Monthly Archive December 2018

1000 Rep Challenge

12 Pax decided to join me on a cold (45 degrees) wet day to see what this 1000 rep challenge was all about.  I rarely steal workouts from my wife who is a personal trainer at the YMCA, but this one I thought would be good to adapt to F3.  The goal is to do 100 reps of 10 exercises for 1000 total reps.  For her classes, they only have 45 minutes to do this, and typically only the elite athletes get to all 1000 reps.  I wanted to incorporate more running into this challenge and put out on GroupMe that we would do 1000 reps and 3 miles.  Apparently that peaked some pax interest to the point that one of them bet me that if we hit 3 miles – he would do 15 Burpees.  Challenge accepted Money Ball.


Mosey up to the Kensington School.  Reclaculating reminded me not to shoot my wad too early.  (Thanks for the reminder).  Backed off my pace halfway through.  As we approached the school doors, Recalc again reminded me that we had 2.0’s in tow (3 of them) and that the separation was getting pretty far.  I audibled the plan and had the pax turn around to pick up the 6.  We then found a light to circle up (which as soon as we did, the light went out).  Proper disclaimer given.


50 SSH’s (calves burning towards the end)

Mosey down past the cars to the baseball circle.  Squats while we wait on the 6.

25 SSH’s

Jimmy Duggans

25 SSH’s

Mountain Climbers in sets of 25 with the count 2 = 1 (only count your right foot).  25 at the start, 25 at first light, 25 at second light, and 25 at the Park/school drive entrance.

Partner Up for rock work.  Partner 1 rock press, Partner 2 Run to school curb and back.  Each Pax does 100 presses on their own.  Keep going until last person has completed 100 (Some got way over 100 presses)

Partner 1 – 20 curls.  Partner 2 – 20 slow tricep dips for 5 rounds (until you reach 100 of each exercise).  Rocks up and squats while waiting for the 6 to finish.  

Short mosey to Millbridge neighborhood road.  Group 1 run two mailboxes up then start lunges.  Group 2, Lunge from the start until you see group 1 start lunges then run two mailboxes in front of them.  (I was worried that I would’t be able to explain this properly or that pax wouldn’t understand.  I was pleasantly surprised by how the group quickly picked up on this).  During this stretch I looked down at the watch to check time an mileage.  6:56 and 1.28 miles.  Yikes.  For the first time that day I had doubts that we may not get to 3 miles.  We reached the end of the road and I asked for the lowest count of lunges.  I heard 75, so as a group we did 25 lunges towards the Clubhouse.  Once you this 25, you jail broke.  It was towards the end of my sprint that I found a small lake.  I believe I scared Chainsaw as I was scrambling to get out of the middle of said lake.  I may have attempted to climb up him to get dry.  As my feet hit dry land, I hear Recalculating (who was ahead of me) say “oh yeah, watch out for that huge puddle right there”  Perhaps a little earlier next time recalc?

Find curb and do 100 toe taps on your own.  Squat while waiting for the 6.

I had planned to do the next exercise going up the incredibly steep and long hill at Millbridge, but with the number of 2.0’s we had along with having to dodge cars last time, I thought it best to stay in the parking lot.  10 Merkins at one island, sprint the parking lot, and 10 jump squats at the far island.  10 rounds for a total of 100 each.  Watch check….7:15 (ALREADY???!!!!).  I was running out of time.  I called an audible and asked everyone to meet up at the first island and knock out remaining merkins and squats without the run.  Most had gotten 7 to 8 rounds in already so it didn’t take long to knock out the remaining reps.

Quick mosey to the wooden bridge where I was hoping to find a dry spot.  I was worried about cars coming through, and saw an over hang that appeared to cover the sidewalk so I relocated the group the the sidewalk for 100 LBC’s.  It was not dry.  In fact, it was soaking wet.  As I did LBC’s, I kept hearing this strange suction noise my back was making against the wet concrete.  It sounded gross (Much like the sound I picture when Zin tells the story of the 400 pound girl he had the one night stand with in college.).  I think I lost a lot of the Pax confidence at this point as the mumble chatter got hot.  We did 50 civilian count with a 5 second Bread Bowl count break followed by 50 civilian count again.

