Pre Blast – Joust 2/22/19

  • When:02/22/19
  • QIC: MAD

Pre Blast – Joust 2/22/19

Come one come all, short and tall

Come young and old and meek and bold

Regulars and Cotters and FNGs too

Join YHC is what you should do

It’ll be warm and dry and calorie saving

Snug in your fart sack, YHC is saying

Do the harder thing and meet in the gloom

The AO is big, we have enough room

Simple but hard is what is on tap

But warning you might need your shower cap

A little warmer indeed but wet nonetheless

We’ll be in the rain so pick the right dress

We’ll honor the memory of those who fought fire

While running steps, reps going higher

Partners perform kettle bell curls and merkins

And Kettle bell rows and bleacher derkins

Will you fart sack and accept slow doom

Or will you bloom and meet us in the gloom

The choice is yours YHC holds no grudge

This poetry is but a gentle nudge

About the author

MAD author

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