Slow down and Smell the Roses – 9/11

Slow down and Smell the Roses – 9/11

Good morning gents – a few things running through my mind this morning; 1) I really have to do IPC tomorrow? that’s going to suck!!  2)I have to lead Diesel and I can’t mail it in –  need to offer a challenging workout for others, and 3) 9/11.    The first two were a good reason to hit the reset button on going gang busters each workout; sometimes you need to slow things down; work on form and mobility and just think about each exercise: Be in the moment: – Not racing to the next set of 25’s.

Add in 9/11 – the theme here is “slow down” life, stop and smell the roses, be thankful for what you have:::  down life/ the paces. I don’t have a heroic story about 9/11- but I do have a story about chance and luck on that day:

I was living in New Jersey, working in sales covering NY and NJ.  On the days that I had appointments in NYC, I would meet my sales engineer (Ed Marino) in the concourse of the Towers (after a good 1:30 commute).  Luckily that day we did not have a meeting in NYC, and LUCKY for me I didn’t lose any close family or friends. The next month was a blur; kind of reminds me of the first month of Covid – like the world was turned upside down.

Come October and I get RIFFED – No customers to call on so no sales.  October, November and December – not a lot of prospects out there.  Oh wait, we’re having a baby?  So  a mortgage, wife, 1 child and then another one on the way>>>>perfect timing.

I landed a gig at the end of January>>>>my second son is born in September… How Lucky am I??? Right.  Who rolled the dice for me and said “no meetings on 9/11”?

So today I did not want to disappoint the Pax at a workout, but I did want to Slow things down; appreciate the morning, the brothers at your side and all the wonderful things that you have in your life..

So what did we do?

Start off with some dynamic stretches: Windshield wipers, side shoulder, child pose,….

Tabata – 40 secs of work/20 seconds slow down

step ups/Russian Toe Taps/Cinder block clean/cinder curls/ punch outs/lateral lunge to squat/Catalina wine Mixer/dying cock roach/walk out merkin

ab web

Tabata round 2

Yoga to finish

Everyone should put MASH/Diesel in their rotation.  I know we all want to be front of the line, run faster, lift more… that’s fine – something to strive for.  It’s OK to slow down every once in a while.  You may not get faster; but you’ll meet a new set of Pax, you’ll hear some stories, you’ll reset  and recharge.

Thanks to the Mashers/Diesel for letting me in your circle.








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