Superbowl run

Superbowl run

Date: 2024-02-12 AO: blakovery Q: frasier PAX: Gold Digger, midriff, hairball, Polly FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: THE THANG: we had four for the pre-run, and a total of five for the main event. Glad everyone came out for a soggy warm run after the Super Bowl. MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT:


Date: 2024-02-09 AO: kevlar Q: ChickenWing PAX: poptart, Erin Brokavich, Rudy, Orange Whip FNGs: None COUNT: 5 Tracking.

Swingin’ in the rain

Date: 2024-02-12 AO: swole Q: voodoo PAX: Uncle Leo, MARTA, The Worm, voodoo FNGs: None COUNT: 4 With a rainy forecast, the Q wisely pre-blasted a meeting spot in the inVue parking lot. The 60 degree temps were a welcome change from the cold and we were able to get under some cover to keep the bells from slipping.
Warm up: SSH x 20 IC 10 swings IW x 15 IC 5 cleans e/s Prying squats x 2 5 high pulls e/s
Uncle Leo and I did all of the above, with MARTA and The Worm joining in upon arrival. MARTA was late because he was hoping to play ultimate instead of working out. The Worm was late because he didn’t want to work out.
The Main Event: Week 7 of High Tide’s Hypertrophy Plan
Rep counts: 3 sets of (3-5-8) + 3-5
Superset 1: Lawnmowers and Goblet Squats Superset 2: Heavy Swings and Explosive Merkins
Racked holds (20s, 30s, 50s) with recovery between sides
No time for Mary
Announcements: Blood drive (3/8), Madison’s daughter’s run, and Savage Race
COT: MARTA led us in a short and sweet takeout this morning.
Moleskine: 1) With our site Q snowboarding this week, he lit up the bat Q signal last night and I answered the call. Since the spreadsheet is a known commodity, it’s really not very hard to Q these workouts. Just warm the pax up and write a slackblast. 2) I don’t know about the rest of the pax (other than The Worm), but I definitely had thoughts of going back to bed if no one else had posted this morning. Thankfully, Uncle Leo was there to keep me honest. 3) MARTA isn’t on the text string for Ultimate because he doesn’t have an iPhone and they don’t like green text messages. I, for one, fully support this policy. Watch your back, Hoover! 4) The Worm is tired of pull-ups and said he only posted because it was raining. That’s the inverse of most pax’s position on posting in the rain, but it worked for us this morning. 5) Thanks to the pax for coming out this morning and keeping me honest. After a few days off last week, it was nice to get back after it with the boys.

It ain’t all sunshine

Date: 2024-02-12 AO: firestarter Q: wildturkey PAX: kirby, Starch, das_boot, Franky FNGs: None COUNT: 5
WARMUP: X-tended warm up with usual componets with laps in between waiting for a 7 minutes late Kirby
THE THANG: Up the stairs for legs sets of split-squats and dead lifts, inch worm between
Wheel o ‘merican at Old Navt Wheel o’ squats at Target behind Target for sit ups at every light pole
7s with burpees, bear crawls and crab cake
MARY: Flutter Rosalita toe tap cruch protractor ANNOUNCEMENTS: Madison Race Blood drive COT: Be there for others in the sun and rain

Mission: Destroy Pax. Empty out Gas Tanks

Date: 2024-02-09 AO: centurion Q: Rousey , Drumstick PAX: Drumstick, Snuka, Point Break, marge, Abacus_III, Hawkeye, grave_dancer, Pilgrim FNGs: None COUNT: 9 WARMUP: All types of stretches .  Some easier than others .   THE THANG: Brought out all my heavy toys.
40lb Kettle Bells, 25lb weight plates, and 60 pound sand bags to this work out .
We did 2 sets of workouts within a 2 minute timer while 3 pax carried 60lb sand bags doing lunges then running up the stairs and back down . Once they got back we rotated . In between rotating pax we did suicides sprints going up the parking decks. Bonnie Blair’s plus Burpees up the stairs , 4 times . Suicide runs 4 times. Squat hold then due it again over and over again. Bonnie Blair with Burpee. This work out was close to a Black Diamond work out , but I could not include the hair burners due to security issues . WAY TO PUSH THRU FATIGUE!

The Okis from Muscogee

Date: 2024-02-10 AO: chicken-run Q: bratwurst PAX: Chopper, Paper Jam, Happy Meal, Damascus, Rob Rosenthal – Drive By, Hippie, bratwurst, turkey_leg, midriff, soft_pretzel, fleetwood, Sherpa, tuck, kirby, das_boot, Franky, toolbag FNGs: None COUNT: 17 Another good crowd at CR this led cold morning as guys get ready for next week’s big race at Oak Island. A winding route that may have lost some guys along the way, but we’re sure they’ll survive the weather today.
Good luck next week!
(Who’d I miss?)

