Runner’s Jealousy

  • When:04/08/17
  • QIC: Hoover
  • The PAX: Flo-Rida (Respect), Brown, Ickey Shuffle, Stone Cold, Prohibition

Runner’s Jealousy

6 muscled pax met under a cotton candy sky and lifted heavy objects while another workout ran in circles watching us.

The Thang:

@ 7 AM YHC planted the shovel flag and disclaimer was delivered.  Prohibition was our rookie in the weight department, don’t worry bro we got your back.  Onto the menu:

SSH x 20, Merkins x 15, Quick lap thriugh the parking lot.  Pax partnered up ad set to work on our stations for 3 sets of 10 exercises.

Deadlift, kettle-bell butterfly, power clean and press, landmine squats, bicep curl and tricep extension superset.  Battle ropes were thrown into the mix but no one was interested in that low weight.

After all pax completed all exercises, there was a slow migration to an open area and played catch with a 35 pound slam ball.  one rule: if you dropped the slam ball everyone did 5 merkins.

Finally, pax did some weighted mary with the leuganis (sp) and plate lean.


It was nice to get back to our summer of lifting although it was colder than expected.  YHC wore long sleeves and gloves for the first half of the workout.  This goes against High-T standards, because our guns need all the exposure to the air they can get.  (No you understand why Brown wears sleeveless shirts).  Also a great chance to work that second F into the morning since we weren’t running extreme distances.  Keeping the pax close helps fuel the conversation.

We had some drive-by runners from our friends at Rock-Zero.  Comments ensued about noodle arms.

T-Claps to Prohibition for ditching the run and posting up at High-T.  Hope to see you again.

Metro had representation with Rev. Flor-Rida.  He offered to bring lunch trays, bricks, a blow torch, and a hot air balloon next week.  If we can mount it on an Olympic bar then it will get lifted.


Spartan Races this weekend, good luck to all the F3 pax.

Pittsburgh is coming (not Pittsboro).  Ben Rothelisberger will be an FNG.  Keep Stone Cold and Barracus in your thoughts for a safe journey.  Thanks to Flo-Rida for the takeout.

About the author

Hoover author

Commonly mistaken for sasquatch

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