Monthly Archive May 2016

Friday Morning 5X5

There were 13 of us ready for a 5×5 work out
Warm up;
40 ssh 30 mc 20 iw 10 merkins and a quick lap
The thang:
Break out into groups of three  and work 5 different stations by doing the station while one of the three runs a lap until all 3 have ran a lap. 5 stations were as follows.
1 squats
2 smash balls
3 calf raises
4 kb swings
5 sandbag burbee
Between the stations the teams grabbed a wall ball and tossed it around until everyone completed 5 burbees between tosses.
We did two sets of the stations and on the second set changed the distance to the truck and back and did 3 burbee between sets.
Finished that and moved on to a solid set of Mary, can’t remember all we did but fairly sure we worked them well!
The morning was perfect weather and the group set out to destroy the stations.  It’s clear the 2.0’s came to work and Shadow can move like the wind. The fun really started on the shorter sprints when Doc raced Land Shark on the way back and started a trend to begin the challenges. Clearly these 2.0 gave everyone a run for their money and Turtle put the challenge down on me. Not sure who the winner was??
Let’s see if we can fill these all up for the next month:
Sign up genius Flash:
3r F- Brooklyn Pizza Thursday night 7:30

Don’t Read So Good

We started off with a mosey down McKee to the firehouse for our warm up:
20 SSH
20 IW
10 Merkins

Continue down McKee to the Promenade. On the way stop at every side entrance for 20 merkins. 100 total. Continue through office park and cross over Providence down to the fountain in the Promenade.

Then we started our Super Sets as I called count. Everyone grab a bench. (idea stolen from Champagne)

First Set:
10 Jump ups
10 derkins – slow steady form
10 dips – slow and steady
Rinse and repeat for 3 total rounds
Run a lap around median.

Second Set:
10 Split squats each leg
10 crucible merkins
10 skull crushers using the bench
Rinse and repeat for 3 total rounds
Run a lap around the median

Third Set:
10 box pistols each leg
10 regular merkins
10 diamond merkins
Rinse and repeat for 3 total rounds

Head back over Providence and mosey back to firehouse. On the way back stop at each side intersection for 20 LBCs. Plank once at the firehouse. Mosey back to launch point for some mary called out by the Pax.

Flutter (lobsta roll)
Dolly (ocho cinco)

Run a lap to reach 3.0 miles.

One more round of mary.
10 x Can Opener on each leg.

Moleskin: I wasn’t sure how long it would take to get down to the Promenade and back so I didn’t run a short loop before we headed off. I should have done so because the usual suspects of OT and Floorslapper decided to make a fashionably late appearance. But in my defense I did tweet that we were heading off campus and the two Pax don’t read so good or use Twitter. Now I know. I always enjoy heading off campus and wanted to get some miles in since I was on the IR for a week with a bad back. I certainly over did it as I was gassed on the way back from the Promenade. We turned the corner once we got back and saw our long lost brothers. I was worried the new guy Lobsta Roll was going to be hurting, so we had to keep a close eye on him. I ran from behind to monitor his progress. I’m certainly sore today so mission accomplished.

A 3 Mile Tour…A 3 Mile Tour

8 pax set off for YHC’s Site VQ, strategically chosen to correspond to the mud run and therefore limit the pax in attendance to a manageable number.  YHC wasn’t sure how much I could bring but figured if I gave it all I had that would have to suffice.  There isn’t much point in droning on with some pre-amble so here it is:

The Thang:

1 mile warm up to the bull ring, run the usual Swift route so as not to get lost.

Circle up:

SSH x 25

IW x 25

Prying squat & hold x 5

LSS x 20

Disclaimer (oops forgot but it was a group of vets)

Approx 1 mile to the well manicured soccer field (you know you’re in Ballantyne when the local soccer pitch also has its own heli-pad, fancy!)

Partner up with someone like speed

Partner 1 runs to the sideline and back while partner 2 runs to the sideline and back

First one back does 20 CDDs, second one back 20 merkins


Same thing except Squats & LBC (also 20), then repeato that

Then Partner anchor & sled, 1 x each to the sideline

Partner over/unders x 10 (this one always seems to get the heart rate going)

Over to the picnic tables

Partner curls x 2 each (partner provides resistance)

Partner 1 does dips while partner 2 runs to the sideline and back, flapjack x 3

Middle of the soccer pitch for Mary

Flutters x 20

Dolly x 20

Sid-The-Kid 10 each way oyo

pax favourite – Deep Dish Q’s Cumberland County VIaduct x 15 each way

Time to head back to the cars

Turns out the pax are faster than I thought and at Honey Bee’s strong suggestion an audible was called to pull over at the pull up bar

Partner AMRAP + 2 x 2 on the pull ups

Then head back to AO HQ for COT


Definitely nervous on the Q today, had a great crew, some still recovering from some pretty monumental accomplishments: Out Cold and Honey Bee on the Big Sur marathon (which sounded awesome in a painful sort of way), Haggis with his 50 mile Leatherwood race last Sat, it’s examples like the ones you guys set that help to push the rest of us!  YHC was partnered with Haggis which isn’t exactly a similar speed but Haggis thankfully let me win a few using his race as an excuse (thanks!).  There were rumours of a possible Wingman spillage issue but you’d have had to be there to confirm or not, he sure did push through the pain though! Bebo was looking strong, especially on the run parts, way to hang in there!  Deep Dish, thanks for the CCV, a weakness of YHC which makes it hard to Q so thanks for the push and lead on those.  Always an honour to lead any pax in F3 anywhere, but this group has become especially important to me, thanks for having me as an honourary SOB.

Announcements amounted to a comment that Mud Run signups had ended….

Coffeeteria ensued following a takeout by YHC (at least I think I did it, honestly can’t remember)