and Catfish posting consistently . . . They are challenging Big Tuna and Chipotle for “Couple of the year”


  • HOPE CHALLENGE: Kudos to Transporter for sharing this morning . . . Powerful stuff
  • DIESEL: New 0.0 workout starting soon. Fridays at Five Stones. Chastain and Brutus are Site Qs. Very friendly for FNGs, Kotters, and MASH (Pax that are nursing injuries)


Pardon me, I wonder if you can tell me how to get back on the expressway?

Pax: Gummy (Q), Smash, Hannibal, Thunder Road, Marvel, Sardine, Snowflake, Clover, Blades of Glory, Fireman Ed, Snuka, Mr. Magoo

I covered for Pro who is bad at planning and had to cancel. I guess he booked the flight on Sunday and didn’t have any advance warning that he’d miss his upcoming Q. Anyway, it was good to get a little pre-game witty banter with Semi Gloss and the DMZ crowd. We even heard from Kirk (on Twitter, not at a workout- don’t be silly), who I thought had moved out-of-state.

Speaking of moving, we recently moved a couple of miles north on Providence to Lansdowne, and I haven’t made a good adjustment to my departure times. I rolled in at 5:29:55, jumped out of the car and yelled for the guys to follow me. Jello and Hopper went for a walk around Raintree instead.

We did some stuff. 100 AYG, 200 AYG, 400 AYG with some rest in between. We scattered a descending burpee ladder throughout the workout – sneaky way to get in a fair amount of burpees. There were jump ups, some Mary, and classic time-killing sprints at the end.

Other notes:
– BOG failed to wear his Olympic medal again.
– I felt really good when Snuka said, “isn’t this supposed to be moderate?”. Success. That dude is fast.
– Because I got there late, I didn’t see who was there, then we immediately went down to the really dark track. So I didn’t know who was there until about halfway through? Is that Fireman Ed?
– If you haven’t done BRR yet, do it. You can handle it. It’s the best way to get to know guys beyond the 45 minutes of heavy breathing at a workout.

Many Miles. Much Pain.

AYE. For those of us who didn’t waste away our bodies, minds, souls and spirits on the BRR this weekend, we gathered on a fine and crisp Monday morning for the weekly Matrix beatdown. Here’s more or less what transpired.

Mosey down to the lower parting lot for a warmup
Imperial Walker x 20, SSH x 25, Plank while receiving instructions

Home base is the island on the side of the parking lot nearest the entrance
Perform exercise to specified count, run a lap around the parking lot
Repeat 5x for each exercise, then move on

10 Burpees
10 Pull-ups at the playground (long loop)
20 Exploding Merkins
30 Jump Squats

Yup, that was it. Total counts:
50 Burpees
50 Pull-ups
100 Exploding Merkins
150 Jump Squats
And a whopping 3.9 miles
Workout ended with just 2 minutes to spare, so we planked

1. Strong crew this morning as everyone (yes, everyone) got in nearly the full set and the gap between leader and 6 was fairly narrow, never more than 2 rounds.
2. Zero chatter this morning. I mean, zero. Like, nada. The 2nd F was nowhere to be found this morning, but the 1st F was in full force.
3. I looked at my heart rate graph and it basically stayed at 165-170 for the entirety of the workout. It was not fun.
4. Da Squids rocked perfect form, as usual.
5. Tulip was flying, as usual.
6. O’Tannenbaum rolled up late, as usual.
7. Way was quite jovial, as usual.
8. Cage challenged my count, which was weird.
9. Other than that, all was right in the world.
10. Except…WHERE WAS POPTART????

#horseneck OUT

Each did what was right in his own eyes

11 pax, too wiley to run in the BRR, set out to honor those who did. Haha…nah, just kidding…they celebrated their well rested bodies by beating them down with individualized versions of The Murph.


The Murph

  • 1 mile run around the parking lot
  • 100 pull-ups (modify, as desired, with supine rows)
  • 200 push-ups (no modifications noted)
  • 300 squats (varying depth observed)
  • about halfway through, 5 minutes of Mary was called (pax choice)
  • 1 mile run around the parking lot (choose your own route)

Whole Lotta Mary – about 5 minutes of pax choice to run out the clock


Announcements – see Geraldo to sign up to Q (or you’ll be volun-told)


No BRR-level running nor kettlebells were promised. The Murph was delivered. I think that’s fair. Though it wasn’t easy, we are now swole (and likely sore for a day or two).

