It warmed my heart to see Becky back off IR after ACL surgery. Way to go my brother! It also warmed my heart that is was 52 degrees this morning! A nice break from the cold.
30 X SSH
30 X imperial walkers
20 X windmills
30 X squats
The Thang:
Mosey to the track
Set: x 5
Run 2 laps
Straddle the trailer ramp
Lunge until the stairs. Run back around to the track.
20 LBC’s
Plank it out.
Trail run.
A few yoga poses. Back out to the parking lot.
7 minutes of Mary:
Pulse crunches-1 min
Freddie mercury-1 min
Toe taps-1 min
Jackknife crunch-1 min
Reverse crunch-1 min
Left side oblique-1min
Right side oblique-1 min
The Moleskin:
Awesome weather this morning! Great to have new comer to the Valley, Gravedancer. Welcome back Becky! Even after surgery your still faster than most of us!
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