Quick mosey back to “lunge” road.  Time check.  10 minutes left, but wait….what is this…..2.79 miles.  Oh, we can get 3 miles in 10 minutes.  Mosey to top of hill, turn around for 6.  Mosey to end of street, turn around for 6.  Shout out to Rudy for pushing really hard here.  Dude was at the front (yes FRONT) of the pack for this part.  Awesome job.   Quick watch check.  5 minutes and 2.9 miles.  Lets mosey some more…back past the cars to the circle.  Watch Check.  7:26.  2.99 miles.  Mosey back to cars picking up 6 along the way.  

3 Minutes left…needed an exercise we could do 100 of in 3 minutes.  Peter Parkers on your own.  When I hit 100 I went to grab my phone and asked the pax to do air presses once they finished.  Got back to the circle right as Recalculating called time.  Watch Check – 3.06 Miles!  Oh crap, I better stop the watch so the GroupMe haters can’t claim I got to 3 miles by going over time……and boom, workout watch time came in just under 60 minutes at 59:40.

Quick Summary of 1000 reps: 

100 SSH, 100 Mountain Climbers, 100 Rock Presses, 100 Curls, 100 Tricep Dips, 100 Lunges, 100 Toe Taps, 100 Merkins, 100 Squat jumps, 100 LBC’s, 100 Parker Peters.  For those good at math you will note that is actually 1100 reps.  Yes, I may have not been keeping up with how many exercises we did, plus we had 3 minutes to kill at the end.


Great job today Gentleman.  Lot of hard work put in.  Really impressed by Rudy’s push today (was it because his son was there???).  

Always good having the 2.0’s out there.  I try my best to put together a workout that all fitness levels (and age levels) can do while keeping it hard for everyone.  That is often times easier said than done, especially with 2.0’s.  That being said, I think its great getting them out there and exposing them to our values (maybe not our culture, but our values are great).

Watch checks: Recalc over 4 miles.  Southern Belle and I’s Fitbit had us just over 3 miles with 801 (SB) and 853 (mine) calories burned.  Popeye had us a a freckle past a monkeys @$$, and Dough Boy laughed at us for having watches.

Interestingly enough, both Southern Belle and I had a max heart beat over 200 (I had 207 and he had 206).  Previously my highest heart rate had been 182.  Impressive.

Lively discussion at Coffeteria – which I always enjoy.  A few of the pax learned a new work term today – Ghosting.

We all need to say a prayer for Bread Bowl as he dropped Dough Boy’s large coffee (filled to the top) in the parking lot walking to the cars.  All I heard from Dough Boy was “Really Bread Bowl???!!!”  Poor kid.  It was a good 11 years Bread Bowl.  I will miss your insults hurled Zin’s way.


I just recently learned of one of our brothers that went (and may still be going through) a hard time.  Shame of me for it taking 3 months to realize this.  I don’t know what they do or don’t want shared so I will leave it at that.  I urged/challenged the group today to reach out to other pax, especially this time of year which can be hard on some, to make sure they are doing well.  If you are having a hard time, let someone know.  I’ve offered it before and I will do it here in writing….I will buy the beer if you need to talk.

And we’re the three best friends that anyone could have…..

On an cold, rainy Friday morning, three pax decided to show up and give Mountain Goat a go. Here’s what we did:

We stretched. We ran to the Starbucks at the end of Bevington and back. We stretched. We then left.  



Super grateful for these guys coming out to push me. It really was a horrible, gross day to do anything other than sleep. In fact, that’s what a bunch of the normal guys seemed to do (yeah I went there. I’m talking to you, person reading the BBlast who didn’t show up.) But I digress…

Woke up this morning with no idea that the weather was going to be as bad as it was, so I decided to do the pre run. Headed into the parking lot right on time, and the iron machine known as Slim Fast wasn’t there. Puzzled, I decided to wait for a moment- and he rolled up a couple of minutes late…. looking like he got run over by a truck. 

He let me know that he was really under the weather, and wasn’t going to run in this mess, and three wheeled it out of the parking lot. With that, my first unofficial Q of Mountain Goat was under way. A quick solo mile pre run led me to hope and pray everyone else decided to just take the day, so I could get out of this mess. That prayer was not answered, as Insomniac and Adobe had rolled up. So… we’re committed. 

