Monthly Archive June 2015

Kotter’s Birthday

The pax assembled and 23 men set out for a humpday downpainment at Area51’s 2nd oldest AO after a brief, inaudible disclaimer was drowned out by the typical DV mumblechatter.

The Thang:

Jog down to the track for a lap around including lunge walk in corners 1 & 3 and high knees in corners 2 & 4.



Slow Squat x 20 IC

IW x 20 IC

6-Count Burpee x 20 IC

Mosey to sideline of football field and partner up for the following or something close to the following:

Partner 1 – Regular Plank while Partner 2 AYG run to other sideline (approx. 50 yds) and do 15 H-R Merkins. Flapjack.

P1 – Chilcutt. P2 AYG run, 15 up-downs. Flapjack.

P1 – Makthar Ndijaye’s.  P2 AYG run, 15 CDDs. Flapjack.

P1 – Dancing Chilcutt. P2 AYG run, 15 Double merkin burpees. Flapjack

Back on the track for another lap.  Lunge walk in corners 1 & 3. High Knees in corner 2.  Buttkickers in corner 4.  Backwards run on the straightaways.

Mosey back to the sideline for more partner work.

P1 – Hold Squat. P2 AYG run, 15 Turkish get-ups.  Flapjack.

P1 – Flutters. P2 AYG run, 25 LBCs.  Flapjack.

P1 – Freddy Mercury. P2 AYG run, 15 H-R merkins.  Flapjack.

Mosey back to center of field and circle up for 6 or 8 MoM.

Knee Up x 13 IC

Plankorama including the obligatory Southern gentleman, Yankee aggressor, Christian Laettner


6-count burpee x 13 IC

CCV (also obligatory, can’t disappoint) x 13 R & 13 L IC

Mosey back to sideline for one more AYG run.  For some of the pax, it was another opportunity to refusenik AYG in favor of AYFL.

Jog back to launch lot for COT

Ye Olde Moleskine:

Awesome to see Stagecoach back in the gloom among the pax.  Offered him the Q before we launched, but he deferred….what a gracious Site Q.  Cobain for the shoulder work.  42 years young today; and of course, he waited until afterwards to inform the pax.  #savvyveteran  Pretty sure I heard Stagecoach say something to the effect of “When did DV become an hour long workout?” #kotters

T-claps to the pre-KB’ers and pre-runners this morning.  Is that why Header, Bulldog & Busch were not out front on the AYG runs?  In truth, Bulldog was way out in front of YHC as the Q partnered with he and Cottonmouth.  Cottonmouth was better than 1/2 way across the field every segment by the time I was finishing my work on the other side.  Header & Busch were probably more focused on the 2nd F than the 1st F…not that there’s anything wrong with that?  Busch was, after all, entertaining an out-of-town guest — welcome back to Mint Julep from Louisville.  When are you going to launch F3 Louisville?!

Good to see Fireman Ed who discovered Twitter yesterday.  Welcome to the information superhighway brother.  Glad you found the on ramp.

Pleasant surprise to see Radar posting this morning.  You deserved the Kotters.  He only made a couple disparaging remarks towards YHC this morning…way below his average.  Keep posting.  It will come back to you.

Gummy kept calling for AYG calf raises…something about Day Zero’s wheelhouse.

The pax were pushing pretty hard except for the usual refuseniking.  You know who you are.

T-claps to Hoser, in town from the Dash, who pushed through an Achilles injury.  MallCop also pushing through an IT band injury….on most of the exercises anyway.

For all of you merkin challengers – we did some merkins.  Random counts which gives you spreadsheeters a panic attack.   If your form was good on the 6-count burpees & double-merkin burpees – book those on your spreadsheet.  But let’s be honest – if you’re doing 333+ merkins/day – your form is atrocious for most of them….unless your name is Lobster Roll.

‘Tis always an honor to Q and be among this great group of men.  Glad you called for and enjoyed YHC’s staples of plankorama & CCVs.  No SSH’s!  Join the boycott.  You’re welcome IH.


