Monthly Archive October 2017

What’s a backblast?

A backblast?  For Devil’s Turn?  Yep…I know…it’s been a really long time since you’ve seen one of these.  Gumbo and I have been heads down on marathon training for the past few months and have just flat out not been getting it done.  So there’s never a time like the present to start over again.

Today a solid crew of 8 showed up for Devil’s Turn.  The route was the DangerZone by way of Bevington, Elm, and 51.  YHC was recovering from the Marine Corps Marathon so wasn’t looking to hit major hills yet (and stupidly YHC is also preparing for NYC marathon in 10 more days).  Bratwurst is working on a half marathon plan so he had speed ideas on the brain this morning….

The plan was easy as it usually is…run the route at your own pace, don’t get lost (that is more of a challenge for some), and make it back on time.

Bratwurst and Frasier took off on some threshold pace intervals…my legs and brain would not allow me to join them.  The rest of us settled into our own little pace groups for a nice run.  The weather was great this morning…a crisp 40 degrees which I will take over what we had the past several months.  I am definitely ready for the cooler weather in the morning.

Turkey Leg was out front of the non-Brat/Frasier group followed by Swiper, Enron, & YHC.  Cheddar and Thurston slightly behind plowing through the miles as well.  Turkey Leg will be running Boston so watch out this winter when he starts trying to coerce you into his long weekend runs (hit me up TL…I’ll be there).  It was good to see Swiper out there…he got a little break from early morning feedings with his new family addition.

Even though there is no BRR or P200 in the immediate future, DT is always a good place to get some solid miles in with some good solid running company.  Come out and join us.




Races coming up:  Joe Davis, Baxter trail run on New Year’s, plus many more


The Beast Leaves Its Mark

11 men gathered this morning under the lights of the OPES parking lot for another battle with the #F3Hydra. After a disclaimer that would’ve made the Nantan proud, off we went.

The Thang

From the parking lot, we turned right onto Rea and then took a right onto Summerlin. We stopped at the first left, Wessynton Drive, for round 1 of our COT on the move… MCs x 15 IC. Run down Wessynton to Cornwallis Camp Drive…stop for IWs x 15 IC. Turn left on Cornwallis stopping at Stonecroft Park Drive for Merkins x 15 IC. Turn left onto Stonecroft and loop it around to Colony… stop for Squats x 15 IC.

From there we turned left onto Colony and then took an almost immediate left into the parking lot of the office building that shares the complex with A51’s favorite watering hole, The Lodge. We lined up in the lot for #TheBeast…6 exercises, 6 stops, 6 reps.

  • Merkins
  • Jump Squats
  • LBCs
  • Dry Docks
  • Lunges
  • Burpees

After #TheBeast, we moseyed from which we came, stopping along the way for some planking. Then from Cornwallis Camp to the first street light on Wessynton, we did the #TripleNickel… Merkins at the bottom and Jump Squats at the top.

Mosey back to the school for some Mary and Merkins:

  • LBCs x 15 IC
  • Straight Leg Lifts x 15 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Toe Tap Crunches x 15 IC
  • Flutters x 15 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Freddy Mercury x 15 IC
  • Dollies x 15 IC

Recover. 10 Burpees OYO. Done.


This was a simple plan with some old school pain activators. But with a new route to the shopping center, thanks to Google maps. With the burpees at the end, #TheBeast always leaves its mark. So does Puddin’ Pop. Officially diagnosed with “Exercise Induced Flatulence”, the man served some straight up #TrouserChili on the run back.

During #TheBeast, we did some planking, including a chair plank a/k/a the “Semi-Gloss”. When SG was mentioned, YHC violated HIPAA laws and noted that he was on IR…broken foot from riding his daughter’s bicycle is what I heard. Anyway, get well soon brother…the Pax need you.

