Monthly Archive October 2016

The offer was low miles and lifting things

Not sure if the preblast on twitter attracted or detracted from the numbers, but 12 strong came out.  A few were expecting me to keep to my promise of low miles, you be the judge.

Warm Up

Grab 10lb plates and head to the church.  Before we got to it, a little warm up in the streets.



Plank/ merkens: Plank then 1 merken, Plank then 2 merkens, etc to 8 ttl merkins


Mosey to Parking lot 10 ft away and begin the hair burner with the plate to the rock pile….that was short! Too many Pax refusing to  push metal, so just grab your plate and head to rock pile


At the rock pile, partner up: P1 performs exercise with lifting rock/ P2 runs:  Bi’s, Tri’s, Press, Squat, Russian Twists x2 and lat raises x1 with plates


Understanding the revolt was about to happen if YHC called for hair burners, just grab your plate and head to the school.  In the driveway, perform some Mary


Did a new exercise that I stole, someone said it was, “around the world”.

Using the curb, 10 incline merkens, 10 off-set merkens, 10 decline merkens and 10 off-set merkens other arm.


Head past YHC car, drop plates and off to the playground:  10 pull-ups, 15 incline merkins, 15 decline merkens


Mosey to concession stand: 30 dips, 20 jump ups and 20 declines


Head back to the parking lot for 5 MoM



  • Thank you for allowing me to lead today, I really had a completely different workout planned, but I wanted to cut back on miles before Ragnar this weekend
  • Yes, I could have just counted to 36 merkens, however the point was to plank in-between.
  • Hair burners….this is not a hair burning crowd.  When you look back and the Pax is easly 30′ behind you and many are lung walking….just scraped plan
  • The amount of gas some people pass is just amazing!  And I will laugh and lose count every time.  Seriously, it was a full brass section coming from behind me so I never caught the culprits.  My guess Pudding Pop was near by.
  • As for low miles, we covered 2.1 miles today. Fairly low, but never low enough for some Gummy
  • Few Cotters-Plug and Iron Sides and 1 site FNG- Pele’. Welcome and welcome back!
  • Lively bunch as usually!  Of course I always would make changes, but too late now, hope you got your money’s worth
  • Thanks Floor Slapper for taking us out


  • Southern Discomfort 10/22- web for details and Pudding promised 12 oz curls upon completion at the school- OP Elementary home of a few different AO’s
  • Ragnar this weekend, anyone looking to get in 7.7 miles at 0200, please hit me up!
  • Alexander Youth Network- great way to impact kids that really need some extra support!  Workout 1x per month, next is 10/15.  Contact Joker or Pudding Pop for details.

Non Denominational Tour

“Twas a beautiful morning to cover 1.8 miles in Historic Downtown Matthews so that’s what we did.





Depart Matthews Elementary and head Southwest on Trade St. to Matthews United Methodist Front Yard

SSH IC x20

IW IC x15

Merkins IC x10


Depart Matthews UMC and head north to Matthews Presbyterian parking lot.

Plank O’ Rama

AYG to the other end of the parking lot, Lunge Walk back

AYG to the other end of the parking lot, Bear Crawl back.

AYG to the other end of the parking lot, count to five, AYG back.


Depart Matthews Presbyterian and roll Southeast to First Baptist of Matthews for core work

LBCs civilian count with several leg position modifications x40

Freddie Mercury IC x8, many of which were quite slow and quite painful

Plank for 60 seconds


Mosey around Matthews Elementary for the wall.  We typically use the outside restrooms for the wall but I noticed a staffer walking into the facility as we ran towards it so rather than scare her with arm presses whilst on the toilet we continued around the Matthews Community Center and ended up back at FBC’s to utilize their brick structure.

People’s Chair w/arm pressis Civilian Count x60

People’s Chair passing Geraldo’s ruck down down 25 pax x4


Circle up and knock out a couple of stretches including extended Runner’s Lunge.



