Monthly Archive February 2019

Mental block…Mountain Climber

10 Pax should up for the unadvertised version of Joust. Great weather, specific disclaimer “please don’t smash your face today” and off we went.

The winkie called for bookend miles, but after two laps around the track, I already made the the adjustment for just half mile thinking we might get the other half on the back-end. Either way, run to the stairs and wait for instructions.

Great number of guys to keep close but have plenty of room to work. Best part of the AO is the stairs, I am not here enough to see if they get used, but this was the plan.

Warm up- everything below performed on the stairs

Here is where I almost lost the pax as I could not come up with Mountain climber…however I was finally able to spit it out

Mtn climber x 20

Incline merkins x 15

Left leg lung forward and back x10

Right leg lung forward and back x 10

Squat (butt touches the step) x 20

Decline merkin x 15

Offset left arm merkin x 10

Calf Raises x 20

Offset right arm merkins x 10

Main Event- gather to the top of stairs to hear instructions, but back to the stiars for the work

  1. Single stair jump- both feet w/ squat – down and up the stairs
  2. Single stair, double step- lead with the right foot – down and up the stairs
  3. Single stair 1 leg hop- right foot – down and up the stairs
  4. Face the hill, w/two feet, single stair hop – down and up
  5. Bear crawl down the stairs / Bear crawl up the stairs
  6. Double stair jump- both feet w/ squat – down and up the stairs
  7. Double stair, double step- lead with the left foot – down and up the stairs
  8. Single stair 1 leg hop- left foot – down and up the stairs
  9. Face the parking lot, w/two feet, single stair hop – down and up the stairs
  10. Bear crawl down and up the stairs

Brief Ab work

LBC x 35

American Hammer x 15

Freddy Mecury x15

Break into 2 groups

Group 1- 15 dips

Group 2 – run to playground 8 pull ups

6 merkins – 15 dips

4 merkins -15 dips

2 merkins- 15 dips

Proctractor and LBC x20

Mosey to the base of Grandmother Mtn

Running out of time, so run up the mtn, touch fence and run back to the parking lot- your own pace / jail break style


Announcements- Joe David run March 9th

Thank you Duct Work for the take us out

Olde Moleskin

As always, thank you to the Site Q- Duct Work for letting me led today

Thank you all again for not busting your faces toady, plenty of opportunities

I always try to mix up my Q’s. Too hard not to use the stairs at this AO. Few modified which is OK. Still covered 2 miles. Hopefully you feel this one today, I challenge anyone that has the stairs to take them today

Gummy got a boo-boo.. When I got home I was saying telling my M that you got a scratch. My five yr old then chimed in as he also had a scratch and he told me he did not need a band-aid. I assume you have several!

I am not sure why I could not spit up Mtn Climbers in the begining, I kept wanting to say, Merkin…almost lost you all, thanks for staying with me

Light mumble chatter, but you guys put in the work, great job! Have a great weekend!

Back to school at Peak Elementary

Disclaimer, opening announcements, first bell: GO

1st period: PE – Mosey to church lot for calisthenics

2nd period: Math (11s on the hill to the playhouse: Merkin @ top, Plankjack @ bottom)

3rd period: Science – gravity and space/time (pull-ups/hang)

4th period: Music (Sally squats *class favorite*)

5th period: Recess (circle up for “ring around the Mary”)

6th period: Lunge (Eat lunch and run around.  Lunges: split into 1st and 2nd lunch.  1st lunge lunges ~ 2min while other half mosey around perimeter of bus lot, flapjack around 2min mark)

7th period: English (ABCs: Alternating shoulder taps from plank, Bicycle, Crunch, Dolly, Extra-slow Merkins)

8th period: Social Studies (WWII situps, air presses, Grandpa Jacks)

9th period: Art (plank chalk art)


Joe Davis run is March 9th and if you haven’t signed up yet, you suck.  If you can’t go, donate and/or get the shirt.


I like a good 0530 beatdown as much as the next guy, but really love it when you’re having too much fun to mind the pain.  So YHC did his best to come up with something fun that pushed us.  I hope you had a good day at school.  Be sure to leave your comments with Principal Sensei or his secretary, Miss Lois.