One Eye, Champagne and Sleepy dominated #TheBeast and the #TripleNickel. Hannibal was right up there too, despite not ever posting at bootcamps anymore. Lewinski was right beside me during #TheBeast putting in solid work. And Scratch&Win has pretty much worked himself back into shape…keep playing brother. The #F3Hydra regulars of Marge, Jet Fuel (who only said “Roll Tide” once this morning… #PR) and Queen just show up and crush whatever’s put before them.

Queen and Marge…thanks for your site leadership and for giving me the keys this AM. Puddin’, solid take out brother.


  • F3Golf tomorrow
  • Lots of races coming up… pick one or many to run and support a good cause
  • Scratch&Win is director of non-profit that provides Christmas gifts to kids. DM him for chance to help.

Curing What Ails Ya

Mosey to end/bottom of Huntingtowne Farms Lane

Warm up:
SSH x 30
Merkins x 20
Mountain climbers x 10
Imperial walkers x 15
Copperhead squats x 20
Windmill x 20

The Thang:
Run to basketball court

Basketball court routine: (entire routine performed twice):
Burpees x 10
Sprint across court
Banana crunches x 20
Sprint across court
Merkins x 10
Sprint across court
WW II sit-ups x 20
Lunge around perimeter of court back to starting point

Plank at starting point (regular, elbows, right arm up, right leg up, regular, left arm up, left leg up, regular)

Mosey across bridge

Modified Jacob’s ladder:
Burpee x 1 at top of hill, then burpees x 2 at bottom, repeat until burpees x 10 at bottom (up and down hill 5 times)

Rosalitas x 10
LBCs x 20

Bear crawl back across bridge

Mosey to playground

Incline merkins x 10
Decline merkins x 10

Indian run back to parking lot


Audible to run for the hills and keep the mumble chatter low


11 Men showed up to BaseCamp this week… Q woke up to pouring rain and had to make a decision to continue with the football field “crawling” winkie or pull a quick audible to keep the Pax, and more importantly the Q out of the mud.  Since I occasionally give the Q a hard time trying to add fun to our morning rituals, I was expecting a lot of mumble chatter from the Pax this AM.  So the game plan was to take off quick and worked hard to keep that noise at a minimum.  #Shock&Awe

The Thang:

  • Left SCMS 1 minute late as the last of the Pax was rolling in dropped in the disclaimer during the  mosey out of the parking lot
  • Headed up Woodfox into raintree with a warm-up pace, at this point a few of the Pax complained that this wasn’t Mountain Goat…  So I promised some burpees so they would know I didn’t forget what a bootcamp was.  Seemed only right with #OverDoBurpeesOct in effect
  • Left onto Rounding Run and slowed for toe and heel walks before hitting Rising Meadow
  • Rising Meadow hill for running 7s with Squats at the bottom and Burpees at the top
  • Realized the Pax, was awful quite at this point.  I did get some complaints when I called elbow planks as we waited for the six to wrap-up.  #U2ShouldHaveWornSleevesSuckers
  • Time to find a bigger hill, as we took off to find Windbluff
  • Stopped for a few planks to keep the Pax together (it is basecamp) and found the bottom of Windbluff
  • Time to run 7s on Windbluff, Jump-squats at the bottom and LBCs up top
  • At this point there was 1 or 2 comments about the BRR being over, but it was once again quite on the hill
  • The Pax completed the hill and we began our run back to SCMS with some planking along the way ensuring we finished as a group #TWSS
  • One last call for a backwards run up the Woodfox hill back to SCMS, as the Q planned to do that on Rising Meadow, but 45 min bootcamp goes a lot quicker than a 60 min weekend or running Q
  • 3.4 miles in the books boys


It was noticeably a little lighter in the attendance this AM… not sure who saw the rain and decided to stay home…  but you know who you are!  The rain stopped right as we arrived at SCMS and didn’t return before we parted for the day. #BlessedWeAre

The Pax was working hard this AM, not sure what they expected… but I hope they got their money’s worth!  Purell was leading the Pax as normal, he seems to be the extra strength version of that germ free solution.  Great to see BOG out more often and his continued strong recovery.  Benny remained upright for all his running this day and took a spot up front intermittently (#SpeedKills it’s a 45 min workout #PacingWinsEveryTime).  Lois, Drano, Tweetsie, and Retread were strong as always #MountainGoatFridayCrew – it Works, you should be there.  Fireman Ed is recovering from a “broken wheel”, but him and Smash adjusted the mileage as need and still kept the HR up.  Strong work… hope you are 100% soon. Thunder Road was crushing the hills…  Not sure if he has the old Thunder Road ½ on his radar next month, but he should.

