Burpee Blast

Burpee Blast

Fourteen (including an FNG) survived a burpee blast Nightmare on Elm.  We started with a warmup run to the entry to the courtyard/fountain for a 15 each of side straddle hops, imperial walkers, low slow squats, mountain climbers, and Peter Parker’s.  Next began a three-round series around the courtyard area with four stops.  At the entry way we began with five burpees and 20 jump squats, then ran to the parking lot on the north side of the courtyard for five burpees and 20 merkins, then into the courtyard to the fountain for 20 step ups and 20 dips, followed by short run to the parking lot at the south end for another five burpees and 20 diamond merkins.  Then back to the entry for another two rounds with the last round shortened to two burpees and 10 reps of the same exercises.  At completion of the third round, we ran to the parking lot at the southwest corner of the mall behind Target where we partnered up with the first partner running up the hill and back while the second did LBC’s, flapjacked and repeated changing the Mary’s to heals to heaven and then flutters.  Then ran to the parking lot entry to Regal’s for two rounds of burpee suicides running back and forth to the three tree islands with a burpee at each island.  Finally finished at the start with a couple Mary’s.  We learned our FNG Ramon is an aspiring Cintas professional who works as a kick boxer or maybe it’s the other way around.  He mentioned that he goes by “Ray”, but now at F3 he’ll go by “Rousey”.  Welcome Rousey!

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Doug Boone author

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