Apologies to the men who posted: I recorded names during COT, but didn’t push “Save” before I closed that app. I’ll add names in comments if I can’t get help before publishing.

Remembering the Fallen #86

11 Meatheads honored the memory of our fallen firefighters and got after it.  This is how we did it:


SSH IC x 86

(you read that right)

Part One:

20 reps each:


2-Handed Swings

Upright Rows

Goblet Squats

Flutter Press – 4 Count


Triceps Extension

4 rounds of above to = 80 reps each

6 reps of each in cadence to finish 86 reps of each

Part Two:

Farmer Carry 86 steps down. Now come back. If your bells don’t way the same, that’s life, train for it.

Partners: 86 Double Swings per team, switching off as needed

6 MOM: Freddie Mercury, LBC’s, Alternating Toe Touches, The Egg, The Protractor, Flutter Press, Heels to Heaven

The What and The Why of 86:

We lost 86 firefighters in 2018. This work-out is in memory of those who lost their lives serving their communities, protecting their fellow men, women, and children from fire, accident, and unforeseen medical emergencies. This work-out is in memory of those wives, husbands, children, and parents left behind. Let them not be forgotten. Thank a firefighter or first responder next time you see them.

The Pax got after it today and not much mumble chatter was heard.  When YHC arrived at 5:20 there were a bunch of empty cars. 60% called for the Meat Runners to do some pre-running.  This was a cardio-intensive WOD, so T-Claps to those who doubled down for a pre-run. I think the following get the nod, but if I missed someone my apologies.  In fact, I may be giving someone extra credit. Oh, well… Fletch, Wild turkey, Chin Music, Header, Fireman Ed, Witch Doctor. Fletch was working with a heavy looking bell, not long after enjoying the sites of Moab, UT where he completed a high altitude ultra-marathon.  Wild turkey was also alternating between 2 heavy bells. Fireman Ed seemed to be involved in the most commentary today, and was mistaken for Jimi Hendrix (but not Eddie Van Halen). Chin Music and Header seemed to be carrying on a long conversation all morning, as usual.  Seems like Baracas and Fireman Ed got involved at a few points. Sounds like there are a few Clemson fans among us and they are happy these days. For a while, I was happy for them. No, really. I even texted one of my Clemson friend’s at midnight on 1/7/19 to congratulate him.  I’ve accepted it and felt truly happy that these fans get to enjoy a little bit of what Bama fans have been enjoying for around 10 years now. However, I think I’m done now. It’s been about a month. I’m tired of seeing so much Orange. Flashbacks of Auburn fans. Ready for September and another season.  However, I’ll officially congratulate Gummy here, since he is one of the few who still read these back blasts apparently. Where was I? Oh, yes. Homer, Witch Doctor, and Bundle dug in and kept putting in the work with each rep too. And Hoover took the lead on the partner double KB swings, knocking out 20 up front, setting the pace, and encouraging me to push a little harder.  Thanks to all the pax for working so hard this morning.

The mary go round was an add-on.  This WOD in the garage took a little longer and I figured we’d not quite finish the 86 double KB swings.  As usual, the pax worked hard and fast. The crowd pleaser was The Egg. After consulting the Exicon, The Egg does not exist.  Fireman Ed got some flack for it this morning. However, it was difficult for YHC to get 1 correct rep in. So, here’s a plug for F3 Gumby on Wednesdays.  I know I need more broga work. However, the mary exercise that I found most difficult was BA’s Protracted Protractor. Took forever.

Thanks to the site Q’s for the opportunity to lead this am.  It’s hard for many of us to step up and chose to lead. Let’s try to find some way to do a better job leading others, at home, at work, with family, friends, strangers.  Find a way to thank someone for something and do something nice for someone else. It may just save someone’s life. Let’s take a moment to admit something to someone and apologize where needed.  Let’s look at all the things we have to be grateful for. Let’s forget our selfish desires for a moment and try to really be third, putting God (or some power greater than us) first, our family and others 2nd, and ourselves 3rd.  