F3 Dads starts this Saturday, 6/6 at 9am at Col. Francis Beatty Park – see Header/Area51 preblast for details.

3rd F – Compass on Friday after Jevlar at Chick-Fil-A Arbo

3rd F – Aftermath – Wednesdays at Starbucks-Piper Glen

Friday at SCMS – official launch of Mountain Goat – moderate running workout – see Brew or Slim Fast for more details.

HDHH tonight at 5:15pm at The Lodge.  @LibatedCamel is on vacation, so start time pushed back to accommodate the working world.

Prayers for Rock Thrill that God would lead him to find work quickly & that RT would trust in the only One who never disappoints.

Deuteronomy 31:8 –  “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”





Swedish Speed Play on Scottish Estates

14 PAX set out from the Ballantyne Business District at 0515 on Tuesday morning to have some Swedish Speed Play #fartlek fun among the estates of the Scottish descendants of the Ballantynes.  At least one Scot in our midst gave the full tour.


  • Pre-run at 0500 for about 1.6mi with 4 PAX.  Get back to AO at 0515 and pickup those standing around for the main Event.
  • Warm-up for 10 min (just over 1mi) down Brixham Hill Ave (#ironic that it’s the flattest street in the AO) to a right on Ballantyne Corp Pl and up and over the Hwy 521 bridge towards the Premier Building.
  • Do some heel walking, toe walking, high knees, butt kicks, and strides until crossing over Ballantyne Commons Dr to the East entrance of Ballantyne County Club (BCC).
  • Start rounds of 2 minutes Hard (I-pace from the calculator at, a.k.a. 2 mile race pace), 1 minute recovery job and regroup, 1 minute Hard, 30 seconds recovery jog, 30 seconds Hard, 30 seconds recovery and regroup.
  • 6 total continuous rounds with some of the PAX taking a break between sets 2 and 3 to cross in the tunnel under 521 to the West-side of BCC.  Apparently, the six didn’t get the word of the break and pushed through.  #cobains
  • 0.5mi recovery run after the last set back to COT.
  • Total miles for Main Event were between 5.8 and 6.7 depending on regroup distance.  Here’s the planned course (but run it in reverse) –

The Moleskin:

  • Pre-run should be a nice 2nd F and a chance to get more warm-up / miles.  #cobains on the Pace for the past 2 weeks, for we need to make sure that it is 2nd F for all.  If you can’t talk, it’s not 2nd F.  Strange Brew, Outback, Madame Tussauds, and Bratwurst get the extra credit this week.
  • Almost picked up an unaware PAX at the start once again.  “Gloves aren’t needed for this workout”, oh, “you want the 0530 Bagpipe”.
  • No 1 minute countdown warning given.  If you weren’t ready at 0515 to launch, you were running to catch up. Post-event texts indicate that we had a lurker among the PAX.  We’ll have to get start times right next time.
  • The purpose of this I-pace workout is to get as much time at VO2max as possible.  Try to start conservative and then maintain that pace for 2, 1, and 30.  You’ll find it too hard on the 2 minute if you use the 1 and 30 second intervals to move up a few spots.  Use the 2 minute to do the moving, for that’s what benefits you most.
  • Sleeveless shirts just aren’t for showing off the pencil arms, they’re for cooling the core!  Saw a few more of them this week.  Shirtless is just around the corner if they keep the humidifier turned on in BCC.
  • Some of that extra rest messed up the Bratwurst wrist microcomputer.  #cobains AGAIN.  Think we still made the spirit of the event and knocked out a total of 21 minutes HARD running.
  • A ton of solid efforts out there.  This one was HARD with the hills and humidity.  A record 6 rounds.  The goal is to jog the recovery, so push yourself to try to do that.
  • Cheddar and VooDoo make it back to Swift after perhaps loving the Fartsack a little too much over previous weeks.  VooDoo requests alarm clock advice on Monday, makes it to Tuesday.  Would love to hear the advice!
  • #Kotters to Hops on his Swift appearance.  Let’s just hope this one doesn’t take you to the IR again.
  • Frehley’s Comet had the big wipe in hand this week.  Did it get used, buried, and left, or did he have it at the end?
  • Perhaps Haggis knew something about “Ballantyne” that the rest of us didn’t.  Perhaps it’s just YHC that was slow.


