Author Archive Swiss Miss

I’m making a face, but it’s not a Cow Face

Nine men of iron met in the ‘Nest to work out some of the kinks brought on by the Skunk and various other F3 sharpening activities. With disclosure given, it was time to “jump” into things. Which is just what we did, after a brief devo about a lifestyle of Forgiveness.

Savasana w/Devotion: Ephesians 4:31-32

The Main Thang:
TABLE TOP: Cat/Cow (5 Breaths) -> RIGHT leg straight then to left on toes and bend to left to look at right foot (5B) -> Cat/Cow (3B) -> LEFT leg straight then to right on tows and bend to look at left foot (5B)-> Cat/Cow (2B)
Plank -> Up Dog -> Down Dog (Walk the dog) -> Half-way Lift -> Forward Fold -> (i.e. Sun Salutations) once slowly with Q, then 2X OYO – follow breath, meet in Mountain

Step back to middle of mat and take a seat for HIP STRETCHING.
Put right let out, bend the left leg and draw it in toward your chest. Hold the knee and foot and press them together, or if you have the flexibility, cradle the upper leg with the knee and foot in the crook of your elbows and interlace your fingers. Then work into the hip joint by moving your bent leg slowly from side to side. Take time to move your hip through its full range of motion. 10 Breaths. Slowly release the left foot and straighten the left leg, draw the right in and repeato for 10B.
Switch to Plank -> Sun Salutations OYO 2X, stop at Plank 2nd time through and meet in Table Top. Push back to come to seated position for another HIP OPENER.
Put LEFT knee on right thigh and tuck right ankle under so shins are aligned (or as close as possible). Let gravity draw the knees down. If you can/want to increase the hip opening, lean forward and try to place hands in front on the ground. Keep weight even on both sit bones. Hold for 10 breaths. Flapjack and hold for 10B. DON’T RELEASE, but instead try to roll forward so you come to Table Top. -> Plank.
Sun Salutation all the way through OYO, stopping in Plank after 2nd time. Then meet in Table Top. Push back to seated.

IT Band Flow
Right leg over left leg with knees as close to stacked as possible and feet near hips. Spine tall, shoulders relaxed. Settle into this pose for 5 breaths. (This is sort of “Cow Face” for those keeping score at home.)
Twist to the right and draw up your right knee to your chest with right foot flat on the floor, left foot tucked next to right thigh. Right hand behind you. Let your shoulders and back do more twisting than your neck. Hold 5 breaths.
Rotate to left and place hands flat as you move into lunge with right hand on the INSIDE of right foot. Left hand in line with Right hand and Right foot. Left leg back and straight with toes on the ground. Goal is straight line from left ankle to head, gaze down in front of hands, right thigh part of the line formed by left leg/spine.
Hold for 5 breaths.
Walk hands to the left as you straighten right leg for wide-legged forward fold.
Hold for 5 breaths.
If your hands aren’t already flat on the ground, walk the out until they are, then twist left hand high. Try to twist shoulders enough to have left arm directly over right arm, which is on the ground.
Hold for 5 breaths. Flapjack and hold 5B.
Walk hands to the left and straighten right leg to get into lunge with left hand on inside of left foot. Straight leg/spine. Hold 5B.
Transition back to seated with LEFT leg on top. Twist to the left with same attention to feet, legs, back, shoulders and first twist. Hold for 5 breaths.
Gently move back to seated, uncross legs and come to Plank.

Sun Salutation 3X OYO. Stop in Plank after 3rd time and meet in Table Top.

Toe stretch: Place feet with toes on ground and push back to bring weight to bear on the toes as you either sit fully on your toes (i.e. Catcher) or keep some weight in your hands to soften the stretch. Take 10 breaths to relax into this pose, letting the tension go from your feet. Come back down to knees and hands and pick up toes and take a breath to flex them.

Crescent Moon: Push back into kneeling position. Step with RIGHT foot forward with knee bent so right thigh is parallel to floor. Stretch left leg back with knee and shin and top of foot on the mat. Hands on right knee, extend stretch deeper, keeping right knee over ankle. Raise both arms above head stretching all the way through to the finger tips. Lift the chest. Lengthen tailbone down toward floor and increase stretch on front left thigh. Let hips drop. Curve spine in the middle and gracefully extend arms overhead and back a bit as you press chest forward and up. Palms face each other. Gaze up to sky. Hold for 5 breaths before bringing hands down to floor, come back to Table Top and switch sides. Hold 5 breaths

Back to Table Top. Then Plank. Sun Salutation 3X OYO.
REPEATO Crescent Moon R/L for 5B each side

Lower down to sitting, bring soles of feet together and make back straight from bottom of spine to top of neck. Lean forward and grab feet with hands, and use arms to pull legs toward body and bend at hips, keeping back straight. 10 breaths.
Hug RIGHT knee while left leg straight 5B, then flapjack 5B. -> Extended Child’s Pose to ease lower back tightness. 10 Breaths -> up to Table Top ->

Toe stretch

Actually didn’t have time for COT.
Or announcements.