To be honest, I got about three and a half hours of sleep last night and wasn’t paying a ton of attention to the PAX.  That’s a Q fail and I apologize.  I do remember noticing Benny whipping the Lunge Walk and Hootie(sensational name) Bear Crawling better than most.


This was a repeat of my VQ titled Denomination Stations from about a year ago.  Thanks for letting me a similar routine once more.  It’s awfully nice to get off site now and again.

Props to Geraldo and Zombie who rucked the entire distance and to Slim-Fast, Sensei and Nomad who pre-ran.


Peak51 has had some HUGE crowds this spring and summer thanks to new FNGs returning week after week along with the site veterans.  Thank you fellas for making it great.  Let’s keep up the momentum through the fall.




Ragnar teams are looking for pacers(couldn’t find a link but it’s on the twitter/slack somewhere.)

Joe Davis Run is the 7th of January and registration is open.  Be there.

Kettlebell Clinic is ON for Saturday at Calvary.  Park near the soccer fields.  First thrust at 0700.

F3 Monroe launches Saturday AM.



Omaha! Omaha!

Up until about 5:16, YHC was excited and confident about the Weinke. Then, the doubts crept in…. What if….?

Let’s go back: there were 2 primary goals for this morning’s suckfest: get in some miles, and do some pull-ups. YHC has been trying to do more pull-ups to work out the soccer arms (not Cheddar-level soccer arms, but I digress…..). Have also wanted to work on the endurance, so the goal was 3+ miles. The original Weinke called for a good bit of running off the bat, and I ran the risk of losing some of the slower pax right immediately. Being the HIM I aspire to be, the first 2/3 of the original plan was scrapped and an audible called as my whip pulled into the Stonecrest parking lot around 5:24. At 5:29 a proper and thorough disclaimer was recited. At 5:30 on the dot, we were off to do the following:

The Thang

Mosey toward the outskirts of the strip mall. Wait, in the distance, YHC spots that ugly cursive “A” on the back of a dark grey car. Could that be a tardy site-Q? Stop for 12 SSH IC. Yup, it was Cheddar, sprinting to catch up. Once he’s close enough, mosey out to Elm, turn left, then turn right on Ballantyne Trace. At the bottom of the hill, circle up for 15 IW IC, 10 Windmill IC, and 10 merkins OYO. If. You’re not warmed up by now, it’s your own fault.

Mosey to Ballantyne Commons, take a right toward the Village. Left on Stonebriar and up the hill for the suck to really start. Triple nickel on this hill back down to B’tyne Commons. HR merkins at the bottom, 5 lunges each leg at the top.

Once done, head back down to BC and hang a left toward the entrance to Thornhill. Stop at the entrance and do LBCs while we wait on the 6. As we mosey into the neighborhood, Mighty Mite, in a very proud-of-himself tone, claims “this is the back way to the Murderhorn – you can’t fool us!!” No fooling was intended – the Murderhorn sucks even more when you know it’s coming.

Hang a left on Elmstone and grab a lifting rock. Head up to the parking lot between the covered area and the playground for some 3-man grinders:

P1 – (timer) does 10 pull-ups. Mario insisted on doing more because, well, he’s Mario.
P2 – step-ups in the covered area with the rock pressed above your head
P3 – flutters in the parking lot. Pax were instructed to keep their hands out from under their @$$e$.

Once he does 10 pull-ups, P1 relieves P2, who relieves P3, who goes to do pull-ups. AMRAP for about 9 minutes. 6:08 – time to head back up the ‘horn.

Collect at bottom of the MH. Pax instructed to do 10 merkins at every cross-street or streetlight and at the top (40 total). Mario had the segment-hunting look in his eye, so he was given a special pass. 51 seconds and 2nd place in Strava – boom. Major T-Claps. Mosey back to launch. Hit it just at 6:15.

Ye Old Naked Moleskine

Mario had us clocked at 3.4 miles, so that goal was accomplished. Pull-ups done – YHC is 2-for-2.

I was smoked after this one. Stonebriar is no joke – nasty place for a triple nickel. Grinders lived up to their name. In hindsight, kind of glad we didn’t have more time for them. It might’ve put YHC into the ground.

