Mud Run Flavored Ascent

  • When:09/27/14
  • QIC: Geraldo
  • The PAX: Stumphugger (KB), Matador, Pele, Strange Brew (KB), Fireman Ed, Winter Place, Geordi, Moon River, Sonoma, The Mouth, Linux (WD) Geraldo (KB)

Mud Run Flavored Ascent

12 PAX journeyed to Ascent for a Mud Run inspired beatdown.

The Thang:


  • SSH x 20
  • Merkins x 15
  • IW x 20
  • Mountain Climbers x 15
  • Squats x 20

Field Work

Mosey to the football field and run the length of the field completing the following:

  • First 100 yards- High knees, butt kicks
  • Second 100 Yards-Karaoke Right and Karaoke Left
  • Third- Run at 50%
  • Fourth- Run at 75%
  • Fifth- Run at 50%
  • Sixth- Run at 75%

Shuttle Run

Shuttle run with 5 merkins every 5 yards (5, 10, 15, 20, 25) up to the 25 yard line

Partner work 

Partner up Partner 1 does 20 yards  as instructed while Partner 2 does called exercise, then flapjack
Round 1
Partner 1- Bear crawl 10 yards, Lunge Walk 10 yards
Partner 2- Hand Release Merkins
Round 2
Crab walk 10 yards, Lunge walk 10 yards
Carolina Dry Docks

Over and Under

Partner 1 planks while Partner 2 jumps over and then crawls under Partner 1 x 5 reps. Flapjack and then repeat.

Jack Webb

Move to the middle of the field and complete Jack Webb Up 5 & Down 5

Tunnel of Love

Line up shoulder to shoulder, plank it up, and each PAX crawls under

Circuit Work

Mosey to the playground and complete the following circuit of exercises for four rounds.

  • 5 pull-ups
  • 10 Wide Arm Merkins
  • 15 Squats

People’s Chair

Move and grab some wall for three rounds of the People’s Chair with Arm Raises x 30 on rounds 2 and 3.

Partner Carry

  • Mose back to the field for the Mud Run closer, the Partner Carry, 1 x for each partner


  • Dolly’s x 15
  • Rosalita x 15
  • Flutter x 15
  • Sid the Kid x 10
  • Heels to heaven x 15
  • Freddie mercury x 10
  • LBCs x 10
  • Merkins x 10
  • Diamond Merkins x 10
  • Wide arm Merkins x 10
  • Merkins x 10

The Moleskin:

  • Strong work by the PAX, they are getting stronger and stronger each week
  • Glad to see some early KB work by Stumphugger and Strange Brew when YHC pulled into the AO and joined in the fun.
  • Fireman Ed showed up to get some track work in before the workout #GettingMudRunReady
  • With the Mud Run next week, YHC wanted to include some exercises on that had some Mud Run influence and keep the PAX moving
  • When Jack Webb was announced, the PAX told YHC not to answer his call #RunstopperFavorite
  • No sign of the visitors from last week running from the bushes
  • Thank you for the opportunity to lead and sound off with any mumble chatter


  • There will be a Convergence at the Rock next Saturday for most Area 51 sites, more info coming in the weekly email
  • In the spirit of the 10K Merkin and 10K Swing Challenges, a new challenge will be announced, stayed tuned to Twitter and the weekly email for more details
  • Flipper and his M are expecting for updates check

About the author

Geraldo author

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