Dream Weaver

  • When:5/14/16
  • QIC: Hammer
  • The PAX:  Sledge, Deep Dish, Safe Light, Jamboree, Blades, Boerewors, Gumby, and Hopper

Dream Weaver

Today’s Title is courtesy of Blades

I’ve just closed my eyes again
Climbed aboard the dream weaver PAIN train
Hammer take away my worries of today
And leave Gumby behind
Ooh dream weaver
I believe you can help  Deep Dish through the hill sprints
Ooh dream weaver
I believe Jamboree can reach the Safe Light

We begin with a warm up jog to to a core work out  and suicide duo.

Partner up for:

  1. Partner 1 X’s & O’s Partner 2 suicide sprint to the island. Switch rinse and repeat until a total of 50 X’s and O’s are achieved
  2. Partner 1 LBC’s, Partner 2 suicide sprints.  Switch rinse and repeat until a total 100 LBCs are achieved
  3. Partner ! Flutters Partner 2 suicide sprints. Switch rinse and repeat until a total of 150 flutters are achieved
  4. Partner 1 Heels to Heaven Partner 2 Suicide . Switch rinse and repeat until a total 100 are achieved.

Gumby, Jamboree, and Blades were really pushing the pace on these.

Mosey to the soccer fields for exercises that aren’t Bur-pies

  1. Indian Run to the far side of the field.  20 pus…merkins
  2. Indian Run to the next corner. Spartan Burp…Hip thrusts x20
  3. Indian Run to the next Corner for squat jumps x20
  4. finish with 20 hill sprints for the weaving your way back to our starting corner.  This was for all the BRR guys.

The next round was a race, at which point Sledge took off and left the old guys in the dust, HATE.. Blades was with Sledge until the hill sprints at which time he started singing dream weaver, lost count and did 25 hill sprints instead of 20….and the title of our work out was born.

Mosey to the picnic table and partner up

Partner 1 one legged squats and Partner 2 sprint to the light post, switch and repeato until 50 squats have been achieved with each leg.

switch partners and Partner 1 one legged squats front style while Partner 2 sprints to the light.  Switch and repeato until each leg has received 25 squats.

Sledge decided to embarrass us by running to the furthest light post and still coming in first on the sprints.

Running out of time…so quick time to the rocks, for some Sun’s Out Guns Out.

Partner up for Partner 1 curls Partner 2 sprint to the light post.  Rinse and repeat until a total of 100 curls is achieved.

Boerewors and Safe Light hadn’t done enough sprints and were leaving everyone in the sprints on this one.

1 minute left for jail break to the cars.

Great work out everyone. .  Everyone is getting faster and pushing each other!!! Hopper back from IR I think for the first time congrats!!  Rock wall hopefully got completed for the F3 work date.   Have an awesome week!



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