Mario hit 51 seconds on the ‘horn AT THE END OF THE WORKOUT. Beast, or did he dog the rest of the workout?

Marlin and Marconi (welcome to SOB-land – you’re welcome anytime) kicked major butt on the triple nickel and throughout the entire workout. These Respects deserve every bit of that term.

Commish and Chippy – way to push through. A lot of running today, but you guys stayed strong.

Snooki is getting stronger every workout. Like the rest of us, he is completely addicted now. Personally, it’s awesome to see a guy you EHed get into it and benefit as much as you do. Pay it forward, Snooki. Go find an FNG.

Heartbreaker, Cheddar, Mighty Mite – you guys killed it as usual. Hopefully I gave MM some new ideas for the next BD which is tomorrow.

Thanks to Commish and Cheddar for the opportunity to lead. Always an honor.


Southern Discomfort – 10/22 – check email
Ragnar is Friday and Saturday. Even if you’re not running, come out to support.
SOB Search and Rescue – check the BB from Paper Jam
Commish is collecting donations for Relative. Ask him about it – great cause.

Marlin with the takeout. Make sure we all go out and make the world a better place today.

Somebody’s gotta go back & get a $%#tload of dimes!

10 pax, 1 site Q, no SF & some random person parked near the pax in a parking lot with more than 2,000 spaces.  A disclaimer Mermaid could not have been pleased with from YHC, and then we launched our assault on another humpday edition of Anvil.

The Thang:

Jog a roundabout loop back past the random person parked near the launch point.  Another car break-in or two at Anvil?  Perhaps, but we ran on anyway.  Maybe O’Tannebaum’s late arrival due to some extended early morning paperwork ultimately persuaded the random to take off?

Anyway, the pax circled up for COP near the gym building and the artificial turf semi-circle hill.

IW x 20 IC

Slow squat x 20 IC

Freddy Mercury x 20 IC

6-count burpee x 10 (or 13?) IC

Backwards bear crawl up the turf hill (replica of the Houston Astro’s centerfield), plank walk left around perimeter of circle.  Repeato but with plank walk right around perimeter.

Jog to one of the nearby lots for the following:

P1 AYG run down to far median, lungewalk to middle median and high knee to start; P2 does H-R merkins. Flapjack.

P1 AYG backwards run to far median, inchworm to middle, broad jump to start. P2 does flutters.

Jog to pavilion.

People’s Chair – 25 overhead press IC

People’s Chair – right leg up then left leg up

BTW’s – walkout and back x 3

Jog to playground.

Plank with feet on swing – 20 knees to chest then 10 derkins. 3 cycles of this.

Run to rocks near the ballfield.  Grab a rock.

Thruster x 15 OYO

Good-morning x 10 OYO

Thruster x 15 OYO

Good-morning x 10 OYO.

AYG run around a couple of parking lots back to rocks.

Curls x 15 OYO

Tricep extension x 15 OYO (actually not sure if we did these, but I think we did)

Standing lunge x10 R and x10 L

Jog back to launch lot for 9 1/2 minutes of Mary.

Dolly x 13 IC

Plankorama – SG & YA

Elbow plank w/alternating leg lifts x 13 IC

Side crunches x13 R and x13 L IC

6-count burpee x 13 IC


Ye Olde Moleskine:

Glad O’Tannenbaum found us as we were hiding behind the wall of the gym building. #resourceful

Not the most creative Q, but hopefully the pax got what they paid for….

Not a lot of mumblechatter though Champagne called “angry Q” on YHC during a brief form tutorial on People’s Chair #potkettle

Also, Mermaid did some form-policing on Van Pelt during the rock work.  The form was indeed atrocious as was Ickey’s during Dolly.

Appreciate Lobstah not Larry Birding YHC on the runs…must have been injured a bit…

Thanks to Hannibal for taking us out…and by the way, your beard will have a zip code of its own by Thanksgiving.