  • Haggis has the Swift Q next week 6/9.
  • SIB will be joining Swift on 6/16 for the Monthly 800/200 test.  This will not be a race, but a chance to grab on to one of the many pace groups and push yourself.
  • Based on the demand over the last 2 weeks, there will likely be a 0500 start option each week for the summer.  Gives a chance to increase the weekly miles just a tad, loosen-up, and have some 2nd F.  Look for the tweet or just Show!


A regrettable decision

Bushwood did his best impression of YHC by arriving exactly at 5:30, so we got a slightly late launch, but that was the last time he would slow us down this morning. After a quick disclaimer, we were off.

The Thang:

Mosey from start point to the lot near the pines near North Face. You know which one YHC means. Circle up for COP (all counts are approximate – except the merkins):

SSH x 26 IC

Merkins x 15 IC

IW x 21 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

Low, slow squats x 20 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

Mountain climbers x 25 IC [skip last set of merkins]

Mosey to the base of North Face for modified 11s:

1 burpee at the bottom, scale NF for 10 merkins, circle the pines and return to the base

2 burpees at the bottom, scale NF for 9 merkins, circle the pines, etc. until

10 burpees at the bottom, scale NF for 1 merkin, collapse (at least that’s what YHC did). I think the rest of the PAX were doing some sort of Mary.

Mosey to the parking lot by 51 for some partner suicides to the first light post.

Partner 1 does exercise while Partner 2 runs. Flapjack until the combined partnership reaches the total number of reps called:

Round 1: 200 Mountain climbers (each foot counts as one)

Round 2: 150 squats

Round 3: 100 Merkins

Mosey to the start point to finish up:

On your belly, sprint to the first light post and drop to belly again. Repeato back to start point.


LBCs x 31 IC


Rosalita x 20 IC

1 minute left – AMRAP merkins

COT – YHC with the take out.


  • Calvary Church is re-stocking its pantry. This is an opportunity to help out a church that is one of the best AOs in Area 51, hosting two workouts a week. Anvil has agreed to bring canned beef (5 and 13 oz. cans) next week. Centurion is covering the canned ham (I’m sure there’s a joke to be made here, Horsehead or Tiger Rag). Other workouts have agreed to bring other items. Please give generously to help those less fortunate.
  • The Fall Mud Run is scheduled for October 24 and Mermaid is the Area 51 Q. There is no official F3 sign up yet, but Mermaid is available to help organize teams or whatever else is needed.


I don’t know about the rest of the PAX or the veteran Qs, but every Q for YHC is a bit intimidating. You want to make sure to give the PAX their money’s worth without burning out too early. When planning a workout, I try to stick to the principle of “If you can’t do it, don’t Q it.” Oh well, some rules were meant to be broken. Hence, the 11s on North Face. YHC did it, but did it slowly. This resulted in at least two of the PAX lapping YHC. There may have been more, but I chose to ignore the Larry Birds. Thankfully, this pack of veterans knows how to stay busy and proceeded to do a set of Mary while YHC finished up. I have never spilled merlot at a work out, but there was definitely a chance during this set.

The weinke had called for more merkins during COP, but YHC had to audible to maintain form and save some upper body strength for the 11s. I got the idea for that set from an MT Q at the Brave a few weeks ago. However, that was on a much smaller hill.

I’ve done a lot of really tough workouts in Area 51, but my first post was at Anvil and it almost killed me. Since this was my inaugural Q at Anvil, I wanted to return the favor to the PAX. YHC may have bitten off a bit more than I could chew with the weinke, but I hope it was enough to smoke the PAX.

Thanks to Mermaid and Young Love for the opportunity to lead. Two great examples of what F3 is all about.

The total workout resulted in 2.3 miles (per my Garmin) and 230 merkins (not counting the AMRAP at the end). If you’re doing the 10k challenge, you still have work to do today.

Bagpipe Team 1

35 men today showed up to the Vine for a muggy beatdown after 14 Swift dudes were already into their thing.

