Prepare to Run!

Prepare to Run!

(Posted on behalf of Frasier & O’Tannenbaum)

PAX knew it had to be 0700 as Floor Slapper wheeled into the parking lot at McKee Road Elementary.  Frasier took the lead as the PAX headed over to the parking lot next to the track for a short warm-up.


  • SSH x 20
  • Slow Squat x 10
  • IW x 10
  • Merkin x 10

Partner up (size does matter).  Partner 1 does push-up to balls to the wall while partner 2 runs one lap on the track.  Stop when you reach ten total.

Mosey to the back playground.  Partner 1 completes 30 step ups, 10 pull-ups switching grip each time, and 20 CDD.  Partner 2 runs lap around the school.  Flapjack

Jog over to the trail.  Partner 1 does 20 dips, 15 decline merkins, and 20 slow squats.  Partner 2 completes 1 lap on the trail.  Flapjack

Mosey to the wood stumps.  Partner 1 completes 15 jump ups, 15 incline merkins, 20 rock hoppers over the tires.  Partner 2 runs lap around the school.  Flapjack

Head over to the rock pile and find the biggest rock you can.  Partner 1 begins with overhead presses while Partner 2 runs suicides.  Flapjack and continue until partners complete 100 overhead presses.

Rinse and repeat with partners completing 100 bench presses.

Hand off to O’Tannenbaum for second 1/2:


Makhtar Ndiaye x 15

Partner Decline Merkins (with feet on Partner’s back) (3x)

Head over to the soccer fields for some field work:

  • High knees to 3rd cone, bear crawl with gramby roll at each cone (3x)
  • Burpee Ladder (5x)

Circle up for 5 MOM w/ special guest lead by Lobster Roll:

  • LBC
  • Russian Twist
  • Knees to chest and more. . .
  • Mtn Climber

Mosey to curb for curb walkers and lunges x 2

Jog to basketball goals.  Broad jump to end and back x 2

People’s Chair, Decline and Incline Merkins

Jail Break to COT


  • Punctual as usual, Floor Slapper rolls in at 0700 and PAX knows it is time to get the work started
  • Lobster Roll and Slapshot get the award for largest rock for overhead press/bench press partner work
  • Joker and Ocho Cinco in photo finish for final Jail Break




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Abacus author

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