Since we lost several PAX at the 6:15 point, and since YHC is not able/willing to roll his reveille back another 15 minutes, High Tide and I decided the 60-minute format will go on the shelf as a “tried that, didn’t adopt it” idea. We’ll continue to start at 0530 and end at 0615. We’ll just be sure to take time for the stretching to sink in during the 45 minutes we have. For those wanting to do more (like a certain seagull manager who shall remain nameless), there are plenty of other options, like pre-stretching (instead of pre-KB/pre-run), supplementing with OYO at home, or launching another flex workout.

We’re continuing to fine tune Gumby, so please feel free to offer input, well only if you actually post there more than once. Music is an ongoing opportunity, so no need to bring that up. Also, the latte machine will be back online next week.

Oh, and yes, after consulting with the proper authority, YHC can confirm that sun salutation does technically count as a modified burpie. Not sure who asked, but I hope that’s the answer you wanted. If not, feel free to forget what you just read.

Thanks for posting, gentlemen. It’s a pleasure and challenge to lead.

Ephesians 4:31-32 New Living Translation (NLT)
31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

Making eagle

With Fall starting to show up for real with morning temperatures below 50, YHC is grateful for the indoor workout space that we have at Gumby, and wasted no time heading in from the car and getting ready.  Here’s what happened:

Corpse Pose (shavasana): Meditation/Devo

TABLE TOP:  Cat/Cow -> Extended Child’s Pose -> table top side bends ->

Plank -> Up Dog -> Down Dog (Walk the dog) -> Half-way Lift -> Forward Fold -> (i.e. Sun Salutations) once slowly with Q, then 2X OYO – follow breath, meet in Mountain

Mountain -> Plank -> lower through chaturanga to Up Dog and hold. (YHC talked about Up Dog pose for a long time)

Sun Salutation all the way through OYO, stopping in Mountain on 2nd time

Eagle Pose – on right leg, R arm over L.  Hold 5 breaths.

Sun Salutation 1X OYO.

Eagle Pose – left leg, L arm over R. Hold 5 breaths

Step back, then lower down through Chair to sit and then lie in middle of mat.

Neck stretch: right hand under hip, left hand over head and gently pull head to left and hold 10 breaths.  Push back to center.  Flapjack with 10-breath hold.  Push head back to center.

Roll to right then push up to Seated.  Right leg straight, left leg bent with foot flat beside inner thigh.  Twist left with elbow.  Back straight, head last.  Hold 5 breaths, try to get bit more stretch each exhale.  Release with head first then back.  Flapjack for 5-breath hold.

Lie down and grasp knees to chest.  Rock side to side for a bit, the rock front to back getting bigger and bigger until come to feet and hands.

Plank.  Once all in, Sun Salutation 2X OYO.  Meet in Mountain.

Lower down through Chair to 6.  Lie down.  Start hip stretches with rope/strap:

  1. Alternating knee to chest 5 rounds of R/L. Start w/1 breath
  2. Alternating straight leg up (with towel or strap). 2 rounds w/5 breaths per side.  Feet @90 to legs and toes pulled in to shin.  Press through both heels. Total 2X/side.
  3. Straight leg to side: Return to your right side and take both strap ends in your right hand, extending your left arm along the floor. Exhale to lower your right leg to the right. Try to keep your left hip on the floor and your left kneecap pointing up. Inhale to lift your right leg back up; exhale to release it to the floor. Switch sides. 5 breaths. Total 2X/side.
  4. Inhale to bring your right leg back to vertical. With the strap around the arch of your foot, bring both ends into your left hand. Place your right thumb into your right hip crease and draw your hip down slightly so that you maintain length and space in the lower back. Exhale to draw your leg left across your body. 5 breaths.  Inhale to bring your leg back to vertical. Release the strap and switch legs. 5 breaths.  Total 2X/side.
  5. Dead Pigeon. Switch sides.  Total 1X/side

Lie down for shavasana (revisit meditation)


KB Clinic at Calvary Saturday @ 7:00 (free professional instruction – what? What???)
Southern Discomfort next Saturday
Prayers for safety as Tang and his brother run in a 50K race this Saturday