Week 6 in the books

Date: 2024-02-10 AO: olympus Q: Krzyzewski PAX: flipper, Wabbit, The Worm, mighty_mite FNGs: None COUNT: 5 Five pax took to the unseasonably warm pavement to swing bells and recount the halcyon days of Panthers glory. Unexpectedly, we even relived the apex of the AZ Cardinals dominance oddly enough. Though the repetition of the hypertrophy program had several pax asking if we saw our shadows, the mumblechatter kept things light and, as per usual, YHC’s cadence kept things brisk. Let’s get into the recap… WARMUP: 10x swings, prying squats, 5x high-pulls (e/s), synovial circles, 5x one-handed swings (e/s) THE THANG: 1) Fib. A – Double clean & press 3x/5x/8x (3 sets) 2) Fib. B – Double front squats & double bent-over row 3x/5x/8x (3 sets) 3) Carries – Suitcase (alternate e/s) 20 paces / 30 paces / 50 paces (2 sets) – Waiter (alternate e/s) 20 paces / 30 paces / 50 paces (2 sets) 4) EMOM (6 mins) – Minute A: Merkins (10x) – Minute B: SLDL (6x e/s) MARY: – “Demon”-crushers (10x) – Anchored leg raise (10x) – Louganis (10x) ANNOUNCEMENTS: – 3/8 – blood drive coming at you! – 3/9 – Madison’s 2.0 partnered with the Jamie Kimble Foundation for Courage for a 5K – check it out – 3/3 or 3/15 – 2nd F meet up with Mountain Momma and crew for a pro rugby match in Charlotte – Although YHC typically uses this section for belabored missives on assorted ramblings, unfortunately, family duties call for a fulsome weekend so I’ll keep this backblast short. Enjoy the Super Bowl and revelry this weekend. Catch you next week for the penultimate winter hypertrophy beatdown – should be one for the books COT: Joined the men of the Rock for COT and closing prayer. Memento mori

Where are we?

Date: 2024-02-09 AO: the-brave Q: lex_luthor PAX: Eleanor, Odd Job, fire_hazard, soft_pretzel, kirby, midriff, teddyf3 FNGs: None COUNT: 8 WARMUP: did we have a warmup THE THANG: we traveled on the “new road” as Mater from Cars would say. The trek took us down Ball Commons and back on “Upper” street to Ball Corp Park and then to “Lower” street. On the way back we visited the stream park for some pullups, LBC’s and jump squats. This is my new favorite spot to do pullups by the way. Then we did a trail run part of the way back to launch. We only a couple minutes remaining we did a quick suicide run to finish strong. Great work by all with a 5+ miles for the pax. MARY: none ANNOUNCEMENTS: Madison’s daughter has a 5k coming up COT:

And the winner is….

Date: 2024-02-09 AO: mountain-goat Q: Spammer PAX: Insomniac, gullah, Spammer, wildturkey, retread, fleetwood, Pele, kilowatt FNGs: None COUNT: 8 The Pax were promised an opportunity to win a prize this morning and that prize came in the form of a new Strava Local Legend title. YHC went on a search for nearby segments that seemed vulnerable to a takeover. YHC found a segment on Arboretum View that met all the criteria. The segment was approximately .8 miles long and 3 repeats would be enough to steal the title. @Fleetwood, not wanting the prestige to go to whomever happened to sync their watch first, rose to the occasion and was the only PAX to complete 4 laps, sealing his victory and claiming sole ownership of the title. WTG!
Post-Workout, @Jello and @Watchita graced us with their presence for some 2nd F at Starbucks, where all kinds of interesting conversations were had. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
Until next week…

One armed Side Straddle Hops

Date: 2024-02-08 AO: hydra Q: Tuna PAX: MARTA, Emoji, Mr. Magoo, Queen, Bootlegger, Huddle House, Mikeoelz, Erin Brokavich, deep_dish, puddin_pop, Foghorn FNGs: None COUNT: 12
Posted for @Tuna. @MARTA with commentary. A51s favorite AO returned for brotherhood and a beat down, which was in doubt as our fearless leader arrived at the crack of 5:29. Site Qs were about to rock paper scissors for the honor. In the end, the disclaimer was inadequate and we agreed that Tuna was infact an expert and could be sued.  The resident lawyer did not object.
Mumble chatter consisted of @huddlehouse relaying his harrowing tale of a ski accident.. his one armed SSH are a sight to see. @deep_dish has identified the perfect humidity to maintain your house. @emoji outlined his voyage to NYC in a uhall to fill his daughter’s 200 square foot studio with rent more than your mortgage. @cheese_curd was notably missed again… never shows to the closest workout. The weather is still too cold for half the regular OP crows. Hope to see them soon or on slack. @foghorn scheduled boys weekend in Miami on valentines day.. pray for him.
THE WARMUP Run to Good Sheppard Church 15 Side stratel hops 15 imperial walker 15 merkins 15 lbcs
THE THANG: Run to Circles End 4 corners: Twice 10 Merkins 10 Jump squats 10 Peter Parker’s 10 LBC’s
Run to Church 10 merkins 10 Freddie Mercury’s 10 heels to heaven
Run to bus parking: Partner up Partner up: 50 pull ups, 100 merkins, 150 squats
Finish with 4-5 sprint at the bus parking lot. Tuna takes us out.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood Drive on March 8th, and June 23rd.
Fellowship Friday 630 am at STACKS (Monroe and 51) tomorrow all PAX welcome whether you post or not