Monthly Archive October 2016

Focus On (Someone Else’s) Form

The first quasi-chill of the season greeted five PAX this morning at Anvil.  A smaller than expected crowd was present for the morning’s events meaning either not many saw YHC’s tweet about continuing #BurpeeFreeOctober or there are some sick individuals among us who seek out burpees.  No matter, the watch found the satellite connection and we were off.  First we ran to the AstroTurf pavilion for COP:


10 Merkins IC

20 Plank Jacks IC

10 Wide Arm Merkins IC

20 Mountain Climbers IC

10 Carolina Dry Docks IC

20 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Diamond Merkins IC

We attempted to explain each exercise to our FNG, Depth Charge, as we went, but nobody really had a good justification for the Imperial Walker beyond “it’s just something that we do”.  Next we ran to the hot box for some more upper body work.

20 Dips, 20 Decline Merkins, 20 Incline Merkins, run a lap around the light pole and back.

15 Dips, 15 Decline Merkins, 15 Incline Merkins, take a lap.

10 Dips, 10 Decline Merkins, 10 Incline Merkins, take a lap.

5 Dips, 5 Decline Merkins, 5 Incline Merkins, take a lap.  “Way to mix it up Ickey” said Lobstah Roll.

10 Dips, 10 Decline Merkins, 10 Incline Merkins, take a lap.

15 Dips, 15 Decline Merkins, 15 Incline Merkins, take a lap.

20 Dips, 20 Decline Merkins, 20 Incline Merkins, forgo the lap.

Run to the Avenue of Trees and gather at one end.  Sprint to the other end then jog  back, stopping at every tree along the way for 10 squats.  Repeat and do 10 LBCs on the way back.  Repeat and do 10 Flutters on the way back.  YHC attempted to demonstrate the flutter to our FNG, where Hannibal was nice enough to allow my to finish before chiming in with “except keep your legs straight”.  Hannibal was the war daddy today.  #Old.  Repeat with Russian Twists on the jog back.  “Hannibal I’m thinking about puking” said YHC.  Lest we forget, Hannibal was the war daddy today.

Run to rock pile and select a big, heavy, proud, manly rock.  Time was running short so we only had time for 3 rounds of 5 straight leg deadlifts on the left side, 5 straight leg deadlifts on the right side, 5 curls, 5 triceps extensions, and 5 presses.

Run back to the launch lot for a bit of Mary including dollies, sit ups, heels to heaven, etc.  During the heels to heaven this morning’s war daddy reminded the PAX to “get your butt up” which prompted Udder to immediately break wind.  Sage advice indeed.

Welcome to Depth Charge, a software engineer from Indiana who is new to Charlotte and found us via an unidentified media source.  We briefly considered Mellencamp as an F3 name, which in hindsight should’ve led us to a little ditty where we named him Diane.  Chalk that miss up to an early hour, a hopefully strenuous workout, and a small group.  Sign up for the Christmas party and the Joe Davis run.  Hannibal was the war daddy today.

3 Chilly Miles of Enjoyment

On a chilly Wednesday morning, 13 PAX made the journey to Death Valley to get their day started right.  Although there were some new faces to me, apparently no FNG’s so a vague disclaimer was given and we got started on what would be a solid 45 minutes of pure enjoyment.

The Thang:

Mosey to the opposite end of the parking lot and circle up

  • Seal Jacks X 20
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Monkey Humpers X 20
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Mountain Climber X 20
  • 5 Burpees OYO

Head down Strawberry Lane and right on 51 up to the soccer field/business park at the C/O of 51 and Raintree (a little over 3/4 of a mile).  Partner up in the parking lot of the oddly located business complex.

  • Partner 1 runs up the stairs to the top and across to the other side and back down the stairs while partner 2 does a named exercise and flap jack.  4 Rounds:
    • Round #1 – Spider Man Merkin
    • Round #2 – Plank Jack
    • Round #3 – Bear Crawl
    • Round #4 – Diamond Merkins

Mosey to the small parking lot at the soccer fields for some quick Mary:

  • American Hammer X 20
  • Flutter X 20
  • LBC X 20

Head into the soccer area for additional partner work:

Partner 1 runs the length of the field while Partner 2 does a named exercise on the benches (flap jack)

  • Dips
  • Skull crushers
  • Derkins

Mosey back to AO for 2 sets of suicides between the 4 basketball goals.

