Monthly Archive July 2016

Bells, Benches and Plenty of Heat

I have drawn the 5th of July Q several times over the past few years and you really never know what kind of crowd will show up. This year, the heat and IPA’s must have kept the majority of the pax in bed. Either that or 80% of the regulars were downrange. Pulling into the parking lot with a few minutes to go there were only three cars. We had 1 FNG, so a thorough disclaimer was given and we got right to it.
Warmup w/tunes consisted of the following:
20 swings OYO0
10 cleans each arm
Merkin right hand on Bell x10IC
10 snatches each arm
Merk left hand on Bell x10IC
10 shoulder press each arm

Grab a Partner w/similarish weight bell and Farmer Carry to bottom lot near benches. We would add a 5 diamond merkin chaser for the partner w/out the bells.
Plank until everyone arrives at the bench.

Doubles and Running – bruuuutal
P1 runs around median and back (200 Yards)
P2 does double KB exercise (or audible to singles – pax choice) flapjack x 2 rounds
Double swings
Double squats
Double cleans
Double shoulder press

Bench and Bell Supersets – soaking
P1 on bench P2 on bells (Flapjack x 3 rounds)
Jump ups on Bench x 20 / KB Goblet squat
Triceps Dips on Bench x20 / triceps extension
Incline Merkins x20 / Chest press with Bell

Farmer Carry Catch me if you can (wide arm merkin chaser) back to the lot w/two minutes to spare
2 minutes of mary – Flutter with Press x 20 – LBC’s x30

It was a soaker out there this morning, one of the warmest we have experienced this year. There was a breeze in the parking lot, but it was no where to be found when we arrived at the benches. Mash lost his shirt almost immediately, the rest of us looked as though we had been plunged into the dunk tank. The Tunes traveled with us courtesy of a bluetooth speaker hinged to a beltloop via carabiner clip. Pretty awkward during the catch me if you can, but it worked out ok and kept the six of us focused on the job at hand. We managed to knock out everything on the weinke today, may not have been possible with a larger pax. As bulldog mentioned, there is no place to hide with such a small crew. Everyone was getting after it this morning – thank you for tempering your july 4th celebrations to post at Skunkworks today.
Our FNG – Sully (17 year old Hudson) did a great job in his first post handling the KB work and the running. I suspect that he will be a regular fixture this summer. Mash and Bulldog were pushing the pace in the run around the Median. Stonecold, fresh off a long weekend at the beach was crushing the doubles. Sony was putting in a 110 percent effort, pushing himself to a few standing 8 counts – getting stronger with each post. In the end, we covered a decent amount of ground and got in plenty of strength training to compensate for the extra hot dog or burger last night.
Hope the rest of you enjoyed your fourth of july weekend and will be back next week!

Stars and Bars

Four red blooded Americans on July 5th for a US Flag inspired workout.  Old Glory has 13 stripes  and 50 stars, so we went for 13 exercises and 50 reps of each.


Run the Chadwyck mile.

50 reps of each of the following 13 exercises in order:

  1. Merkins
  2. Pull-ups
  3. LBCs
  4. Squats
  5. Wide arms
  6. Freddy Mercury
  7. Lunges
  8. Diamonds
  9. Flutters
  10. CDDs
  11. Monkey Humpers
  12. WW2 Situps
  13. Burpees

Run the Chadwyck mile again.


Ouch, on a variety of fronts.  Not sure if it was the jalapeno poppers, the beer, or the lingering calf tightness…but that hurt.  I believe everyone got through 12 of the 13, and took off for the final mile at some stage of completion of the burpees.  In hindsight, probably should have led off with those, as that was a brutal way to finish.

Sledge, who Hammer recently cut loose from his tether, took the opening mile VT.  Yes, @Sundancer, feel free to point and laugh from afar, as it finally happened.  YHC felt the strong urge to Elvis to the convenient port-o-jon about midway through the opening mile, slowed, and tried to sneak past him with a finishing sprint only to be rebuffed.  Strong work from Sledge today.

Grapevine – with what may be a site FNG post – apparently parked, thought he was in the wrong spot, played stalker from the car, and then parked again.  Confusion may have been partially a result of YHC flying in on 2-wheels at 0530.  He caught up at the school and flew through the list.  Pretty confident he was the closest to finishing of the group.

Lot of strength work today, so feel free to walk around feeling swole.  That’s all I’ve got.

