Simple Yet Effective?

Simple Yet Effective?

14 guys snuck in to join me before mother nature unleashed yet more rain (Is this how Noah felt?).  I had two sneaky plans for today.  A longer than normal opening mosey, and an abundance of chest and abs.  Some people may argue the title since I kept making this simple workout more and more complicated as we went.   DiCCS, lets go.



Mosey to the High School front doors.  When I first started F3 and through my fat months years, I hated Q’s that would start with this far of a run (Yes, I’m talking about you Dasher and Hollywood).  Lots of internal cuss words hurled their way when they would run that far.   I would arrive often last and so far out of breath I couldn’t jump into the exercise (because of course they had already started SSH’s).  Now thanks to Express (and a little bit of weight loss), that doesn’t seem like that far of a mosey anymore.  I had attempted to bait some Clydesdales in marking that it would be an easy Clydesdale trot today – apparently none took the bait as Doughboy and myself were the biggest of the ‘dales.

Circle up for stretching for which Recalculating offered his unwanted feedback.  I’ve saved the complaint card just in case there’s another run on toilet paper.

  • Jimmy Duggan with some rights and lefts thrown in there.
  • Calf Stretch (thanks for the Damascus impression Ackbar).
  • Downward Dog
  • Glydah/Runners/Can Opener/Pants Splitter stretch.

OYO at the benches, 3 rounds of 20 dips, 20 step ups, and 20 Dirkins.  (This quieted Recalculating down for half a second).  When your finished, run the small loop until everyone is done.



Mosey towards the HS entrance road and form teams of 3.  Two guys on the ends (speed bumps) with a runner in between.  The speed bumps are approximately 50 yards apart though I’m sure those that ran it this morning may dispute that distance.

  • Bottom speed bump: As a team split 150 ranger merkins, 150 wide arm merkins, and 200 chest fly’s (chest fly’s just to give you a break from merkins in case you reach muscle fatigue before you partner arrives back).
  • Top Speed bump: as a team split 300 LBC’s and 200 Gas pumpers

After one time through the ab speed bump many groups were already blowing through the LBC’s, so I graciously pivoted and doubled the LBC’s to 600 reps.  I quickly became enemy number 1.  Because I doubled the LBC, the Merkins were on pace to finish too soon, so I added 50 each.  For those counting along we finished with:

  • 200 Rangers
  • 200 Wide Arm
  • 200 Fly’s
  • 600 LBC’s
  • 200 Gas Pumpers.


Mosey back to the high school.  Time a little tighter than I had hoped so will have to shorten the wienkie a bit.   Groups of three again with exercises in the HS cutouts (No clue what they are called – cutouts seem good appropriate).   Donkey kicks in one and reverse fly’s (chest on ground, arms out, and pinch shoulders together) on the other with a runner in between.   We got through almost 2 rounds before I called it for time (Winkie had us going for three rounds).

Paula Abdul the light poles with a jail break forward for 2 and a slow recovering mosey back for 1.   Again, time was not on my side so I regrouped us at the bus entrance for a jailbreak back to the middle school LED sign.  Regroup again for a slow mosey back to COT.   Aussie burpees while we waited on bread bowl.  (Intentionally called the group Flash but former site Q Recalc didn’t take the bait).   Done.



  • I knew the merkins/Ab section would eat up some time.  Even expecting that it ate more time than originally anticipated.
  • Goal was to completely burn out the chest and abs today and I’m pretty sure that was accomplished.
  • Deflated with a couple good one liners today but no one heard them.
  • Good to see Smithers back out consistently.  Maybe one of these days he will actually bring the fart sacking sign for us to go put on a new Pax’ mailbox.
  • Legal Zoom also a refreshing sight to see regularly this week.  I think he posted at least three times this week and told me no longer had an excuse since covid cases were going down.
  • Dough Boy is a beast at Merkins.  Since teams were uneven I made sure to put myself on his team as their 4th.  LRC – Foundation + Mad Dog tried hard to recruit me to their team but I knew better.  When doing lots of Merkins, don’t get on the skinny guys team.
  • Speaking of LRC – I can’t wait until Foundation gets back out on a regular basis.  By far my favorite back blasts to read are from him.  Apparently he’s off remotely working on an executive MBA which for any of you MBA’ers really translates to an accelerated MBA with more in person school, but executive sounds fancier.  Once you produce that diploma I will invite you to the super secretive F3 Waxhaw MBA channel.
  • Bread Bowl gets a text during the workout and whips his phone out from his pocket.  Apparently bringing his phone with him to get that one last sext in before school.  (I hear lighting is key to adding an optical inch – the gloom probably not the best place to find that optical inch though).
    • Well Maybe GIFs | Tenor
  • Shop busting through and out in front way further than I have mentally have him in my mind.  He continues to amaze with his dedication and push.
  • Chainsaw continues to the be quiet assassin.  Dough and I run up to him asking how many reps.  I’m expecting to hear like 70-90.  Chainsaw goes “147 LBC’s”.   Whoa.  Yall can thank Chainsaw for those extra 300 LBC’s.
  • Mad Dog is another one that just gets after it with no feedback or complaints.  While others are questioning the count, he is already down doing merkins.  Just to be clear – I fall on the complaining/questioning side of that fence.
  • Thank you Ackbar for allowing me to lead today (Where’s the rest of your site Q’s Chatter and Transporter?).  Also thanks for allowing a last minute switch last week with Sledge to allow extra time for my foot to heal.  (My devious plan of not having to Q in the ran worked!).
  • We all somehow were able to keep the form police at bay today.  He must have left his badge at the house.  Good work today Recalc.
  • I think I’ve mentioned everyone by name so far except Ricky Bobby and HoneyComb……way to go guys!   Haha, sorry.  I guess yall will have to step up your mumble chatter next time.  What I will say is yall both beasted the run and never complained (Well I think Honeycomb gave me an extra long stare when I added merkins).



  • Q School March 6th
  • Rooster March 13th
  • Keep Surge’s Niece Lauren in your prayers.
  • Shop’s mom with a positive diagnosis.
  • My co-workers husband goes in for prostate cancer surgery today.  Prayers for Butch.

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Fuse Box author

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