Due to Bagpipe tremendous growth we know have two Q’s.  Those who counted off 1’s today had me and 2’s had Mermaid.  After reading Mermaids backblast, looks like 1’s got lucky.

The Thang

20 x ssh

20 x iw

15 x merkins

ran to workout trail and split up in three stations

station 1 15x supine pull ups

station 2 10x merkins

station 3 10x burpees

rinse and repeat 3 times

lap around the lake and meet at Synder/Lance building

paired up

partner 1 bear crawl to end of parking lot, partner 2 merkins (flapjack)

partner 1 crab walk or bear crawl end of parking lot, partner 2 merkins

partner push to end of parking lot flapjack on the way back

partner pulls to end of parking lot flapjack

circle up mary

10 x cruches

10 x lbc

10 x toe tap crunches

10 x alternate toes

10 x side crunch right

10 x side cruch left

10 x right leg out cruch

10 x left leg out cruch

jog back to vie


great workout today by all, all 49 guys looked beat between the two Bagpipe workouts and Swift.  Welcome back out Long Distance and Tuck from some time off.  Welcome 1 and Done (FNG) to F3, looking forward to see you out again.

Look at Mermaids backblast for announcement.

Always great to lead.





F3 Dads – Pre blast

F3 Dads is coming to Area 51 June 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th!

What is F3 Dads?
An opportunity for fathers and their kids to spend time bonding with each other and other PAX while participating in an F3 (Lite) workout.

Where and when will this workout take place?
-Beatty Park (down from the Siskey YMCA)
-June 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th from 9:00-9:45am
-This will allow the PAX to attend their preferred Saturday workout, enjoy post-workout fellowship, and gather their 2.0’s.

Who can attend?
This is an opportunity for The Pax and their 2.0’s, boy or girl. There is not an age requirement. The majority of the kids will be elementary age kids. This is also a great opportunity to “headlock” men and introduce them to F3.

What will the format of the workouts be?
The workouts will be similar to F3 workouts, but lighter and with kid-friendly exercises / activities. After warming up there will be more fun exercises / activities such as Relay Races, 2.0 Carries, etc. Each F3 Dad workout will end in a COT and prayer.

What about F3 Names for the 2.0s?
In order to save time, think of a name for your 2.0 before the workout. They can participate in the name-o-rama or you can share it for them.

No title

5 men showed up to fight club for a full hour of what was presented during last weeks convergence.

Each man did six rounds of hitting mits, ran a mile, and 8 minute ab routine.  everyone was exhausted afterwards.

looking for a change and different workout come out on Monday mornings at 5:15.


“He clearly does not know where Piper Glen is!”

22 pax set out this morning to venture through streets we have not yet traversed at FT (at least not over the last year or so).  I advertised in a pre-tweet yesterday that it would be all Piper Glen.  False advertising is everywhere people,…don’t be so naive!   It took us a while to get to PG, but once we did it was worthwhile (I hope……I think…..feel free to sound off).  This is the route we took:

The Thang:

After a quick disclaimer and a foreshadowing that we would do a few merkins for those enrolled in the 10K challenge, we did a warm-up run to Davies Park.  Once there:

  • 20 SSH
  • 20 MCs

Then, partner up and cross 51 into the Windswept development.  Nora’s Path has two cul-de-sacs at either end of the street.  Partner #1 runs to one cul-de-sac while Partner #2 runs to the other.  Each does 10 merkins OYO in the cul-de-sac then comes back to do 10 hand slap merkins with partner.  Repeato via flapjack direction.

Head out of Windswept toward Calvary Church.  Stop twice to gather the pax and to conduct some working recovery via LBC’s at Rea Rd and 51 and low-slow-squats at Elm Rd and 51.  Turn left on Elm and into Ballantrae Village development (the first true sign of Piper Glen).

At Nuthatch Rd, another cul-de-sac, but with a nice peak and valley  feature, we did 10 jumping lunges twice at the “summit” and two other times at either end of the street/valley (total of 40).

