Monthly Archive September 2014

#F3Swift Prebalst – Race-week Taper

Swift will launch at 0515 of Tuesday from the Vine Restaurant at the Ballantyne AO. For runners that like to taper before a big race, it’s important to keep up the intensity, but cut the duration and/or lengthen the recovery.  A great race-week workout that YHC has found is similar to what we’ve been doing, but with some critical changes for the taper.

The plan:

  • Warm-up over to the Bull Ring, Drills, 1 to 1.5 miles
  • 4x1200m at Threshold Pace with 2 minute Rest.  3 miles.  While T-Pace is faster than we’ll be running and marathon or Blue Ridge Relay leg, it gets the legs moving faster, stretches them out, and is an easy pace to maintain for 0.75 miles.  Calculate your T-pace here:
  • Cool-down back to COT for ~ 1.0mile
  • Total 5 to 5.5 miles

See you in the Gloom!


Labour Day Convergence, it’s all about “U”

So YHC got hassled on Twitter the eve of the Labour Day convergence at DMZ, as one would expect when you spell Labour with the Queen’s English.  It really is all about you, meaning that for me its about you, for you it’s about someone else.  Sounds like a lot of partner work for the 41 pax that posted to me…and now for:

The Thang:

Jog to Carmel Middle School, try to (and largely fail) get out of the way of a car, eventually car gets through (only lost a few pax), did some high knees, then jog some more, some butt kickers, then jog some more.  The pace was kept to a moderate pace, YHC heard compliments from this, it seems like the right way to warm up.

Circle up in the large bus parking lot for a little COP:

SSH x 30

Merkins x 15

IW x 20

Wide arm merkins x 10

Low Slow Squats x 15

Welcome a couple of LIFO’s including an FNG, glad to have you

CDD’s x 20 due to the hassling these were modified to Canadian Dry Docks

Partner up with someone faster or slower as the case may be

Mosey to lacrosse field

Pepper pod (3 steps then all the way down, partner then takes 3 steps, alternating) to the other end of the field, 40 merkins between partners pepper pod back

Plank it up, a little plank-o-rama by Bugeater

Partner 200 – LBC’s partner 1 runs to the other end of the field and back while partner 2 does LBC’s, flapjack until a total of 200 LBC’s are completed

Plank-o-rama by Hops, woah there cowboy, that was a lot of planking

Partner 100 as per above but with Squats

Partner 50 as per above but with Burpees (Crowd pleaser apparently)

Bear crawl with partner (if they stop, you stop, if they modify, you modify), a little more plank-o-rama with a ten count

Partner military presses, round 1 was partner 1 seated, partner 2 sweating over top of partner 1 with hands pushing down for resistance, round two was partner 2 planking with ankles in hand for presses, 10 x for each and obviously flapjacking in between

Partner over/unders x 10 and flapjack (in case your heart rate was slowing down, YHC’s wasn’t but some of your beasts out there…)

Partner get up assists, x 5 each side and flapjack

a 10 count, followed by a 15 count…Q about to spill here

Circle up in the field for some Mary:

LBC’s x 20

Flutter x 15

Dolly x 15

Sid-The-Kid x 10, alternating direction each rep oyo (good comments after that one)

Cross oblique crunch x 5 IC each way

Back with the partner for Prairie Fire Mary x 15 and flapjack

Mosey back to the parking lot, YHC circle back to the six, on the one hand because that’s what I do, on the other because I was about to spilllllll


Absolute honour (see what I did there) to lead today, as it is every day,  Some serious effort was put out there by all, YHC finds that a partner (thanks Spandex) helps push you and vice versa, sort like the iron sharpening thing (ISI).  Thankfully it was fairly warm so that everyone at least gave the illusion of breaking a sweat, YHC pretty much killed himself so hopefully the beasts at least we slightly pushed.  Was great to have an FNG join us as it always is, please keep up the EH, it’s meant a lot to YHC and all of you, it means a lot to the guy that hasn’t yet come as well.  A great take out by Hops as he always does.  T Claps to Bugeater and I think Chelms who ran in/out 2 miles.  Serious push by JV and our FNG to finish strong, keep it up, the workouts are always hard but they do get easier.  Great job by Hops on the plank-o-rama Q jack, nice of you to hit a few of YHC’s achilles…also great to see Skywalker out after his recent appendix fun, you are an example to us all, working out and in daily life.



Keep Turkey Leg in your prayers, his mother passed away just recently

Same for Pele whose father passed away just yesterday

Chelms/Abacus’ brother’s health challenges should also be on your list

Mall Cop has the A51 high vis shirts for pickup, if you haven’t gotten yours yet ping him to catch up

EH those guys, A51 has 3 moderate workouts including Base Camp on Mondays