That’s a wrap.

The Skin:

Got tapped by Semi Gloss yesterday asking if I could Q this morning.  Truth be told, the timing wasn’t ideal for me but Gloss was putting some rhetoric out there about a bad knee or something so I told him that I would do it but didn’t promise a ton of originality.  My goal was to get off campus as those usually seem to be workouts that sit well with the PAX.  I also wanted to try and incorporate some exercises that I haven’t seen in a while during a post and they were met with mixed reactions…and some giggling.  With the weather cooling off its always hard to know how many people are going to show up.  I was glad to see that 13 made it out of the sack on the 42 degree morning.  Spackler has deemed it beanie season and Bubbly had an entire sweatsuit on.  Gloss looked like the Unabomber with some discreet solid black sweatshirt zipped up to his forehead and the hood up.

The COP started with the Seal Jack (basically a jumping jack but your hands in front of you as opposed to overhead).  I heard giggling, saw some people looking at others trying to figure out what was going on and even someone say “this takes a lot of coordination”.  It really doesn’t.  I tossed in the burpees just to see what Spacker would modify to.  He modified to standing there.  Nice job.  Skull crushers were not as well known to the PAX as I thought they would be.  Same goes for the Spider Man push up.

With some new faces in the crowd I started second guessing my plan to run down to the park area on Raintree but decided to roll the dice.  Everyone pushed hard.  Ringer and Dollywood had the lead the entire time.  But in all honesty, they do have the fountain of youth on their side.  Bubbly was crushing it and Jello fought through it and finished solid.  Nice work, man.  Keep it up.  It only gets easier.  Great to see Strawberry out there.  He fessed up that he hasn’t a good attendance record for the past month and blamed it on a case of the sniffles and overall laziness.  We’ve all been there, Strawberry.  I’m glad to see you took care of your leaky beak.  Dumpster Fire continues to crush this workout and glad to see you becoming a regular.  Great to see the Hydra site Q’s out there.  Puddin’ did confirm that he only wears long sleaves when the temperature dips into the low 30’s.  Bug and Deep Dish put out there usual strong performance.

By my count, we covered 3.1 miles, took approximately 5600 steps, and burned 430 calories.  The  goal was to incorporate some running, stairs, and hit the major body parts.  I hope you boys felt it was worth your time.

I see that Dolly has left me off the upcoming Q schedule.  Not sure if that is a reflection of my recent Q’s he has attended or just an oversight.  Time will tell I guess.


  • Register for the holiday party
  • Joe Davis run
  • New AO opening in Pineville on November 14th.  Boot camp style.  I believe the location was the Pineville Police Department parking lot (Dumpster Fire has additional details).

I’m making a face, but it’s not a Cow Face

Nine men of iron met in the ‘Nest to work out some of the kinks brought on by the Skunk and various other F3 sharpening activities. With disclosure given, it was time to “jump” into things. Which is just what we did, after a brief devo about a lifestyle of Forgiveness.

Savasana w/Devotion: Ephesians 4:31-32

The Main Thang:
TABLE TOP: Cat/Cow (5 Breaths) -> RIGHT leg straight then to left on toes and bend to left to look at right foot (5B) -> Cat/Cow (3B) -> LEFT leg straight then to right on tows and bend to look at left foot (5B)-> Cat/Cow (2B)
Plank -> Up Dog -> Down Dog (Walk the dog) -> Half-way Lift -> Forward Fold -> (i.e. Sun Salutations) once slowly with Q, then 2X OYO – follow breath, meet in Mountain