We did an nice an easy warm up down Strawberry to the Rosecliff intersection. We then set out. Discussion was had about pace- Insomniac initially wanted to start out around a 4 and a half minute mile, but Adobe had come out for the first time in a while so we settled on an easy 5 minute mile pace.

We struck out, and things were alright for about a half a mile- until we reached the hump in the road- not the bump. There’s a huge difference between the two if you didn’t know. We were up on that plateau for like 5 minutes… and finally came down right by the house at the bottom of Coburn that I merloted at that one time.  Just hanging there was a pack of rabid turkeys blocking our path- so Insomniac fought them off with a trident. It was crazy. He killed like 45 of them, so he’ll probably have to lay low for a little bit.

Once we got onto Bevington, we appropriated a small wooden ship that apparently some child had been building, and used it to sail down to the fabled land of overpriced sugary coffee. 

Once there, we traded the ship in for several Decaf, no foam soy  Carmel Macchiatos, and struck out back towards South Charlotte Middle.  Adobe disappeared for half a mile, only to jump out of an unmarked SUV at the top of Bevington. He wouldn’t talk about what happened- something about “Family Business.”

From there, it was pretty uneventful- we had to dodge turkey carcasses , I almost threw up the bannna I had earlier heading up the hill on Coburn and we had a beard growing contest from Brown’s Pond to Rosecliff (Insomniac won…. with Adobe in a close second). Total mileage ended up being around 4.20 (Go Boone!).

Seriously- I’m so grateful for these guys. Insomniac keeps on getting stronger and stronger, while I’m so glad to see Adobe made it back out. Adobe and I actually talked about how he hadn’t been out in a while last Friday at work, and he Hard Committed to coming back out. T Claps to holding to it even with the weather. 

Insomniac said something insightful as we were walking back to the cars. Essentially, if we can come out and run in this weather, we can do it anytime- and I totally agree with that. At the end of it all, we were all wet, cold, tired- and better off for it. It’s the magic of F3- no matter the weather, no matter how many show up, we all sharpen one another. I’m so grateful these guys showed up- I know I was better for it. 

Thanks Slim and Retread for letting me lead- hope both of yall feel better!


7 years of bootcamps, backblasts & brotherhood.

In a cold, driving rain storm – Margo planted the shovel flag….long may it wave at Centurion.  YHC got out of the car at 5:29:15…and was told the time by Mermaid shortly thereafter.  Unbeknownst to the co-site Q and N’antan emeritus, YHC had secured a new Garmin (via a gift from friends), so no need for the assist…much obliged anyway.

Without even a cursory disclaimer #cobains – the pax ran straight over to Tartarus where we would spend the totality of the beatdown.  This would be a bootcamp in every sense of the word.  Hillary, one of our guests from F3Metro, told me it was 1.2 miles.  Part of the mission accomplished.

We planked up when we got into the warm, dry confines of Tartarus.  YHC then started COP with Dancing Chilcutts IC.  Purple Haze correctly pointed out that was probably the strangest start to a COP in Area51 history.  Another part of the mission accomplished.

Don’t really remember all we did, but YHC planned to call many of my favorite exercises from the past 7 years (12/12/2011 was my FNG post on a Wednesday at Bandit in F3Metro…way back when the only Area 51 workout in existence was the creatively named Saturday workout “Area 51”).

This list included, but is by no means limited to the following:

BsTW, Makthar N’Djaiye, Walther N’Djaiye, Hand-Release Merkin, Hand-Release Burpee, Backwards run, Squat Jump, Cumberland County Viaduct, Freddy Mercury, Flutter, Slow Flutter, One-legged Dolly, Little Baby Crunch, Plankorama of various sorts to include Christian Laettner, Bearcrawl – forward and backward, Lungewalk – forward and back

Saw My Sharona at lunch earlier this week, and he said he should post at Centurion again soon.  Told him I was on Q this week, and he made good on his word and brought a guest – Torpedo.  Thankfully Torpedo was not an FNG.  I asked shortly after we started, so that I made up for the weak disclaimer as well as softened Mermaid’s disapproval.  Welcome back My Sharona.  Come back soon and bring Torpedo again as well as other pax.