Welcome to Area 51’s newest PAX: Snap (Jason deBuhr).
Good to see Tang back out in the gloom (looked like he didn’t get the “bring a mat not a towel” email).
This looked like a seasoned group of yogis this morning, with the only pose giving anyone trouble (well, at least me) being the Eagle Pose.  Probably would have been a hilarious photo op, but the paparazzi (aka Horse Head) were fartsacking this morning, so the moment passed unrecorded.
Thanks for the excellent take-out, Tweetsie.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

A fine line between encouraging and egging

I wasn’t sure I was at the right place this morning, when I saw High Tide’s empty jeep in the parking lot.  Surely he wasn’t out with Fletch for a pre-run.  Turns out he was.  Definitely time for him to turn in his “0.0” sticker.  Today was not Meathead-friendly – or MAF-friendly either.  Here’s why:


Mosey around driveway to spirit rock and back to start.              

COP:  (Almost Bulldog speed, but about twice Horse Head speed)
SSH – 20IC
IW – 20IC
8-count manmaker – 10IC
LSS – 20IC
Viking Salute – demonstration

On to the Main Thang:
Mosey to start of the ‘round-the-church loop for farmer-carry CMIYC.  Run to buses.  Chasing partner does two 8-count manmakers.  Plankorama until 6 arrives.

Grinders: Partner up into groups of 3.  P1 runs to new building side of parking lot and starts body-weight exercise while P2 and P3 plank.  Once P1 at the far end, P2 takes off and P3 does KB exercise.

KB exercises: Clean Right, Clean Left, Viking Salute Right, Viking Salute Left, Lawn Mower Right, Lawn Mower Left, Goblet Squat, Overhead Press.

Bodyweight exercise: Peter Parker, Wide-arm Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Nippler, repeato

Grab your bell and brisk mosey back to lawn by flag pole
Circle up for 6MoM
Flutter press – 20IC
Back Scratcher – 20 IC
Dolly press – 20IC
Freddie Mercury – 20IC
Arms and legs @ 6” holding bell.  10-count.  45 (10-count), 90 (10C) 45 (10C) 6” (10C)
Burpie bonus (if time): 1 burpie for each set your team completed (i.e. if your team got through all five two times, 10 burpies)

Time.  COT  Announcements:
KB Clinic 7:00 @ Calvery
Sign up for Southern Discomfort
See Dollywood about Eagle Banquet November1

Good to have Horse Head’s chatter (he doesn’t mumble – it’s loud enough for all to hear), even if it starts within seconds of the first COP exercise.  Sounded like he thought the cadence was a bit fast.  My apologies to the longer-limbed guys who can’t swing you’re your four-foot arms as fast as I can for SSH.  #hummingbird

Loved the encouragement during the grinders, most notably Witch Doctor, who hollered (#southernism) to Stone Cold every time he was about half way through his run.

I’m sure there was more choice bits of mumblechatter, but can’t recall due to shoddy (#britism) memory and O2 deprivation, so sound off if you heard one.  Also, I’m not sure who won the race by finishing all exercises for the full team first, so comment if you think you won or know who did.

Thanks for scheduling me to Q, Harley.  Not sure how long it’s been, but too long for sure.


Security breach by paparazzi

With Horse Head standing guard in the parking lot, YHC headed into the Scout Hut, followed soon by 12 other PAX looking to recover from some of the abuse delivered at our typical F3 workouts. Looks like a few more men found a towel replacement, but not everyone got the email. Quick check verified that the disclaimer covers injuries sustained by slipping on a dry towel on a smooth concrete floor, so we’re ah-ite, and it’s time to start.

Brief preamble by YHC about what and how this workout is supposed to be, then everyone plays dead (savasana). Devotional of the day: “Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10

The Main Thang:
Hip stretches on back (windshield wiper -> Right ankle on left knee/fold left, head right. Flapjack)
Cat/Cow X5 Breaths -> table top side bends X5 breaths each side-> child’s pose X5 breaths
2-breath SLOW/TOGETHER: plank -> chaturanga -> up dog -> down dog (walk dog X5 breaths) -> half-way lift -> fold -> Repeat w/out walking dog (still 2-breath/pose).
From Down Dog, Low Lunge with right foot forward. 5 breaths. Half Split – 10 breaths
Plank, chataranga, up dog, down dog, then Low Lunge with left foot forward. 5 breaths. Half Split – 10 breaths
Sun Salutations X2 – follow your breath, meet in Mountain
In Mountain: Right arm out and up and fold behind head. Left arm out and down and reach behind back and up. Grab hands or shirt. Open chest. Spin right tricep forward, left shoulder back. Belly and ribs drawn in. Try to keep lengthening. Keep shoulders down, not hiked up.
5 breaths, Repeato other side, 5 Breaths. (editor’s note: this is called cow face if you’re trying to follow at home and don’t know what to google)