Lastly, if you missed a few reps today like me, either from taking a breather and starting the next set a few seconds late or just not being able to keep perfect form past rep 18 out of 20, that’s ok. We kept ourselves from getting hurt. However, we owe ourselves and each other these reps. Join me this week and finish out the last few reps on your own one night or this weekend. You’ll be better for it.

PAX: Fletch, Homer, Wild Turkey, Fireman Ed, Baracus, Chin Music, Header, Witch Doctor, Bundle, Hoover, MAD (QIC).



? + ? + ?


Warming Up is Essential

Dry, May-like conditions made getting warm the inevitable result of exiting one’s car. Disclaimed then things started heating up already on the mosey over to the least natural strip of rectangle grass you can imagine (very Waverly). Circle demanded and received. 

  • 20 Side Straddle Hops (IC)
  • 15 Mountain Climbers (IC
  • 10 Low Slow Lunge (Civ Count)
  • 9 Windmills
  • 15 Slow Push-Ups (Civ Count)

off we jog to the parking deck

Damned Challenge Business

For those not doing it, tough; this was a purely #swole challenge completion oriented but ended up yielding some heavy breathing. 

snag a partner

  • 5 pull-ups (partner counts, encourages or assists)
  • flapjack
  • 10 hand-slap partner pushups
  • 15 Superman’s together.

4 rounds

mosey out of the deck around to the sludge pond, pointing out the top of the hill, park benches, and bottom of the hill.

Nothing Fancy

There’s this picturesque body of water-ish stuff southeast of the Viva, just outside of the Waverly complex. There’s a little 250 meter hill that hugs the semi-circular rim of the west side. Pretty sure the contents of the “lake” are spawning some Ninja Turtles right now.

  • gather at the base of the hill.
  • Run to the Top (1/2 mile pace, 1/4 mile pace, 200 meter pace)
  • mosey to the benches
  • first to arrive leads jump lunges until the 6 is in.
  • strict plank after 6 arrives (1-min)
  • 15 push-ups OYO
  • mosey down to base of hill.

Thrice, despite some grumble-chatter.

Jog back to the rectangular dog-piss turf. Line up around the perimeter.

Some Minutes of Mary

Due to the high-winds that are prevalent in the inner Waverly pass, YHC had to stand in the center this time and endure the dog piss grass. Quick 7 ish minutes of core and push-ups.

  • 10 Push-Ups, OYO
  • 20 Heels to Heaven IC
  • 10 Push-Ups, OYO
  • 20 Flutter IC
  • 10 Push-Ups, OYO
  • 20  Crunch, IC
  • 10 Push-Ups, OYO
  • 10 6-inch Plank Jack, IC
  • 10 Push-Ups, OYO
  • 15 Chippy Cross, IC
  • 10 Push-Ups, OYO

Jog the wrong way. Nearly all PAX chiming in to point out the time. Clearly, they’ve never posted for an Argo Q; have we ever been late… no. Punctuality is all there is. It’s a piece of imperturbable binary in the natural order; you are either on-time, or late. There is no gray. #digression


  • All you got back to launch. (Optional to yell, “Viva Chicken”)

Arrived at 6:14:45:001. For circles, counting, naming, and such. Transporter takes us out, and we done.


  • FNG (Tourniquet) had a solid first day, and seemed to enjoy all the frivolous running about that was done.
  • Doc and Transporter (F3 power couple) crushed a pre-run, and didn’t miss a beat in main event. 
  • Someone sharted in the parking deck. Thankfully, this was during the last circuit, so we GTFO. Claim it in the comments.
  • To busy trying not to flub the first return Q to notice much else; anything newsworthy can be added in comments if you have 25 minutes to reset your WP login, re-navigate to this page, type your comment, lose it in a refresh, type a shorter version, then hit post twice.

Where My Pax At? – v. Chiseled

5 man braved the coldfought through the rain … enjoyed a mild 52 degree morning out at chiseled. Hence the title….Where My Pax At?? (I know the answer, Dromedary getting their WAMRAP on. As for the 5 of us…we were in for some good old fashioned station work.