Chelms, the intrepid Twitterverse traveler, was there.  He’s been there, meaning Centurion, more than any of you other $#!#$!%!@’s!  Look it up!

Checkpoint posted for the 2nd week in a row at Centurion.  New habit forming?  Not sure Hillary will be back…think I ruined it for him – not nearly enough running.  You do know a bootcamp workout is not 4.5 miles at a dead sprint with a few bad form merkins and burpees interspersed, right?

Brilleaux, everyone’s favorite French Iowan, was there.  No hands-on-hips squats anymore, but did opt for the hands-on-hips lunge walk.  Love it!

Lorax was there, too, and spent most of his time ruminating on past Tarheel basketball teams, NCAA tourney losses, and explained how he is constantly haunted by the ghost of André Miller.

Thunder Road and Scratch & Win were there….Scratch bragging that he got there early – at 5:26…might have to go to the videotape on that one brother.   Love you.  Mean it.  Called both Thunder and Scratch out on the barely discernible squat they were performing.  Scratch adjusted…Thunder did not.  Love it!

Marconi, old man strong and unorthodox, chose to go face-to-face with his closest fellow squatter.  Weird.  Next Q of his — look out for the chest-to-chest partner carries.

Snuka was working so hard (as usual) that he didn’t even notice the 17 leaves on his bald dome.  Probably acquired during the BsTW.  I wiped his crown clean during Nameorama.  You’re welcome.

Clover is the fastest backwards runner I’ve seen in Area51.  He assured us he did not play defensive back at Notre Dame…nor at St. Francis of Whosyourdaddy, nor at Charlotte Catholic.  HIPAA asked about his football past and future.  Perhaps now that you’re getting in shape – you can activate that unused eligibility in the shadow of Touchdown Jesus.  #Rudy #Gipper

Utah, as is his custom, just looked at the Q throughout the downpainment as if he’s an idiot.  He’s right, of course.

In addition to being an idiot, YHC is also an unabashed fan of this thing we call F3.  Are you?  If so, EH someone and invite them to join a fellowship that is changing men’s lives like no other organization I’ve ever been a part of…to include a handful of churches in 4 different states, civic organizations, corporations & small businesses.

Thankful to Margo & Mermaid for the privilege of Q’ing at one of my favorite AO’s.  In my 7 years of F3, I haven’t counted #’s of workouts, AO’s, Q’s, miles, etc. like some of you freaks.  But I do try to take note of your names, your stories, your victories and your struggles.  That’s what brothers do.

So before I start crying on my keyboard and inviting even more ridicule than I’ve already earned – I’ll sign off with this:

  • There is a lie that’s been told to men since the beginning of time.  It goes something like this: “You’re on you own.  No one cares.  No one wants to know you.  No one loves you.”
  • Here is the truth.  It goes exactly like this:  “You are never alone.  You have a loving Father who cares, as well as many brothers.  You are fully known and completely loved.”
  • “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” (John 3:16-17)

Parking Deck Day!

12 Brave souls came out for a rainy Brave day.  It was promised we would hit it hard from the jump so a few (Thin Mint, One Niner, Fire Hazard) did a pre run to kick it off.  

I quick disclaimer and referral if you want to fight the disclaimer was given to Paper Jam.  

I had to deviate from the original plan which will be done at a later date due to the weather.  Wasn’t really up for running around in the rain for sixty minutes when it is cold.  The crew here today are all veterans of at least one or two years so I knew they would appreciate the audible.  

I decided to go to the furthest parking deck away since we have worn out our welcome at every Ballantyne Corporate deck.  That’s okay because a lot of miles were promised.  We stopped at the corner of N. Community House and Ballantyne Commons.  Instructions were given to stop at every stop light between were we stood and Johnston Rd running down Ballantyne Commons.  Three total.  Do twenty merkins and collect the six.  

We moseyed over to the deck from intersection and ran to the bottom.  It was a ramp suicide.  Start at the bottom with feet on the wall and do five merkins.  Run the first straight away and do at least five jump squats and more than that if you are speedy until the six gets in.  Run back to the starting point and do five feet on the wall merkins.  We ran each straight away working our way to the top always waiting on the six before we returned down.  