Head out of Ballantrae Village to the entrance of 4 Mile Creek Greenway at Bevington and Rea Rds.  Merkin receovery while we wait on the pax.

Head across Rea to “Piper Glen Proper” to Enclave Circle.  Partners run in opposite directions and when they meet at halfway mark and finish, they trade off planking derkins (10 counts).

Head back out to Bevington and hang a left.  Mosey to the intersection of Coburn and Bevington.  Catch Me If You Can down Coburn with 10 merkins for the prey.  Once at Brownes Pond, indian run back to SCMS.  

That’s a wrap! Final tallies:

  • 60-90 merkins (depending upon how often you got “caught”)
  • 6.2 miles (I have heard anywhere from 6.1-6.5)
  • 6 minutes OT


So, let’s address the two elephants in the room!  1) Yes, I know we didn’t exactly hang in the truest boundaries of Piper Glen all morning….we experienced the dangerous, edgey atmosphere of both Windsept and Ballantrae.  I am glad a few of you packed mace!  It took a long time to make the 6.2 mile rounder, but I was itching to use that Nuthatch hill. 2) We finished 6 minutes overtime.  I know this not from just my watch, but via the comments “You suck, dude!”, “You’re lost!” and “Ever look at a map?”.  All valid comments and questions, frankly.  I promise when I clocked this originally it was 5.8 miles, but maybe it’s time to take my Tahoe in to check the tripometer.

Y’all crushed it this morning and it was a real pleasure!  We had a few moments waiting on the six, but honestly the pax stayed together really well overall given the mileage.  I did ask Mr. Brady at one point, “Did I bite off too much here?” while we were coming down Elm Lane.  Mr. Brady gave me his best smooth voice and responded with “Well, that depends on the rest of the ride home”.  Thanks for being cool to me Mr. Brady, but I think I goofed a little.  Please forgive boys!

Haze and Turkey Leg, thanks for letting me lead!

Mr. Brady, thanks for the great take-out prayer!


  • Remember to bring food donations for the Calvary food pantry this week and next.  They are in need!!  Collections will be at several A51 sites and each site has a designated food to bring (check backblasts and ask your site Qs).
  • There is a trail Half Marathon on 6/19 at The Whitewater Center.
  • F3 Dads starts this Saturday.  9:00 at Colonel Beatty Park in Weddington.
  • Registration for F3 Dads Camp in August is open.



Bagpipe Team 2

Bagpipe numbers have gotten so high that a primary and secondary Q are assigned.  With 35 it was decided to split the group.  This is what group 2 did.  10K Merkin Challenge began yesterday.  As tweeted by Tiger Rag, “The plague touches all, wanted or not.”


Mosey over closest parking deck to Vine launch lot.  Up to top of deck.


SSH x 20 IC

Merkin x 15 IC

IW x 15 IC

Mosey back down one floor.

Merkin Ladder

20 merkin.  Sprint to next level.  19 merkin.  Sprint back down.  18 merkin.  Repeat with descending merkins to 10.  Squat plank to wait for six.

Mosey all the way to basement level.

Merkin Deck Run

Run to the top with a stop at each turn for 5 merkin.  Start with 5 at bottom.


Flutter x 25 IC/hold/Flutter x 25 IC/hold

During the 1st hold the pax were asked about the F3 vision.  T-claps to Wild Turkey for answering correctly.  Invigoration of male leadership in the community.  Done through planting, growing, and serving small workout groups.  During 2nd hold, SOBs were asked to bring 100% fruit juice for the Calvary Church Food Pantry Drive to be collected next Tuesday 06/09/2015.

Burp and Merk 

Burpee with 1 merkin.  Burpee with 2 merkin.  Ascend merkin number by 1 to 10.

Mosey back down to the basement.

Merkin/Belly Start Sprints

Start on belly.  5 merkin OYO.  Belly start

Sprint 1: up to first turn

Sprint 2: up entire level (2 decks)

Sprint 3: to top (3 decks)

Mosey back down the deck to entrance and out of deck to Vine launch lot.


