Get your grind on, VQ-style

  • When:07/26/2017
  • QIC: Mindcrime
  • The PAX: e-Harmony, Hair Band, Drop Thrill, Shake N Bake, Jabberwokky, Glass Joe, Arsenal, Mindcrime

Get your grind on, VQ-style

8 PAX for YHC’s VQ at #F3Conviction.

The grumblechatter and mumblechatter really warmed YHC’s heart and made him feel like he was getting the job done–thanks HIM’s!

As only a virgin can do—I fumbled my way through the disclaimer and immediately wondered “am I ready for this?” Only way to find out is to GO FOR IT! The QDRENALINE was pumping and we hit the ground running for a solid Hair Band mile around the parking lot, then circled up for COP.

SSH IC x20
IW IC x20
Arm Circles: front and back x10 each way
Abe Vigoda x10

The Thang
Mosey to the back parking lot and partner up Now for a little game of footsey — Begin the grind: Everyone starts in the middle of the lot, partners lock feet together, each does WWII sit-ups x20. Then partners run to opposite ends of lot and do Merkins x10. Repeat x10. Enter the grumblechatter and mumblechatter. 20 sit-ups? they say… Repeat 10 times? they say… Touch feet? they say… YHC questions his Weinke. Is it too hard? Is it too long? NO! YHC reminds himself… it’s just right!

Things start well but at round 4 the PAX is feeling the anger rise. YHC calls an audible: After round 5, switch to LBC’s. The mumblechatterers declare that many got a head start on that after round 2. Being YHC’s VQ, timing is hard to guage—another audible is called: Due to timing—stop after 7 rounds. This seems to bring joy to the PAX. Mosey to the end of the lot where the basketball goals are located. An impromptu biology lesson had to be given to an unmentioned PAX (you know who you are)—yes, starfish have 5 arms and a mouth in the center.

Starfish: Angle Grinders x 10 (middle) Squats x15 (arm 1) Bombjacks x 10 (arm 2) LBC’s x 20 (arm 3) Peter Parkers x10 (arm 4) Burpees x 5 (arm 5) YHC was slower than the PAX and let his VQ inexperience show by not giving instructions for those who finish first. Thankfully, Glass Joe stepped up for a classy Q-Jack of plank maneuvers.

Mosey to the playground Head to the picnic tables for 5 rounds of: Squats x15 (making sure your 6 touches the bench) Dips x 20 Mosey to the front lot, back to the start for

Flutters IC x20
Rosalita IC x20
Back Scratchers IC x25
Superman 30 seconds

Drop Thrill takes us out

Moleskin —

This was a great day for YHC! YHC has been dreading his VQ since his first post 4 months ago. A lot of self-doubt has been overcome in these 4 months, but there was still that question “can I do it?” —Pulling up to the AO, YHC saw his fellow PAX and a special appearance from Drop Thrill, a PAX who lives in Fort Mill and drove a long way to give YHC some support. What a guy! Amazing! Thank you! Also, YHC was grateful to see the HIM who EH’d him to joining the F3nation, Hair Band. Thank YOU, HB—myself and my family are reaping great things! —Despite the fumblings and perhaps over-ambitions of an eager YHC on his VQ, the PAX seemed to enjoy their “maderate” beatdown and certainly got their money’s worth. —Thanks for letting me lead!

Posted on behalf of Mindcrime

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Hair Band useradmin

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