That’s it for YHC’s commentary.


Quite a few: Ragnar (Friday), Southern Discomfort (Sat., 10/22) , Joe Davis 5K (Sat., Jan. 7)

Read the weekly, website, Twitter, etc. for all the latest and greatest.



Adult Beverage Mile Training

I overestimated the time it took to get to DV, so Squid and I pulled in with only 10 minutes to spare. As Pax started arriving I and looked down at the track, and all I saw was pitch black. Perfect for the workout I had planned. Mosey around the parking lot and grab a lifting rock before forming a tight circle at the end close to the fields.

20 x SSH
20 x SSH (aka IW)
20 x SSH (aka Merkins)

The Thang:
Everyone form groups of 3 with rocks (and men) of similar size. (You know what they say about a guy with a big rock) Mosey down to the track. Each team grab a lane to make sure we keep our teams and rocks together in the darkness. Partner 1 stay at the starting line, while Partner 2 run across the field with their rock to wait on the other side of the track. Partner 3 then runs 200 yards around track as the timer, while Partner 1 and 2 performing exercises. Two full laps for each Pax.

Round 1: Partner 1 Overhead Press, Partner 2 V-Ups with Rock.
Round 2: Partner 1 Curls, Partner 2 Crunches with Rock.
Round 3: Partner 1 Squats, Partner 2 Russian Twist with Rock.

Mosey back up the hill to replace rock, then circle back up.
12 x Can Opener on each leg.


Thanks for letting me lead. Semi-Gloss and Dollywood had me on the schedule last week and were kind to let me switch. And Dollywood was MIA. Must have been scared. Semi-gloss is either injured, lazy, or protesting HB2 as I caught him exiting the ladies’ restroom. I feel bad for anyone that has to go in their over the next 24 hours. I asked him why he came out of that restroom and he said it was closer than the men’s. I guess he was saving his strength for the workout? And Spackler and his team either cheated, or beer is Spackler’s cryptonite. He completed the first lap while the rest of us where still trying to find what lane we were in, and he proclaimed he didn’t have a single beer last night. And someone was complaining about the chill in the air, and then Puddin Pop announced he wears short sleeves unless it is -40 F. Manly. And Gummy was annoyed that the second part of the lap was shorter than the first, so he had us all move to the middle of the first straight away, therefore making the first leg shorter than the second. Every Pax was totally confused.

Sign up for the Southern Discomfort.

Fast Camp

A 6 man roster for Fa(s)t Camp today. Here’s what happened:


  • light jog around the parking lot.
  • 20 Seal Jack in cadence.
  • 15 Jumping Jack in cadence.
  • 20 Low Slow Squat in cadence.
  • 15 Merkin in cadence.
  • 8 rounds:
    • 10 strict push-ups
    • Run to the Playground
    • 5 strict pull-ups
    • Run to the Pavement
  • Mosey down to the turf field
  • 400 meters with various strides: butt kick, high knees, toes only, heels only
  • Stretch and explanation given.

The Thing

60 meters @ 80%

  • Rest 60 seconds

    90 meters @ 80%

  • Rest 90 seconds

    120 meters at 80%

  • Rest 120 seconds

    120 meters at 100%

  • Rest 120 seconds

    120 meters at 100%

  • Rest 120 seconds

    90 meters @ 100%

  • Rest 90 seconds

    90 meters @ 100%

  • Rest 90 seconds

    90 meters @ 100%

  • Rest 90 seconds

    60 meters @ 100%

  • Rest 60 seconds

    60 meters @ 100%

  • Rest 60 seconds

    60 meters @ 100%

  • Rest 60 seconds


Circle up for some Mary:
– 50 LBC in cadence.
– 10 low slow merkin civilian count.
– 50 Flutter (25 low, 25 high) in cadence.
– 10 low slow merkin civilian count.
– 50 crunch (25 left, 25 right) in cadence.
– 400 meter shake out run.
– Final Suicide (60 m out 100%, jog back, 120m out 100%)
– Long mosey alternating back vs forward running to launch
– Done.