Once at the top of the parking deck we did ten jump up/get ups on top of the white parking columns.  Mosey down the stairs to the bottom to collect those of us that discarded our gear.  Time to mosey back to the intersection of Johnston Rd and Ballantyne Commons.  Once across the street the instructions were stop at every fifth street light and do five merkins.  Run all the way to N. Community House doing five merkins at every fifth light along the way.  Collect the six.  

We had about nine minutes to spare so partner up and get in as many LBCs as possible while your partner runs around the parking circle.  Most groups got close to 500.  A 1000 was ambitious.  Done!

Observations: A little bit of belly aching from the boot camp faithful.  Something about having to do too many merkins on the way home.  

Piggy backing on Paper Jams great back blast from yesterday Purell and Thin Mint both commented on how much faster Paper Jam has gotten.  Truth

Five of the twelve were Free Rangers, with Fletch making his first ever post at The Brave.  

Thin Mint has gained his speed back as evidence of running hard with Purell.  

I think we got lucky with rain in someways because it appeared to start raining a lot harder after the workout.  

Thanks for everyone coming out.  I know it is hard for me to get psyched about working out in cold rain so I appreciate everyone showing up.

Also, if I screwed anything up blame it on the new Word Press.  I could not find the box for the site.  Sorry Wingman.  

Announcements: Pray for Huggie Bear and Cooter with their recovery.

Separate the Men from the Boys

The PAX: Gator Cub (R), Bread Bowl, Moneyball, Mad Dog, Bottle Cap, Dough Boy, Recalculating (R), Hooch, Rockwell.

9 PAX braved cooler temperatures and light rain this morning at Impromptu.  I heard there was another workout option somewhere in Charlotte this morning that was in a cozy, covered parking deck but the MEN of WUC don’t need that! I think it’s cute though that some of our WUC BOYS brothers felt like they couldn’t handle a Rockwell beat down in the rain!

All kidding aside, glad to see everyone up and working hard, regardless of where you post.

Here’s what went down at Impromptu:


  • SSH x 25
  • Imperial Walker x 20
  • Plank Jack x 20
  • Potato Picker x 10
  • Low Slow Squat x 10
  • Hold Plank while explaining instructions


    • Front of school – Donkey Kicks x 20, Merkins x 20, Bobby Hurleys x 20
    • Run to back of school – on the way there (and on the way back) Bear Crawl length of covered sidewalk
    • At the back of school – Dips x 20, Step Ups x 20, Derkins x 20
  • Mary waiting for the 6
  • Mosey to steps at the high school and partner up
    • Partner 1 hold Plank with feet on the wall
    • Partner 2 run down steps, do 1 Burpee and return
    • Flap jack
    • Partner 1 LBC (round 1) and Flutter (round 2)
    • Partner 2 run down steps, do 1 Burpee and return
    • Flap jack
  • Mosey back to start

Despite the rain it was a great morning!  Hard work and some good laughs with a great group of guys.  Bread Bowl is in jeopardy of having his name changed to “Flush” but other than that we all finished unscathed.  I always enjoy seeing guys push themselves and encouraging their brothers.  It was an awesome effort by all and it’s an honor each time I get to lead this group of great men.


  • 3rd F on Sunday at 7 am at Five Stones Church.  Studying 1 Peter Chapter 2 this Sunday
  • Still collecting jeans, sweatshirts, winter gear, etc… for Church on the Streets
  • Beer Jangle tomorrow night at Briar Crest
  • Come to the Table annual F3 fundraising event.  At Charlotte Country Club Thursday, 12/20

A Simple Question Can Change Everything

9 PAX ran the PopTart route only 1 go lost and 1 decided to break the streak of not writing a backblast. 

It was a typical Devil’s Turn without Goonie there to keep me company.

The fast guys were way ahead and I was the 6. 

Yet during the run, I was able to catch up to Enron and El Guapo. Not that I’m fast but because I took the short cut up Carmel Rd.  We met somewhere on the Greenway.

In the gloom the 2 fast guys asked, what they thought, were innocuous questions: Hey PJ, looks like you’re running a little faster lately, have you noticed? Hey PJ, do you think you need to change the notarunner hashtag name?

Those questions made me think and I provided a response that they did not expect.

But for me, that is how it has been in my F3 running journey.