Mosey over to the brick pile, grab a pair of bricks, 1 lap around mount chiseled and back to start. Circle up.

With bricks in hand:

  • SSH x 20
  • Merkins x 15
  • Low Slow Squats x 15
  • Reverse Fly x 20
  • Shoulder Press x 20


After a quick mosey around the median, it was time for some station work. Since there was only 5 of us, we broke into two groups (of 2 and 3).

5 minutes at each station w/ 30 seconds to recover between each station….and go!

  • Station 1: Partner 1 flips the big tire while #2 runs to the end of the lot and back. Flapjack until time is up
  • Station 2: Partner 1 grabs a cinder block and does bicep curl + squat thrust while #2 runs. Flapjack until time is up
  • Station 3: Partner 1 on the big rope while #2 runs. Flapjack until time is up
  • Station 4: Each Partner grabs a smash ball. Together do 25 bicep curls and 25 tricep extension every minute for the 5 minutes
  • Station 5: Down to the pit of misery. Together do 25 dips and 10 jump-ups every minute for the 5 minutes
  • Station 6: Together do 10 master splinters every minute for the 5 minutes

After the station work we still had a minute to kill, so a final mosey to the end of the lot and back brought us to time.


Lots of grunts and groans heard from the group today, so I’ll take that as a success. Everyone seemed to really be pushing hard. I appreciate Damascus using his last couple reps of tire flips to keep moving the tire closer to it’s home. For anyone keeping track – Shake and Bake did show up for his pre-run, but I don’t think anyone had the courage to join him (YHC included).


  • Banjo on Q tomorrow at floater – that already happened….womp
  • There’s a Father-Daughter dance coming up in early March and a handful of PAX are attending (Banjo had more detail the I forgot to record)

Get Buff With Your Local Film Buff

The warm weather and promises of show tunes from the previous day’s AO was enough to get 19 pax out to get stronger and gain some appreciation for the arts. Though YHC had mentioned “show tunes” he was going in a different direction and desired the screen over the stage for this workout (a little seed of truth there probably for YHC’s own personal life too). Not wanting to break a promise though, YHC desperately racked his brain to find a way to fit some Broadway into the mix. Luckily YHC spotted Flo Jo (semi-cotters) in the group, who was actually wearing a Hamilton t-shirt. How perfect is that?!? Problem solved. YHC spit some quick rhymes from Hamilton the Musical. Disclaimer given. Off we go to the movies…..not the stage…..

The Thang:
– Warm up lap around school (not sure about others, but Chariots of Fire was playing in YHC’S head – probably b/c I run so slow it looks like slo motion)
– COP IC x 21 (in honor of Meryl Streep who’s been nominated for the most Oscars of any actor. Note: in the “biz” everyone is just an “actor”)
Hand release merkin
Peter Parker (Marvel movie fans anyone?)
Parker Peter (DC movie fans anyone?)
– Mosey to church
– Catch Me If You Can (Frank Abagnale, Jr. wrote $2.5M in fraudulent checks before being caught. He has sense consulted with the FBI and other agencies on check, money and securities fraud. Great movie…decent Broadway show).
Partner 1: run with a lifting rock (that’s right) around church
Partner 2: called exercise; chase partner down; flapjack
Reps of 8 (in honor of the 8 films nominated for Oscars’ Best Picture 2019); 4 double merkin burpees (8 total for you John Nash’s out there #ABeautifulMind), 8 squats; 8 lunges
– Mosey to back parking lot
We now pay homage to one of the best “school” movies — Billy Madison and Chris Farley RIP (“That Veronica Vaughn is one piece of Ace”). In honor of Farley who played the bus driver and his 33 years on this planet:
Partner 1: plank
Partner 2: jump over partner’s legs x 16
Flapjack (partner 2 does 17 jumps to get to “33”)
Note: Our very own Bugeater had a beer with Farley in Hawaii. True story. Ask him about it sometime.
Mosey to baseball fields (this is where the F3 Gods or Jesus Christ – however you lean spiritually – shined upon us). Somehow, someway, the field lights were on (YHC has some pull. not really. but claimed I did).
As pax arrive to field, murmurs of James Earl Jones and Kevin Costner start to trickle in. YHC asks pax “Is this heaven?” YHC answers his own question, “No, it’s Iowa.”
After many guesses as to the highest grossing baseball film of all time (not The Natural, Bull Durham or Major League…or Major League II…or Major League: Back to the Minors)…..YHC reveals the ladies take the prize here: A League of Their Own, released in 1992, grossed $107,533,928 (not adjusted for inflation).
Pax perform a modified Jack Webb 1:1 (merkin:air press) based on the position numbers on the diamond (props to HIPAA for using this months ago….YHC completely stole it). End in right field with 9 merkins and 9 air presses.
Partner up again:
Partner 1: Run to left field flag pole and back
Partner 2: 9 burpees
– Mosey to launch
We end with an ultimate ancient war movie: 300. YHC assures pax if they want to have abs like those actors then we need to do 300 ab exercises. Fun fact: only 298 Spartans died that day in the battle at Thermopylae. 298 would be a terrible movie name.
Civilian count to 50:
American Hammer
Plank for 50 seconds (5, 10 counts)
YHC forgets one exercise (Freddy Mercury) so we only do 250 abs…oh well. Sometimes you make a mistake on set and it ends up on the final cut.