Pro came in on two wheels, just as we were began our opening run, but his leg wheels soon caught up to us.

Once at the kitty litter, er, playground, pax were given the open to break up the reps into sets as it suited them (e.g. 10 sets of 10, 20, 30 or 20 sets of 5, 10, 15 or whatever – even straight sets, if that’s what suits you). Some may have skipped freshman (high school) match, with sets of 5, 20, 20. (What?? #farmersausage) Not sure how that added up, but eh, I’m cool with that.

That’s about it.

Thanks for following me around today. Woulda sucked to do this solo. Or to run BRR.


Can you see the Whites of their Eyes?

35 PAX took to the windy back path at the only best Friday AO in Waxhaw for a workout stolen from a recent Nashville trip. A few PAX were trying to avoid my Q get in their #IronPaxChallenge since they will miss tomorrow’s official Waxhaw IPC group outing.


Hope Challenge: I completely forgot about discussing this challenge this morning. Bottom-line, there are a lot of guys in our group who are or who have struggled with different issues (ie drinking, lust, porn, gambling, food, etc.). The challenge is to bring these issues into the light. Don’t hide them. Either you can share hope that you have overcome a particular issue or you can ask for #ShieldLock with another F3 Brother who is struggling to hold each other accountable.


After Monday’s Launch-Vergence, YHC anticipated a larger crowd so it was great to see some of the Kotters/FNGs come back out. The weinke was short as my wife could have told you but built for pleasure to keep the entire PAX together.

  • 0528: 2 minute warning
  • 0529: 1 minute warning and DCCS laid out for everybody to see hear (?)
  • 0529 and 45 seconds: Goodfella and Posse try and derail the start by having a riveting discussion about IronPaxChallenge rules
  • 0530 and 0 seconds: Enter Sandman starts blasting on the boom box and we are off


  • Mosey halfway down path
  • SSH x 20
  • Imperial Squakers x 10
  • Merkins x 5
  • MC x 10
  • 6″ Plank Jacks x 10


  • Grab a LIFTING rock
    • YHC gave a thorough disclaimer that we would NOT be running with these rocks . . . I encourage all Qs to do the same . . . #Don’tTrickThePAX
  • How the escalator works:
    • Do the round of exercises and sprint a lap (down the path several light poles, increasing distance with each round)
    • Once the PAX could see the WHITES OF THE EYES of the front runners, they should turn and run back to the rocks
  • The Rounds
    • 10 Merkins
    • 10 Curl to Press, 20 Merkins
    • 10 Rock Squats, 20 Curl to Press, 30 Merkins
    • 10 Box Cutters, 20 Rock Squats, 30 Curl to Press, 40 Merkins
    • 10 Burpees, 20 Box Cutters, 30 Rock Squats, 40 Curl to Press, 50 Merkins
    • 10 Box Cutters, 20 Rock Squats, 30 Curl to Press, 40 Merkins
    • 10 Rock Squats, 20 Curl to Press, 30 Merkins
    • 10 Curl to Press, 20 Merkins
    • 10 Diamond Rock Merkins
  • Rocks back and sprint to T in path for Plank-O-Rama
    • Right arm/leg high
    • J-Lo’s
    • Sprint halfway back and mosey to COT