It started with simple questions I asked myself and that changed everything. 

How am I ever going to keep up with the Qs that Alf, Lobsta Roll, Mermaid, Haggis, Mic Check and other guys keep doing if I don’t improve my cardio endurance?

How can I post at a running workout? I am too fat, too slow, too old, hate running, not qualified.

Then in December of 2016 a challenge from my Pastor during one of his sermons forced me to face those questions. It was in the context of forgiveness, but it applied to me in running. He said, sometimes we have to do something we don’t feel like doing (forgiving someone) and if we do it often enough and consistently enough, we will gain an appreciation for that thing we didn’t like before and it will become our natural response. (Note: I am paraphrasing his sermon)

Fast forward to January 2017. I make the decision to improve my cardio vascular strength. I show up to Centurion, get out of my car to pre-run by myself, still thinking I am unqualified. There is only 1 other car in the parking lot. 

Van Pelt rolls down his window and asks: You running? Can I run with you? That question changed everything. I knew Van Pelt was a runner. I thought, maybe if this runner asked me to run, maybe I’m not unqualified. It provided the courage to start pre-running bootcamps.

So I would run with Madison before Matrix on Monday and Gumby on Wednesday. Run longer distances and time with my neighbor on Thursday.  So at the end of the summer of 2017, I was ready to post at a running workout.

There was this thing called Blakovery. It was a recovery workout. The fast guys will run slower, it’s flat, no hills. Just my speed. So I reach out to Bratwurst. He said that it was designed just for BRR training and he was not sure if it would continue.

Then the question that changed everything. Bratwurst, do you mind if I see who would like to join me to run Blakovery? The answer was yes. So there I was, the slow guy, an unofficial site Q of an unofficial running AO.

So every Monday I would show up. Other guys did too. I started posting other running workouts. With it came many questions.

Bunker and Tuck who questioned my resolve and encouraged me one Monday morning to get out of my comfort zone.

Gumbo, who asked me to just try Swift for 6 weeks and see if I liked it.

JRR Tolkein who asked me if I wanted a fancy watch, when he realized I didn’t have it in the budget to buy one.

Frasier who asked me to do Crane Relay and Bunker who signed me up (without asking). 

These are just some examples of the many questions posed to me over the years from other guys at F3.

Some questions were meant to challenge me, some were meant to check on and care for me, while some questions changed everything. 

So now my question to you.

What questions will you ask your F3 Brothers? 

Never know. It may change everything.

No news is not good news

Supposedly there have been 2 workouts the last couple of weeks, that I have not heard a word about… but I didn’t attend… so can’t complain too much about it myself… but to restart a hopeful streak, here we go:

Started with a short mosey to the only neighborhood dead end that wasn’t a cul de sac

Warm - up - in cadence
20 ssh
10 merkins
10 mountain climbers
10 potato pickers
Mosey to picnic area - derkin walk around picnic table and 30 dips
Mosey to cul de sac - 7 burpee, run around cul de sac, 6 burpees, 
etc to 1 burpee
Mosey to next cul de sac - bear crawl around cul de sac

Mosey to start and mary until finish

Tot (triangle of trust), and Rudy took us out

Rudy put in a fantastic effort, wanted to stop by the sounds of it, but powered through to the end. Shake N’Bake pulled a Jingles this evening blasting in about 2-3 minutes after the start. Thank you both, was my first workout in around a month, did not expect to be qing it, but it was an honor to lead you both this evening 

Pinky Promise!

13 studs showed up at OPE for another edition of Hydra this A.M.!  BONUS….We had two F3 visitors from other regions (Homeboy from Atlanta and Scratch and Sniff from Chicago……think that’s right in terms of home bases).  It was a seasoned group of pax so the disclaimer was quick!  I no sooner completed my schpiel when Runstopper raised his hand (the rest of you hoodlums should learn from him) to ask a question.  “Hopper, are those new socks?”  Indeed they were…..Under Armour camouflage socks to be specific.  I was flattered by Runstopper’s note of my fashion statement.  It’s not often I get complimented by another man at 5:30 A.M. in a dark, fairly empty parking lot.  Anyway, off we went…..