  • Kirk

Beating 2.0s training

Shepherd and I ran the Common Heart Firecracker 5K the day before and then afterwards, there was a wheelbarrow race which Shep and I entered. We lost. To a F3 2.0. I told him before we started that we better not lose. Yes, so Shep may have been 40 years older than the 2.0. No excuses. Only pain due to training.

Mosey to the side road with a ride-by from Barney doing his best Police Academy training techniques and getting the neighborhood dogs riled up.

SSH IC x20
IW IC x20
Windmill IC x10
3 count Low, Slow Squats IC x10

Side Road Partner wheelbarrows with FlapJacks as needed (or by the islands along the road). What better way to move the crowd and train to beat 2.0s in wheelbarrows than just doing it along the entire side road. Plank until everyone finishes.

Now that we have ruined shoulders, added some hand blisters (at least I did) and generally regretted the last few bit of life, let’s mosey over to the hill.

3 rounds of 7. Did I say 3? Meant 4.

LBCs/Heels to Heaven
Burpees at the bottom with a run to the top

At some point, HB joins us during 7s. After taking a long time to get out of his car after already being late and then stopping for a while as we wondered who it was. Better late than never I guess.

Mosey to the wall beside the bathroom.
TPC w/ Air Presses combos/ Donkey Kicks
125/35 (oops, 130 – apologies)

Mosey back to the cars

Flutter IC x25
Dolly IC x25
LBC IC x10/LBC 3 count x10
Rosalita En Espanol IC x10


Prayers for HBs job search
GJ’s wife for a clean MRI on her spine Thursday
Thanks to Shepherd for taking us out.

– Not quite as humid as last week but still a lot of sweat dripping and some great sweat angels at the end of Mary.
– I heard complaining during the Wheelbarrow training. This is good. Though Bernanke forgetting gloves was not good.
– HB should have had to bear crawl the entire road to make up for being late. It’s only fair.
– Tough work out there by everyone. The hill is a good hill for 7s. I promise I wasn’t making it longer but it really did seem like it was getting longer. Or maybe we were just getting tired. Maybe
– Glad everyone came out as the 4th could have given you an excuse for fartsacking but you men correctly refused the fartsack.
– I am convinced we will win the wheelbarrow race next year. #noexcuses

Thanks for letting me lead!

Glass Joe

No Shirt Track Tuesday

While most still lay passed out on the pool deck, surrounded by empty red solo cups and bottle rocket debris, 9 men showed for the post-Independence Day edition of #F3FastTwitch.

The Thang

Mosey lap around the parking lot to make sure we had everyone then down to the track we went. Yes, the track.

  • 1-mile warm up
  • 400 meter run / 200 meter recovery. Repeat until 0605.
  • 1-mile cool down


I had this plan to surprise the pax with a turn down to the track after the parking lot mosey lap…but TR asked me out the gate what we were doing and how far we were going and I had to come clean with the plan.

The original plan was for speed work offsite somewhere. But Hairball texted me yesterday saying he wouldn’t mind some track work. I obliged. Even texted him back the plan. He said it sounded awful and that he was in for it…then he and Gerber did their own workout. Apparently they couldn’t handle the mental strain of repeating 400s for the hour…had to throw in 600s and 800s for ease.

We were in closer proximity to one another on the track than in Raintree but, oddly enough, this workout felt lonelier than most. Worst case: I needed a hug. Best case: I wanted to die.

Nice battle to the end out there by all the guys, especially Pro. Found him curled up in turn 4 at about 0555 repeating the question “is it time yet? is it time yet?” He gathered himself and closed out another couple rounds.

Solid takeout by Madison.


Sign up for #F3Golf. Now.

The track sucks.

The Flying Bell Circus

8 pax met up on the last day of June for a lot of swings, with some other exercises worked in for variety.

Veteran crew, so a minimal disclaimer was applied.

Circle up for COP:

  • SSH IC x 20 IC
  • Prying squats x 3
  • Merkins IC x 10 IC
  • Good Mornings x 15 IC

Swing set warm up:

  • 20 swings per minute for 10 minutes

Single KB work:

  • 2H Swing x 15
  • Clean & Press x 5+5
  • 1H Swing x 5+5
  • Clean & Squat x 5+5
  • 1H Swing x 10+10 or 20 alternating
  • Snatch x 5+5
  • 1H Swing x 5+5


Partner up for double KB work:

  • Clean & Press x 3
  • Clean & Squat x 3
  • Clean & Press x 3
  • Double swing x 3
  • Clean & Press x 3
  • Single KB Snatch x 5+5
  • Clean & Press x 3
  • Double high pulls x 3
  • Clean & Press x 3


Thanks to Freedom for the takeout.