Sun Salutations X2 – follow your breath, meet in Mountain
In Mountain: Half-fold with elbow bind. Side stretch (shoulders) RIGHT and hold for 5 breaths
Sun Salutations X2 – follow your breath, meet in Mountain
In Mountain: Half-fold with elbow bind. Side stretch (shoulders) LEFT and hold for 5 breaths
Sun Salutations X2 – follow your breath, meet in Down Dog on 2nd time through

Step forward with right foot into Warrior 1 -> Warrior 2 -> Peaceful Warrior -> Warrior 2 -> 5-pointed star -> wide-leg fold -> Keep breathing, but take a few minutes to gently stretch, using slow side-to-side movements if you want, or just shifting hips to get slightly more/less stretch in each side. 10 breaths

Bring torso up to 5-pointed star, step left foot up and face front of mat in Upward Salute.
Sun Salutations X2 – follow your breath, meet in Down Dog on 2nd time through
Step forward with left foot into Warrior 1 -> Warrior 2 -> Peaceful Warrior -> Warrior 2 -> Goddess Fierce Angle Pose
Hold for up to 10 breaths. Step your feet together and come back to the top of your mat in Mountain Pose.

Down to 6, then on back for Dead Pigeon – 5 breaths. Repeato other side 5 breaths.
Closing: Savasana (corpse pose), re-center on breathing. Revisit Meditation: “Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10

• NEW: Joe Davis Memorial Run SAVE THE DATE: January 7 (stay tuned for pre-blast)
• Reminders: Monroe Expansion launches Saturday at 7 AM. The AO is Belk-Tonawanda Park near Uptown Monroe on Skyway Drive
Southern Discomfort
• Area51 Christmas Party (HOLD THE DATE: Friday December 2nd 7-11pm)

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.  But since we can’t add photos here (or YHC is technologically challenged), I guess I’ll have to babble for a bit.  Sorry about that, Horse Head, you did a great job capturing the real essence of the PAX striking the Fierce Angle Pose.

So another Gumby on the books, and another dose of stretching administered to the men of Area 51.  I couldn’t tell how everyone was doing, but it sounded like we nailed the breathing, so that’s great.  And I didn’t hear anything snap or pop, so I think we stayed in the “flexible” range of the stretches.  Booyah gets kudos for being able to touch the floor in a forward fold.  Didn’t check to see if there was some knee bending going on, so we’ll give him full credit.  Stay Puft pointed out that we’re already going to our self-assigned spots even though we’ve only been here once before.  Just like going to “your” pew in church.  Too funny.  And true.

Hope the stretching helped everyone.  If so, spread the word to let others know that there is a recovery option.  If not, DM me or High Tide.  Constructive (or humorously-delivered) feedback always welcome.

Remember to make time today to be still and bask in the presence and greatness of God.

Thanks for the take-out, Horse Head.


Gumby launches

With High Tide and his KB minion army serving as valet/usher in the parking lot, the adventure-seeking, injured, or just plain curious men of Area 51 headed into the Scout “Hut” across Trade from the end of Fullwood to see what would happen at the newest addition to Area 51’s growing suite of offerings: Gumby.  Here’s what you missed:

Brief preamble by YHC about what and how this workout is supposed to be, then everyone plays dead (savasana).  Devotional of the day based on Job 33:4.

The Main Thang:

Table top Cat/Cow followed by side bends
Sun Salutations* – slow 2-breath pace at first, then OYO
Low lunge/Crescent twist (RIGHT)
Sun Salutations – 2X OYO
Low lunge/Crescent twist (LEFT)
Sun Salutations – 2X OYO
Warrior 1, 2, Peaceful, Standing Side Stretch  (RIGHT)
Sun Salutations – 2X OYO
Warrior 1, 2, Peaceful, Standing Side Stretch  (LEFT)
Sun Salutations – 2X OYO
Bridge and hold.  Release, hug knees and release tension with slight rocking.  Repeat 2X
Extended Child’s Pose, Walk fingers RIGHT.  Walk fingers LEFT.
Table top to Fire Hydrant 5X RIGHT, 5X LEFT
Down Dog/Cheetah 3X RIGHT, 3X LEFT
Closing savasana.


KB Clinic 10/8 @ 7:00
F3 is launching in Monroe on 10/8 at 7 AM. The AO is Belk-Tonawanda Park near Uptown Monroe on Skyway Drive
The SOLE DIFFERENCE 5K Walk/Run 1:00 Sunday October 9, for Samaritan’s Feet (BRING OLD PAGE SHOES) @ McAlpine Creek
10/22 – Southern Discomfort

Building on the shoulders of giants (Flex, WarriorOne) YHC and High Tide were excited to offer this new recovery-focused workout for the PAX of F3 Nation.  Thank you to the men who encouraged and supported its launch, including the PAX who posted this morning.  We hope you’ll continue coming and find your flexibility and injury-resistance increasing every week.