COT Announcements

  • Count, Name, etc
  • Bounty Hunter looking for fresh Q blood at FatCamp
  • Bounty Hunter leads ball of man in prayer.


TL;DR -> Sprints are good for you. We did a lot of them. Everyone (that showed up) did awesome!

Fun crowd today. Ok, maybe crowd is an overstatement, there were 6. The six that were there reportedly got their money’s worth. Truth be told, this Q was overly researched by YHC. After an evening binge reading session of academic papers on sprint kinetics and benefits, YHC was eager to add some quality sprinting to workouts. Here are some highlights from a blend of recent readings, personal experience, and conversations with other athletes (some of this was shared in the form of mumblechatter between sprints, after YHC caught breath):
– Sprinting can often achieve more fat-loss than endurance training due to the increased amount of metabolic taxation (and it takes a lot less time #efficiency)
– Sprinting can improve your longer distance times just as much as endurance training.
– Intervals should be done in descending order to maximize training benefit (i.e 200m,100m,40m or 30secs, 20secs, 10secs)
– Sprinting without adequate rest between reps decreases the positive benefits.

A couple observations from the field today:
Triple 7 (Respect) is the man. He committed, he posted, and he put out a tremendous effort. He stuck with / beat the young crowd today.
Peppermint (Hate Hate) is fast out of the gates. His ideal distance is 40-70 yards/meters and he means serious business. Showed up (late) with his cleats for extra turf traction.
Uncle Phil (Hate Hate) seemed to get faster every interval. Perhaps he has found his stride.
BubbleBoy (Hate) won his fair share of the intervals (i.e most of them). He is quick and also was unphased by the much Mary that followed.
Bounty Hunter (Hate Hate) found it in himself to complain about age, weight, the Q, the astroturf pellets that covered his face. Despite the barrage of mumble, he put out some solid intervals; pretty sure he was first in a handful.
YHC (Hate) is now tired, but honored to lead this smaller group of sprinters.

Fun time guys, it shall happen again soon.

Take the long way home

Posting on Behalf of Bounce –

26 Pax showed up this morning with crisp air and great weather to sweat. Here’s what happened.
Began with quick disclaimer, thanks to Fletch for filling in most of the details. Had the PAX circle up for some warm up exercises. Exercises included: Side Straddle Hop x 20, Mountain Climbers x 14, and (OYO) Merkins x 20.
Partner up with x1 KB and mosey to start of Pleasant Hill (church loop). Partner 1 runs to first curb cut (see link below) with KB, Partner 2 follows and takes KB to second curb cut and then does Merkins waiting on Partner 1. The plan was to run the Pax with the KB around Pleasant Hill but it was very apparent that Google Earth was wrong and the QIC needed a quick audible at the line. Ran x2 curb cuts and proceeded to make a fast right into the church parking lot to finish the exercise, stopping at each break in the parking islands to swap KBs and perform Merkins.
Mosey to church with same partners to start x5 rounds of partner work:
• Round 1: Partner 1 runs church lap, Partner 2 Overhead Press
• Round 2: Partner 1 runs church lap, Partner 2 High Rows
• Round 3: Partner 1 runs church lap, Partner 2 KB Merkins
• Round 4: Partner 1 runs church lap, Partner 2 Goblin Squats
• Round 5: Partner 1 runs church lap, Partner 2 Partners Choice
Had Pax plank for several exercises while waiting on six to finish. Capped off the church laps with 20 Merkins (OYO).
Proceeded back to school with same Partner for a Farmer’s Carry. The Pax took the long way home, over the hills, through the parking lot to Covenant Church Lane we go. Stopped at Pleasant Hill and Covenant Church Lane to Plank and wait on the 6. Performed multiple Plank exercises capped off with 20 Merkins (OYO).
Mosey up to field at school and line up on sideline. Six rounds of additional partner work:
• Round 1: Partner 1 run width of field and back, Partner 2 curls with KB
• Round 2: Partner 1 run width of field and back, Partner 2 right handed lawnmowers with KB
• Round 3: Partner 1 run width of field and back, Partner 2 left handed lawnmowers with KB
• Round 4: Partner 1 run width of field and back, Partner 2 two-handed swings