  • Apologies for the delay in getting this backblast posted. YHC was busy at work before the holiday and had trouble getting online from the road.
  • YHC is not the most original Q and was busy at work this past week, so this workout was an amalgamation of three different workouts found in an article on StrongFirst. These workouts are meant to prepare you for the StrongFirst Level 1 KB certification by being performed once a week for a few weeks. I thought they worked well by giving a good variety of exercises along with some single and double bell work.
  • The name of the workout comes from the fact that YHC lost a KB (sorry, Witch Doctor) on the second set of double high pulls, sending it flying into the middle of the circle. Thankfully, there was nothing breakable or living in the middle of the circle.
  • Spackler joined us for the first 30 minutes of the workout before leaving for a mommy/daughter photo shoot at his house. Being neither a mommy nor a daughter, he must have been doing makeup or something.


  • Pool party 8/20 at Candlewyck. Bring the M and 2.0s. Get signed up via the links on the website/Twitter/weekly newlsetter.
  • F3 Golf on 7/29 at Old Sycamore supporting F3 Expansion. The sign up period is shorter this period, so get on it.

Pre-blast: Stars and Bars

Independence Day – nothing more American than celebrating our freedom, and lots of Old Glory flying this weekend.

US Flag has 13 stripes on and 50 stars.  We’re going 13 exercises and 50 reps of each.

Run the Chadwyck mile.

50 reps of each of the following 13 exercises in order:

  1. Merkins
  2. Pull-ups
  3. LBCs
  4. Squats
  5. Wide arms
  6. Freddy Mercury
  7. Lunges
  8. Diamonds
  9. Flutters
  10. CDDs
  11. Monkey Humpers
  12. WW2 Situps
  13. Burpees

Run the Chadwyck mile again.



Farlekking Bergsget

#PreBlast – Fartlek

If the Fartlek is Swedish for “speed play”, then YHC is thankful that KonstigtBrew and ViktminskningDryck let a Flaskkorv lead on this day.


  • 0500 – One unsuspecting Site FNG idling in the lot when the Q pulls in.  He gets talked into a prerun on the track for 1mi.
  • 0515 – Warm-up lap in the bus lot to wait for more PAX to arrive and one in particular.  Two more cars on the way in, so let’s do a second lap to give them a chance to unload.  The PAX that YHC was expecting is one of them, so let’s head off-campus into Raintree.  Right onto Rounding Run and stop at the start of the Rounding Run loop.  Warm-up exercises between speed hump and stop sign 6 times.
  • 0530 – Explain the purpose of the workout – changing speeds and getting some sprinting in.  No pace targets for the day – pure effort.  30 seconds jog, 20 seconds “normal” run, 10 seconds sprint.  repeat for 5 rounds, then a 2:00 jog recovery and to regroup the PAX.  Stay on Rounding Run loop for 4 rounds.  For the 5th round, head back towards SCMS with the 30-20-10 or just make it back with a normal run.  Most PAX end up doing the 30-20-10 on the way back and all make it with a few minutes to spare.
  • Circle up, cooldown dynamic stretching – standing high knees, standing butt kicks, front to back leg swing, side to side leg swing, and ankle rolls.
  • COT and announcements


  • YHC and M*A*S*H get in some laps on the track at 0500.  Turns out he’s headed to our nation’s Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO, as a cadet in a few weeks, and we were able to connect as YHC’s father was a graduate and YHC was able to spend a week there in HS as a soccer camper.  Beware the altitude, though they do say that running in humidity is poor man’s altitude training.
  • It’s great to be back at MountainGoat where running beginners and experienced PAX alike in Area51 have a chance to take on Interval running.  SlimFast and StrangeBrew run an excellent site where they insure all PAX are included.  Lots of new faces including Queen and Slice.
  • One of the challenges with a time-based workout with so many small intervals is keeping the PAX together and in sync.  One idea, instead of yelling out each start and stop, was to flash a headlamp at the start and end.  Would like some feedback from the PAX in the comments if that initially worked or not.  Certainly it was made easier by having a 2nd watch on SlimFast sounding the tones of each interval, but the challenge is that sometimes things get off sync and it feels like either time stands still or gets faster.
  • Kilowatt continues to forge ahead in the running and showing the grit and determination needed for a BRR in about 2 1/2 months.
  • Pele pushed through the sprints showing the extra gear needed to continue building speed.
  • Not sure who the two PAX were that were blazing out front on the first several sprints, but pretty sure they were Queen and Slice.  Mr. Bean wouldn’t let them too far out of his sights.
  • How do you Sprint, keep a watch running, guide a tethered runner telling him where the speed bumps are, and keep it all together?  Props to SlimFast.
  • Sensei can Sprint, can do all of the dynamic standing stretches, and probably can boogie.  Once he got the ankle rolls as the PAX figured out how to describe them, he’s readying his aution for ballroom disco dancing.
  • We’re going to hide some cameras and film The Mouth’s warm-up exercises.  Pretty sure his family, friends, and co-workers would see a new side of him.  Or at least that’s what he thinks (and says) every time we do anything but run straight and “normal”.
  • Fireman Ed, despite the pull of the fartsack, decided to run in to the workout.  He apparently needed an escort by Mr. Bean on the way home, but we think he made it safely.
  • Huggie Bear continues to run PRs and improve his pace.  Something about MountainGoat and how the PAX can motivate each other is working!
  • Despite projectile vomiting “apparently” keeping him from Swift on Tuesday (the 2.0, no the Tootie), Tootie shows at least two additional running workouts during the week, though this was the first one where drinking non-water afterwards was not involved…keep up the streak!
  • Great having Carlton show at the workout, but pretty sure that he only shows if YHC posts.  Someone else bother that guy and get him to post!  Lives in vicinity of Carmel Baptist.