One learning we had is that a towel on a smooth concrete floor may not cut it.  Probably should have a yoga mat.  The M’s is fine (#nojudging) but if you want your own, you can find them at just about anywhere that sells sports stuff (or car accessories if you like the sun shade Horse Head used).  Here’s one that seems to get good reviews and is only $20.


*Sun Salutation = start in sun salute, exhale to forward fold, inhale to half-way lift, exhale to lower down through plank to 6-inches, inhale to up-dog, exhale to down-dog, inhale step up to half-way lift, exhale to forward fold, inhale back to starting position

My legs don’t do that

With some adjustments to the lights and tunes, we converted the Troop 39 “Scout Hut” into the newest F3 AO.  Then started to get into some serious stretching, broga style.  Here’s what went down:

Disclosure.  Meditation “Running the race” from Hebrews 12:1-2

The Main Thang:

  • windshield wiper
  • table top for: cat/cow with breath 5X
  • bend right/left with breath 5X
  • Plank, Chaturanga, up dog 2 breaths, down dog and peddle out, walk up and sun salutation with breathing at each position.
  • Warrior 3 (R planted, Left leg swings up), step back to Warrior 1, 2, Peaceful, elbow to knee and side stretch. Stopping at each pose for 2 breaths.
  • Hands down, runner’s lunge stretch (crescent stretch) 5breaths
  • Plank, Chaturanga and salutation series 2X following your breath. Meet in Upward Salute.
  • Warrior 3 (LEFT planted, R leg swings up), step back to Warrior 1, 2, Peaceful, elbow to knee and side stretch. Stopping at each pose for 2 breaths.
  • Hands down, runner’s lunge stretch (crescent stretch) 5breaths
  • Plank, Chaturanga and salutation series 2X following your breath. Meet in Upward Salute.
  • down to table top, then feet wider and sit up to ease back onto six (support with block or hands if can’t fully land on six), breathe X5
  • Transition to Down Dog through table top. Up on toes.  Lift R leg straight up, cheetah, back, cheetah, Left foot flat on mat and Right knee at 90degrees and do large circle 2X forward, then 2X reverse.
  • Sun Salute OYO ending back in Down Dog.
  • Up on toes. Lift LEFT leg straight up, cheetah, back, cheetah, Right foot flat on mat and Right knee at 90degrees and do large circle 2X forward, then 2X reverse.
  • Sun Salute OYO ending back in Upward Salute.
  • Lower down onto toes and rock back like baseball catcher. Use hands/fingers to keep balanced if needed.  Hold for 5 breaths.
  • Back to table top then right foot forward and flat on mat, bend in knee if can’t make straight. Left leg still on knee and foot on arch or toes.  Half forward fold.  Hands on leg or foot if can stretch that far.  Breathe X5.
  • Back to table top and straighten right leg, cheetah, straight, cheetah, straight and tabletop.
  • Repeat stretch on left leg (left foot forward and flat (bend knee if needed) and stretch over it and breathe X5.
  • Back to table top and straighten LEFT leg, cheetah, straight, cheetah, straight and tabletop.
  • Straighten Right leg and place, toe down, on left side and twist body to left and gaze to left toes. Breathe5X
  • Straighten LEFT leg and place, toe down, on Right side and twist body to Right and gaze to Right toes. Breathe5X
  • Child’s pose, walk fingers out. Head to mat if possible with six on your heels.  Breathe 5X
  • Plank to Mountain. Face LEFT and step wide for wide-leg forward fold.  Keep breathing, but take a few minutes to gently stretch, using slow side-to-side movements if you want, or just shifting hips to get slightly more/less stretch in each side.
  • Step to top of mat and Sun Salutation with 2 breaths at each pose, meet back at Sun Salute.
  • Eagle Pose – on right leg, R arm over L, Hold, Flapjack.
  • Bridge

Closing:  Take the verse with you and make it part of your day: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God”.



No Gumby 14th or 21st.  Official launch 28th.


Within seconds of starting, Horse Head’s body emitted some kind of noise that I assumed was the usual non-verbals we can expect, but may actually have been joints complaining at the abuse.  I know my elbows kept popping like Snap-Its.  (Or at least that’s the story I’m sticking with.)  Also you had to love the sun-shade “mat” that Horse Head brought.  Not sure it provided any padding, but sure was good entertainment.