The Thang:

Mosey to the other side of OPE for warm up including 15 of each of the following:

  • IW’s
  • Plank Jacks
  • Low Slow Squats
  • Elbow Plank Peter Parker

We then ran up the infrequently journeyed side of Windyrush to Rea Forest and Sheffingdell.  We planked a little, then…..Partner up and split up.  One partner runs in one direction around the loop while the other partner runs in the opposite direction.  When you meet halfway around the loop, 15 derkins off the planked back of your partner.  Flapjack on the derkins when you meet back at the beginning.  Repeat the loop, but with old school situps while your partner planks and holds your feet at both the halfway point and back at the beginning.

Mosey back the  way we came on Windyrush to the Methodist Church. LBCs in the lot while we wait for the six.  Keep your partner and each of you chooses a rock… small and one large.  Partner one does stated exercise while being timed.  The timer is his partner running to the end of the church parking lot, cranking out 10 CDDs and running back.  Flapjack and wait on the six until the next exercise, including:

Large Rock:

  • Skull Crushers
  • Bench Presses w/ Flutters
  • Squats w/ Forward Presses

Small Rock:

  • Twisting Statue of Liberty’s

Now, Mosey back to the front school yard of OPE and grab a bench.  Two round of the following (15 reps each then 10 reps each):

  • Dips
  • Step Ups
  • Derkins

Mosey to the back plot in between all of the baseball fields.  We had time left for 10 gassers with 10 second count downs between each 50 yard dash.

Incredible time management as we moseyed back to the cars for COT.

That’s a wrap!


Fun facts about this morning:

  • Today was the second Bootcamp Hairball has posted to in 2018!  It ain’t cause the man is lazy….it’s because he has been running his tail off and breaking records at the Kiawah Marathon!  Thanks for coming out my BRR brotha’!
  • Speaking of the Kiawah race, Spackler dazzled us while warming up with stories of a man who lost bodily control during the race, yet continued to run.  Sorry I missed that!!
  •  Spackler wore these Everlast mock boxing gloves.  They kind of made him look like he was ready to take brownies out of his easy-bake oven!
  • Yesterday was Runstopper’s 20th anniversary (oh, and his wife’s, too). I respect any woman who has dealt with the ‘Stopper for that long!
  • Our visitors may have been non-regulars to Area 51, but they are no strangers to F3!  Homeboy and Scratch and Sniff crushed it!
  • I consider myself lucky to have made it to F3 this morning.  I lost a battle to a UPS package last night and split my pinky open while cutting the box top.  I went to Urgent Care to have it glued up.  It drew a lot of mumble laughter from the crowd, but I know deep down all of them consider me a hero!
  • I have a good friend who goes to Orange Theory and she gave me a few ideas for today’s workout (i.e. elbow plank peter parker, twisted statue of liberty).  So you got to experience some OT, but did not have to spend $150 a month to do it…..well, except for Spackler.   

Great group this morning!  Hydra is my personal favorite of the week as I can always count on a great crowd of friends.  Time for a public service announcement! Several of you know this, but 2018 has not been my favorite year.  My father was diagnosed with and treated for esophageal cancer, I had a brief health setback, I made a job change and my family and I moved to a new home.  Two of those occurrences were my decision (more or less) and two certainly were not.  Nonetheless, all four were stressful.  I found myself posting more in 2018 than I ever have as it brought me comfort and stability during some rocky moments.  I cannot thank you men (and even more appropriately, true friends) for helping guide me through those challenges.  You may have not even realized you did, but trust me……you did!!! Thank you! I would not have tackled those challenges without your presence, laughter and support!!


Continue to keep Huggie Bear and Cooter in your thoughts and prayers.  Both of their surgeries/treatments went well this past Tuesday and they are both recovering and handling their next steps with unwavering bravery!  No surprise!

Keep the family of Darth Visor in your thoughts and prayers.  He passed during a F3 workout and Homeboy asked we keep his family and pax in our continued prayers!

Hops, thank you for a great take-out prayer! 


Triple Nickle x 2 + 4×4 is still 0.0

PAX  HighTide, Bloomber, Voodoo, Bulldog, Fletch

What we lacked in numbers, we more than made up for in grit.  5 Strong decided to leave the safety of their warm bed and swing some iron in the slightly above freezing gloom.  We started at an 11 and and took it to about a 15 REAL QUICK.  Here’s what went down in the ELE Parking lot following a thorough Disclaimer.