Thanks to Smash for taking us out, and to the fine group of men who let me lead them this AM.

  • The Mouth


Purell on Q next Monday in place of Simba

F3 Golf this Friday

Donut Run Musings

We ran 6.5 miles and 7 out of the 12 stayed for donuts/2ndF!


8 Things I am learning right now:

1. Always pursue your M. Don’t slip into roommate mode, which is so easy to do and one of my biggest struggles. It’s easy to seek the comfort of the couch and the TV remote instead of putting in the time and energy to engage your M through communication. She deserves it.

2. When your son asks you to throw the football/baseball, drop what you are doing and throw with him. Work, dinner, cleaning, yard work are all meaningless when compared to building a relationship with your son (or daughter, of which I have 3!). It may seem insignificant to me, but it’s so huge in my son’s mind that I throw with him, even for 3 minutes. At dinner every night, we do go around the table and each person gives their high and low from the day. 75% of the time, my son’s high is “throwing the football/baseball with dad”. These little things will pay off huge through relationship equity when he is a teenager and hard.

3. Having a perfectly manicured lawn is pointless. It’s grass. Only in America do we spend hundreds of dollars a month on having green grass. Here’s a tip: if you cut the weeds/grass short enough, it all looks the same. I need invest that time and money in my family, my friends, and my church.

4. The teaching and preaching of the Word of God on Sunday at church is vital to my wellbeing. It resets my heart and mind for the upcoming week. Through it, I am convicted of my own sin and areas of my life where I am pursuing worldly treasures vs. heavenly treasures. Make church a priority.

5. Invest in your employees or those who work under/for you. Recognize and encourage when they succeed and help them when they struggle.

6. Wash the dishes and clean the kitchen every night and let the M relax. Pro Tip: never forget to run the dishwasher the night before. It’s not a good morning for the M.

7. When your adopted Chinese daughter sees your house and says “Zu Xia home”, its OK to cry. Yes, sweetie, this is your forever home.

8. Put the phone in the drawer when I get home and don’t touch it until the kids are in bed. Man, I really suck at this.


You got duped by a tweet

15 Men showed up at Anvil this morning.  Based on the Twitter exchange some may have had a weird curiosity about how this morning was going to play out.  Nothing out of the ordinary, just a standard Anvil beatdown.

Mosey around lot picking up Abba, his toboggan, and oversized windbreaker rated for 20 below.  After about a quarter mile circle up in one of the hectares that make up the Calvary parking lot.

COP:  20 SSH IC, 20 alternating lunges IC, 20 merkins IC, plank work, 20 Mountain Climbers in cadence.

The Thang:

Mosey to the Rock Pile near the front of the Church and grab a lifting rock.  Head up to the long straight parking lot along 51.

  • 3 sets of 15 curls and 15 goblet squats.  Run to other side of lot and back.
  • Plank work
  • 3 sets of 15 triceps and 15 good mornings.  Run to other side and back.  On the way out drop down and each median on to chest and back up.  (Burpee like, but not burpee)
  • Plank work
  • 3 sets of 15 OH Press and 15 Teabag squats.  Run to other side and back.  Drop down to chest and back up going out and coming back.
  • Plank work
  • 3 sets of 15 lateral raises (on six) and 15 flutter presses.  Run to other side and back with 3 jump squats at each median.
  • Plank work

Carry rocks overhead back to rock pile.