  • This is usually the section I try and write something about each of the PAX but it’s Friday afternoon and beers are calling my name. However, there were a few callouts I want to mention but if you aren’t mentioned, please be sure to be offended
  • Trunk: Great to see you post again after being an FNG Monday. Nice job pushing hard today. Looking forward to you joining us more often
  • HazMat: He was toying around with attending Cerberus and Impromptu so hopefully you weren’t too upset with your choice. If you like to run, I might suggest Ignition on Mondays at 0515 at Cuthbertson (min. 4+ miles). Also, I would avoid anything Q’d by Deadwood as he usually only does arms (hence the no shirt pictures)
  • Rabies: The dude was crushing it today. Up at the front every time I looked up. Great to have you out again.
  • Softee: Nice job pushing today. Great to have you back out again.
  • Show Girl: A couple weeks back in the fold and I can already see a difference. Your energy level in the GroupMe Playhouse is very noticeable.
  • IronPAX Challenge crew: Nice work interrupting my weinke by pushing yourselves to complete something completely horrible. You could have taken the easy way out and said “I’m out of town, oh well.” And kudos to Goodfella for being the proctor to keep these guys from cheating in line. #SelflessMove
  • Easy Button: You hurt bro? Or you have too many beers last night watching your fantasy football team start off bad? #FrontOfThePackWasMissingYou
  • Ackbar and High Hat: Impressive pushes today. I could see the effort on your faces. Well done!
  • Sprinkles: CRUSHED it! You led the whole day. Very impressive. Keep it up. You are making us old men better.
  • DID YOU NOTICE? For those who didn’t get to run much, the workout was likely more difficult cuz you didn’t have any recovery time (which was the run). The plan was to keep the PAX together today via the “Whites of their eyes” turnaround. I would recommend to push through the exercises in these type of workouts as fast as you can (with good form obviously). Don’t take breaks unless you really need them. Just switch to a different exercise (ex. if Merkins have smoked your arms, switch to squats, etc.). Jog back all the way to your rock/station, don’t stand around, just GET AFTER IT!
  • Good push today!


  • New 0.0 Gear Workout: Kudos to Chastain and Brutus for exploring this new workout. More details to come but they are looking to do it on Fridays. Very FNG, Kotters, and MASH (injured) friendly. If you have questions or suggestions, please reach out to them.
  • Leadership: On the heels of the Launch-Vergence, we want to challenge everybody in our group to step up in a different way. Could be within F3 (ie leading a workout, helping plan a Happy Hour, organizing a service project, etc.) or just within the community (ie helping out at your kid’s school). F3 Waxhaw is an Organization OF Leaders . . . Not just WITH leaders. Each of us are called to lead. Where do you intend to step up and get out of your comfort zone? I’ll promise you that if you try something, you will have somebody follow you from this group.

Have a great weekend! See you at IronPaxChallenge. Saturday at Commitment 0630-0730 at Nesbit Park (behind Kensington Elementary).

3/4 of a Runstopper Special

A dirty dozen forsook the muggy, mountainous slog that is BRR and posted at Centurion instead. They may have dodged the miles, but not the suck.

The Thang

Mosey over to Tartarus for a warm-up climb. COP at top:

SSH x 15

Mountain Climber x 15

Peter Parker x 15

Parker Peter x 15

Low Slow Squats x 15

All IC.

Down the stairs and over to the bottom of the ramp for a merkin ladder. Up the ramps, stopping for merkins at each segment on the trip up. Start at 20, decrease by 1 each segment all the way down to 1. Take the stairs down – we don’t run downhill around here.

Gather up for some mary while the 6 comes in, then grab some wall. Runstopper looked so excited getting into his perfectly parallel wall sit that I couldn’t resist letting him take the reigns. The Runstopper Special spiraled out of control from there and YHC had to unceremoniously jerk them back after 75 overhead presses.

Mosey over to the smoothest parking lot in South Charlotte for a triple nickel up the lot. 5 burpees at the top, 5 jump squats at the bottom x 5 trips. Catch a little more mary, then bear crawl out of the lot.

Back on campus to grab a bench to finish out the work:

Dips x 12

Derkins x 12

Step-ups x 12 each leg

Repeat-o, decreasing reps to 9, 6, and 3.



Thanks to Margo for the opportunity. Always a good time at Centurion. Glad he gave me the option of this week over last week when I had pulled into my driveway from the Clemson-Ga Tech game at 3:45am. Really wanted to get over to Palentine, but after the ladder it did not seem prudent to attempt such a trip. Maybe next time. Lot of Respects in the crowd today, and several of them setting the pace. Impressive. Glad to have Ben Gay up from Greenwood – thanks for seeking us out brother. Chelms chattering away as usual, but all you have to do is check out his form to get him back out of your head.


  • Chelms is serving at Revolution tomorrow and most Saturdays. Reach out to him for details to get involved.
  • Champagne and Strawberry are starting a new 3rd F during HDHH…be on the lookout for details. One question, a couple beers, as many bad answers as you can bring.
  • Strawberry has a standing commitment for F3 for COTS…1st Sunday of every month. Great opportunity to serve with your 2.0’s.