Thanks for posting this morning, gents.  It’s been great working with High Tide to bring this newest offering to life.  We’re looking forward to the official launch on the 28th.


Getting hip to Gumby

After stepping into the meat cooler that Troop 39’s Scout Hut had become, YHC set about disabling the AC so that we wouldn’t freeze solid while in savasana.  Four more PAX rolled in and we were soon off and running.  Well, not exactly “running.”


Meditation: “Don’t worry.  Trust God.” Luke 12:25 NIV “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”

The Main Thang:

Table Top, Cat/Cow 5X w/breath

Step up to Mountain and Sun Salutations: 1st together slowly, then 2nd and 3rd OYO following breathing.

Forward fold and bind arms, turn right to stretch, holding for 2 breaths, center-1, left 2 breaths, center 1.  Then lower all the way down to seated, then back to flat.

Hip stretches: flat on back

  1. Alternating knee to chest 5 rounds of R/L. Start w/1 breath then +1 each round
  2. Alternating straight leg up (with towel or strap). 2 rounds w/5 breaths per side.  Feet @90 to legs and toes pulled in to shin.  Press through both heels. GENTLE HAMSTRING STRETCH
  3. Straight leg to side: Return to your right side and take both strap ends in your right hand, extending your left arm along the floor. Exhale to lower your right leg to the right. Try to keep your left hip on the floor and your left kneecap pointing up. You should feel a stretch in your inner right thigh, but no lower-back strain. 5 breaths. Switch sides. Repeato.
  4. Inhale to bring your right leg back to vertical. With the strap around the arch of your foot, bring both ends into your left hand. Place your right thumb into your right hip crease and draw your hip down slightly so that you maintain length and space in the lower back. Exhale to draw your leg left across your body. 5 breaths. Switch sides.
  5. Bring both knees in toward your chest, then place your right ankle on your left thigh, just above the knee. Hold your left thigh. 5 breaths. Switch sides.

After finishing on the left, roll to one side and use your hands to come to a seated position.  Transition to feet (Mountain): shoulder rolls, neck rolls and side stretches

Hands up for breath, fold, half lift, fold, up for breath.  Sun salutation with full breath at Forward fold, Plank, Up dog, down dog,  OYO.

Fold, half lift on inhale, then step back with left foot for crescent lunge.  BreatheX5.

Straighten right leg and then bring left foot up.  Sun salutation with full breath at Forward fold, Plank, Up dog, down dog,  OYO.

Repeat crescent lunge stepping back with right foot.  Breathe X5.

Straighten left leg then step up.  Sun salutation with full breath at Forward fold, Plank, Up dog, down dog,  OYO.

Lower down to sitting, bring soles of feet together and make back straight from bottom of spine to top of neck.  Lean forward and grab feet with hands, and use arms to pull legs toward body and bend at hips, keeping back straight.  Breathe X10

Relax pose and straighten legs and knock them against mat to stimulate blood flow.

Lie down and draw knees to chest and roll back to release tension.

Closing:  Rest all the way down, relax and deepen your breath.  Remember: Don’t worry.  Trust God.



4 more weeks until F3 Gumby officially starts.


YHC is not a professional (read the Disclaimer), but did manage to make it through the workout with only one name fail.  I had to look this up afterward to figure out that the standing, hands-up pose at the start of the Sun Salutation is called Urdhva Hastasana, or for the more red-blooded: “Upward Salute.”

The nice thing about yoga is that unless you hurt yourself doing it, there’s really no wrong way.  Endless variation.  And modification.  Which is all YHC can do, since the actual “correct” poses require a level of flexibility that only our revered master, Gumby, can attain.  But it’s fun to try and good for a laugh when you google different poses and wonder how a person that flexible can even walk.

Until next week, remember to breathe.  And that worry is a waste of imagination.

In His peace,

Swiss Miss

USDA daily allowance of KBs and Running

After Pele secured the perimeter (pre-run), the PAX began to assemble for the hybrid workout that is Ascent/Olympus.

YHC offered some rambling intro/disclaimer and then we were off.  Well, actually we just stood in a circle at first.  Here’s what went down:
SSH – 20 IC
IW – 20 IC
LSS – 10 IC
Arm Circles – 10 forward, 10 reverse OYO
Slow Merkins (Slerkins) – 10 IC

Grab all KBs and mosey to near side of field for the MAIN THANG:
5x5s – 5 Rounds @ 5 minutes per round do as many rotations as possible per each 5 minute period:

Round 1: 10 Two-Handed KB Swings, run to other end of field, 1 Burpees, run back.  Repeato +10 swings, +1 burpee
Round 2: 10 Push Presses, 5 high pulls per side, 10 bicep curls, continue w/same movements
Round 3:, 10 Goblet Squats, run to other end, 5 Merkins, run back.  Repeato +5 squats, +2 Merkins
Round 4:, 10 Good Mornings, run to pullup bars, 5 pullups, run back.  Repeato +2 GMs, +1 P
Round 5: Viking Press (5/side), run to half-field, 10 dead bugs (R+L=2), run back.  Repeato

Grab all KBs and mosey to small track
Split into groups of 3 (speed/size do not matter) for a set of grinders with a called KB exercise at each end. P1 carries KB to the opposite end of the track (End B). P3 begins performing called exercise (End A). When reaching opposite end P1 performs called exercise.  P2 runs around track back to P1. When P2 completes full lap, P2 takes over exercise and P1 runs to P3. Complete circuit until each pax completes exercises on both ends of track. Repeat with 2nd called exercise

  • Lap 1- End A: Upright rows, End B: alternating 1-handed swings
  • Lap 2- End A: Russian twist, End B: Halos (5 clockwise, 5 counter, repeato)
  • Lap 3- End A: Alternating Clean & Press, End B: Lawnmower

Convergence for Independence Day @ South Charlotte Middle @ 7:00
Pool Party Aug 20.  Details/signup:

YHC had planned for a complete breakfast of kettlebells and running, with enough added nutrition to keep everyone full until Monday.  I don’t think anyone left hungry.
Apologies for the confusing start of the grinders, but as someone predicted, after a lap or so, everyone figured out how it worked.  Thankfully, we had a number of men that was evenly divisible by 3.
T-claps to Dora for helping encourage and educate.
T-claps to High Tide, too, for bringing enough extras for all the non-KB-owning PAX to have one.  (We won’t mention his post-COT arrival.)
This has got to be the most humid morning of the year, but we didn’t lose anyone, which speaks volumes to the men who came and pushed their limits this morning.  Outstanding work by everyone.
Have a great holiday weekend.

No fainting horses here

While it wasn’t as wet as last week, the humidity and lack of breeze definitely made it feel like summer was here this morning. But YHC had come prepared. With the first aid kit and water bottles on the hood of the car, and designated “Phone Q,” we got going on the hike up the Peak (well, after an infomercial-length disclaimer – more in the Moleskin).

Mosey around front of school to basketball court for COP:
Slow Merkins-20
Hillbilly – 20
CDD – 15
LSSS-15 (low sorta-slow squat)

Moving on to the Main Thang:
Mosey to playground equipment and find a pull-up or supine pull-up bar of choice
Up & hold 5 count then 5-count descent
10 recovery Merkins OYO
REPEATO minus 1 Merkin each round until 1 Merkin

Mosey to bus parking lot
Rock Hopper, Merkins, Jump Squat – 10/10/10, 8/8/8, etc LBC recovery until all Pax done
Put it all together: 10 burpies

Mosey to wall: People’s Chair with straight-arm raises: hands touch bottom wall and top wall, civilian count for 60/45/30-seconds with 10-count in between sets

Mosey to parking lot behind church and line up.
Lunge-walk half way up, backward lunge-walk the rest. Mosey to bottom and reset.
Speed skate half-way, frog jump rest. Mosey to bottom and circle up for Mary
LBC -20
Dead Bug -10
One-legged Flutter -10
Other-legged Flutter -10
Freddie Mercury -15

Mosey to cars. Bonus Dolly round for early arrivers.
2 minutes Merkin wave

Day Zero Convergence @ McAlpine Ele (Ascent/Olympus and Outland still on) DETAILS BELOW
Monday Charlotte Convergence @ Symphony Park 7:00 workout, then 5K, then bonus mile DETAILS BELOW
F3 Dads starting in June DETAILS BELOW

Today marks an important milestone. We’ve hit the one-year anniversary since the infamous “fainting horse” incident. We were not ready then, but we’ve learned. For example, YHC did not know the address of the AO when I called 911. I didn’t think it would be that hard to find, but I guess the operator needs an address to put in the system. (200 McDowell Street – see, I learned). We also talked about setting up a Hydration Q for each AO. Probably good time to refresh that plan, since we’re heading into the warmer months.
Anyway, Horsehead was here today and remained erect upright. And nobody spilled Merlot or got injured, so I guess we can call it a successful workout.

It was great to see all the guys who came – some long-time regulars, some Kotters, and a few new(ish).

T-claps to Freedom for the excellent take out.

Thank you for the privilege and challenge of Q’ing.

Memorial Day Convergence at Day Zero
Saturday May 28th, 0700
Day Zero will be hosting it’s 3rd anniversary workout in honor of Memorial Day on Saturday, May 28th at 0700 at McAlpine Elementary School. Area51, Da Vinci and The Rock will be converging. Bring all shovel flags.