Zigzag way back home with 15 merkins followed by cross parking lot sprints.

Mary – Cumberland County Viaduct – for hops and some Freddy Mercury.



A great morning to post.  It was cool with no wind and a great group of men all pushing hard during the workout.   There was some chatter with McGee and Snucka on the Southern Gentlemen/Northern Aggressor plank work.  Maybe you southern gentlemen need to go ask your great great grand pappy who kicked who’s butt in the Civil War.  Rachel, McGee and Mermaid were flying up and down the parking lot all morning with Snucka not far behind.  Runstopper was mostly blinded by the fogged up glasses or no glasses.  But he did have a headlamp for those dark corners of the the Calvary lot.  I am pretty sure Ickey skipped out on all of the chest to ground work as it too closely resembled a Burpee which I hear he is not doing in October.  Good thing November is coming soon.

I will have to give the proper Respect status to Snucka and BOG in the Backblast here as the new format does not let me call them out in the PAX tag list.  Maybe we can get that to a permanent designation on their tag?

Thanks to Hops for the takeout.  Always well done.



F3 Golf this Friday.

A51 Christmas Party on Friday December 8th at Seaboard in Matthews.  Stay tuned for details.



Office Workout

22 men made it out of bed and headed out into the gloom for an office workout. Very little running with Qs bad wheel but a good full body workout.

20 X SSH
15 X IW
15 X squats
10 X low slow merkins

The Thang:
The standard office workout with running in between, that is not normally part of the office workout because my office is not that big
Round 1
Once through the exercises
10 X Merkins
10 X Swings
10 X squats
10 X Curls
10 X overhead presses
10 X Highpulls
10 X Lawn mowers each side
10 X Romanian Deadlift
Run to the rock and back then plank
Round 2 through the exercises 2 times then run to the rock and back
Round 3 3 times through, rock and back
Round 4 4 times through, rock and back

20 X LBCs
15 X Freddie Mercuries
5 X slow merkins

Ole moleskin:
Great job today pax, sorry not much running. Thank you to Chin Music and Blazing saddles for letting me Q. Even though I am pretty sure it was Harley who signed me up. Always an honor. Queen great job even beat out Kosar and Dollywood who were also very strong. Header and Bulldog good job doing half the workout. Bulldog said he was really hurting, his jaw from yapping the whole time. Welcome FNG Urkle excellent name and good performance today. Header thanks for taking us out.
Remember cheating on form is the gateway cheating especially at Christian School, next you will be cheating when playing games, then at work, then in relationships. Don’t succumb to the gateway cheating with bad form.

Q fail on the announcements post in comments.

Not so Comfortable Speed

19 PAX at Swift on Tuesday morning set off into the mild chill of the gloom that makes running so enjoyable.  We were instructed to find some Comfortable Speed, but we were left with anything but comfortable legs the rest of the day.


PreBlast – “Comfortable Speed”

Deviations from the PreBlast:

  • Pre-run crowd was still small, and Bratwurst eventually caught up with a non-2ndF pacing Depth Charge, Wild Turkey, Atlas, and Retread.
  • Cones were missing along Rushmore.  Either the security guards patrolling Ballantyne Corporate Park scooped them up, a wild coyote mistook them for a giant candy corn, or YHC forgot them at home.  Instead, we figured out a reasonable pole-to-pole landmark that we’ll likely use on future segments unless YHC or someone else mysteriously paints the road with marks at 100m intervals.
  • PAX fought through 3 rounds and make it back to COT in time to run around an extra building or two, and still have time for about 90 seconds of elbow plank as the Bagpipe PAX arrived in COT.

