Hydra 7/7

  • When:07/07/2016
  • QIC: Good Hands
  • The PAX: Semi Gloss, Jet Fuel, Side Car, Harley, Queen, Seville, Spackler, Ironsides, Buttermaker, Good Hands (QIC)

Hydra 7/7

YHC arrived at 5:25 to see that only 3 other pax had shown up. Not to worry, though, as six more would roll in on two wheels right at 5:30 giving us an even 10. Veteran crew with no new faces so short disclaimer given and off we went.

Run down Rea to the Harris Teeter shopping center, circle up in the back parking lot by the office building.
SSH x 20 IC
25 Merkins OYO
IW x 20 IC
25 diamond Merkins OYO
Low slow squat x 15 IC
25 wide arm Merkins OYO

Head out to Colony and hang the first right onto Stonecroft Park, then right on Corwallis Camp, right on Wessynton, and right on Summerlin back to Rea, stopping at each corner to keep together. 20 jump squats at the first corner, 20 merkins at the next, repeat at each corner until we get to Rea.

Head back to the school and back to the concession stand. Partner up.

Round 1 – P1 runs to the back football field for 10 burpees, P2 runs to the playground for 10 pull-ups. Return to concession stand for 10 hand slap Merkins. Flapjack and then plank when done.

Round 2 – P1 runs to baseball field for 10 lunges each leg, P2 run opposite way for 30 Carolina dry docks. Return to concession stand for 10 hand slap Merkins. Flapjack and plank when done.

Mosey to small football field for partner sprints. P1 AYG sprint to the batting cages, do 10 merkins, and sprint back while P2 does LBC’s. Flapjack, then repeat x 2 with dollies and flutters.

Circle up in the field for a couple minutes of Mary:
Russian twists
Heels to Heaven

Mosey back to parking lot.


Nice work today. It was a little less humid so it made for a great workout. I thought we were going to have a small group at first, then the cavalry arrived just in time. Great effort by everyone, especially Spackler, who managed to do at least 1 rep of each exercise. Semi Gloss found that there’s a bathroom at Hydra too, although not sure if he was able to get in there. Maybe now he’ll post every week. Thanks to all the pax for letting me lead, always a pleasure. And thanks to Semi Gloss for the takeout.

F3 Golf – sign up already if you’re playing, and whether you’re playing or not, Hydra is sponsoring a hole so we need donations from the Hydra Pax. I know we can easily round up enough money to cover the $100 cost, and hopefully more. This is your chance to give to someone else what F3 has given you, as all proceeds go to the F3 Leap Expansion program. All donation amounts are welcome, however large or small. Let’s show the other Thursday workouts that #F3Hydra is not only the toughest workout in A51, but also the most generous.

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8 years ago

Wrong Good Hands. I didn’t even do one burpee.

8 years ago

Wait, SG was unable to get into the port-a-jon?

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