• Round 5: Partner 1 bear crawls to mid field, Partner 2 lunge walk with KB to mid field, swap to sideline

• Bonus Round: both Partners run lap around track and finish at parking lot
I was a little concerned last night trying to plan for Skunkworks, there are endless exercises one can perform with a KB. I decided to reach out to some intelligent, physically fit F3 veterans but unfortunately not one answered texts or my phone calls. Without a plan in place I decided to call Spackler (Mr. F ½), My backup plan panned out and Mr. Octoberfest answered his phone and told me to oversimplify the beat down and keep moving while performing KB exercises. It worked and the Pax was smoked! We were able to get in 2.7 miles and a solid body beat down. Thanks to Simba for taking us out and thanks to Harley and Fletch for this opportunity to lead!

Signup for Southern Discomfort is on the F3 website
Please reach out to F3 leadership if you have friends / family in other cities that would be interested in launching F3 into additional markets

Not a Runner are You???

8 PAX at McKee Rd Elementary for another Saturday morning at the original Area 51 workout.  Welcomed Little W to our group as he made his first appearance at this AO, capably subbing in for his 2.0, McGee, who was recovering from some nasal surgery last week.  Informed YHC that he typically posts at Core workouts in Metro and, with having had knee replacement surgery, did not run too often.  Little birdy told him YHC was not too much of a runner, which I will not deny.  Will run, but not real fast.

With 7 PAX in tow, we launched for an easy mosey to the other side of the school yard.  Quick circle back to pick up Donkey Kong as he arrived at 0701 and then we headed down to bus parking lot and circled up for COP:

  • Squats x 15 IC
  • IW x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 15 IC
  • MC x 20 IC
  • Plank Jack x 20 IC
  • Dolly x 15 IC, hold’em
  • Flutter x 15 IC, hold’em
  • Rosalita x 15 IC

Little mumble chatter about the extra work in COP but a little core/Mary never hurt anyone.

Time to loosen up the legs, so lined up at one end of the bus parking lot for the following:

  • Karaoke (R) length of the lot
  • Karaoke (L) back
  • Back Pedal length of the lot
  • Back Pedal back
  • Shuffle (L) length of the lot
  • Shuffle (R) back

After the last round we headed up McKee Rd to the neighborhood just up the street.  Starting at the entrance we ran down the main drag, stopping at each side street for increasing reps of called exercise (2, 4, 6, 8, 10):

  • Rd 1 – Merkins
  • Rd 2 – Jump Squats
  • Rd 3 – LBCs
  • Rd 4 – Lunge walk to 1st side street, run/jog to 2nd street & keep alternating to the end

After short plank to wait for the 6, gathered PAX up to continue trek up McKee Rd.  Made our way to the next development and headed up the main drive to the first traffic circle.  Time for the Triple Nickel with CDD at the other end and Prisoner Squats when you get back to the traffic circle.  5 reps each end with 5 complete loops.

Time for a little break from the continuous movement, so we headed over to the fountain near the community pool.  Completed the following:

  • Dips x 15
  • Derkins x 15
  • Rinse & repeat x 2

Headed back out to McKee Rd and lined up at the neighborhood entrance for an Indian Run back to the school.  Once there we headed over to the wall at the front of the school for the following:

  • PC x 60 secs (w/ arm presses)
  • Lunge walk across the bus parking lot
  • PC x 60 secs
  • Lunge walk

Made our way through the parking lot back to the playground near the launch point.  Final round of circuit work:

  • Toes to bar or Hanging knee raises x 15
  • Plank walk on the curb for 5 parking spaces
  • Rinse & repeat x 2

Circle up for 6 MOM (PAX choice)

  • Freddie Mercury (O’Tannenbaum)
  • Jack Webb (Donkey Kong)
  • Can Opener (Pop Tart)



