Stretching under the Antler Lights

Stretching under the Antler Lights

On another great Wednesday morning six PAX came down to the scout hut and stretched it out. Here’s how it went:


Corpse Pose StartQ

Move From Corpse into Child’s Pose

TableTop for Cat Cow (5 Breaths)

Left Side Right Side


Left Arm High

Right Arm High

Six Inches- 10 Seconds

One Sun Salutation together

Then- Do Sun Salutation non stop for two minutes (Goal is to get warmed up-speed up even if that is needed)

Lizard- 45 Seconds Right

Hamstrings(Straighten out Leg) 45 Seconds

Lizard Quad- 45 Seconds

Right Side

Back to Mountain

Sun Salutation- Meet in Downward Dog

Right leg to the sky and Hold Three legged dog

Lizard flow- Left leg then right leg

One Sun Salutation- OYO

Repeat flow on other side

Sun Salutation Meet in downward Dog

Pigeon- Left Side then Right  side 1 minute at least on each side

 Depending on time- Tree for balance

 Then on your Six


Reach for Toes- right leg then left leg then both

Pretzel stretch

Happy Baby

Corpse Pose



Was a good group of the veterans today- which was great since I hadn’t been to Gumby about two months- they made the transition back easy.

Mumble chatter was light- Lois had some words about me traveling to Australia, but nothing crazy.

We did have all the lights on but decided to switch up the mood- hence stretching under the antler lights.

Enjoyed the opportunity to lead- appreciate you guys!

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