Memorial Day Site Closings – updated
Monday May 30th
The Matrix and The Foxhole will both be closed for Memorial Day on Monday, May 30th.

Memorial Day Metro Charlotte Convergence
Monday, May 30th 2016, 0700
Come honor our fallen and wounded military heroes and work out with some previous and active duty military at a special F3 convergence on Memorial Day: Monday, May 30th. All F3 shovelflags will be raised to salute our fallen vets and the PAX will gather to join some active duty military for a giant Circle of Pain on the field in front of the Symphony Park at SouthPark at 0700

Patriot Festival Go The Extra Mile 5K
Monday, May 30th 0730
Start Memorial Day with a special 5K+ Run/Walk and Go The Extra Mile for our military heroes. Run/walk a traditional 5K and then “Go the Extra Mile” with an additional mile added to the 5K to honor our military heroes. visit for more details.

F3 Dads – South Charlotte / Ballantyne (SOB Land) – updated
There will be two workout options in Area51 / SOB Land for F3 Dads this summer. In addition to the original workout at Col. Francis Beatty Park, there will be a workout in the heart of SOB land at the “Bull Ring” in Ballantyne. Boys and Girls welcome! See Preblast for details

Lex Luthor ( and Alf ( are Site-Q’s for Col Francis Beatty and Honey Bee ( is Site-Q for Ballantyne “Bull Ring”. Dates are as follows:
• Francis Beatty Park: 9:00 – 9:45 am on 4-Jun, 11-Jun, 18-Jun, 25-Jun
• Bull Ring: 9:00 – 9:45 am on 28-May, 4-Jun, 11-Jun, 18-Jun, 25-Jun
o Join us at 9:00 am Saturday May 28 for the first ever F3 Dads – Ballantyne. Meet at The Center of the Bull Ring 13860 Ballantyne Corporate Pl, Charlotte, NC 28277. All dads and 2.0’s welcome (boys and girls).
Currently looking for volunteer Dad Q’s. Need a different one each week. Step up and let’s show our 2.0’s what F3 is about.

Pain buffet

YHC went into the back of the AO to put out some cones and chalk some pain stations.  When I left the parking lot was empty.  When I came back, there was a man down and several standing around.  And we hadn’t even started.  Not a good start.  But as I got closer, I saw it was just High Tide playing with his new KBs by doing some Turkish Getups. Relieved we were all OK, I counted down time to launch and then we got going.  Here’s the recap:

Disclaimer.  Grab some bricks from the crates and mosey to the concessions area of the four ball fields.  Put bricks down then mosey back to mini football field with some dynamic stretching en-route.


The Main Thang:
Partner up, opposite speed.  Start in center and run to opposite ends.  Perform exercise at your end and meet your partner wherever his is on the route.  High-five and return to your end for exercise.
Ladder #1: Merkins 5/10/15/20/15/10/5
Ladder #2: Speed Skater 4/8/12/16/12/8/4

Mosey to pullup bars for 10 pullups.  In cadence.  With hold at top.  And slow descent.  One burpie (or squat) chaser after each pullup.  Start with 10-count up, 10-count descent.  Then 9, then 8, etc.

Mosey to concessions area for pain stations.  2min AYG, :30 recovery and rotate to next station.  Stations:

  • Dips
  • Right leg planted step-ups
  • Makhtar N’Diayes
  • Left leg planted step-ups
  • Boat to canoe
  • People’s chair with optional arm raises (bonus: use bricks)

Grab bricks and mosey back to mini-field.  5yrd each of bear crawl, bunny hop, crab crawl, frog jumps. Turn and repeato.

Circle up for Mary:
10-Left-leg unicycle
10-Right-leg unicycle
10-Russian Twist


Ickey Shuffle has Gear Day next Saturday @ AscentOlympus

After High Tide finished his solo KB beatdown, he put on a weight vest.  YHC wasn’t sure if it was a statement about the upcoming beatdown (billed as a “buffet of pain” in which case his weight vest would be sort of like carrying in your own footlong Subway to a Golden Corral).  So when we were walking back to the cars, I asked and learned that, no, it was just a timing thing: he’d been to the clearance at Muscle Driver yesterday and couldn’t pass the chance to grab a 20# vest for half off.  Having done some Ruck training last year for the RL&B, I can attest that that extra weight doesn’t sound like much, but feels like twice the amount when you’re trying to do even the basics.

Other than HT’s pain binge, I think everyone else got plenty filled.  I know I had all the downpainment I wanted for the day.

Thank you for the chance to lead.  I apologize for the day-late BB.