Step back to middle of mat and take a seat for HIP STRETCHING.
Put right let out, bend the left leg and draw it in toward your chest. Hold the knee and foot and press them together, or if you have the flexibility, cradle the upper leg with the knee and foot in the crook of your elbows and interlace your fingers. Then work into the hip joint by moving your bent leg slowly from side to side. Take time to move your hip through its full range of motion. 10 Breaths. Slowly release the left foot and straighten the left leg, draw the right in and repeato for 10B.
Switch to Plank -> Sun Salutations OYO 2X, stop at Plank 2nd time through and meet in Table Top. Push back to come to seated position for another HIP OPENER.
Put LEFT knee on right thigh and tuck right ankle under so shins are aligned (or as close as possible). Let gravity draw the knees down. If you can/want to increase the hip opening, lean forward and try to place hands in front on the ground. Keep weight even on both sit bones. Hold for 10 breaths. Flapjack and hold for 10B. DON’T RELEASE, but instead try to roll forward so you come to Table Top. -> Plank.
Sun Salutation all the way through OYO, stopping in Plank after 2nd time. Then meet in Table Top. Push back to seated.

IT Band Flow
Right leg over left leg with knees as close to stacked as possible and feet near hips. Spine tall, shoulders relaxed. Settle into this pose for 5 breaths. (This is sort of “Cow Face” for those keeping score at home.)
Twist to the right and draw up your right knee to your chest with right foot flat on the floor, left foot tucked next to right thigh. Right hand behind you. Let your shoulders and back do more twisting than your neck. Hold 5 breaths.
Rotate to left and place hands flat as you move into lunge with right hand on the INSIDE of right foot. Left hand in line with Right hand and Right foot. Left leg back and straight with toes on the ground. Goal is straight line from left ankle to head, gaze down in front of hands, right thigh part of the line formed by left leg/spine.
Hold for 5 breaths.
Walk hands to the left as you straighten right leg for wide-legged forward fold.
Hold for 5 breaths.
If your hands aren’t already flat on the ground, walk the out until they are, then twist left hand high. Try to twist shoulders enough to have left arm directly over right arm, which is on the ground.
Hold for 5 breaths. Flapjack and hold 5B.
Walk hands to the left and straighten right leg to get into lunge with left hand on inside of left foot. Straight leg/spine. Hold 5B.
Transition back to seated with LEFT leg on top. Twist to the left with same attention to feet, legs, back, shoulders and first twist. Hold for 5 breaths.
Gently move back to seated, uncross legs and come to Plank.

Sun Salutation 3X OYO. Stop in Plank after 3rd time and meet in Table Top.

Toe stretch: Place feet with toes on ground and push back to bring weight to bear on the toes as you either sit fully on your toes (i.e. Catcher) or keep some weight in your hands to soften the stretch. Take 10 breaths to relax into this pose, letting the tension go from your feet. Come back down to knees and hands and pick up toes and take a breath to flex them.

Crescent Moon: Push back into kneeling position. Step with RIGHT foot forward with knee bent so right thigh is parallel to floor. Stretch left leg back with knee and shin and top of foot on the mat. Hands on right knee, extend stretch deeper, keeping right knee over ankle. Raise both arms above head stretching all the way through to the finger tips. Lift the chest. Lengthen tailbone down toward floor and increase stretch on front left thigh. Let hips drop. Curve spine in the middle and gracefully extend arms overhead and back a bit as you press chest forward and up. Palms face each other. Gaze up to sky. Hold for 5 breaths before bringing hands down to floor, come back to Table Top and switch sides. Hold 5 breaths

Back to Table Top. Then Plank. Sun Salutation 3X OYO.
REPEATO Crescent Moon R/L for 5B each side

Lower down to sitting, bring soles of feet together and make back straight from bottom of spine to top of neck. Lean forward and grab feet with hands, and use arms to pull legs toward body and bend at hips, keeping back straight. 10 breaths.
Hug RIGHT knee while left leg straight 5B, then flapjack 5B. -> Extended Child’s Pose to ease lower back tightness. 10 Breaths -> up to Table Top ->

Toe stretch

Actually didn’t have time for COT.
Or announcements.

Since we lost several PAX at the 6:15 point, and since YHC is not able/willing to roll his reveille back another 15 minutes, High Tide and I decided the 60-minute format will go on the shelf as a “tried that, didn’t adopt it” idea. We’ll continue to start at 0530 and end at 0615. We’ll just be sure to take time for the stretching to sink in during the 45 minutes we have. For those wanting to do more (like a certain seagull manager who shall remain nameless), there are plenty of other options, like pre-stretching (instead of pre-KB/pre-run), supplementing with OYO at home, or launching another flex workout.