The Moleskin:

  • 200m of Comfortable Speed, our pace target this morning was 1 mile race pace (check the PreBlast link for how to find your’s), sure feels good for 60 seconds or less.  Running strong, feeling tall, long strides, breath hardly elevates from a solid rhythm; it’s a perfect distance for feeling good about your speed.  Then some equal or longer distance recovery to regroup the PAX feels good at a very slow shuffle / mosey.
  • Then comes the 2 minutes of PAIN.  At least a minute of feeling good and then you realize that you’re still only halfway there and starting to breathe much harder, legs and arms are feeling heavy (especially if you are pushing too hard to keep up with the faster PAX in front of you), and the end of the interval sounded by the 5 second countdown on the watch is glorious.  No slow shuffle or mosey right away unless you are Depth Charge who seems to hardly ever stop moving (turns out he threw the hammer in college track so he’s used to spinning and spinning and spinning – bet that was a good party trick in the day, which for him was last weekend), but a stop and hunch over, grab your knees, try to feel the oxygen coming back in your lungs, and eventually get the legs moving again to find that slow mosey to regroup everyone.  Then about 3 minutes into the recovery, it’s time to round the corner and start the cycle again.
  • 14 of the 19 PAX workouts made it to Strava.  Of those 14, 7 actually contain Lap data that is critical for evaluating Interval workouts.  If you aren’t using Laps created by a programmed workout or manually hitting the Lap button, then you’re only getting total distance of your workout (I feel average pace per mile is irrelevant for interval workouts), and wasting your money on your GPS watch.  You could have just asked your buddy for total miles and saved $100 bucks or more.  And you don’t have to be a Premium Strava member to view Lap data in Strava.  Either use a desktop browser to, desktop mode of your mobile browser, or your watch’s native mobile app (Garmin’s mobile app has this).  I personally don’t feel it’s worth paying Strava to get the lap data in their mobile app, but it sure would be nice.  What it would show you is some data that would allow you other data heads to pontificate on items like this:
    • Difference = Bratwurst average pace on 2minute intervals were 0:18 sec per mile slower than average pace of 200m intervals
    • Possible reasons: YHC 2min pace average was under recent personal best mile by about 0:08, so the 2min intervals were an honest effort.  The 200m felt really good and not too fast, so perhaps my watch was just clocking them fast.  Or, my first 2minute interval was well under my average, and that put me in the pain locker for the next 2.   Or, I’m running the 200m too fast when I should be targeting a more even effort.
  • Here are some other PAX results (these guys all have Lap data on Strava) of average pacing of the 200 meters vs. the 2 minutes.  This is the amount of time slower on the 2minute interval per mile vs. the 200m interval:
    • Das Boot = 0:23 sec slower
    • Atlas = 0:36 sec slower
    • Prohibition = 0:14 sec slower   <—- Virtual Trophy for most consistent
    • Retread = 0:39 sec slower
    • Wild Turkey = 0:33 sec slower
    • Voodoo = 0:29 sec slower
  • On Strava, but no Lap data: Fletch, Tootie, Meatloaf, Fleetwood, Cheddar, Erector, Strange Brew
  • Not posting to Strava, so they must not care about getting credit or accuracy of their effort for future training: Frasier (check your watch sync), Beer Goggles (Swift FNG?, so we’ll give him a pass), Depth Charge (not sure he even wears a watch), Pearl (FNG, so we’ll give him a pass), Picasso (admitted he’s a slacker)
  • Props to Tootie for bringing out the FNG Pearl to Swift.  Way to start him off right.  Now, it’s all downhill from here (open to several interpretations).
  • Welcome to Beer Goggles at Swift.  We look forward to having you again.
  • For all you stats heads who want to see your official posting stats accumulate, I’m being guilted into once again writing Backblasts…  Apparently Strava isn’t enough…  PreBlasts aren’t enough… Free Workouts aren’t enough…  you’ll at least have your attendance recorded now!

Stretching the body in ways it does not stretch

After the gumby one year anniversary, Swiss Miss asked YHC if he would Q at Gumby in a month. How hard could it be? But YHC found himself spending more time preparing for this Q than any previous Q. Needing to describe every movement, plan a playlist, and have form notes for the movements, YHC wrote up 7 pages of notes… biggest weinke ever? Well, no comment there from YHC.