*2.5 miles total (approx). Felt like 2.8.

Gummy began the mumble chatter the night before with a Les Miserables reference. YHC replied with a quote from The Breakfast Club (Puddin’ Pop and Jet Fuel….sorry I couldn’t bring more John Hughes today). On the warm up lap there were calls to watch out for “toys” lying in the road (not the children’s kind of toy….). I think it actually was just a piece of wood (pun intended). All pax avoided it and had a good laugh b/c we’re all really just adolescent-minded boys deep down (#Big #TomHanks). Whatever angel (#AngelsInTheOutfield) turned the field lights on — BLESS YOU. Great to see Flo Jo out and thanks for wearing a Broadway shirt. It was fashionable yet functional and Hamilton is a BadA** musical so no shade whatsoever (and b/c YHC digs a good musical anyway). One Eye is just a machine and was kind enough to draft me and not get ahead of the Q on the warmup lap, but it still must have been tough for him to dial it down a gear even after a run-in. Missed Leprechaun today (and people say he looks like Collin Ferrell – which would have played nicely with the movie theme). Floor Slapper was a great partner to YHC, he’s just a solid guy in general. Always a great group at Hydra. Great athletes, great friends, great men all around. And……that’s a wrap.

YHC is helping to plan a Men’s Retreat “Mission Uprising”. March 14-17 at YMCA Camp Harrison. If you like your F3 Band of Brothers, you will LOVE Mission Uprising. It’s life changing…catch me sometime and I’ll share a first hand account of how it can provide a space and platform to heal years of bondage and save marriages. Financial scholarships available.

Cheese Curd is looking for fellowship and someone(s) to suffer with him for the GORUCK Savage in CLT on May 18. Ask Curd for more details.

Sprockets is on Q for Rock Zero. He promises NO show tunes, but there will be daylight. So you’ve got that going for you, if you’re strong enough to post.

Nice Morning for a Run

After getting a good gear workout at Chiseled yesterday led by Wedding Singer I decided we needed to run at the Ol’ 87/Floater. I also decided instead of playing frogger with the cars on Providence we would stay on our side and find some new ground. Props to the site Q’s at the filthy Floater for setting the standard on DCSS, we were adequately prepared with headlamps, vest, cell phones and CPR certifications. With a nice warm morning and many Lawsonites at home mashing the snooze button it was time to take a stroll…….

With the help of the Zin Man who by the way is a freaking Gazelle now, we found a nice road leading out of downtown Waxhaw that actually had a sidewalk. After a quick warm-up in the church parking lot where I was told to keep the Banjo racket down a few times it was time to illuminate the headlamps.