  • Read the Newsletter!


Preblast: #SOBDads Pool Times

This week #F3Dads Ballantyne (#SOBDads) will meet in sunny South Carolina for a different sort of workout. It was decided by the #SOBDads board that it would be a good idea to mix things up a bit to usher in the hot and vacation filled month of July. This is that workout!

At 9:00 am Saturday July 9, the #SOBDads will convene at Honey Bee’s Neighborhood Park / Pool for a workout and some games in the water. The workout should last 45 min and the pool times another 45 min. Once the coordinated activities are complete, we can stay around and swim for a bit until the Saturday pool rush hits. See below for the pertinent details.

Where: 4021 Granite Circle, Fort Mill, SC 29707 Map (if you get there and don’t see the pool parking lot, keep driving around the circle until you find it – Google is acting funny)

When: 9:00 – 10:30 am Saturday July 9, 2016

What: 45 minute #SOBDads workout / 45 minute pool times

What to bring: Swimwear already on, sunscreen already applied, any pool paraphernalia (goggles, floaties, towels, etc) can be dropped off at the pool area prior to the beginning of the workout.

A word of caution: Even though F3 workouts would not be complete without an element of danger, we will be around a pool with kids. You are responsible for your 2.0’s and there is not a lifeguard on duty. Bring whatever Power Rangers / Barbie flotation devices and/or pink sparkly goggles you or your 2.0’s may need to feel comfortable in the water.

I hope you and you 2.0’s can make it. Please comment below or email if you are coming to get an accurate idea of attendance.

Overview of July – August events for #SOBDads
July 9 – Honey Bee – F3 Pool Times
July 16 – JRR Tolkien
July 23 – NFL Play 60 at Panthers Practice Field
July 30 – Wild Turkey
Aug 6 – Bratwurst and Howie
Aug 12-14 – F3 Dads Camp

Real Larry Birds

9 men gathered slogged through the humidity to prove their physical prowess. Here’s what we did.

The thang

Mosey one lap around the track to warm up
Meet at the basketball court for COP

SSH x 20
Merkins x 15
Squats (Q calls down and up) x 10

Mosey over to the hill at Carswell and Bevington for a triple nickel
Jump squats at the bottom
Hand-release merkins at the top

Mosey back to base, gathering at the brick wall
Get in people’s chair, and slide in squat position to the end of the wall

The long set:
1 x squat
1 x merkin
1 x lunge each leg
1 x burpee
After completing, do 2 of each exercise, then 3. And so on and so forth. Most people got to 11 or 12.

2 min water break — this is high intensity, so hydration is key

Mosey down the the basketball court for some drills.
Right-handed layup x 3
Left-handed layup x 3
Foul line extended jump shot x 1
If you miss, 5 x merkins
Get your rebound, pass to the next man, run to the opposite baseline and get back in line

Now that everyone’s properly warmed up, hit the foul line.
Everybody shoots a foul shot.
If made, group does 5 x merkins
If missed, group does a traditional basketball court suicide sprint
We did 7 suicides.