We’re continuing to fine tune Gumby, so please feel free to offer input, well only if you actually post there more than once. Music is an ongoing opportunity, so no need to bring that up. Also, the latte machine will be back online next week.

Oh, and yes, after consulting with the proper authority, YHC can confirm that sun salutation does technically count as a modified burpie. Not sure who asked, but I hope that’s the answer you wanted. If not, feel free to forget what you just read.

Thanks for posting, gentlemen. It’s a pleasure and challenge to lead.

Ephesians 4:31-32 New Living Translation (NLT)
31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

The Murderhorn, it Sucks!

Who signed me up for two days in a row after not posting for two months, that must have been me! For that I decided to give the men of F3 a good old beatdown on the famous hill of The Murderhorn. The legend has it that Frasier held the record up the beast at 50 something seconds. Tolkien decided one lunch break without any witnesses to beat that record held by Frasier, thats easy to do with your watch hanging out the car while driving. The record is now back in its rightful owners hands, well done Frasier.

Today, no records were broken, only good old fashioned sweat!

Ye Olde:

Quick disclaimer given, Loogie bitched about his shoulder and that he needed to modify, didn’t see much of that today my old friend, good push. Mosey down to the bottom of the Horn as Nar Dog and Marlin came in hot.

10 x ssh

10 x MC

Round 1

Bottom of the horn all you got to 1st, 2nd, 3rd street pole and to the top stopping to perform 10 burpees at each, mosey back down. Alf dished out some leg and arms high while waiting of the 6

Round 2

Bottom of the horn all you got to 1st, 2nd, 3rd street pole and to the top stopping to perform 10 Merkins & LBCs at each, mosey back down.

Round 3

Partner Up, Partner 1 runs to 1st pole while partner 2 performs LBCs, flap jack. Partner 1 runs to 2nd light pole, partner 2 performs merkins, flapjack. both partners all you got to pole #3, mosey back down.

Round 4

Mosey over to rock pile, pick up something thats going to hurt. mosey back to the bottom of the horn. run with rock to light pole #1 10 overhead presses, pole #2 20 overhead presses, now Alf, Tuck, Hazard, Squid and dog were out in front, I overhead Alf doubling up on the overhead presses, Alf is a legend just go with what he suggests!

mosey with rocks back to the pile, drop off and head to the playground. 3 rounds of 10 dips, 10 derkins, and 10 pull-ups. Mosey back to the bottom of the horn of the finale!

Round 5

quick huddle (Tuck style at his famous deck brave Q) let the men know give it all you got, this is what F3 is about, push each other hard.

run as hard as you can to pole #1 back to start and then all you got to the top, for good measure throw in 10 burpees. That part absolutely sucked. Game over.

A solid group of 12 men today, Loogie and Chippy coming back from injuries really pushed themselves today, Marlin, Cheddar and Commish hung strong and were not far behind the studs of F3, Alf, Hazard, Tuck, Squid and Nar Dog, the battle from the front of the pack was solid and respectful, great push gents. Nice to see Alf support another SOB workout, Alf has come to the dark side a few times this year, lets get out of our comfort zone SOBs and support our brothers in Area 51, F3 is one!!

Thank you for the opportunity to lead, keep up the good work Site Q’s Cheddar & Commish.


I made the personal announcement that my wife is expecting a baby in April, we are both very excited and let the ball breaking begin!

Joe Davis Run-Janaury 7th, please sign up to support Rock Thrill and his family


F3 South Charlotte Christmas Party


Thrive Backblast

Today’s workout was brought to you by the number 20:

The Thang

A quick Hairband mile in the parking lot led us to the COP:

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Windmill X 20

Burpees X 10 (OYO)

Mosey to the playground:

Squats X 20

Donkey Kicks X 20

Step ups X 20

Derkins X 20

CCD X 20

Dips X 20

Burpees X 10 (OYO) (to reach the requisite 20)

Mosey to the road.  Sprint to each of 4 islands and in order do the following:

Dolly X 20

Freddie Mercury X 20

Rosalita X 20

Russian Twists X 20

A short break planking was followed by soccer field suicide.Turn-around points at top of penalty box, midfield, far penalty box and far endline included the following exercises:

Bomb jacks X 20

Mountain Climbers X 20

Rock hoppers X 20

Peter Parkers X 20

Upon finishing our suicides and standing at the base of the hill it beckoned to us for a round of 7s:  burpees and LBCs.  For added fun, we run up the hill backward each time.  In time and with repetition this will become as easy and uneventful as running up forward.  Right now, it is awful.

