Monthly Archive November 2016

Costume Party


#PreBlast – Trick or Treat



  • All 17 PAX who posted took on the XL option.  While we were doing the 15 minutes Easy, instead of finding the Six and regrouping, the PAX held a Costume Contest.  You Vote for the Winner by adding comments to this Backblast.


  • While the Newsletter holds the most recent info, here are two key points:
    • F3 Christmas Party – December 2nd
    • Joe Davis Run – 5K or 10K in early January.  Big F3 participation event!



Skunkworks – Post Halloween Crush Fest

Post Halloween work out where I’m sure we all wanted to stay in bed. With that said everyone did great as it was a good mix of laps and KB work. Great Job by all!


20 imperial walkers in cadence

Mosey To Lower Lot:

Partner work: One takes the Lap from Middle Lot up to Road and Back while other works the plan
50 Two handed Swings, Lap
40 merkins, Lap
40 alternating swings,  Lap
40 tea bag squats, Lap
30 single arm swings, Lap
30 merkins, Lap
20 upright row and presses, Lap
20 diamond merkins, Lap

20 Louganis with KB
20 mason twists each side with no bell
15 Louganis with KB
15 mason twists each side with no bell
50 KB curls



ExLax was not much on witty banter. Workout started a bit rough with 28 of South Charlotte’s finest lined up and ready to go. ExLax gave some type of disclaimer and then said something like “I haven’t really been out in a while…but here goes.” A bit choppy on the cadence and then off for the obligatory mosey. And then ExLax dropped the hammer. KBs followed by a brutal 1/4 mile lap…over and over. Lots of rabbits out there, thanks to Stone Cold for pushing the pace on the hill. Always great to see Runstopper looking good in the tights. Hops trying to rally the troops for the Cubbies. Remember, Skunkworks is not just KBs, expect some mileage. And if that’s not enough, show up at 5am for a 3 mile pre-run with Fletch. Pop Tart on lead for next week. Well done today!


Giving up the Ghost

Eight men paid for their Halloween sweet tooth with 6.6 miles along the Ghostrunner route with a chaser of burpees.

The Thang:

Warm-up pace run to Arbo ABC store for COP:

Burpees OYO x 18  (quantity of candy collectively eaten by pax on Halloween)

Sprints to entrance on Providence.  Stop at each speedbump for increasing number of merkins.

Tempo runs at 5k pace over the Ghostrunner route:

  • Arboretum to Raintree (along Providence)
  • Whitethorn from Raintree
  • 4 Mile Creek from Whitethorn to RainTree
  • RainTree from 4 Mile Creek to Rounding Run

Break on 4 Mile creek for brief set of grinders (jump ups and LBCs)

Mosey to Woodfox for AYG back to school.


Mileage: 6.6


  • We got off easy on the candy punishment today with a relatively small crowd and apparently a healthy one.  Perhaps the others were wallowing in a post-Halloween sugar hangover???
  • The Pax that did show got their money’s worth and stepped up to the task of a “shadow” Ghostrunner route.  Pro seemed to be consistently out in front, with most of the gang not far behind.
  • The ghosts were still out indeed… looking through the thick mist in the air, Halloween decorations were in full light.  The ghosts seem to nail a replica of Hillary Clinton to a tree with a sign “Terrorist”?  no comment
  • Always a pleasure to lead the men of Fast Twitch – nice job seeing everyone get after it on a misty post-Halloween morning.
  • Announcements:  Sign-up for Christmas Party, and Joe Davis Run

No tricks, no treats, just pain

22 pax, including 1 FNG, chose to take the DRP and get their Halloween started off on the right note. Cheese Curd started talking before the disclaimer, and never stopped. #spacklerreplacement. Proper disclaimer was given, and decision was made that the “moderate” tag on base camp might be somewhat ignored #modifyasneeded. Here’s what went down this crisp morning in the gloom:

The Thang

Quick lap around the parking lot to pick up any stragglers (where’s Adobe?) and then we headed down to the track. Mosey to the far corner for COP:

SSH X 15
IW X 20
Merkins X 10
Low, very slow, squats X 15

At this point, the mumblechatter really started. Some pax didn’t enjoy the “slow” part of low SLOW squat. This particular pax, who YHC couldn’t make out #nolightsdownthere despite excellent vision, is probably the type of pax that would sue Starbucks for too much ice in their ICED coffee. But I digress….. Figure the pax need a wake-up.