The Thang:

Come out of church parking lot and cross Waxhaw-Marvin Road to find sidewalk. One mile out to intersection of Helms and Waxhaw-Marvin Road and one mile back. Made a stop out at the Barn for Partner work:

-Partner Al Gore 50 Hand Slaps

-10 Hand slap Merkins

-3 burpee hand slaps at the top

Way back did some LBC’s at the Barn(nice smooth surface for Moneyball)

Stopped at the Picnic shelter for 50 dips and some planks

4 Corners-Hit each exercise on the way out and run back to the beginning every time for 10 Merkins.

-Four Corners: 15 Squats, 15 Speed Skater, 15 LBC’s 15 SSH


It was nice to get back out and Q at the site of my VQ, eventhough it is the old dirty Floater. Crazy how warm it was this morning but luckily no nasty white v-neck t-shirts were rung out afterwards. Everyone pushed hard and luckily we were spaced out far enough that complaining wasn’t to be heard. There will definitely be some sore hammys tomorrow so in the words of the Great Steve Smith “ice up”.


Father Daughter March 1st

Reach out to a Pax that hasn’t been in awhile, check on them

Stood Up at Davie Park

It’s been so long since I’ve done a backblast I clearly have forgotten how to post one.  Anyway, there were men at the workout.  Strong men.  Men that like to run and jump.  It’s been over 24 hours since the workout, so my memory of exactly which men were at the workout has already begun to fade.  I think there was a Fletch.  A Smokey for sure.  Smash was there.  Stone Cold was there too.  Puddin for sure.  Uncle Leo, yep.  And Snowflake.  If I’ve missed anyone I’m sorry. As far as what we did.  We worked out for 45 minutes.  There was running involved, going to/from Davie Park, and while on the side road at the park.  There were merkins… 100 I believe.. nothing too excessive.  Dips and pull ups… 40ish and 20ish, respectively.  And about 200 squats.  Stone Cold won the biggest truck award.  Fletch won best beard.  Puddin had the best sweat.  Uncle Leo with best bed head.  Smash with loudest idling vehicle.  Snowflake with best pre run.  And Smokey with best KEnny Stabler lookalike. 

Put the end of your hose in the bush(es)

Warm temps brought out the best WUC had to offer on Monday morning.  The clock struck 05:15 and 8 PAX were off under the watchful eye of a friendly Union County sheriff’s deputy.  He witnessed the following:

05:15 Disclaimer & mosey from launch site towards Target stopping at the far corner for 20 SSH IC. 
The roving COP yogged to the next far corner for 20 Low Slow Squats IC. 
The caravan of Pax completed the last COP exercise at the midpoint of the parking lot with 10 Merkins IC.

The Warm UP
Line up on the curb facing the far end.  Before us are 6 parking islands and we quickly put them to work as our 1st pain station.
At each island, perform 6 reps of called exercise.  Complete 6 times. 6 Islands, 6 reps, 6 times a/k/a The Beast
Exercises consist of 1) Merkins 2) Jump Squats 3) LBC 4) Carolina Dry Dock 5) Sister Mary Catherine 6) American Hammer
Warm Up over

The Main Event
YHC overheard a comment that I wasn’t going to be invited back when the Beast was called. I guess if it’s a one & done type of Q, may as well give it all I got.
Mosey to corner 3 of the Target parking lot, hang a left and head back towards the launch point.  Along the way, we find our 2nd pain station.  YHC has strategically placed 9 different stations in the parking lot.  The idea is for each Pax member to pick a station (2-8) and performed the called exercise until the Pax at station 1 finishes a down & back lap, then everyone moves one station to the right.  The wild card is that station 1 (timer station) has a 40ft long, 50lb fire hose that ‘s ready to be put into action.  
Station 1 = pull the hose past the island (approx. 40 yards) and back 
Station 2 = Merkins
Station 3 = Jump Squat
Station 4 = LBC
Station 5 = Wide Arm Merkins
Station 6 = SSh
Station 7 = American Hammer
Station 8 = Carolina Tri Docks
Repeat the circuit 2X