Mosey back to the wall with a few spontaneous stops along the way for merkins, LBCs, and Parker Peters.  Everyone found a nice comfortable place on the wall and settled into the people’s chair for 3 rounds of arm presses:  50, 100 and 150. With quads burning we hobbled over to the final extra-credit COP:

Dolly X 25

Rosalita X 25

2 rounds of the protractor.

Announcments:  F3 Christmas party sign ups are ongoing, Joe Davis 5k/10k sign ups started and there is a 5k this Saturday at Wingate University.

Hairband took us out giving thanks and praise where it is due.

The PAX at this AO are super solid men.  Thrive has a high proportion of over-50 guys but do not be fooled…Shepherd, Lamont and (hopefully) YHC will outwork many men decades younger.  Hairband is strong and consistent contributor to this AO.  Great to have Bernanke and Hoodie on board this morning – they are always top performers.  This morning Hoffa joined us for the first time and we hope there are many, many more.

Dance with the Devil

5 pax read the preblast and decided to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight at Old Providence Elementary. Of course by “devil,” YHC means this week’s edition of SOFAWIB.

The Thang:

Run the Figure 8™ opening mile, ending at the corner of Rea and Edenbridge rock pile. Leaders were Cold Cuts and Kirk, followed closely by the peloton (everybody else).

  • Grab a rock (Cold Cuts kindly pulled out a nice assortment) for 40 curls #welcometothegunshow
  • Run to the dumpster for 40 LBCs #whatsthatstain?
  • Run to the playground for 40 dips #thatsalot
  • Run to the sign on Read Road for 40 squats #timekiller

Meet at Rea and Edenbridge for a repeat of the Figure 8™ mile, ending at the school parking lot.

El molesquín sin ropa:

  • All of the pax made it through 5 rounds of the circuit (200 reps, bro), with Cold Cuts and Kirk making it through all or most of a 6th circuit consisting of 30 reps. Strong work by all of the pax. There wasn’t much mumblechatter out there this morning other than some complaints about the number of dips, how cold it was when we started running (YHC and Kirk), and how wearing two shirts was too much (also Kirk). YHC will assume the lack of mumblechatter means everyone was pushing it.
  • YHC devised the Figure 8™ loop to try to mix up the run a bit. The HT mile is a staple and the Chadwyck Chaser has been getting some use lately, but both pass by the rotting animal on Rea Road by the entrance to Chadwyck. YHC spent some time on MapMyRun yesterday afternoon looking for alternatives. After one aborted route (#greypouponneighborhood), YHC settled on the somewhat obscure route we ran this morning. Thanks to Cold Cuts for the name.
  • Thanks to Kirk and Swiper for keeping SOFAWIB alive and kicking, even through the BRR training days. We hope to get Swiper back soon when his travel schedule calms down. YHC is happy to be back and honored to lead the group. It’s a great format with a good mix of running and strength work. #youvsyou


  • Sign up for the many worthy races, including/especially the Joe Davis Run. I ran it last year with my 2.1 (and did the fun run with my 2.2) and we had a great time. Sign up here.
  • Please sign up to Q SOFAWIB. As Kirk said, it’s a pretty simple format. If you don’t sign up, we’re going to have to do this again sometime soon. #callinginsick

An Old School Skunk-kinda day

YHC got this from Harley last week: “I highly recommend something to take the wind out of the smack talkers early, ha!”

So, the plan was made and 28 showed up to get the wind knocked right out of them!

Good mornings x 10
KB Squat Stretch
10 Swings
5 Burpees
20 Swings
10 Burpees
30 Swings
15 Burpees
40 Swings
20 Burpees
10 count….yes, even at Skunk (sorry TR, we were gassed)

Mosey to Church lot:
Teams of 3
Pt #1: The Runner (Timer)
Pt #2: Single Bell man on the Hill (Goblet Squat, Viking, Snatch)
Pt #3: Double Bell man bottom of Hill (Cleans, Clean & Press, High Pulls)
Rotate around for 3 laps, doing said exercise at each until runner get to you, then switch.