Anyways, the thang went something like this.

Sun Salutations

Swan dive from a skyward stretch down to the ground
Flat Back
Down to Plank
To Chaturanga
To Upward Dog
To Plank
To Downward Dog
Stretch the heels
Walk it in
Flat Back
to Reverse Swan Dive back

Repeat a handful of times.

Runners Pose Sequence

Swan dive, Flat back, plank, chaturanga, upward dog, plank, BONUS MERKIN!, to Downward Dog.
Bring the right heel up, straight line from heel, through core and arms to the hands.
Swing leg through into a runners pose.
Get low!!!
Plank, Downward Dog, Left leg, and reverse the sun salutation back to the top.

Repeat a few times.

Skyward Stretch

Tree Pose each side

Royal Dancer

Grab right leg with right arm, making a wide circle with the arm/leg loop.
Extend the left arm outward in a “Superman” pose.
Swap and repeat

To a seated position for

Half Lord of the Fishes

Cat and Cow back stretches

The Bridge

Feet flat on the floor, parallel to each other
90 degree bend in the knees
Drive the hips upward, pushing the shoulders into the ground, with arms behind the back, clasped and pushing into the ground as well.

The Wheel

(Disclaimer, most PAX stuck with the bridge… but for the flexible this option was provided)
Continue like a bridge, but place the hands even with the head, fingers pointing to the shoulders, and push up into a full arch.

Advanced wheel / Advanced Bridge

From the bridge or wheel position, extend one leg straight out. Hold for several breaths. Swap legs

Crescent Warrior Sequence

Follow the sun salutation to runners pose.
Bring both arms straight up into Crescent pose
Rotate and drop the heel into Warrior 1.
Reverse back to mountain pose.
Repeat with other leg forward.

Follow the sun salutation to runners pose.
Bring both arms straight up into Crescent pose
Rotate and drop the heel into Warrior 1.
Flatten the arms into Warrior 2.
Reverse back to mountain pose.
Repeat with other leg forward.

Follow the sun salutation to runners pose.
Bring both arms straight up into Crescent pose
Rotate and drop the heel into Warrior 1.
Flatten the arms into Warrior 2.
Flip the front hand and stretch back into Reverse warrior
Reverse back to mountain pose.
Repeat with other leg forward.

Return to a seated position for

Cobbler Pose / Bound Angle Pose / Butterfly (the pose of many names)

Then some Pigeon pose options

The Dead Pigeon

On the back
Left ankle across right knee
Pull the right leg back to your chest (grab the hamstring)
Swap sides

The Boosted Pigeon

Left ankle and left knee on the ground
Right leg straight back
Square the shoulders and square the hips
Raise both hands in touchdown pose
Swap sides

Sleeping Pigeon

From boosted pigeon, fall forward over your left knee, stretching forward

Had a few extra minutes so a few sun salutation repeats


Happy Baby Pose

On your back, grab both feet and rock back and forth

Childs Pose
Corpse Pose

Playlist (no one complained, a first for YHC…)

Billie Jean (Acoustic Cover) – The Civil Wars
Free Fallin’ – John Mayer
Amber – 311
Spirits in the Material World – Go-Ray and Duke
Sweet Child O’ Mine (Acoustic Cover) – Taken By Trees
Norwegian Wood (Cover) – Miten
Time After Time (Acoustic Cover) – Iron and Wine
Little Talks (Acoustic Cover) – Julia Sheer and Jon D
Hold On, We’re Going Home (Acoustic Cover) – Yuna
Aqueous Transmission – Incubus

And that was it.


5k on November 4th, Speed For Need event, get with Tackling Dummy. Preblast is up

Naked Moleskine

YHC, in his first Broga-Q, may have overdone the preparation slightly, but after running through the workout, the preparation was crucial. Gumby is a personal favorite workout of YHC, but unfortunately travel messes with attendance. After the preparation for this workout, there’s a new found respect for the Gumby Q’s, of which YHC can probably no longer dodge the rotation.

