Terrible Idea

Terrible Idea

DICCS given and covered route so all the PAX knows where we will be.

Warm up

More than a comfortable paced mosey up hill on Millbridge to first island for walking leg lifts to stretch those legs . Plank position for calf stretch and off again to next circle island. When we get to next island plank position for upward dog and downward dog- 5 of each while explaining what is next.

The ThangĀ 

There are five side roads between the island and Millbridge pkwy. and Landau run parallel to each other and we will use the side roads as a uncomfortable paced mosey and use Millbridge pkwy. and Landau as normal pace moseys in a zig zag fashion. The Pax will be on their own to complete this and stop at other circle island when finished and circle back for the 6. Once all PAX are accounted for we will uncomfortable pace mosey down Millbridge pkwy. taking a immediate left on Jude street and stop at the cul-de sac. Once all PAX are in we will comfortable mosey back to the circle island for the Terrible idea ( stupid chicken). I broke the PAX into two random groups and decided we should Indian run as groups. The guy in the back would sprint to the front and instead of stopping he would continue another 10-12 seconds at sprinting pace and then back it down to a comfortable mosey pace until the PAX caught up and then the guy on the back would repeat. This was suppose to last all the way down Jude street and taking a left on Landau all the way back to the other circle island——- well the issue here is there a few guys like Ice 9, Tool Time, Hollywood, Wolverine, Tuck, Red Tape and Hazmat just to name a few that really do not understand what the F$%# a comfortable mosey is to NORMAL PEOPLE. So this did not go according to plan and I think I lost my dinner from last night on Landau road somewhere. After that disaster I promised never to do that again we repeated our opening act on the side streets in zig zag fashion with a comfort/uncomfortable mosey, this time though we got in pairs of 2-4 people to push each other on the uncomfortable mosey. Next we moseyed back to other island and 1/2 the way there you would mosey again at a uncomfortable pace and then circle back for the 6. After this we moseyed down past the circle to the stop sign and circled back to the circle island for a quick breather before redo a comfortable/ uncomfortable mosey between island. We had 8 minutes left so we moseyed down the hill and dropped Red Tape off at his house before curfew and made sure he got in his house nice and safely before back to COT.


Today was my first Q at pursuit and only my second time posting here so I was little nervous keeping the gazelles interested —especially when I pulled up close to launch time and see about 14-15 of them standing there primed upĀ  and ready to go like horses at a damn derby. Most the PAX seemed to enjoy the workout ( except Schneider )- I got a cussing on the way home- He might have been slightly tricked as to what pursuit is, but he did damn good.. sorry bro) and most got between 5.9-6.25 miles in from what I heard. Word to the wise if you Q or post at pursuit do not and I !MEAN! DO! NOT!! call for a Indian Run unless you properly plan who is in your line. I appreciate Wolverine having faith in me to lead this group and I enjoyed the large group today, thanks for the support boys. Hell of a job to 0-69 and Deflated for crushing it our there today and Maddog for taking Cargo under his wing today.



New site called appetizer at Khols – Rae rd. on Tuesday evening

Turkey Trot Briar crest

Hot-wheels project- Nov 7th

Congrats to Schneider for new site Q at Watchtower.

Thanks Schneider of taking us out


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Chicken Little author

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