Partner- catch me if you can around church back to parking lot

KB Abs:
Dolly press x 15
KB Crunch x 15
Flutter press x 15


Ye Olde Naked Moleskin:
Harley, was that what you were looking for? Order up, enjoy!
6 men started out with the 0500 preSkunk to “catch Fletch” but instead ole Fletch had to catch us AND he did. #LIFO
The Team portion was easier executed than to explain…poor communication, I guess.
Nice to have Prohibition out for his virgin Kettlebell workout..go tell your skinny arm running brethren.
Lots and lots of moaning, groaning and grunting…F3 music. And yes, my bad for not having any tunes doing the Swing/Burpee kick in the teeth. I’ll leave that to Fridays at Kevlar.
Way to hang in there this am fellas. The catch me if you can at the end is not for the weak gripped man.

Christmas Party- sign up now
Joe Davis Run- sign up now for discount

Call to the Pen

11 men for #F3FastTwitch this morning. Here’s the plan, made up along the way.

The Thang

Little baby jog around the parking lot before heading out onto Strawberry, hanging a right towards Rosecliff. We ran a nice comfortable warm-up pace to the top of Coburn, where we stopped for some obligatory IWs (x 15 IC) and MCs (x 15 IC). From there, we ran up to Bevington, gathering there for instruction.

  • Run down Bevington to Rea. Stop at each of the 5 speed bumps along the way for 10 merkins. Plank at corner of Rea & Bevington…RAH, LAH, 6-inches for Margo 10-count.
  • Run back up Bevington. Stop at each of the 5 speed bumps for 10 squats (emperor bows for some). Plank at the end of Bevington.
  • A respectful request from the gentleman Q Mermaid to take over the Plank-o-rama. Permission granted. 6-inches, RLH, regular, 10 merkins OYO. 6-inches, LLH, regular, 10 merkins OYO. Elbows with alternating leg lifts. Recover.

From there we ran up to Cary Ridge out to 51, turning right towards Davie Park. At Davie, we gathered at the restroom facility for some People’s Chair while instructions were given. Partner up. Partner A do called exercise at playground. Partner B run down to gate and back up around loop. Flapjack.

  • Round 1 – Step-Ups
  • Round 2 – Dips
  • Round 3 – One-legged squats

On your six for some rapid fire Mary.

  • LBCs x 10 IC
  • Straight leg lifts x 10 IC
  • Right elbow to left knee x 10 IC; Left elbow to right knee x 10 IC
  • Flutter kicks x 10 IC
  • Freddy Mercury x 10 IC
  • American Hammer x 10 IC

Run back to base. Done. 5.5ish miles.


Joker was the scheduled Q. So I had spent the whole weekend training for the Stanford soccer try-outs. But a late yesterday afternoon e-mail saying he might not make it (Translation: Haze, I won’t be there) forced me into action. Joker said something about kids’ school schedules and being a dedicated father…but rumor has it he got a letter from the Raintree HOA banning him from the neighborhood for last week’s dump right across from their prestigious clubhouse. Contrary to public sentiment, Joker is not dead to me…his greatest impact is at home, not running in the dark with a bunch of dudes.

Anyway, I showed up with some ideas but no real plan. But the plan came together quickly once we took off. I knew we weren’t going to stand around in a circle swinging cowbells. And I knew we weren’t going to do ti-84 calculated MAF runs in an office park around an undersized loop. At FT, we run hard and far; we also put our hands on the ground; and we don’t mind having our backs against the wall. It really is the best and worst of everything.

Great group of dedicated men out there this morning. Everyone worked hard. And I for one appreciated the push and accountability and brotherhood…such difference makers when you find yourself in a bout with lack of motivation. TL (and Joker), thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Hannibal, solid take-out.


  • Christmas Party – 12/2 at Firethorne. Collecting toys for Alexander Youth Network through the @F3Olive campaign.

