You’re Inviting Me to Homecoming??

You’re Inviting Me to Homecoming??

When Posse asked me to Homecoming it felt a bit awkward.  A suit, a tux, an evening gown…  Ohhh, you mean the workout site!  I was a first timer to the Weddington Middle School campus so Posse, the awesome site Q he is, met me there a day early to show me around.  It’s a great site and I highly recommend it for anyone who has not experienced it!

We had 9 strong for my campus tour.  The disclaimer was given, and we were off…

Here’s what went down:

Mosey up to Deal Rd and back

Circle up:

Side Straddle Hop x 20

Imperial Walker x 20

Plank Jacks x 20

Mountain Climbers x 20

Moroccan Night Clubs x 20

Mosey to the side parking lot a grab a bench

Dips x 20

Step Ups x 20

Incline Merkins x 20

Run (faster than a Mosey) to far end of parking lot and back

Dips x 15

Step Ups x 15

Incline Merkins x 15

Run (faster than a Mosey) to far end of parking lot and back

Light pole work

Follow around to entrance of the elementary school

At each light pole alternate Bobby Hurleys x 10 and V-Ups x 10

Grab some wall at elementary school entrance

Air Press x 20

Shoulder Taps x 20

Donkey Kicks x 20

Run a hot lap around the loop

Air Press x 15

Shoulder Taps x 15

Donkey Kicks x 15

Run a hot lap around the loop

Air Press x 10

Shoulder Taps x 10

Donkey Kicks x 10

Run a hot lap around the loop

Mosey to flagpoles and pick out a rock.  7’s between the flag poles.

Derkins on one end and Box Jumps on the other.

Each time you pass your rock do 5 Curls

Mosey to entrance of middle school.

3 laps around the loop.

Sprint the straight-aways and walk the turns while doing overhead claps

Circle up for a Jack Webb

Jabs and Merkins

Mosey back to COT for 4 minutes of random exercises


Shew!  Done!



  • New AO starting at Porter Ridge High School January 2nd. Saturday mornings.  6:30 am.

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Rockwell author

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