About the only place where YHC may have abused his youth, flexibility, and outside yoga experiences was during the bridge / wheel section. Yes, YHC has all his ribs, and only one joint that is slightly more flexible than it should be (and it doesn’t even affect that one).

Ode to Operation Gothic Serpent

After a strong message from a keynote speaker a week ago, YHC had it on his heart to relay the message, albeit in a much different way to the PAX.  Keni Thomas was a US Army Ranger in Operation Gothic Serpent, which was the mission in 1993 in Mogadishu depicted in the movie “Blackhawk Down.”  While he recounted stories of that horrible night where the USA lost 19 soldiers, he spoke of some tenets of leadership he learned.  Most importantly, “Leadership” is not about a title or a position but rather about stepping up with action right where you are at.

With that in mind, YHC wanted to honor Keni’s inspirational thoughts along with the 19 fallen soldiers during the workout.  A shovel flag was planted at COP as well as in the field where PAX would gather later.


  • Mosey around parking lot
  • Disclaimer given about not being a professional and in fact, not planning on leading today
  • Told PAX about impact that Keni Thomas’ words had and that we would be honoring the 19 fallen soldiers by doing 19 reps of all exercises
  • YHC would select different PAX to call out and lead different exercises
  • Jingles:  SSH x 19
  • Johnny Utah:  Merkins x 19
  • Doc McStuffins:  Plank Jack x 19
  • The Grease Monkey:  LBC x 19
  • Duck Dad:  Squats x 19
  • Frack:  Carolina Dry Dock x 19


  • Mosey to rock pile for a LIFTING rock
    • EDITOR’S NOTE:  Webster’s Dictionary defines “Lifting Rock” as:  A stone that is awkward to carry, uncomfortable to run with, and CANNOT be lifted with only one hand
  • Most carried rocks to field; some Mecklenburg PAX stuffed their pepples in their pocket
  • Circle up around the flag in middle of field and drop rocks
  • 2 hot laps


  • Plank it up
  • YHC cued up a song by Keni Thomas entitled “Not Me”
  • Various plank moves for 4 minutes during song
  • For those who could concentrate during the muscle twitching, you heard some incredible and likely convicting words during the chorus
    • “The world becomes a better place
      When someone stands and leads the way
      Steps forward when they’d rather say not me”


  • 2 Hot Laps
  • Bottlecap:  Hydraulic Thrusters x 19
  • 1 Hot Laps
  • Hollywood:  Curls IC x 19
  • Rockwell:  Tricep extensions x 19
  • 1 Hot Lap
  • Das Boot:  Twist Lunges IC x 19
  • Bratwurst:  Dead Lift
  • 1 Hot Lap
  • Moneyball:  Curl to Press x 19? x 5?  x small rocks x missing PAX
  • 1 Hot Lap
  • Replace rocks/Mary x 19 waiting for Six
  • Cowboy-Indian run with Shovel Flag around parking lot to COT
  • Amy Grants x 19
  • Merkins x 19


  • While YHC is well known for playing bad music, I will undoubtedly take some abuse/jabs for a different/sappy workout
  • As many Qs state, “It is a pleasure to lead a great group of men” but I would also say it is great to BE led by a great group of men.  I always appreciate when PAX “step forward” whether it be as a Q at a workout, leading a Bible study/Book Club discussion, coaching one of my kids, volunteering at church, helping out at a school event, serving in your neighborhood, and on and on and on.  There are MANY times I say “Not me” waiting for others to step forward.  Keni Thomas, in his speech and specifically in his song, convict me to STEP FORWARD more often.  I hope it does the same for you as our community and this world needs more leaders like each of you.  Let’s go out and BE THE LIGHT and BE THE HANDS AND FEET!  Please hold me accountable!

ANNOUNCEMENTS (Frack’s favorite):

  • Prayer Request:  Verity, Johnny Utah’s daughter, is having some imaging done