2nd Annual Southern Discomfort

YHC and Gerber were asked to help organize the 2nd Annual #SouthernDiscomfort. The sign up genius went out in mid September and YHC was a little worried to see a whopping 8 signed up after the first 10 days. YHC was delighted to see 40 men gathered in the Centurion parking lot ready to roll on Saturday morning. After some final donation collecting, taking a head count & a detailed disclaimer the PAX headed to the parking garage (Tartarus) for the start.

Run from Centurion to Hydra/SOFA WIB with 6 pain stations along the way. 10 minute work out at each pain station lead by the site Q’s.
1. Centurion
2. Day Zero
3. Anvil/The Rock
4. South Charlotte MS
5. Arboretum
6. Hydra/SOFA WIB

HIGHLIGHTS (Please chime in the comments to add to these)
1. Run Stopper wore tights
2. Run Stoppers tights were off by Day Zero
3. Udder touched Run Stopper’s tights
4. The paparazzi showed up at DZ. He watched and photographed the entire workout. Kinda got a little creepy
5. The first crossing of 51 after Centurion was a little scary
6. The Rock stepped it up this year and had Gatorade instead of hose water
7. Lots of car beeps as we ran
8. Running with shovel flags is awesome
9. YHC might have ran some with the Pokémon Go app on per request from his son
10. Raised $629 for The Relatives
11. Did not witness any wipeouts on North Face
12. There was some chatter about having beer next year
13. Total mileage covered was 10.3
14. After 10 miles, a workout at SOFA WIB was not popular

A special thanks for all who participated and the Site Q’s for leading and providing hydration. Thank you Gerber for your help and setting up food and drinks at Omega Sports. Prayers that everything is fixable with your leg and you get more clarity after the MRI. YHC talked to The Relatives and they are thrilled with the amount we collected. They said their biggest need is snacks for the children so a good portion of the money will go towards that. Their 2nd need is bus passes followed by gift cards to Target/Walmart. Thank you all for your donations. It is awesome to leverage this event to support our community.

Return to The ring of Fire

14 Men came out on a pleasant Fall morning to take on “The Ring of Fire”. YHC has not posted for a long time as Fire Hazard likes to point out, apparently I work out in Area 51, there must be another Mr. Bean as I have been enjoying an F3 hiatus! Back to The Moleskin.

Ye Old:

Quick disclaimer given and off we go. Napster comes in hot, while we wait 10 burpees. Now off we go. Down to the Bull Ring which is the normal suck of the boys from Swift, we did see them out there this morning jogging around, things haven’t changed much in my absence I saw the regular faces bringing in the 6, Fire Hazard!

10 SSH

10 MC

The ring has 22 entrances,as each entrance with a swift sprint in between the following exercises.

Round 1 10 LBC’s x 220

Round 2 5 Merkins x110

Napster decides to run another lap so while we wait 10 more burpees.

mosey down to the bottom of Brixham Hill, partner up. Partner 1 runs to top of the hill and touches the bridge, while partner 2 runs to the top of the hill at the Y, run back down. rinse and repeat 3 times at the bottom meet your partner the following

10 hand slap merkins

10 Turkish get ups

10 LBC’S

Mosey back across the lake stopping of some Mary delivered by YHC, Nar Dog (this was amusing), Dumpster Fire & Morning After.

10 Flutters

10 American Hammers

10 Rosie-something else Nar dog made up

10 bicycles

quick sprint back to the finish. Good crew today solid workout, and a good effort from everyone. Hops, Napster and Mighty were flying around the ring, followed by Slum Lord, Cheddar, Morning After, Pulp Fiction and Bucky. Good to see Chipotle, Paper Jam and Big T out. Tuna hop the ankle isn’t to sore. Good to see Morning After & Bucky step up to become the new Site Q’s at Bagpipe, this is a premier Tuesday workout, keep it that way boys!

Great take out Hops as always.


Swift: Bratwurst will detail

F3 South Charlotte Christmas Party, Friday December 2nd, sign up today or Bunker and I will hound you!

Joe Davis Run early registration ends Tuesday.

Fahvre: Leading a clothes drive keep an eye out for the pre-bast

New Years Day 17k race $20 shirt, BBQ, beer, oh and a run..