6 Minutes of Mary
LBC / Flutter / Freddie Mercury / Pretzel Crunch (each side) X 20 IC


I was honored when Damascus asked me via text on an early January morning to Q Asylum on Feb 4.  I quickly obliged and once he knew he had me, he followed up his original text with one that simply said, “In full disclosure, that’s the Monday after the Super Bowl”.  The guys at Asylum are like the New England Patriots — you can throw anything at them and they keep giving it their best and perform at the top of their game.  Every. Single. Time.
There isn’t a harder working group of Pax in the F3 Nation.  Proof of that claim was the fire hose pull.  The immediate grumble chatter about the hose led me to believe it was making it’s first appearance at Asylum.  To ease everyone into their first experience with the coupon, YHC instructed to pull the hose to the first island and to run back.  2nd man up was to run down & pull it back.  Damascus set the stage early and modified — he pulled the hose down AND back.  No one was going to let him work harder than they were, so each man followed suit.  YHC even noticed that on the 2nd round, guys were ramming the leading edge of their hose thru the bush #thatswhatshesaid — an extra 15 yards away.
Lesser AOs leave the hose at the pain station and make the Q tidy up after COT, but not these fine gentlemen.  The Pax was so enamored with the coupon, they pulled it back to the launch site.
 During Pain Station #2 chatter turned to the big game from the night before, Tom Brady, Julian Edleman, PED’s and then somehow focused on Damascus, his home in Maine, and his nipples.  I’ll leave the rest to you imagination.

TClaps to all 9 who forced themselves out of the fartsack on the morning of a day that has more people calling in sick than any other da of the year.

Thanks to Damascus for asking me to lead such a fine group.  It was an honor

Q Source following
Joe Davis – March 9

Monthly Dromedary WAM-Rocks!

20 strong warriors decided it was perfect weather today to compete against their brothers (and themselves) in the monthly AMRAP at the Marvin Ridge HS small track . Seeing Dasher, Easy Button, and Abacus at the start, we all knew the pace would be fast!


This was the second installment of the “new” AMRAP course, consisting of 7 stations and timed at 30 minutes. The stations looked like this:

Station 1 – Derkins x (20)

Station 2 – Donkey Kicks x (20)

Station 3 – Jump Squats x (20)

Station 4 – Tricep Extensions x (20) *Note…lifting rocks were larger than normal today!

Station 5 – Bicep Curls x (20)

Station 6 – Overhead Press x (20)

Station 7 – +(1) Burpee per Lap Completed


Everyone worked really hard today, which was evidenced by the fact that there was not much of a gap between us all. We all love to compete, and even when we want to sandbag it, something (our brothers) drives us to over-achieve.

Here are the results:

Goodfella – 7.0 Laps

OneStar – 6.5 Laps

Easy Button – 6.5 Laps

Abacus (R) – 6.4 Laps

Dasher – 6.4 Laps

Tupperware (2.0) – 6.1 Laps

Dana – 6.1 Laps

Rockwell – 5.5 Laps

Rubbermaid (R) – 5.5 Laps

Johnny Utah (R) – 5.4 Laps

Boucher – 5.4 Laps

Centerfold – 5.4 Laps

Garbage Plate (2.0) – 5.4 Laps

Pocahontas – 5.4 Laps

Illiterate – 5.4 Laps

LazyBoy (R) – 5.4 Laps

Mad Dog – 5.4 Laps

Boitano – 5.0 Laps

RunFlat – 5.0 Laps

The Grease Monkey (R) – 4.5 Laps


QSource – don’t be afraid to attend, fellas. Mad Dog reminded us that there are many opportunities to participate in Union County (M at Wesley Chapel Chick Fila, Sat at McDonalds after Commitment) and in SOB. If you know any Pax who can’t workout but would like to be involved with QSource, please invite them. We can all afford to learn more about Leadership, and share our experiences with the Pax. We are LEADERS in our homes, communities, workplaces, churches, etc. Male Leadership Matters!

Dana will be on Q next Wednesday. He has the Shovel Flag, and he said he’s going to plan a good beating for everyone!

YHC took us out in prayer. Please keep Jinger Kelley (Johnny Utah’s wife) in your prayers. She is having major back surgery soon.