  • Great to have Little W join us as a site FNG.  Hung in tough, though we did complete a little more running than he is used to.  Prayers were lifted for a clean report for his M this week as she battles cancer.
  • Lot of mumble chatter about the shoulder and quad focus this week.  Pop Tart always willing to put forth his two cents.  Always makes the workout go a little quicker if PAX are providing colorful commentary.
  • Good to see Young Love back out at McKee.  Looks to have recovered from his surgery earlier this year.  Know he has been posting to some of the gear workouts but always makes for a nice addition to the bootcamp crowd.
  • Kudos to Squid for watching out for the 6.  Usually running with the guys up front but kept on eye on the guys bringing up the rear this week.  Hopefully still got a solid workout in.


  • Area 51’s CSAUP event, Southern Discomfort, is scheduled for 10/22/2016.
  •      Preblast is available here:
  •      Sign-up is here:
  •      Service element for Southern Discomfort:  Collecting donations of $s, single snack packs, bus passes, and gift cards for The Relatives, a system of resources that helps children and youth find shelter and support.  See pre-blast for additional details.  Drop off donations at workouts.
  • Please keep Huggie Bear and his family in your prayers.  His mother passed away recently.  He’s back in town now.
  • Prayers also go out for the family of Little W.  His M, Ruth, is battling ovarian cancer and they are scheduled to receive results of recent scan this week.  Prayers were lifted for a clear scan.



Security breach by paparazzi

With Horse Head standing guard in the parking lot, YHC headed into the Scout Hut, followed soon by 12 other PAX looking to recover from some of the abuse delivered at our typical F3 workouts. Looks like a few more men found a towel replacement, but not everyone got the email. Quick check verified that the disclaimer covers injuries sustained by slipping on a dry towel on a smooth concrete floor, so we’re ah-ite, and it’s time to start.

Brief preamble by YHC about what and how this workout is supposed to be, then everyone plays dead (savasana). Devotional of the day: “Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10

The Main Thang:
Hip stretches on back (windshield wiper -> Right ankle on left knee/fold left, head right. Flapjack)
Cat/Cow X5 Breaths -> table top side bends X5 breaths each side-> child’s pose X5 breaths
2-breath SLOW/TOGETHER: plank -> chaturanga -> up dog -> down dog (walk dog X5 breaths) -> half-way lift -> fold -> Repeat w/out walking dog (still 2-breath/pose).
From Down Dog, Low Lunge with right foot forward. 5 breaths. Half Split – 10 breaths
Plank, chataranga, up dog, down dog, then Low Lunge with left foot forward. 5 breaths. Half Split – 10 breaths
Sun Salutations X2 – follow your breath, meet in Mountain
In Mountain: Right arm out and up and fold behind head. Left arm out and down and reach behind back and up. Grab hands or shirt. Open chest. Spin right tricep forward, left shoulder back. Belly and ribs drawn in. Try to keep lengthening. Keep shoulders down, not hiked up.
5 breaths, Repeato other side, 5 Breaths. (editor’s note: this is called cow face if you’re trying to follow at home and don’t know what to google)

Sun Salutations X2 – follow your breath, meet in Mountain
In Mountain: Half-fold with elbow bind. Side stretch (shoulders) RIGHT and hold for 5 breaths
Sun Salutations X2 – follow your breath, meet in Mountain
In Mountain: Half-fold with elbow bind. Side stretch (shoulders) LEFT and hold for 5 breaths
Sun Salutations X2 – follow your breath, meet in Down Dog on 2nd time through

Step forward with right foot into Warrior 1 -> Warrior 2 -> Peaceful Warrior -> Warrior 2 -> 5-pointed star -> wide-leg fold -> Keep breathing, but take a few minutes to gently stretch, using slow side-to-side movements if you want, or just shifting hips to get slightly more/less stretch in each side. 10 breaths

Bring torso up to 5-pointed star, step left foot up and face front of mat in Upward Salute.
Sun Salutations X2 – follow your breath, meet in Down Dog on 2nd time through
Step forward with left foot into Warrior 1 -> Warrior 2 -> Peaceful Warrior -> Warrior 2 -> Goddess Fierce Angle Pose
Hold for up to 10 breaths. Step your feet together and come back to the top of your mat in Mountain Pose.