4 corners, 5 burpees at each corner. Mumblechatter continues to increase.
Next round, 4 corners, 20 LBCs at each corner

What about merkins? That’s coming next. Mosey back up to the rockpile and pick a friend. Claim a nice patch of grass and plank for Mr. Jack Webb. Rocks were announced to be optional during the air press portion.

1 merkin, 4 presses, 2/8, etc. Made it up to 5/20 and then laddered back down. Most pax kept the rocks with the presses the entire time. Strong work. Don’t know if Curd’s mouth or his shoulders got the better workout. Yes, he was still talking.

Shoulders needed a little break, so head over to Semi-Gloss’ office for a few rounds of People’s Chair. Well, most did proper PC, Fireman Ed looked like he was just leaning against the bathroom.

Round 1: 60 seconds
Round 2: 45 seconds
Round 3: 30 seconds with rock held out in front
Round 4: 30 seconds with rocks held above the head

Circle up for some circuits:

12 Rock curls
12 overhead presses
12 triceps curls
Run a short lap down toward the track, left at the ramp toward the ball fields, and back up the stairs
10 donkey kicks

We did 2 rounds of that. Yes, Curd was still talking.

Mosey to the parking lot for the Sally Challenge, core-style. Hold legs 6 inches, bring them up to 90 degrees every time “bring Sally up” and back to 6 inches for every “bring Sally down.” Lots of groans on this one. Tougher than it looks.

Finish with a few Mary:



I think Curd is still talking. He and Ed were particularly interested in the size of YHC’s rock. Great to have the mumblechatter, though. It’s part of what makes F3 so great. Curd, you’re welcome back most of the time.

This may not have been the most “moderate workout, but oh well. You’re better for it.

Welcome to FNG Tramp Stamp, brought out by White Collar. Artie works for Wells Fargo, but is also a tattoo artist. This one didn’t take long to get, and it was perfect. Please come back. You did awesome for your first workout.


Christmas Party December 2
Joe Davis Run January 7
New AO in Pineville opening: the Out House

Dumpster Fire with the takeout. Thank you all for coming out. It was an honor to lead you.

Extra Credit

Thanks for coming out to shake off Halloween! Great group and effort.

Disclaimer given

Mosey to warm up: 12 each in cadence
-Bulgarian Ball Busters (YA! YA!)
-Imp Walker
-slow squat
-Peter Parker
-Mtn climber
-Freddy Mercury

Mosey mad parter up:
-parter 1 wheelbarrow 2, do 12 ab throws
(Flapjack and do x2)
-partner 1 piggyback 2, do Derkins off 1s back
(Flapjack and do x2)

Mosey to pond/hill:
-12 Diamond Merkins at bottom, 12 jump squats at top, do pond lap and 12 Wide Merkins (x3 rounds)

Mosey- 12 handslap Merkins
Mosey to short wall:
-12 dips
-12 jump ups
(X3 rounds)

Mosey for MARY:(called out by PAX clockwise)
-heels to Heaven
-box cutters
-sit ups
Modify to Mountain climbers (50 in Cadence!…McGee)

Mosey and finish strong!

Thanks for coming on out. I’m sure some late parties so I appreciate peeling out. Good banter all along. Bulgarian Ball Busters- ha-YA!!! Frehlys requested extra credit for heavy lifting. Done! Good plank and MARY between – thanks Ice9, McGee.

-holiday party-really need sign ups asap (madame T tweeted last night)
-Joe Davis run soon- sign up
-Big House new site launching 11/14 Pineville Police Dept site Qs Dumpster Fire and Chedder.

McGee thanks for taking us out. Always honored to lead!