334 merkin.  2.33 miles mostly in the deck.  Increasing distance uphill sprints to close it out.  That workout got the job done for YHC.  If you are not doing 10K merkin challenge it may have been a little heavy on the merkin.  Heck, even if you are doing it, that is a lot of merkin in 45.  However, YHC hears Lobsta Roll laid down 550 on the Matrix pax yesterday.  Tried to balance in a fair amount of running and sprints.  All pax worked hard.  Pebbles, Mic Check, Dear Abby showed some fast twitch today.  Mic Check giving lessons on merkin form if anyone is interested.  All the way down and all the way up.  Welcome back to Yinzey who has been on the DL with a busted up knee.  Glad to have you back among the pax.

Great job today men.  A pleasure to lead a strong group of SOBs.  Please think about the F3 vision and how you can invigorate male leadership beyond just showing up and working out.  Can you do more to make our community better?  Please start by bringing 100% juice next week for the Calvary Food Pantry Drive.  Thank you.


10/24/2014 USMC Ultimate Mud Run Challenge.  Start getting your 4-man team together now.  More information to follow.  It is an awesome event.  If you have not participated do it this time around.  You will have a blast.  YHC is your guy for more info.

Calvary Food Pantry Drive (3rd plug in backblast)  100% juice next Tuesday 07/07/2015.

10K Merkin Challenge.  Month of June (334/day gets you there)  Get involved.  You can start late and finish no problem.  You will be doing a lot of merkins anyways so why not.




Keep working out if you’re done…

23 for a walk in the park at #F3Skunkworks

15 Merkins IC

1 Big Lap around the church (.6 mi according to TR)

Partner Up

5×5 sets of:

Double Snatch
Double Suitcase Lunges
Double Swings
Double Alt Press

1 Big Lap

Double High Pulls



We dodged the rain and got in another beating at the Skunk. Lot’s of characters out there today flapping their gums, playing bad music, refusing to run, and working out pretty hard in spite of the circus. Simba was impressive taking on the pre run, knocking out the workout, and finishing with a strong prayer to send us off. Well done. I was beginning to tire from the doubles only to find out I had almost nothing left for the second run. As Tackling Dummy noted on the way up the last hill…”this is all your fault Bananas”. Indeed. Sound off on any other shananigans and feats of strength or lack there of that you witnessed today. MEMO: If you didn’t at some point dig or pray for power, go headlong into a swing/snatch/press on pure faith, or wonder if you could do it then you need to move up. If you were throwing around two bells like Denise Austin with her 5 pounders at the beach then you are even further from the truth….you know who you are Ginger.

Monday Morning Merkin Fun

Quick disclaimer, which included a comment by QIC that there would be no burpees, and we were off.  No burpees!  At least you all now know that Lobsta Roll keeps his word….


Light jog around the lower parking lot with a quick pass back to the launch to of course grab floor slapper and finish at the parking lot in front of the school for the warm up


All in cadence

25x SSH

25x Mtn Climber

25x IW

25x Peter Parker

25x Squat

25x Merkins



Mosey to the track from a few laps and merkins


Each ½ lap 25 Merkins

Lap 1 – Merkin

Lap 2 – Wide-arm merkin

Lap 3 – Left-arm forward merkin

Lap 4 – Right-arm forward merkin


Mosey to the walk for some People’s Chair


4 sets of 1 min PC and 25 merkins

1-      Decline merkin

2-      Incline merkin

3-      Decline Merkin

4-      Incline Merkin


Mosey to back play area


Quick set of mary

Each exercise = 10x IC

LBCs, Flutter, Dolly, Back scratcher & Mason Twist


3 Rounds on the Stumps and Tires

25 Merkins & 25 Tire Hops


Mosey to lower parking lot


Lunge walk across and back with 25 merkins at each end


Mosey to launch for Merkin/Mary


Round 1 – 25 Merkins & 50 LBCs

Round 2 – 25 Merkins & 50 Flutters (each leg)

Round 3 – 25 Merkins & 25 Dollys




F3 Dads starts Saturday at Beatty Park – 9AM

Bring canned Fruit to The Matrix next week for Calvary pantry donations.