Warmup: SSHx20IC – 30 Two Handed Swings OYO – merkinsx20 IC – 20 Overhead Presses OYO – IWx20 IC – 10 Goblet Squat OYO

Triple Nickle Meathead style 5x5x5 (5 reps 5 exercise 5 rounds)

5 swing Rt Arm 5 high pull Rt Arm 5 clean Rt Arm 5 snatch Rt Arm 5 press Rg Arm – Switch and DO the Left Arm 25 merkins between rounds –

Complete 5 Rounds of the above

Next round of the Triple Nickle would be completed w/two hands on the Bell as follows

5 two Handed Swings, 5 goblet Squats, 5 Good Mornings, 5 Upwright rows, 5 Thrusters (25 LBC’s between each round)

Complete 5 Rounds of the above

Partners up w/like size bells or a giant single bell for doubles 4x4x4

P1 Completes 4 Dub Swings, 4 Dub Cleans, 4 Dub Rack Squats, 4 Dub

Overhead Presses. FLapjack – Each partner does the above 4 times through.

Partner Swing/Merkin Combo starting at 20 each and reducing by 2 – made

it to 16 before we ran out of time.

Moleskin:  It has been a while since I’ve q’d Meathead given that running has taken up many of my mornings over the past year or so.  It was great to get out and push it with a pretty tough workout this morning.  Doubles were a nice throwback as well.  Bulldog, Hightide and Voodoo all veterans of Meathead were crushing it as usual with HT and VD taking in a few miles PreRUN – solid gents.  We did have a relative newbie this morning in Bloomer who made it through a tough one.  Hope he keeps coming out! 

Only had to suffer through a handful of commercials with the Pandora radio, but they seemed to come right as we were transitioning to a different set of exercises.  I had a blast this morning  – hope you guys did as well. 

Announcements – F3 Paintball announcement will be coming soon.  Bulldog

is looking at suitable dates (likely to include 2.0s 10+).

Please keep Destiny, HuggieBear and Cooter in our Prayers. 

Please keep Destiny, HuggieBear and Cooter in our Prayers. 


An Actual Winter Gear Workout

10 admirable PAX showed up at Five Stones with temperatures in the 20s. We all got to work fast feeling warmed up after shedding the cold rocks.

Disclosures given moseying to the rock pile.

Plank stretch w/Peter Parkers

10 PP

15 Merkins

Additional Warmup – Grab a rock

20 Merkins each light to Mt Chiseled – 10 w/rock on one hand then Flap Jack.  X 3

20/15/10 Thrusters one side of Mt. Chiseled and Goblet Squats on the other.

Now everyone is warm and loose.

The Thang

9 stations plus a runner for time

1. Slamball on knees – side/side/middle/up/down

2. Plank Rows with bricks

3. Kettlebell figure 8 and around the waist

4. Straight arm LBCs with large brick

5. Sumo pull with bucket

6. Woman Makers with bricks

7. One arm plank battle rope

8. Squat press with bricks

9. One arm deadlift

10. 50 yard run burpee at end then back

We made it to 2 rounds quickly.  Gave PAX the option to hit Mt. Chiseled again. They unanimously selected another round of gear.  With the shorter run, the gear workout went by fast with everyone hitting it hard and moving very quickly.


You would think a gear themed AO established by the upper class well to do Briars and Crest would have legitimate gear. Not the case. After digging through all the weird PVC pipes and miniature women’s jazzercise weights, bricks would have to do. Definitely not revisiting partner pole pulls or even attempting to explain. Special thanks to Bottlecap to providing actual gear including dumbbells, kettlebells and slamballs.

Every PAX worked hard and pressed on through the brisk cold error. Once the cold rocks were put down and the Mt. Chiseled portion was completed, there was absolutely no Mumblechatter. And actually, the comical comments began to flow heavily. It was fun working out with a great group of guys even though two of them were wearing these large hideous blue ribbons on the middle of their chests. But those two still killed the workout.

And again, Chainsaw was the man. Way to tear it up young man. (Tupperware is 27% his age)

Gatorcub took us out.