• When:12/15/20
  • QIC: Horsehead


9 skunks with frozen bells in their trunks

Smokey, Chicken Wing, Lois, Yeti, Madison, Victoria, Lex, Horsehead, missing 1



Warmup run to the old parking lot and back to check for stragglers.

Warmup COP – every KB exercise the Q could muster plus some bonus

Swing / Run (m)

  • 10 / 800
  • 15 / 400
  • 20 / 200
  • 25 / 100
  • 20 / 200
  • 15 / 400
  • 10 / 800

7s on the Lacrosse Hill – squat thrusts / frosty merkins


Swing / Merkin

  • 10 / 10
  • 10 / 9
  • 10 / 8
  • 10 / 7
  • 10 / 6
  • 10 / 5

Out of time




Since we are closing this year out with a flaming fart, here’s a list of 11 things I hate:


  1. Turkey Bacon
  2. Vegan anything
  3. Road cyclists (except you guys, of course)
  4. An unexpected slarf of cold coffee
  5. Any Grinch other than the OG
  6. Miracle Whip
  7. RATM anything
  8. Video Conferencing
  9. Vests with Short Sleeves
  10. Cats
  11. Change


I’m not going out like that, so here are 12 things that I do like

  1. Tim Conway
  2. Jim Varney
  3. Star Wars Holiday Special
  4. Cargo Pants
  5. Apple Cobbler
  6. Real Bacon
  7. Hot Coffee, black
  8. Disc Golf
  9. Vintage Guitar Amps
  10. WNCW 88.7 (Mountain Mornings)
  11. Not having Twitter
  12. Working out with my F3 Friends


As for the workout, it was pretty fun.  We all got a good sweat on and kept the heart rates elevated for the most part.  KBs are cold.  So was the grass at the top of the hill.

Next week is the annual Skunk who Stole Christmas.  Don’t miss out.  If you don’t know what this is all about, you just need to show up and find out in person.  Be prepared for a slight twist this year to make it a little more fun for everyone.


your pal,



PS:  No passports were harmed during this workout

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Horsehead author

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