Skunkworks – Suicides, KBs, Frosty Paws and ExLax

  • When:01/06/15
  • QIC: Harley
  • The PAX: High Tide, Stone Cold, Freedom, Arena, PBQ, Chuck FNG Frosty Paws, Big League Chew (respect), Gum Nut (Skunkworks FNG), TR, Bulldog, Tackling Dummy, Baracus, Sanka, Kevin FNG ExLax, PUdding Pop, Spielberg, Simba, Cottonmouth, Harley

Skunkworks – Suicides, KBs, Frosty Paws and ExLax

19 men including 2 FNGs got the blood pumping at Skunkworks.

– Side straddle hop
– Imperial walker
– Merkins x10
– One legged squats w/ KB x10, flap jack x10, two legged squats w/ KB press x10
– Burpees x10
– Skull crushers x10, pullovers x10, tri presses x10
– Snatches x5 each arm
– Two handed swings x10, upright rows x10, lawnmowers x10 each arm
– Russian twists x10 each side, LBC w/ KB x10, Louganis w/ KB x10
– Mosey to lower lot
– Warm up lap around church w/o KB

Main Event
– Suicides to first curb, second curb, street, x10 of said exersice on each return
– #1: One legged squats w/ KB, flap jack, two legged squats w/ KB press x10 each side
– #2: Skull crushers, pullovers, tri presses
– #3: Two handed swings, upright rows, lawnmowers x10 each arm
– #4: Russian twists x10 each side, LBC w/ KB, Louganis w/ KB
– Lap around church w/ wall sits and wall jumps at end
– Back to flag w/ 10 burpees at half way point

My first time out since pre-Christmas…and it hurt. Nice work out there. Awesome moment to see Simba running the hill and he looks back to see if he went the wrong way. No sir, just crushing it. Well done, impressive transformation! You will be in the next rotation. Also, what’s up with TR’s refusenick on the running? Just swinging his double 100 lb KBs, hard to say too much to that…but this is not Meathead.

Two FNGs (Ex Lax and Frosty Paws), one Skunkworks FNG (Gum Nut) and one blast from the past (PBQ). Don’t let the weather or exhaustion scare you, keep after it. Great job by all, always an honor to lead.

Name change on Chuck from this am. He was gloveless on a cold morning swinging metal KBs and had his hands in the pockets, so of course he was named Pocket Pool. We’re changing that to Frosty Paws. ExLax is an ex-lacrosse player and current lacrosse coach, still TBD on his regularity.

– Harley

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Harley author

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9 years ago

Kotters! to Pretty Boy QB and Spielberg. Don’t let it be a weak New Years resolution men – keep after it!

9 years ago

Thanks for the beatdown and the shout out Harley. It’s easier to look fast when you swing a KPea like me, as for the moment in question, I was honestly confused and thought I might have missed a line #NotUsedToTheFront

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