Down to 6, then on back for Dead Pigeon – 5 breaths. Repeato other side 5 breaths.
Closing: Savasana (corpse pose), re-center on breathing. Revisit Meditation: “Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10

• NEW: Joe Davis Memorial Run SAVE THE DATE: January 7 (stay tuned for pre-blast)
• Reminders: Monroe Expansion launches Saturday at 7 AM. The AO is Belk-Tonawanda Park near Uptown Monroe on Skyway Drive
Southern Discomfort
• Area51 Christmas Party (HOLD THE DATE: Friday December 2nd 7-11pm)

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.  But since we can’t add photos here (or YHC is technologically challenged), I guess I’ll have to babble for a bit.  Sorry about that, Horse Head, you did a great job capturing the real essence of the PAX striking the Fierce Angle Pose.

So another Gumby on the books, and another dose of stretching administered to the men of Area 51.  I couldn’t tell how everyone was doing, but it sounded like we nailed the breathing, so that’s great.  And I didn’t hear anything snap or pop, so I think we stayed in the “flexible” range of the stretches.  Booyah gets kudos for being able to touch the floor in a forward fold.  Didn’t check to see if there was some knee bending going on, so we’ll give him full credit.  Stay Puft pointed out that we’re already going to our self-assigned spots even though we’ve only been here once before.  Just like going to “your” pew in church.  Too funny.  And true.

Hope the stretching helped everyone.  If so, spread the word to let others know that there is a recovery option.  If not, DM me or High Tide.  Constructive (or humorously-delivered) feedback always welcome.

Remember to make time today to be still and bask in the presence and greatness of God.

Thanks for the take-out, Horse Head.


Catch Me if You Can

20 PAX assembled to pair up an make an assault on the parking deck (the one we don’t get kicked out of!)  Here’s what we did:

Mosey to the BB&T parking lot for warm up: 20 IW, 10 squats, 10 merkins, 10 MC, 10 merkins all IC.

Mosey to the deck for the Main Event and partner up for Catch Me If You Can.  Round 1 = 10 diamond merkins and chase/high knees (2 ramps).  Round 2 = 10 wide arm merkins and chase/butt kicks (2 ramps).  Round 3 = 10 merkins and chase/broad jumps (1 ramp).

Take stairs to the bottom and plank it up.  AYG to the top and Mary to wait for the six.

Mosey back to starting point.  Round 4 = 10 squats and chase/bear crawl (1 ramp).  Round 5 = 10 squats and chase/backwards bear crawl (1 ramp).  Round 6 = 10 squats and chase/inchworms (1 ramp).

Stairs to the basement, AYG to the top, Mary.  Mosey back with 3 stops for merkins.  Kill time at the end with my new favorite thing – Wild Turkey leading what I like to call “Unconventional Mary.”  Don’t remember the exact names of exercises although I do remember Frehleys’ addition – “Wax the Dolphin.”

Moleskine: Strong effort today on what was designed to be a little bit of an uncomfortable workout.  Thin Mint was supposed to lead today but got an injury so we switched him to 10/18 (don’t miss it) and YHC stepped in to try to give the PAX a cardio workout worthy of the Mint Man.  I think everyone thought there was more running than there really was – we only did 2.2 miles but it seems like a lot more when you’re mixing in the crawls, etc.

Announcements: Come out and support the Ragnar runners this Saturday.  Beers, F3 tents, what more could you ask for.  3rd F begins a new study of the Book of John – no preparation needed, just meet at Einstein’s following Swift/Bagpipe.  Southern Discomfort – October 22, check web site for details.  Another 3rd F alternative – Tuesday nights at 7:30 at the Rusty Onion.  Check web site and Twitter as it will be alternating Tuesdays.