Naked Moleskine

–The group really missed Spackler today but luckily several members of the pax were able to do dead-on impressions. Numerous refusenik fake-outs and references to previous night’s debauchery. I felt right at home.
–Judging by the hoops talent on display here, the Day Zero fellas would clean up in an Area 51 basketball tournament. Some real Larry Birds here. Red Rocks has some serious ups.
–Great work by the pax pushing through the squat/merkin/lunge/burpee set. People started complaining after literally 2 minutes, but we got through about 15 mins total. I personally witnessed everyone giving it all they got #ISI
–We got in somewhere around 3 miles total.

Thanks as always for the opportunity to lead.

Running out of Gas? Then switch to Citgo

Tuesday’s morning speedfest took on new ground on June 28th.  With a PREBLAST hinting of a workout we haven’t seen for a while, it was sure to bring something new.


  • 0500 – Prerun over new ground to find our “track” for the workout later.  Sure confused some of the PAX that are used to the normal 1.3mi turn right, turn right, turn right, turn right, ….
  • 0515 – Pickup the rest of the PAX right after 05:15:00.01 to leave the Vine and head back out to our track called “Brixham Green” – around the buildings Brixham Green One and Two – here is a BCP Map –
  • 0530 – Having finished the dynamic warm-up exercises and shown the PAX the loop, we hand out the instructions of the workout –
  • 5minutes at Threshold Pace (calculated at, 1minute Rest.  First interval run around Brixham Green Counter Clock Wise, Second interval is back Clockwise, Third interval CCW, etc.
  • Stated goal in the PreBlast and at the start of the workout was 6, but after 2 intervals, 6 seemed like a bit ambitious for the first one of these workouts in a while.  We adjusted to 5 total (25 minutes of running at a pace normally run in a race lasting an hour), and it seemed sufficient.  Always best to leave at lease a little fuel in the tank, even though there was barely any left as it was.
  • Long 10 minute+ cooldown back around the Brixham Green, pass by the cars at least once with a headfake, pull around the Starbucks circle, back around a building, and finally pull into the lot just before the Bagpipers.

The Moleskin:

  • Brixham Green is mostly flat, about 0.5 miles around, devoid of most traffic, minimal speedbumps (and has clear passage to the side of each one), and just might make another appearance.  Perhaps starting at the corner was a little odd, so that could be one thing that we change.
  • One the first interval, there’s a newer PAX running with the lead group and seemingly taking it easy.   He doesn’t back down after the first two intervals.  He pulls away on the third and fourth intervals.  He questions how many we’re actually doing because perhaps he has more in the tank than the rest of us.  Turns out he does have the right kind of fuel in the tank, he’s Citgo.
  • Before we get going, a dilligent PAX who reads all Preblasts, Backblasts, Tweets, and Slack updates asks a question about the pace we’re running.  Just clearing it up, it’s Threshold Pace.  And on the end of the workout, Q makes a call to meet back at the start.  Most of the PAX regroup, wait for the rest of the PAX, look around the corners of the building, wait some more, and finally go jogging back around to the start.  We find two PAX there and one of them asked, didn’t you say meet at the start?  He’s Wingman.
  • Never been one to ask about Pace or Heartrate, one of the PAX asks at the beginning of the workout what the Heartrate range for Threshold pace should be.  Q answers 88-92% of Max HR.  As the workout progresses, said PAX is giving his all, staying in the lead pack with Citgo and Honeybee, exuberantly passing PAX on the “even” runs in the opposite direction, and then complains that his HR is not coming back down on the recoveries.  Even at Citgo’s suggestion to save it for the last intervals, this PAX keeps charging hard.  At the end of the workout, the Q realizes that the target HR should be 82-88… Maybe it would have mattered, but probably not.  This PAX charges hard every time.  He’s Haggis.
  • There were some groups that formed today, but many PAX found the effort to grind it out mostly solo as the PAX spread out after the start of the odd intervals, good regrouping on the even intervals.  NardDog and Scabby, both newer to the Swift workout, were some of those that toughed it out solo.  So was Abacus.  But in Abacus’s case it may have been due to the sweat poring down and flying off his hands with each gliding stride – don’t get in the splashzone.  It was a sweaty morning out there.  Many PAX went shirtless, but some just like to be blanketed in a sheet of sweaty material.  No shame in just ripping off the shirt to show off the ice-cream roll, but is it more effective for heat regulation?  Believe it or not, it’s shown to increase peak performance by 5% (or not).  Look it up Here and Here.
  • Well done PAX!  These longer Threshold Pace Intervals will start to pay dividends for BRR and Fall Marathons.  They will likely make the workout every 3 weeks or so.


  • Spots are open on Ragnar Relay teams – this is a trail run in Fort Mill in October.  See JRR Tolkien for details.