You get a Rock!! You get a Rock!!Everyone gets a Rock!!

You get a Rock!! You get a Rock!!Everyone gets a Rock!!

PAX-Wolverine, Rubbermaid (R), Chainsaw (R), Chicken Little, Gerber, Posse, Tupperware, Wedding Singer, Zinfandel, Showgirl, Snooky, Gator Cub (R), Jingles, Doughboy, Old McDonald (R), Trojan, Recalculating (R), Dana, My Pleasure, Foundation, Mayhem (FNG), Hollywood, Deadwood, Bottle Cap, Draper (R), Shake n Bake, Dancing Bear

It had been a while since I had been to a workout let alone Q. Went to Cuthbertson on Sunday to scout it all out. I felt like I had a solid plan. On my way home I almost took out fellow brother Fuzebox. I should have hit him #form police. Lol strike that from the comments. 4am hits and the Q juices start flowing. Out the door just shy of 5 to check the gates to ensure they are unlocked. Lets get this going. The 27 PAX had no idea what was coming at them.

DCCS and Disclaimer-Thanks for letting me know I started 4 minutes early Zin. I knew it was going to be a fun workout.

Mosey around the parking lot and Circle up.

20-SSH’s-with the commentary that I was counting to fast. What can I say, I am concerned keeping the heart rate going.

20 Imperial Walkers

20-Merkins-This was to show everyone their would be no cat pee on this day.

Light Pole Alternating Down to Transporters house

10 merkins and 10 Bobby Hurley’s-In honor of the big game this week-for you Recalculating.

Once at the house, everyone grab your rock. This was when the whining starting. Deadwood-“It’s muddy as sh!t over here.”Cry me a river and get your rock.

Back up against the wall in squated position. Your rock straight out for 20 seconds. Then do 20 side to sides with rock. Drop the rock and run up to the intersection and do a burpee. Increase 5 seconds, 5 reps and 1 burpee for 3 laps.

When the 6 is in we mosey over to the track with our rocks in tow. We stopped along the way for an Al Gore to keep everyone together.

After an audible for safety we moved to the far side of the stadium to run steps.

Lap 1-20 squats then up and down each flight with no rocks. Lap 2-20 squats. Carry rock down each flight but on the up you carry the rock over your head. Lap 3-same as Lap 1 but cut short due to time.

Mosey back to the rock pile. Rocks were thrown back down in disgust.

We Moseyed back for circle up where the Ignition group was already back.

Some other highlights from today’s workout: “I want to hide all the rocks in the woods.” “Someone keeps stealing my rock!!””20 seconds holding this rock sucks enough, we have to do more?””DB, Turn off your headlamp. You are blinding everyone.” Thanks Posse!!

Announcements-Welcome Mayhem!!!

March 23-Speed for Need 5K. see Rubbermaid for details

March 9-Briarcrest 5k and 1 mile fun run-See Dancing Bear for details.

March 1-Father daughter date night-ask Gator Cub for the details

March 2-Rock Hill Marathon Relay-Posse sending link on group me.

DoughBoy-Thanks for taking us.

Thank you all for allowing me to lead today. I am sorry if there was confusion or the workout didn’t meet your needs. I was shooting to do something different. It was good to be out with this group again. Sometimes it is impossible for me to get out of bed as I battle some seasonal depression. I have spoken to a few about it. The struggle is real. I wanted to share with you as it is just important to talk about it as it is to fight it each and everyday. Have a blessed day gentlemen.

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Dancing Bear author

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